Early September gets the Virgo vibe working with Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Venus all in the worker-bee sign. Hooray for nerdliness, says caring, meticulous Virgo—the world needs us now!
Crystal Pomeroy's Astrological Influences
New Paradigms of Success: General Astrological Influences, August 2019
Leo & Virgo bring healing and movement.
Redoing the Sun: General Astrological Influences for July, 2019
Bam! Let’s kick it up a notch with July’s New Moon Total Solar Eclipse!
Of Magic and Warriors: General Astrological Influences, June 2019
How will you use the potent celestial energies of June—a magical and potentially very fortunate month?
Building for Self-Reliance: General Astrological Influences, May 2019
We release tired, outworn ways of being, and begin to build anew for the long term. What will you release; what will you construct?