April is naturally sexy. During most of the month, Sun is in Aries, ruled by virile Mars, and then moves into Taurus, ruled by sweet Venus, planet of values. This month, both planets have an especially powerful presence, and help us create more empowering connections with others..
Venus, who starts the month in Aries and later shifts to Taurus, makes strong aspects, as does Mars. The New Moon in Aries is ruled by Mars, who along with Pluto, also co-rules the Full Moon in Scorpio. In addition, the Red Planet makes a vital square to mysterious Neptune and a wonderful trine to Jupiter, the enlarger. Venus and Mars together make a sextile that’s great for eros, creativity, and in general, an Aphrodite-effect that imbues our relationships with charm. Lustful Pluto gets in on the act too, receiving several squares, ruling the Full Moon in Scorpio, and closing the month with a dramatic station to retrograde.
Eros isn’t only about “the act”; it’s about fusing our energy, communication, (inter)personal transformation, creativity, love—going deep in relationship, and deep into ourselves. These themes are interwoven throughout April, whose particular brand of connection is undergirded by personal signs, which seek to relate in ways that affirm confidence (Aries), self-worth (Taurus), self-expression (Gemini), and our own space, home and feelings (Cancer). We can release draining patterns, move towards our goals, and connect with others—all while strengthening our own identity and holding to our path of power.
The month begins in the heart of Aries season. Sun and Venus in the sign of the ram bolster our confidence and fuel our assertiveness. We’re ready to move, to cast insecurity to the wind and to act on the plans we made as the year began—plans that for some reason or another may have been stalled. Venus in Aries shakes off our fixation with the approval of others and emboldens us to ask for what we need. This goddess of values, Venus, also now rules Uranus in Taurus, sign of prosperity. We have the nerve to seek new collaborators and if a certain situation doesn’t work, release it, move on and try a new one.
We’re revved up and ready to go. But just when we’re putting our foot on the gas, we hear a faint, little voice buzzing in our minds, sabotaging our bravado. Mars, Aries’ ruler, is presently in Gemini. The planet of action is like, just do it! As for the sign of the twins, if you put it at the wheel, it might leave the car idling and get out to ask a pedestrian, “Is this really such a great street to drive on?” When we’re about to move forward, our inner twins want to google the route one more time just to make sure, check and see that our shoelaces are double tied so we won’t trip on them later and call her pessimistic aunt to get another opinion.
Not that this placement is bad. Mars here can help us put energy into getting our message across. However, Gemini can be fickle, and as a mutable sign, it prefers to adapt to others rather than to lead.
Venus in Aries lends us a hand here. In a co-dependent society, Venus in Aries reconnects us with our inner warrior. We can be warm, but we can also set limits, ask for what we need and love ourselves as we love others. Listen when spoken to, but not block out our surge of confidence. As for our instinct to move; we can thank the doubtful twin and then out-trick her. For instance, we could look at our plans each morning, and then release the future. After this, move forward in whatever way or ways we can, one day at a time, without worrying about final outcomes.
The first weekend in April is loaded with opportunities…….. Learn all about April 2021, including tips for your Sun and Rising signs … SUBSCRIBE!

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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