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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast packagebefore the month begins, along with the 2019 Annual Astrological Travel Planner, the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, November 1–30, 2019
This free forecast is updated every Monday.
Friday, November 1
The celebration of Mexico’s Day of the Dead, beginning with Halloween on October 31, and including and All Saints’ Day on November 1 and All Souls’ Day on November 2, stirs mystical energies, while the stars and numerology favor practical initiatives.
Moon in productive Capricorn harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus, sign of prosperity, and sextiles Sun in powerful Scorpio. Today’s numerology of 1 moves us to start something. With Mercury retrograde, take up something that was begun previously.
Any of the following practical enterprises will be favored by today’s earthy, pragmatic energies:
- Request a promotion
- Apply for credit
- Set up a new business
- Entertain the boss
- Declutter for greater productivity
- Work on career or another major goal
- Get reconstructive surgery
- Reorganize life, investments, business, or a construction project
- Build the balance in your bank account
Morning favors blessing our ancestors, as well as independent activities requiring concentration.
With charming Venus entering outgoing Sagittarius at 1:25 pm (4:25 ET), afternoon is best for promotional activities, teaching, and socializing.
I bless my ancestors with love, and I send them flowers of light and gratitude now.
Saturday, November 2
Moon in Capricorn continues yesterday’s constructive tone. Yet Moon’s contacts to Mars and Pluto turn up the intensity. If you’re a firewoman or man, go to the station. Otherwise, do something independent requiring diligence and focus:
- Work to get a job done
- Make an extra effort to follow through on a responsibility
- Organize the basement or an area of your life that’s become scattered or disrupted
- Set down rules or guidelines
- Do something requiring sacrifice (which doesn’t mean killing a family member, though you might be tempted)
- Consult with a coach
- Avoid being cold or too businesslike in manner. Try putting off socializing for tomorrow.At 10:46 pm (1:46 am ET), Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Mercury.
Angels of productivity, please guide me to streamline for success and move me to do it now.
Sunday, November 3
Make an appointment with the artist within (take in an exhibit, attend a cultural event, work on an artistic endeavor of your own, create or color mandalas). Moon in Aquarius favors creativity, as does today’s numerology of 3, the current harmonies from Moon to Chiron and Venus, and a trine between the latter two. These aspects also favor activities to heal ourselves and/or others with love. Such arty, healing, and loving activities might include:
- Attend a therapy or a support group
- Journal
- Go for a walk, and pick up trash along the way
- Volunteer at a local hospice, suicide hotline, or community center
- Throw a surprise party
- Rearrange the furniture
- Have lunch with friends
- Review how things affect your best interests
I center in love for myself and others, and trust in the Universe to heal us now.
Monday, November 4
Daylight savings ends at 2:00 am, just before Moon reaches her Second Quarter. Today’s constructive numerology of 4 blends with this transit to favor review of the intentions we established and projects we boosted at last week’s New Moon in Scorpio, so that we can reorganize and focus for progress.
At 11-12 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
ON A VAST STAIRWAY STAND PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT TYPES, GRADUATED UPWARDS… the ascending process of life forms and evolution of consciousness… the ideal of equalitarianism has to be balanced by a realization that hierarchy of levels is a fact of nature. Each person should be aware of the level at which she or he stands, even as they strive to move toward a higher one. S/he should look up for inspiration and examples, while helping people of the next lower level to reach up. This is the great give and take of… sociocultural evolution… a symbol of ‘ascent’, which… warns us against sentimentally overstressing our western equalitarianism that essentially applies to the spiritual core of all persons… Every human being is potentially divine as an individual person, but the natural progression of states of consciousness in an unavoidable reality to accept at the social-mental level.
As for today’s transits, Moon in individualistic Aquarius trines Mars in social Libra, while Mars’ ruler Venus, and Moon’s ruler Uranus, make a quincunx. These help us break out of a social rut and take action to connect with those who uplift us, stimulate our higher path, and contribute to the growth we intended at the last New Moon.
These people may be somehow connected with tomorrow’s elections. A wee-hour square from Mars to Pluto indicates that prayer, along with calm, positive collaboration, can be quite useful in allaying potentially aggressive outcomes.
I am worthy of relationships that fuel my evolution, and I move to develop them now.
Tuesday, November 5
This morning, try keeping a low profile, visualizing positive outcomes from today’s elections, and collaborating in harmonious ways.
A square from bellicose Mars to Pluto the powerful can fuel power struggles and resistance to oppression. There may be conflicts around the elections and their outcomes.
Connections flow best early this morning, with the blessing of a lunar sextile to fortunate Jupiter and before 6:37 am (9:37 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a tense square to Mercury.
Things flow better again after 3:08 pm (6:08 ET), when Moon enters relaxed Pisces. Evening is good for spiritual activities.
No Kurd, no Syrian and no person anywhere is alone or without defense. The Divine Guardian is with them, protecting them, shielding them and working in whatever way is necessary to insure their physical, emotional and spiritual integrity now.
Wednesday, November 6
With Moon in mystical Pisces in square to Venus, morning is good for sleeping in, enjoying creative and spiritual activities, or working on something requiring imagination.
Afternoon and evening pick up, and are great for intuition, a psychic consultation, romance and just about anything requiring confidence. In the realm of communications, we could write a proposal, or engage with social media, send out tweets and emails, work on a media production started before October 12.
I‘m intuitively guided to my best place, with the best work and the most complete prosperity now.
Thursday, November 7
Today we get an interesting combination of imagination and brawn: Moon in creative Pisces harmonizes with intense Pluto and mental Mercury, and also contacts pushy Mars. These influences bring us the ability to power through resistance to working on something creative, on emotional healing, research or spiritual practice.
Independent activities are best until 2:52 pm (5:62 ET), when Moon trines Mercury the messenger, followed by a square to Jupiter, planet of angels and publicity, on which she goes VOC. In Pisces, she still performs, and with these transits, greatly favors communication with people and light beings, teaching, and promotional activities.
I call on the warrior angels and goddesses to cut away distraction and direct me on my best path now!
Friday, November 8
At 3:49 am (6:49 ET), Moon enters Aries. A bit later she connects with Chiron, good for journaling, therapy, and getting in touch with our need for independent action.
The rest of the day is great for acting to ground our dreams. A magical sextile from Saturn the manifester to imaginative Neptune can be directed in concrete steps in resonance with our intuition and secret hopes. This is the third and last sextile between them this year, and the last until 2031. The influence of today’s sextile will be drawn out and intensified by the upcoming Full Moon. Sun also harmonizes with both Saturn and Neptune, boosting our confidence and creativity.
Today’s exceptional influences are further enriched by the vibrations of power-number 8. If you’ve been waiting for others to agree with you, or for a certain person to support you, release them. Write down and visualize the results you want, take the reins of your situation, and initiate change. Move diplomatically but don’t hold back.
I am not alone or without support to manifest my dreams. The force of infinite good goes before me, opening my way and facilitating all that’s needed for my progress now.
Saturday, November 9
Mercury in deep Scorpio sextiles ruler Pluto in Capricorn. We can get to the bottom of something, uncover needed information, and reach a new and deeper understanding. This aspect favors significant communications:
- Journaling
- Communications that contribute to healing
- Crisis intervention
- Prayer and mantras
- Teaching
- Business
The latter two, however, work better at a distance, since the Moon in jumpy Aries makes numerous tense aspects that can spark unnecessary arguments. There’s a certain potential for risky situations—take special care on the road and when dealing with others—although today’s numerology of 9 means that altruistic actions and intent will serve to shield our results.
I act on my will to help, and the angels bless my results, now.
Sunday, November 10
Moon in Aries makes an early opposition to Aries’ ruler and rough player Mars before going VOC at 9:00. Volunteer to help someone, or try laying low, enjoy the yard, play or watch sports, relax, and have a bit of fun. Take special care when using knives, tools, and vehicles and avoid extreme sports or the somewhat wild adventures that may beckon.
At 3:18 pm (6:18 ET), Moon enters abundant Taurus, sign of her exaltation. This transit works nicely with today’s enterprising numerology of 1, and is worth grounding by moving out of our comfort zone and taking direct action. Any of the following Taurean energetic pursuits is favored:
- Do business
- Take care of money
- Check up on something related to a rental or lease
- Work on a home
- Remodel
- Decorate
- Move on something requiring lasting results
- Go on an especially romantic outing
- Renew an old flame
- Have a late picnic
- Go to a concert or art exhibit
I resonate with beauty, I cultivate beauty, and beauty grows in my world now.
Monday, November 11 (Veterans’ Day)
Moon is exalted in Taurus, propitious for relaxing or working. Mercury transits over the face of the Sun (see General Influences for details about visibility), moving us to give voice to deep issues or processes of change and making for a rather serious atmosphere or at best, dark humor. In media, there are apt to be strong expressions around topics such as deceased or wounded veterans, politics, firearms, and impeachment.
Individually, this is a great morning to get in touch with feelings and talk about or voice them. Try journaling, go to therapy or a support group, or analyze your dreams. This Mercury-Sun transit is less common than one would imagine; the next one won’t be until 2032.
Other propitious activities for today include listening to music, facing and forgiving our resentments, and enjoying nature and music. Or get caught up on work, review investments, make a vision board for financial abundance, show empathy, renew a lease, add spice to a romance, or reorganize a stock portfolio.
I release any negative attachments to others, and with trust in divine justice, radiate good will for all concerned now.
Tuesday, November 12
This is a great day for action, organization, and people-connections. The only thing that we’ll want to handle with care are communications. Mercury in opposition to the Full Moon calls for extra effort in listening: listening to others when they speak, and listening to our own intuition before speaking.
The day starts with an intense Full Moon in Taurus, exact at 5:34 am (8:34 ET). Known as the Snow Moon or Beaver Moon, this lunation invites us to provoke a pause and review our progress on the changes we’ve been working for. Luna’s energy helps us finish things, and her aspects make for one of the year’s best portals for effective action and high-caliber connections.
At 19-20 Taurus, her Sabian symbol says:
WISPS OF WING-LIKE CLOUDS STREAMING ACROSS THE SKY. The awareness of spiritual forces at work… The individual who has taken a new step in [her/]his evolution should look for the Signature of divine Powers confirming her progress. It may reveal the meaning of what is to come next. The… clouds… symbolize the presence of celestial beings (devas, angels) blessing and subtly revealing the direction to take… BLESSINGS of super-natural forces.
Moon’s trine to Pluto brings depth to love, work, healing, therapy and coaching. Saturn tags along with Pluto for the ride: apply strategy, and those connections will leave lasting benefits. The planet of work is also still in orb of his sextile to Neptune, a dream-maker aspect that gives great staying power to the concrete, focused initiatives we take towards our most cherished intentions.
The closest aspect in this lunation’s chart is a sextile from active Mars to enthusiastic Jupiter, sensational for promotions, sales, and bold initiatives in general. If there’s a person or group you’ve been trying to reach for professional, business or personal reasons, get the word out. Send the message, make that call, knock on that door! Morning and midday are the most harmonious windows.
A simple suggestion for achieving amazing progress: make written inventory of the changes you want to consolidate, make a list of steps you can take today, tomorrow and through Thursday afternoon, and move on them in whatever ways you can. As you do, doors of opportunity will open.
My path is inscribed with divine direction, and I give thanks for it now.
Wednesday, November 13
Still on the doorstep of yesterday’s favorable lunation, today’s chain of harmonies reiterates its propitious influences.
Moon in Gemini makes an early connection with Chiron, empowering our affirmations, mantras, and dialogues for healing.
Ruler Mercury makes a sextile to Saturn the builder, while Sun in Scorpio sextiles Pluto the powerful in Capricorn. Communications go well, particularly for work, planning, construction, and finances.
This afternoon is best for tranquil, secluded connections. A trine from Mercury to Neptune favors creative writing, therapy, visualization and channeling. Or consult a psychic, spirit guide, angels or your inner wisdom.
I have a direct connection with Infinite Intelligence that guides and inspires me, now and always.
Thursday, November 14
Moon in verbal Gemini makes a T-square with Venus the beautifier and imaginative Neptune, while the latter two square each other, causing creative inspiration to flow. With tense aspects all day, this energy is best applied in independent activities like sculpture, writing, visualization, meditation, making mental maps, and getting thoughts in order.
Avoid gossip, unnecessary criticism and low-vibration interactions; and save key interactions for tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning.
I focus on the highest and the best, and it manifests naturally, here and now.
Friday, November 15
The wee hours look good for promotion, media production, teaching, study and writing to the angels. If you’re game for it, stay up late or get up early, and use them before 3:40 am (6:40 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a trine to assertive Mars.
At 8:15 am (11:15 ET), Moon enters sensitive Cancer, followed by a square to Chiron that puts us in touch with our emotions—propitious for therapy, journaling or empathetic listening. This aspect also fuels the crab’s oversensitivity, so it’s best to leave other interactions for after 3:16 pm (6:16 ET), when Luna makes a sextile to Uranus, a connection that favors communication and web publications, increases intuition, and opens doors with family or for business.
I give thanks for the expected and unexpectedly blessings that stream to me, now and always.
Saturday, November 16
If you have something to get done, try tackling it early and finishing by early afternoon. Moon in Cancer trines Mercury the messenger and romantic Neptune, favoring personal communications, enjoyment of music, helping others.
At 2:18 pm (8:18), Luna begins to make a series of tense aspects, starting with an opposition to Saturn, a connection with a potential for guilt-trips and frozen emotions. For the rest of the day, keep a low profile and tend to the garden, watch funny movies, read, pray, fast or do research.
I praise the angels of nature and invite them to fill me with their healing vibrations now.
Sunday, November 17
Morning is today’s most harmonious time, with Moon in Cancer in trine to Sun and connecting with affable Jupiter. Cook someone’s breakfast, entertain family, take a class, call a client, relaunch a promotion. Get it done before 12:14, when Moon takes on bellicose Mars in a square that can fuel anger and aggressive reactions.
At 1:57 pm (4:57 pm ET), Moon enters passionate Leo, trining wounded-healer Chiron. This aspect favors creativity and, art therapy and, if we can avoid a temptation to dramatize our problems, displays of warm empathy.
Luna’s evening square to Uranus is as harmonious as crashing go-carts. If you’re looking for a creative breakthrough, go off by yourself and get inspired. Otherwise, watch a romantic or comical movie or read a joke book. Save key contacts for Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning through afternoon.
I am made in the image and likeness of divine creativity, which works through me and for me, now and always.
Monday, November 18
Moon in Leo makes challenging contacts that could fuel negative drama. Keep a low profile and work independently on art or developing your talents.
Today’s numerology of 9 favors metaphysical study, altruism and alchemy. We can free our heart energy by practicing forgiveness or writing a letter or cards of gratitude to later send to people who have made a positive difference in our lives.
Avoid overspending, getting intimate with a colleague, or being prideful, overbearing or melodramatic. Mars enters Scorpio late tonight, where it will be through year’s end, making it easier to focus on what we want.
I am deeply grateful for all the good in my life, and my gratitude increases continually.
Tuesday, November 19
This morning is great for socializing, romance, promotion, PR and other forms of self-expression that require flare. Moon in hot Leo trines the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, in expansive Sagittarius. Set loose the fire you’ve been holding inside over the last couple of days. It’s a fine morning to enjoy a romantic brunch, make a presentation, go live on YouTube or Facebook, connect with clients, or participate in a cause that’s close to the heart.
At 1:11 pm (4:11 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her week of wind-down. The Sabian symbol resonates with mornings sociable influences. At 27-28 Leo, it says:
MYRIADS OF BIRDS, PERCHED UPON A BIG TREE, CHIRP HAPPILY. Social nature of experience as people find sustainment in a larger whole of being. Normal, collective self-expression.
At 5:54 pm (8:54 ET), Moon enters Virgo, and sextiles restless Mars less than an hour later. This is a constructive combination that favors organizing and streamlining our daily schedule (to finish things up during Moon’s last quarter), troubleshooting, presenting a detailed account, reviewing communications, scouring the stove, and completing an old project.
Only for today, I allow myself to focus on what really matters and release the rest.
Wednesday, November 20
Moon in diligent Virgo sextiles Virgo’s ruler Mercury, great for following up on paperwork, documents and communications initiated any time before October 16. Although the messenger planet technically goes direct, it’s still in shadow through the first week of December, so focus on inner processes or outer ones begun before mid-October. Get them taken care of before 8:52 pm (11:51 ET), when Moon opposes sensitive Neptune, which can lead to confusion.
Two hours later, Luna emerges from the mist and trines executive Saturn, so if you’re up for it, burn the midnight oil and tackle something related to communication, papers, organization, and planning.
Guardian Angel (or name your spirit guide), please move me to communicate in lasting, constructive ways now.
Thursday, November 21
Morning is great for taking the reins of self-healing or moving on our most cherished dreams. Moon in practical Virgo trines Pluto, helping us ground our power to change. Mars the hero makes a quincunx to Chiron, the wounded healer.
At 11:39, the energy shifts and we can apply our heroic spirit to altruistic ends. Moon moves to square Venus and a bit later, Jupiter, both planets of noble intent. These connections accent Virgo Moon’s spirit of service, and we can make tangible, effective efforts to helping others.
At 7:31 pm (9:31 ET), Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Sun, entering Libra at 8:20 pm (11:20 ET). It’s time to wind down at home and enjoy a partner and a good book.
Archangel Chamuel, please help me radiate healthful love to myself and others now.
Friday, November 22
This morning, Independence is in the air as Moon clashes with Uranus and Sun enters Sagittarius at 6:59 am (9:59 ET). The dark intensity of the last five weeks begins to lift. Our inner work has generated new power, and this energy can be transmitted in our work and messages. Today’s Master Number 22 will expand the results of our efforts; we can reach the masses.
We can now do independent work to prepare a production, text, promotion, class, negotiation, or presentation. Or download new music, practice armchair activism, or clear out old social-network posts, classroom, or garden.
From midday on, connection with others is easier. Apply it in one or more of the following ways, bearing in mind that Mercury in retrograde shadow favors things we started before October 16:
- Reach an agreement
- Present a case study, idea, or work completed or in progress
- Clarify your bank statement
- Make a court appearance
- See friends
- Go to a concert
- Send your partner roses
- Take your flame out to dinner
- Create a space for relaxation
I call on the cosmic hero forces to support my confidence and direct me to apply my talents now.
Saturday, November 23
This morning: have a private brainstorm for creative strategies, work on forgiveness or declutter your living space with an eye to beautification. A square from Moon in creative Libra to intense Pluto fuels the artist within but can be too intense for interaction with others. Avoid feeling lonely or stressed.
From 12:30 pm (2:30 ET), we can make the most of the waning Libra Moon to socialize, work on our bank statements, or focus on finishing a collaborative effort or something involving justice.
An evening sextile from Moon in sweet Libra to ruler Venus amps up the charm quotient, as Venus builds to a conjunction with irresistible Jupiter (exact tomorrow). Socializing and romance are favored.
With reactive Mars moving to oppose rebellious Uranus (also exact tomorrow), help yourself to an extra helping of diplomacy, and take special care while driving or using sharp implements and equipment. Avoid unnecessary fights, activities involving risk and potentially incendiary encounters. If you do get upset, breathe deeply and try putting your reaction on pause. Sudden, angry actions may bring regrettable consequences.
At 9:58 pm (1:58 am ET), Moon enters Scorpio.
I cannot be stressed because the One Power acting on me is Love, and it never stresses or weighs me down, but lightens my load, now and always.
Sunday, November 24
Yesterday’s restless and boldness increase, sans the social intelligence. Moon in strong Scorpio makes tense contacts to fighters Mars and Uranus, while the latter two oppose one another.
In this potentially volatile encounter, Uranus triggers the need for freedom and Mars must act. We can easily feel repressed or confined and lash out without thinking. On the positive side, this aspect gives us the courage to move on our intentions for change, accented by the Moon’s placement in bold Scorpio.
However, if left unchecked, this impulse is apt to play out in rough, crude, and even violent ways. With Moon in her balsamic phase, dexterous ways of applying it would be through independent decision-making, getting perspective on limits we need to set with ourselves or others, sending a donation to an altruistic group, writing a letter to Congress, consulting a coach to move through our inertia, or setting a long-range goal in motion.
Insofar as possible, save confrontations and clarifications for another day, avoid crowds, rushing to get things done, and extreme sports for another day, and drive with caution and in the slow lane.
The native peoples of the world are not alone or without protection and defense, the Divine Defender is with them, shielding them, representing them and working in any way that’s necessary to insure their physical, financial and spiritual integrity now.
Monday, November 25
If you have something to do, get it done early this morning, as Moon goes VOC in Scorpio at 9:30 am (12:30 pm ET). Yesterday’s aspects are still in force; and Sun’s contact to Uranus joins with the bold Scorpio Moon to facilitate declutter and strengthen us to release obsolete attachments, habits, visualization materials and situations in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon.
As for practical affairs, try finishing things and clearing out distraction. Yesterday’s precautions are still in force.
I invite the angels or change to sweep through my life and clear out obsolete situations, attitudes and ties, making way for new good now.
Tuesday, November 26
Today’s New Moon in Sagittarius is at 7:06 am (10:06 ET). It’s a great portal for moving on something we began before October 16.
In the chart for this lunation, Mercury trines Neptune and Venus plays a central role. Neptune stations to turn direct, making this a kind of a mystical-relational portal. Healing is also a theme, with Chiron center-stage through a trine to Moon and a square from Venus. The planet of love and money has just entered Capricorn, triggering the critical zero degree of this cardinal sign and sparking our taste for traditional values and solid—rather than exciting—ties.
With Mercury still in shadow, this portal fuels processes of healing we have already begun, and favors related intentions. The intentions may be physical, for Sagittarius-ruled anatomy like hips, liver, thighs, and sciatica; or they can be about relationships, self-esteem, finances and work. Other timely intentions relate to channeling, intuitive messages and connecting with angels or spirit guides.
The Sabian symbol also relates to intuition. At 4-5 Sagittarius, it says:
AN OLD OWL SITS ALONE ON THE BRANCH OF A LARGE TREE. A poised and wise approach to existence based on a clear perception of unconscious factors and their operation.
Remember, our written intentions are particularly strong at the New Moon. Choose or adapt from the list below, designed in accordance with the influences of this lunation, or create your own based on these themes:
- I wish to establish a clear, constant connection with my guardian angel.
- I would like to know my spirit guides, to perceive them and understand their messages clearly.
- I see myself open and attuned to clear guidance from my spirit guides.
- I’m open to the divine direction I’m receiving about my relationships with _________ and _______.
- I imagine myself with healthy self-esteem.
- I see myself using effective, spiritual means to heal ______________.
- I call on the angels to heal my beliefs around financial prosperity.
- I am open to understanding and living the divine plan for my relationships.
- I desire to have more faith about my ability to heal (name of condition or situation).
- I visualize myself being free to develop my own beliefs and freeing others to live theirs.
- I can see myself with a light heart, in complete forgiveness of myself and others.
I give thanks that the angels are fueling my healing processes and consciousness, here and now.
Wednesday, November 27
Moon in inspirational Sag blends with today’s philosophic numerology of 9 to favor spiritual study and inner work. It also favors taking or giving a course related to metaphysics, beliefs, motivation, or some kind of new perspectives.
After a five-month retrograde—which has been an intuition incubation period—mystical Neptune turns direct. Still on the New Moon portal, this is a great day to initiate a practice of applying the subtle perceptions and connections we’ve picked up since last June and review and write them down. We might include them in a thank you letter to spiritual guides and angels, or make a journal of intuition, starting with that review and following up each day with a few lines on how we’re experiencing and applying those insights in the current cycle.
A square from Moon to Neptune can make for confusion when dealing with humans, but it’s great for contacting angels and light beings, consulting the I Ching or a favorite oracle, analyzing dreams, or artistic and compassionate pursuits.
My mind is a doorway of angelic light and I feel it shining now.
Thursday, November 28
We are still on the New Moon portal and its intuitive influences are accentuated as mental Mercury perfects his trine to mystical Neptune. Although this is a holiday, today’s entrepreneurial numerology of 1 favors progress.
At 4:33 am (7:33 ET), Moon enters focused Capricorn, followed by aspects that favor people connections, while a trine from sweet Venus to freeing Uranus sparks creative thinking and imbues our relationships with new life.
Reach out to a special friend, romantic prospect or key business connection. During today’s festivities, look for ways to renew your connections, retrieve a shared project or somehow move your ties to a higher, freer level.
Guardian Angel, please direct me to experience a deeper level of gratitude to Spirit, to the Earth and to others, now and always.
Friday, November 29
Mercury in Scorpio sextiles structured Saturn, a great transit for organization, taking care of bureaucracy and work communications.
Moon in executive Capricorn also sextiles Mercury and joins ruler Saturn and no-nonsense Pluto. These serious influences can lead to guilt trips; hanging out with family could be downer—unless it’s to visit or support an elderly relative (even then, make plans for an exit strategy in case you hit psychic overload). But the stars do favor progress in work.
Contact a client, entertain the boss, organize a space or life that’s been scattered or chaotic, straighten out papers, set limits, work on a career goal, business or banking, have reconstructive surgery, apply for credit, or make a vision board for financial prosperity. Get it done before 7:57 pm (10:57 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
I am not alone or without visionary, kind and able assistance. The Divine Assistant is with me, backing me up and working in loving, visionary and productive ways now.
Saturday, November 30
With Moon VOC in Capricorn, morning is good for hanging out, dusting the shelves, puttering, and enjoying the garden. At 12:13 pm (3:13 ET), Luna enters Aquarius, with aspects that further accentuate Aquarius’ rebellious side. We can use this feisty energy to connect with like-minded friends, fight for a cause, throw a surprise party, volunteer at the local school, clinic or park, close a cycle, or quit a job. Or, less drastically, research an impending move or career change.
Avoid being dogmatic or fanatical. Internet promotions go well. Contacts to promote business or work and potentially tense personal conversations are better left for another day.
The substance of my relationships is divine and I give thanks that this loving, dynamic substance works to bless all involved now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Note that Daylight Savings actually ended on the 3rd. Thanks as always for these insightful dailies.