A whole new wavelength, a whole new era. Pluto enters Aquarius, and the zeitgeist shifts.
Mercury in Scorpio
General Astrological Influences December 2023: Zooming Towards a Reset in Love and Abundance
We’re zooming towards an inner and outer reset of love and abundance.
Astrological Influences, November 2023: Choosing Our Fights, Choosing Our Powers
Choices are essential. November takes us deep into our powers of discernment, selection, and action.
Astrological Influences, November 2020: Our Path of Power
This month we begin to integrate the many changes we’ve undergone, individually and collectively, as Pluto has traversed Capricorn.
Tension and Intrigue: New Moon in Libra, October 16, 2020
The October 16 New Moon in Libra is marked by the intentions we set, and the inner and outer tensions of the frustrating circumstances in which we find ourselves.