The month begins on a newly waxing Moon. Mercury is still in retrograde shadow. This combination facilitates progress in things we began before June 22, when the messenger planet entered pre-retrograde. This is the first of many opportunities that August brings to move forward. These including transits involving fortunate Jupiter, a Virgo alignment that makes a series of trines to Uranus in Taurus, accenting the latter’s prosperous potential, and another New Moon to close the month. In a world in desperate need of healing, we have the chance to get on board and work for new paradigms of success now.
On Friday, August 2, Venus, Lady of Love and Finance, squares rulebreaker Uranus in Taurus, earth sign of Venus’ rule. This is a stressful but highly creative aspect that can spark tension in relationships and surprises in finances. If you’re in need of a brilliant solution in creative work, greater independence in relationship, innovation in design, or a change in your relationship with money, this is the weekend to go for it! From an evolutionary perspective, we are moved to release the fixation with the approval of others and co-dependent attitudes in general, and to find ways of meeting our financial goals that are in line with our ideals.
Opportunities to ground these shifts will flow on Wednesday, August 7 and Thursday, August 8, as Jupiter, Lord of Fortune, trines Sun and Venus. If you need a lucky break, you just might find it. Confidence surges. Love, romance, people connections of all kinds, and promotional activities and prosperity are highlighted. By the light of the waxing Moon, these are great couple of days to knock on doors—whether they lead to a client’s office, a dear one’s forgiveness, or an angel´s heart. With Mercury in post-retrograde shadow, remember to focus on things begun before Summer Solstice.
The week beginning on Sunday, August 11 brings more opportunity for positive change. Once again, the dice roll in our favor, as Jupiter turns direct. The planet of fortune stations in semi-sextile to Saturn. According to Stephen Arroyo in his classic, Exploring Jupiter: Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential, these are the two planets of success.
Jupiter rules enthusiasm, opportunity and vision, and Saturn gives us focus, organization and discipline. The semi-sextile gets Jupiter’s direct cycle—which will last through the rest of the year—off on the right hoof, particularly if we put forth the effort required by Saturn. We can move forward with a dream, an academic or spiritual goal or a promotion that has been on standby since early April.
Also on Sunday, August 11, Mercury enters Leo, lending warmth and expressiveness to our communications but also calling us to make an effort to retain our sensitivity and listening skills in relationship, as we avoid dramatizing our troubles, monopolizing the microphone or coming on too strong.
Yet another shift on takes place on that same day as Uranus goes retrograde, giving us a chance to assume our own genius and processes of inner freedom. The rebel planet has been in stable Taurus on and off since March, and if you look at an area of your life that’s been shaken up since then, you might see the areas of change—or release—this transit has been calling for. From here to the year’s end, it will be easier to do the inner work required to move out of our comfort zone, as long as we are mindful of the need.
Both Jupiter and Uranus have to do with release, so the combination is a doorway that indicates smoother waters in circumstances and projects, but also a certain danger of floating along with Jupiter’s renewed outer buoyancy while denying our inner longing for change. To use this combination wisely, we can hold to the following signposts:
- Go out of our way to try something new each week
- Seek out cutting-edge people or those who foster new areas of exploration and growth
On Tuesday, August 13, Sun joins Venus, activating our creativity and fueling our self-esteem, our ability to express our love, and the likelihood of joyous connections with others.
On Wednesday, August 14, Mercury finally emerges entirely from shadow and the game is on for….
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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