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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the Annual Astrological Travel Planner, the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts for all of 2019.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Time (UTC-8).
Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–31, 2019
Tuesday, January 1
A business-like year gets off to a serious start.
Moon in Scorpio in her Last Quarter is great for cleaning up a holiday mess and in general de-cluttering. She can also bring perspective and help us make decisions about the cycles we wish to close and limits we can set, to lay the way for Saturday’s New Moon Eclipse in goal-oriented Capricorn.
Just in case we wanted to keep partying, Sun is there to get us on track as she moves to join Saturn, pushing us to focus on what we wish to build, and plan for courageous action.
Today is a lovely time to focus our awareness and meditate, forgive, pray, have therapy, or get a psychic reading. We can also take key initiatives and shop for New Year’s bargains before 2:26 pm (5:26 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Angels of the Divine Plan, please guide me to release obsolete activities, beliefs and situations now.
Wednesday, January 2
Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius favors connecting with light beings, gathering in prayer or meditation, and in general recharging our inspiration batteries. We can enjoy a Sagittarius adventure or help someone in need, connect with a person or group that we can speak frankly with and that lifts our spirits, send a message or make a call to bring a vision into fruition, review a treasure map or similar visualization tools, toss out what we wish to change, and begin to gather images, poster board and related materials to make a new treasure map or vision board at the upcoming New Moon.
Such activities will help us keep our spirits high while using the Sun-Saturn conjunction to make tangible, realistic plans.
I’m worthy of a new beginning, and I allow myself to co-create it now.
Thursday, January 3
Today is better for intuitive and creative activities than it is for practical pursuits.
Morning is the best time to enjoy today’s gifts of optimism and intuition—with Moon’s wee-hour conjunction to ruler Jupiter, the earlier we use it, the better. Moon also squares angel planet Neptune, favoring dream yoga and interpretation, visualization, psychic readings and contacts with light beings and spirit guides.
The beautifying powers of today’s number 3 enrich these energies, to favor creative activities, designing images in accordance with intentions to seed at Saturday’s New Moon portal, enjoying a concert, or taking in an art exhibit.
Afternoon is good for healing, promotional activities, and writing to a legislative representative or engaging in other activist communications.
I am naturally connected to the perfect people for my mission, and they appear in my world now.
Friday, January 4
Moon in Sagittarius helps hold our inspiration high and our vision on the big picture. Early morning is a great time to clarify what brings joy to your world, and your spiritual goals, and write them down. Also consider consulting a coach or confidante who believes in you.
Moon goes VOC at 9:41 am (12:41 pm ET), although in Sag it still performs. At 10:55 am (1.55 pm ET), she enters Capricorn, strengthening the portal of tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse New Moon. Sun sextiles Neptune, turning on compassion and empowering our spiritual purpose.
Meditate and listen to your intuition. This aspect, combined with the Balsamic Moon phase, is great for forgiving oneself and others.
I radiate compassion for myself and others, and my network is lifted to a divine frequency now.
Saturday, January 5
Today’s Solar Eclipse New Moon calls us to get concrete with our inner and outer work. Although the eclipse won’t be visible in the west, its universal force jolts us into a reality check. This Solar Eclipse New Moon is in Capricorn, so it’s about structure, plans and goals.
In conjunction with both demanding Saturn and intense Pluto, it offers a great portal to seed our intentions in preparation for the conjunction these two will make in 2020. Triggering the South Node or Dragon’s Tail, the goals we set will not be entirely new, but related to a karmic calling we have felt before, perhaps since childhood. In fact, the focus may be on getting some long-standing situation taking care of in order to move forward on a forgotten path that still pulls on our soul strings.
The Sabian symbol for 15-16 Capricorn describes:
SCHOOL GROUNDS FILLED WITH YOUTHS IN GYMNASIUM SUITS. Normal dependence upon physical stimulation. Robust enthusiasm in approaching life’s contests, or immature impulsiveness.
Maturity is one of this portal’s gifts. Saturn makes us hone down to our efforts of self-reliance, while Pluto demands inner work: going to the depths, looking at our shadows and working to heal and transmute them to discover our power.
It may seem like the bedclothes are yanked off and we are jerked from our comfort zone. The advantage of understanding this is great: we can take a realistic look at ourselves and align our inner and outer efforts with medium to long-term goals that are in alignment with our self-mastery.
Some sample intentions for this portal are:
- I wish to align my spiritual, mental and physical work with my best and highest goals.
- I see myself acting in congruence with my path of self-mastery.
- The universe supports me in relating to authority figures in ways that are appropriate and respectful while staying in my center and self-respect.
- I allow myself to hold to the priority of building for my wellness and security.
- I see myself doing what’s necessary for my long-term wellness, empowerment and success.
I invoke the angels of divine order to direct me in reaching self-mastery now.
Sunday, January 6
Seek out a wise friend or a new kind of course or coaching. Focus on activities for healing, inspiration, self-improvement, art, or altruism and save practical concerns, extreme sports or anything requiring predictable outcomes for another day.
Moon is in grounded Capricorn, yet her square to Uranus, coming right as the rebel planet stations to turn direct, doesn’t promise stable results.
I give thanks that I am being guided on the best and highest pathway, here and now.
Monday, January 7
Thank the stars, we can finally catch New Year’s enthusiasm! Moon leaves the gray halls of Capricorn to enter the strange, blue skies of Aquarius before dawn, and moves to sextile with go-getter Mars in Aries, his ruling sign. Meanwhile, charming Venus enters enchanting Sagittarius. We can put fire into our goals, particularly relating to altruism, people-connections, promotion and finances.
Avoid a tendency to become preachy or self-righteous, kindness works better than pushiness.
My progress cannot be limited. With almighty means, Spirit moves me ahead in success, wellness and prosperity now.
Tuesday, January 8
Enthusiasm remains high and today’s numerology of 8 keeps our focus on goals. There’s a potential for showdowns as Mercury the messenger squares feisty Mars. We can use the tension to improve our work. Independent, thoughtful efforts are more propitious than those requiring PR or diplomacy.
My success cannot be withheld. Spirit doesn’t make me depend on people for my success. Spirit moves me forward through infinite channels now.
Wednesday, January 9
This morning, Moon in Aquarius favors reading the fine print and looking for new ways to get where we want to go. At 8:53 am (11:53 ET) Moon goes VOC: enjoy your own company or that of someone who stimulates alternative viewpoints.
Today’s numerology of 9 also supports meditation, armchair philosophy, and sharing our resources and knowledge—and with the strong Aquarius-Uranus influence—in ways that are freeing for us and others.
At 11:44 am (2:44 ET), Moon enters dreamy Pisces, moving to square Venus in a combination that favors compassion, visualization, creativity and forgiveness. Fantasy is better than reality, although we can harness daydreams now to nurture future results.
Spiritual warrior forces, please direct my imagination in ways that support love and wellness now.
Thursday, January 10
We have a magical day for opening doors related to our New Moon intentions. The intuitive imagination of Moon in Pisces combines with the drive of today’s number 1, and the sense of direction offered by a lunar sextile to grounded Saturn.
Get a clear vision of what you want, throw perfectionism out the window and take a daring step towards your dreams. Moon squares charming Jupiter and joins its ruler, hypnotic Neptune. We can get through to angelic and human allies.
Prayer, media production and promotions are also favored.
I hold to my vision and move in what ways I can, one day at a time.
Friday, January 11
Subtle Pisces Moon gives us another day of magic as she sextiles potent Pluto and capable Sun, both in productive Capricorn. Great results come from acting on our intuitive leads and inspiration, particularly in art or creativity, visualization tools and efforts at reconciliation.
As for magic and inner work, today favors prayer, transmutation of beliefs, dream interpretation, participating in a spiritual group or gathering, connecting with angels and spirit guides, and blessing water. Today’s numerology of 11 opens a portal for angels to use our intentional love, and with it, lift the planetary vibration.
In compassion, I release myself and others, and join in the angelic circle of kindness now.
Saturday, January 12
We can use this last day of the First Quarter Moon to make headway. Moon in hot Aries trines attractive Venus and conjuncts ruler Mars, releasing multiple hormones and giving our love life and creative endeavors a lift. Take your honey to brunch, go out for a first date, or move to meet someone new.
These influences can also be channeled in work. In spite of initial resistance, move boldly to get something done. Sit on your perfectionism and work a creative project, enter a contest, or seek out someone who can open a door. Or, take your teenager to a tryout.
The universe responds to my boldness, and doors open for me now.
Sunday, January 13
Very early this morning, as Moon in bold Aries harmonizes with promoter Jupiter, doors can really open. Then, mental Mercury joins structured Saturn, and we may feel slow or despondent, but our efforts to structure thoughts and words pay off.
What can really pay off? Persist in your positive affirmations, review your copy and launch a promotion; or apply yourself in study, research or memorization.
Just before lunch, Jupiter squares Neptune, stimulating our imaginations and our communications with light beings. This is great for meditation and attending a spiritual gathering or concert. But—avoid getting carried away by your fancy, and save making decisions regarding a major purchase or new commitment for another day.
This afternoon, interactions could be tense. Keep a low profile, stay home and journal, take a hot bath, or clean the oven.
At 10:48 pm (1:48 am ET), Moon reaches her First Quarter, giving us a chance to review and update the intentions set at the recent Solar Eclipse.
The Sabian symbol for 23-24 Aries describes:
A WINDOW CURTAIN BLOWN INWARD SHAPES A CORNACOPIA. Good fortune attending upon the putting forth of effort. Rush of spiritual forces into the conscious ego. Protection.
I live by the law of love, and am covered by divine protection now.
Monday, January 14
Today’s numerology of 5 increases our initiative, helping us find new ways of acting on our imagination and intuition as Mercury in grounded Capricorn sextiles Neptune early this morning. This aspect also favors writing a letter to someone’s angel in support of their guidance or to encourage their right action (like paying an account overdue, forgiving you, following through on a commitment or harmonizing their attitude).
Use it before 7:56 am (10:56 ET), when Moon goes VOC, or after 10:31 am (1:31 pm ET), when Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation.
After this, we can attend to practical, inspirational, and pleasurable endeavors: work on business and financial affairs, make a dream board for prosperity, do inner and magical work to improve self-esteem, take a voice lesson, vocalize, enjoy nature, music or a sensual lunch, apply for a loan or work on something we wish to last.
The substance of my work is divine, and I give thanks that it is working for me now.
Tuesday, January 15
Tuesday’s Mars vibration helps move us out of our comfort zone so we can use the rich potential of Taurus Moon. This Moon’s aspects to Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn, multiply the results of our initiatives for success and prosperity, while today’s numerology of 6 ads an additional stroke of good fortune and joy.
Tonight’s lunar trine to Mercury favors communications with family or for business.
I give thanks for my talents and opportunities and I move to apply them now.
Wednesday, January 16
With Moon exalted in Taurus in trine to powerful Pluto and confident Sun, morning through midday is propitious for business and financial affairs, reorganizing a stock portfolio, applying for a loan or credit card, or meeting a potential hottie.
Moon’s afternoon sextile to Chiron favors inner and/or magical work to improve self-esteem, making a dream board for romance or prosperity, or enjoying singing or music.
At 5:00 pm (8:00 ET), Moon enters Gemini. We can use her waxing mode to take care of communications, particularly those requiring PR or a diplomatic touch, since the approaching Eclipse portal and Sun’s square to Uranus can produce unpredictable outcomes. Avoid frittering the afternoon away on trivial interchanges.
I have a telepathic connection with those who are in my true network, and it’s activated now.
Thursday, January 17
This morning, Moon in Gemini connects with Venus and Mars: verbal creativity flows and words can convince. This is an optimal time for activities that involve energetic communication with others: write a letter to Congress, work on sales, start a promotion, write an article, present a proposal or an idea to a client or authority figures, voice a new point of view, meet someone, throw a brunch, and follow up on calls to siblings and friends.
This afternoon, tensions from Moon to Saturn and Neptune are good for writing affirmations or another independent activity related to words. Save pending connections for this evening after 7:10 pm (10:10 ET), or for tomorrow.
I call on the angels and goddesses of communication to bless my self-expression with light and beauty now.
Friday, January 18
We have another great morning for communication, although it comes with some fine print.
A fire trine from hot Mars to sweet Venus stokes the flames of romance. If you have a harmonious love object, take her or him to brunch. If you have an unharmonious love object, this will work if there’s a possibility of honest communication: Moon in Gemini wants to talk, and Gemini’s ruler Mercury joins deep Pluto. Triviality won’t cut it; and with Sun squaring rebel Uranus, trying to “work things out” could end in an unplanned fall out or walk out. The proximity of Sunday’s Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse can trigger the unexpected.
Sun also harmonizes with Chiron, and one of the best ways to apply today’s peculiar combination is in therapy, journaling, a 12-step group. Or we can focus on assisting a group in need or healing the earth: the Mercury-Pluto conjunction can dig up and discuss dark truths, while Moon in Gemini gives us an ear.
Besides its lustful inclinations, the Mars-Venus trine is charming and creative, and these influences can help us discover, accent and express our unique style, and especially our unique voice.
We are also towards the end of the waxing Moon cycle, so focus on something you wish to make grow.
However you decide to use these special energies, do it before 5:32 pm (8:32 ET), when Moon goes VOC, or after 7:44 (10:44 ET), when she enters Cancer. Evening is good for creative activities and nurturing others and ourselves.
I heed my own voice, and attract situations that resonate with me now.
Saturday, January 19
Today’s numerology of 1 gives a boost of initiative, bringing out the dynamic side of Moon in Cancer.
This morning is the most propitious time for anything involving others. We can use it to enjoy family, entertain, consult with a coach, create a business strategy, market something, set goals or embark on a new course of spiritual study.
At 4:28 pm (7:28 ET), Moon squares pugnacious Mars, followed by tensions to Venus and Saturn that can be used to declutter the kitchen, office or home, work on a creative project, defend a loved one, take steps for self-care or get together visualization materials for tomorrow’s Eclipse Full Moon.
An evening trine from Moon to psychic Neptune favors connections with angels or consulting a medium or oracle.
I’m not alone or limited by my personal thoughts or worries, Spirit’s light is with me and in me, showing me what I need to see about (mention situations you seek guidance for) now.
Sunday, January 20
With Sun leaving Capricorn to enter Aquarius, the starwaves become less diligent and more concerned with freedom. The water-bearer facilitates awakening, and will bring to light what we need to see for positive change.
Combined with Moon in sensitive Cancer, this is an intuitive combination that favors psychic readings, armchair meditation, and writing and designing a strategy to assist children or other needy groups. Moon’s aspects are challenging, and on the doorstep of tonight’s Full Moon Eclipse, temperamental reactions may arise; so independent work, prayer, visualization and self-care are better than trying to connect with others.
A square from Venus, planet of personal love, to compassionate Neptune, makes creativity flower and helps generate the heart energy to harmonize tonight’s moonbeams.
The Eclipse is exact at 9:16 pm (12:16 am ET). In Leo, it brings to the fore creative endeavors, one’s legacy and things requiring enthusiasm, will, or a touch of drama. It opposes Mercury, forming a T-square with Uranus, planet of change and ruler of Sun, which is the Lord of this Eclipse. At zero degrees Leo, the Eclipse connects with the Aries point—the first degree of cardinal signs—activated by December’s Full Moon in Cancer, and (less precisely but still in orb) by the Full Moons since September. This gives a special push for initiative, accentuating the restlessness of the T-square with Uranus in active Aries and Mercury in ambitious Capricorn.
Lunar Eclipses bring culmination, and the presence of the North Node is considered beneficial, helping us apply a revelation or completion in order to move to a new, higher phase of expression, results or consciousness. A surprise is apt to move us beyond our comfort zone and may at first seem upsetting. But if we can take change in stride and glean the positive potential of any disclosures, the benefits will be brought into relief. Another word of caution: None of the signs involved is exactly the wallflower type, and Mercury will want to talk. In Capricorn, the messenger planet has a bossy streak. Small differences may get blown out of proportion. Tips for dexterous navigation:
- Avoid unnecessary arguments, confusing a need for confidence with arrogance or projecting your desire for freedom onto imaginary manipulators.
- Refrain from controlling others or trying to force things.
- Think twice before pressing your point.
- For the next few days, plan to journal and write more and talk less.
The Sabian symbol for 0-1 Leo says:
UNDER EMOTIONAL STRESS, BLOOD RUSHES TO A MAN’S HEAD. A basic symbol of Man: forceful, dangerous entrance into the soul realm. Activity per se.
Check the Eclipse’s location in your natal chart for insight on where the disclosure, revelation and culmination can happen for you. (For additional tips, check our monthly General Influences section.)
Divine Substance is present and working through the changes in my world, so only good can come through them now.
Monday, January 21
Fast Mars makes an early square to slow Saturn—don’t be surprised if something seems to block your actions. Take it as a rest stop to work with yesterday’s Eclipse energy. We can write affirmations, consider alternative paths of action, and make a list of what we don’t really need to do (activities that are a time drain), and what we do need to do (including those things that we delay because of distraction with the latter).
We may also enjoy the upside of the Leo Moon by simply having some low-key fun, doing something creative, or writing notes of positive recognition for loved ones.
The best time for interaction is this evening, when lunar harmonies with Venus and Jupiter bring out the best in people. Go out of your way to express your love, do something altruistic or work on promotion.
I trust in the infinite intelligence that is working to guide me and others now.
Tuesday, January 22
Venus and Jupiter—the so-called lesser and greater benefics—make a sweet matching in enthusiastic Sagittarius. Their alliance favors promotion, joining a cause, contacting spirit guides and harmonious interchanges of almost any kind.
It also adds skill to Leo Moon’s diplomacy quotient. Express your feelings in style, give others positive recognition, put your best foot forward, add a dramatic touch to your work or presentation, cultivate a talent, make and use vision boards, foster friendships.
This applies before 5:19 pm (8:19 ET), when Moon goes VOC. At 7:22 pm (10:22 ET), Moon enters Virgo. Virgoan tasks are favored now: focus on business, edit, hunt for a bargain, finish an old project.
Spirit completes what it begins, and it works through infinite channels to bring forth finished results, here and now.
Wednesday, January 23
Moon is in Virgo, sign of treatments, and ruler Mercury sextiles Chiron. Morning favors healing with angels, mantras, affirmations, a meeting with a healer or therapist or a heart-to-heart talk to work things out.
At 5:56 pm (8:56 ET), Moon trines Saturn in Capricorn, giving us a true injection of executive capacity. This is the time to balance our books and organize and attend to documents, bureaucracy or something related to banks. Use it quickly: just an hour later, lunar aspects become less propitious. Enjoy a quiet walk or a good read, cut your nails, or mend clothing.
My finances are under spiritual law, so they flow in perfect order now.
Thursday, January 24
Early morning can be productive—if we catch it before 5:50 am (8:50 ET), when Moon goes VOC in Virgo for most of the day. During the VOC, we can move forward by working on constructive tasks like healing, chores, or catching up on recycling.
We’ll do best to save key actions, contacts and purchases for after 8:02 pm (11:02 ET), when Moon enters refined Libra, and three hours later, trines communicative Mercury. Then, we’ll find success in working on such Libran activities as art, negotiation or clarification, or to reach a compromise.
My bank account is filled with divine substance, so it can’t be limited now or ever.
Friday, January 25
This morning, two trines favor confidence, PR and promotion or another kind of bold communication. Moon in social Libra trines Mercury, and assertive Mars trines optimistic Jupiter.
Use this window while you can. Evening aspects are better for working alone, healing and making an action plan for your dreams.
My visualization anchors me in finished results, and the way opens before me now.
Saturday, January 26
Moon in creative Libra sextiles ruler Venus and contacts Pluto, making this morning good for creative or inspirational work, healing, and beautifying our image or workspace.
Connecting with others can go well, if we somehow manage to do it before 8:30 am (11:30 ET), before Moon squares intense Pluto—its last aspect until 9:21 pm (12:21 am ET), when she goes VOC on an opposition to Uranus.
At 11:31 pm (2:31 am ET) Moon enters deep Scorpio.
I am made in the likeness of creativity, and I apply my powers boldly now.
Sunday, January 27
Moon enters Scorpio in the wee hours, squaring Mercury at mid-morning, before reaching her Last Quarter.
The sign of change helps finish things, and today is good for decluttering, reviewing progress on New Year’s intentions, consulting the I Ching or a preferred oracle or medium, and using mantras and affirmations for forgiveness and self-healing.
The Sabian symbol for 7-8 Scorpio prompts reflection not only on our goals themselves, but on how we are approaching them:
A HIGH MOUNTAIN LAKE IS BATHED IN THE FULL MOONLIGHT. Illumination of the soul by transcendent wisdom. Quiet touch with cosmic strength or wayward moody effort at greatness.
I invite Love to pour over my dreams, my efforts, my progress and my apparent failings, to fill them, bless them and use them for the best and highest good now.
Monday, January 28
Today’s numerology of 1 accentuates the Mars rulership of Scorpio Moon. This doesn’t look cozy or sweet, but it can boost our courage to use the present Moon phase and sign, both of which favor closing cycles, releasing a habit or distraction, or pushing through our resistance to finish something. Independent efforts are more propitious than those involving others.
Get what you can done before 2:39 pm (5:39 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
I call on the angels of change to help me move to a higher level now.
Tuesday, January 29
Moon is VOC in Scorpio until 6:33 am (9:33 ET), when she enters Sagittarius. Sun joins Mercury in idealistic Aquarius. This transit works nicely with the archer’s communication skills and today’s numerology of 11, which opens an angelic portal for elevating the planet’s kindness quotient. We can shoot for the moon today: contact light beings, colleagues, or friends with like ideals, take or give a mind-opening course, seek out a long-overdue answer, or make foreign contacts. But, avoid getting preachy, being reckless or overdoing things.
I invite Divine Love to seal my thoughts and words in kindness now.
Wednesday, January 30
Moon in expansive Sagittarius connects with intuitive Neptune, ruler Jupiter and active Mars, making this a good day to connect with angels and then move to wrap up loose ends. We can focus especially on getting information, speaking your truth or expressing overdue gratitude, as well as such Sagittarian realms as a foreign contact, something related to colleges, law, or publishing companies. But—avoid getting preachy or overdoing things.
Light beings guide my thoughts and actions, and I listen act on their guidance now.
Thursday, January 31
Today gives us to lay a brick on our highest path, as Saturn—planet of manifestation—sextiles Neptune, planet of dreams.
Early this morning, Moon in optimistic Sag joins charming Venus and trines Uranus, planet of freedom. Connections with others go great, whether for friendship, business, study, publishing, a promotion or a cause.
At 4:47 pm (7:47 ET) Moon enters Capricorn. Now, it’s time to get back to business business, attend to pending bureaucracy, assume leadership, set a limit, and clear the decks for intentions and goals of the upcoming New Moon of February 4.
I build toward my dreams, and the Universe opens new paths now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Yes, thank you Nelda for the encouragement. Blessings to you.
Great idea to add the affirmations daily. I love your site!!!!
Thank you, Nelda, for the kind feedback!