Most of July belongs to Cancer. When the Sun is bright, people go the beach, a river or pool. We reconnect with water, womb of life on earth, while the Moon’s subtle pull makes the liquid element ebb and flow.
The word “month” comes from the same root as moon, and true to July form, this month begins and ends with moonbeams.
We tend to think of the Moon as gentle. In Buddhist astrology, it’s associated with love and compassion. Reminding us that empathy and compliance are two different things, July’s lunations are not of the warm and cuddly variety. Stirring energies of change and power, they can help us take an honest look at what’s going on, and work to truly heal and move on.
The month begins with the Full Moon of July 1. As I wrote for the Daily Success Guide, it’s in Capricorn, astride Pluto and in close opposition to Mars. The configuration will bring up something hidden, including our anger or desire to push things.
This rather bellicose pattern is offset by harmonies from Neptune, planet of compassion. The Sabian symbol resonates with this theme, right down to the boat and sea, both ruled by Neptune:
On a small boat the seaman are feeding a tame albatross. Overcoming instinctive fears through gentle persuasion. Kindly, congruent culture of spiritual values. Harmlessness.
Mars and Pluto are both associated with courage, and can help us penetrate our innermost patterns and face down the demons that prevent our intention to forgive from going deep. They can also help us break through inertia and subconscious resistance to change, fortifying us to extricate ourselves from confining situations.
Venus, goddess of love, joins Jupiter, planet of expansion and universal good will, in the sign of Leo. This combination activates our heart center, adding warmth to our spiritual practice. Thoughts and mantras of love will allow our acts of courage to flow with efficacy and beyond the reach of violent reactions.
Also on July 1, Mercury is finally emerging from its nine-week retrograde and shadow period, flashing a green light on our communications, promotions and movements of any kind. It works well with the Full Moon portal to help us stop staring at the mountain and begin to climb it.
The month’s beginning is a vortex of apparently disparate elements: humanitarian love, secrets purged, and resolute action—and these threads reach into the days ahead like strings unraveling from a ball of varicolored yarn.
The messenger planet moves forward to harmonize with…
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Children born on 7-1 will have an interesting combination of spiritual warrior spirit, intuition and compassion. Birthday number one makes them leaders. I suggest exposing them to meditation and mind power techniques from an early age and facilitating a situation or situations in which they can begin taking initiative and doing their own thing, like a little business, altruistic activity, etc. Sports are also a good outlet for their physical and competitive energy.
Will children born on this date , 7/1/2015 , be especially fortunate ?