In the midst of a line up in Capricorn, this lunation opens a singular doorway of intention for the New Year. The Mountain Goat is the accomplisher of the zodiac, and she now bears gifts of realism, fortitude and direction to reach the peak of our personal horizons. A Solar Eclipse punctuates the seed energy of the New Moon. The numerological vibration of a number 4 year reinforces the Capricorn will to build, connecting this portal to the entire twelve months ahead. Outside of conjunctions in its own sign, the only lunar—and solar—aspect is a close square to Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, who concurs, “Yes, let’s get down to business.”
But it isn’t exactly business as usual, nor is the diligent climber the only bringer of gifts to the eclipse table. Jupiter, Lord of Inspiration, conjuncts Uranus, The Awakener, in Pisces, sign of dreams. This is the last rendezvous for the liberating pair until 2024, a chance to open our path to purposes beyond the mundane as we channel the directive abilities of the Capricorn Solar Eclipse. (In fact, this is the first of three major Jupiter aspects that characterize 2011, the other two being a square to Pluto, followed by an opposition to Saturn. Jupiter believes and inspires but often postpones the hard work needed to achieve. Saturn—Lord of Limits—can work hard but suffers from tunnel vision. The two together can help us keep our minds open and our feet moving in one grounded step after another.)
The Sabian symbol for the Eclipse degree speaks to “The will to unearth… what has permanent value… [from the collective past as well as that] of an individual’s life.”
We are invited to clarify our mission, defining or reaffirming goals in reference to our deepest values—inherited or nascent—as well as our particular genius (Uranus). Two more tendencies worthy of note: The eclipse happens to straddle the midpoint of Mars and Pluto, calling for not only for intentions, but decisive, powerful action. Such initiatives flow easily, as all planets are direct for the first time in years!
We are called to action, but will receive unusual help. A trine from Venus to Jupiter-Uranus (sudden good fortune), and conjunctions of this eclipse to fixed star Ascella and asteroid Eros, both connected to relationship, indicate that people who can favorably detonate our destiny will appear on the scene.
The spiritual magic below is designed to optimize these opportunities.
Prayerful altar-ations
- Incense options: The most intriguing one, though somewhat complicated, requires a cone of jasmine, sandalwood or green tea incense, broken up, and ½ teaspoon of celery seed (per pagan author Dorothy Morrison), to be burned on a piece of charcoal. If you prefer something simpler, sage smudge or any other incense will do.
- 2 candles: 1 blue (navy, indigo or blue violet) and another purple
- Page or journal and pen for each participant
- A stone or crystal: onyx, or a smooth, gray stone or a natural crystal, one for each participant
- Optional: Red roses, dry wine to toast with afterwards
I. Light the purple candle as you say,
The angels of vocation touch my mind with their light (pause to visualize the rays doing just that, as the angels of vocation stream into your awareness). They awaken me to my talents, inclinations and calling for the year.
II. With your attention on your heart, make a list of 3 or more activities you have found joyful since childhood and still do. They may be something general like helping animals or people, or much more specific like studying, teaching, cooking, painting and so on. Don’t write them down from the left brain alone; take an extra moment to savor the joy that the activity brings you.
III. Consider and write down the central values you captured as a child, ideas or inclinations to goodness you were born with as well as those you may have learned from parents or life. Some examples from my prayer group included: tolerance, learning to open my mind, love, honesty, seeing beyond appearances to the divine.
IV. Write what you feel to be your mission in 2011. It may or may not be something related to what gave you joy as a child, but it should reflect your own deepest values. You may want to establish missions in more than one area, for instance: work, spirituality, as a grandparent, activist or other vital role. To avoid dispersion, it is wise to keep them limited to no more than 3 or 4.
V. Write a description of the monetary prosperity you would like to enjoy this year (to make sure you remain open to its flow).
VI. Light the blue candle as you say,
The angels of consolidation fill my space and mind with their light (pause to visualize these angelic beings flooding your space and mind, along with the candle rays), and guide me to identify the things that I need to release and the steps I need to take to consolidate my mission.
VII. Write down whatever distractions now come to light.
VIII. If you opt for the incense with charcoal, light it now and break up the cone of incense so that you can sprinkle it on, along with the celery seed, once the charcoal is smoldering. If you cannot obtain these ingredients, light your smudge or whatever kind of incense you are using. While it burns, repeat 3 times,
This is an offering for the angels of concentration, who dispel any scattered energies, including (name habits identified in the previous step), as this incense turns to smoke and disappears.
IX. List some clear, pragmatic steps you can take to further your purposes.
X. Take the stone or crystal in your hands, and make this heartfelt request:
Angels of consolidation, just as you supervised the minerals as they become this stone, fortify my diligence in daily, inner and outer initiatives so that my goals may becomes tangible reality.
(Take a minute to connect with the solidity of the stone.)
XI. Repeat the following affirmation during 5 minutes or more:
I see and feel myself accomplishing this (pause to enjoy the imagined scene of your achievement); my clear intent connects me with the people, situations and resources that insure its manifestation now. I give thanks for the powers of manifestation working for me now.
XII. Follow up. Repeat this last affirmation-visualization daily during at least 5 minutes in the morning, then organize your day, giving priority to your mission. Keep the phrases, Angels of Concentration and Angels of Consolidation (and/or your preferred reminders) in view, on your computer, dashboard, mirror or wherever you will see them, especially where you most need to remember focus.
The wisdom of astrologer Rob Tillet captures the spirit of this portal:
“Unconscious propulsions [from the planets] thrust us into the situations we need to experience… situations where we need to remember who and what we are and what we are doing here, rather than being overwhelmed by the wave.”
At or soon after this Eclipse portal, make an appointment to consult close up with your number 1 colleague: your own deepest self. Together, get concrete about what you are here to accomplish. From the heart, invite the angels to assist you in this process, and in releasing whatever might keep you from accessing this cosmic vortex of diligence and inspiration. Tap the realm of True Power by visualizing your intent and affirming its completion. 2011 is your dance: instead of sitting it out, begin now to choreograph your role as a woman, as a man, on a mission.
Arroyo, Stephen, Exploring Jupiter: The Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential (Sebastopol, California, CRCS Publications, 1996).
Bills, Rex E., The Rulership Book (USA, American Federation of Astrologers, 1971)
Morrison, Dorothy, Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living (Llewellyn, 2003, St. Paul, MN).
Spiller, Jan, New Moon Astrology: The Secret of Astrological Timing to Make All Your Dreams Come True (NY, Bantam, 2001).
Teal, Celeste, Eclipses, Eclipses: Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation (Special Topics in Astrology Series) (USA, Llewellyn, 2006)
Rob Tillett,
Photo: Perigee new moon over the Temple of Poseidon at Sounion, Greece, by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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