Daily Astrological Forecast, May 1–31, 2024
Today’s dynamic numerology of 1 combines with intense transits to support action for change in love, values, self-esteem and finance.
As Pluto stations to turn retrograde, the lord of power takes a square from Venus, lady of love, values, and finance. Shadows come to the surface related to self-esteem and to healing our relationship patterns. We can push to heal ourselves, to define new values, and to seek more empowering relationships and financial situations. Helpfully, brave Mars is moving into a sextile with Pluto, giving us a strong dose of courage.
Today’s numerology of 1 combines with Moon in Aquarius to fuel our spirit of independence. At 4:30 am (7:30 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, favoring finishing things, decluttering, and closing cycles.
At 11-12 Aquarius, the symbol for today’s lunation says:
ON A VAST STAIRCASE STAND PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT TYPES, GRADUATED UPWARD. The necessity of recognizing differences of types and levels of development wherever human beings live and work together… This symbol obviously refers to the ascending process of evolution of life forms and consciousness. It seems to apply especially to the fact that differences of levels exist among human beings. The ideal of equalitarianism has to be balanced by a realization that hierarchy of levels is a fact of nature. Each person should be aware of the level at which he (or she) stands, even as he strives to move toward a higher one. He should look up for inspiration and examples, while helping the human beings of the next lower level to reach up… we find a symbol of “ascent,” contrasting with the preceding one which implied a “descent” of spiritual forces. It warns us against sentimentally overstressing our Western equalitarianism which essentially applies to the spiritual core of all individual persons, considered “sons of God” or spiritual monads. Every human being is potentially divine as an individual person, but THE NATURAL PROGRESSION OF STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS is an unavoidable reality to accept at the social-mental level.
Moon in Aquarius spotlights socializing, and this is a good day to seek out those who resonate with our authentic spirit and evolutionary path, although with the Venus-Pluto connection, we’ll want to focus on connections that matter, or on our emotional healing.
Afternoon is good for communications, thanks to a sextile from Moon to loquacious Gemini at 2:48 pm (5:48 ET). We can find the right words to get our point across and make emotional connections.
Affirmation I am the power to choose my connections, and to choose how I connect, here and now.
Wednesday, May 2
Pluto’s station retrograde and Moon in Pisces favor emotional and spiritual healing. Evening is good for connecting with others and for taking action to further a pre-existing goal.
Pluto goes fully retrograde, inviting us to examine our shadows even as we pursue our freedom. The effects of this transit are long-term. Yet today represents a pivot: we can retrieve our inner path to freedom from manipulative and codependent dynamics.
At 2:28 am (5:28 ET), Moon goes VOC in Aquarius, offering several hours to relax, read, or research for pleasure. If you can’t take down time, focus on routine actions to finish something you started before, rather than starting something new.
Save key actions and connections for after 11:32 am (2:32 pm ET), when Moon enters mystical Pisces. Moon in Pisces accents creativity, intuition, and romance, especially from 7:21 pm (10:21 ET) on, when she sextiles Venus, planet of love and beauty. Personal and business connections go well.
Affirmation I give thanks for my divine collaborators, who guide, support and empower me, now and always.
Friday, May 3
The week comes to an end, but May is just beginning, thanks to a sextile from strong Mars to intense Pluto, emboldening us to act for freedom. With Moon in sensitive Pisces, we can reconnect with our dreams, and close a cycle.
Pluto newly retrograde is still on its station: we’re released from what has been blocking our goals of renewal.
Moon in mysterious Pisces spotlights visualization and discretion. Don’t discuss your plans, just act. Before reaching out to someone, write to their angel.
Lift your chin and reconnect with the winds of change that have been blowing since late January. Retrieve a plan or path that you wanted to move on previously. Release the concern for familiar ways of doing things and for the approval of others, and take a step that resonates with your vision.
At 5:05 pm (7:05 ET), Moon joins Saturn in mystical Pisces, setting a serious tone. We can organize our journals, healing materials, and spiritual library.
Affirmation Spirit’s plan manifests harmony, order and success, here and now.
Saturday, May 4
Valor remains strong, while Moon in Pisces connects with rulers Neptune and Jupiter, making for a magical morning.
Emotional, physical and spiritual energies are strong. With today’s numerology of 4—ruled by constructive Saturn—we can ground them.
A sunrise sextile from Moon to coruler abundant Jupiter makes morning good for promoting a cause, service, product, or something related to our dreams. At 12:06 pm (3:06 ET), The Pisces Moon conjuncts Pisces’ ruler, Neptune, deepening our intuition and powers of manifestation. These aspects also favor effective spiritual practice, connections with spirit guides, and decluttering our visualization materials in preparation to make better, more complete ones for the upcoming New Moon in Taurus.
At 1:41 pm (4:41 ET), Moon switches from sensitive, creative Pisces to restless, dynamic Aries. Still on the portal of Friday’s Mars-Pluto sextile, this placement is even more intense than usual. We can cut through our resistance and finish something, take the reins of a situation, or otherwise act independently. Avoid confrontations or the impulse to act rashly. Direct conflicts can have dramatic outcomes.
Affirmation Divine forces go before me and shield me, now and always.
Sunday, May 5
Both Moon in Aries and today’s numerology of 5 tend to be restless. Act bravely, but stay safe. Have fun, but save extreme adventures, speeding while driving and other risky games for another day.
We’re still within earshot of Friday’s Mar-Pluto sextile, so brave actions for practical concerns can go well. We’re also on the portal of Tuesday’s New Moon, adding to the excitement. With Mercury in shadow, our best results come from simple, direct movement on something we started before mid-March. When it comes to confrontation or play, we want to avoid physical risk.
Take key actions and make key connections before 10:57 pm (1:57 am ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Affirmation My willingness to change connects me to the evolutionary forces of the universe, now and always.
Monday, May 6
Morning’s Moon is VOC in Aries. She later enters Taurus—sign of her exaltation—combining with the fortunate numerology of 6 to favor activities for progress and prosperity.
Today’s number 6 also brings protection, always welcome when Moon is in daring Aries. During her VOC we can declutter, tackle a cleaning job, weed the garden, or take a hot bath with a foot or body scrub.
At 2:42 pm (5:42 ET), Moon enters abundant Taurus. On the portal of tomorrow’s New Moon, afternoon is a great time to take action on something for our success, security or finance, something that we had already put in motion at any time before mid-March, when Mercury entered shadow.
An afternoon square from Moon to intense Pluto, followed by a midnight sextile to tough Saturn, set a serious tone. We’ll want to use this time constructively and not just enjoy the good life, as Taurus can so easily do.
Affirmation I am grateful for the divine direction I receive for my success, now and always.
Tuesday, May 7
Today’s very special New Moon in Taurus triggers a generous alignment in the sign of abundance, joining with benefics Venus and Jupiter to consolidate the potential of good fortune.
The lunation is sandwiched between benefic Taurus’ benefit ruler Venus and last month’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, and it reactivates and extends the power of that pairing to precipitate abundance. Mercury the messenger makes an exact conjunction to wounded-healer Chiron, unleashing our ability to speak about and transmute our wounds—wounds spotlighted at last month’s New Moon Eclipse in Aries. A sextile from constructive Saturn in mystical Pisces blends Taurus’ energy of abundance with our potential for discipline, triggering opportunities for lasting results.
We can set our intentions and the aspects from Moon and Sun to Venus and Saturn that will be perfecting throughout the day to take action steps for business, study, relationships, connections and finance.
Moon is exactly new at 18 Taurus at 8:22 pm (11:22 ET).
At 18-19 Taurus, the Sabian symbol for this lunation is:
A NEW CONTINENT RISING OUT OF THE OCEAN… The surge of new potentiality after the crisis… When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contaminations, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for? …a… new phase of life has been not only hoped for, but actually confirmed. The “technique” is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor.
Affirmation I am not alone in my desire for renewal. Life itself moves with me and supports me in new wellness, evolution and success, here and now.
Wednesday, May 8
Still on the portal of yesterday’s lunation, Moon in Taurus and Gemini makes aspects to outer planets, combining with the powerful numerology of 8 to support consolidated results in our purpose and success.
Morning is a fortunate time for business, as Moon perfects conjunctions with abundant Jupiter and Uranus, planet of freedom, that were triggered at yesterday’s lunation.
At 2:55 pm (5:55 ET), Moon sextiles imaginative Neptune, precipitating opportunities in creative activities, spirituality, romance, or manifesting our personal dreams. The influences involved are magical but can be passive—results will depend on our mindful initiatives.
At 4:20 pm (7:20 ET), Moon enters loquacious Gemini. We can message, give a presentation, write a letter or proposal, voice our ideas, or make a business trip.
This evening, Moon trines Pluto. Passions run deep. Sensitivity is high and discernment is advised when connecting with others. We can enjoy or write fiction, heal our relationship to wealth, and uncover mysteries from the past, from our roots, and in our feelings. If researching or working on trade or an investment, follow your intuition.
If we can’t sleep tonight, we can use this powerful time to write prosperity affirmations, do spiritual healing or, when Moon makes a wee-hour sextile to Mars, work on trade.
Affirmation The power behind my growth works to back up my finished results, here and now.
Wednesday, May 9
Today’s deep, introverted numerology of 9 makes an odd match with Moon in verbal Gemini. We use words in more inward or reflective ways, like journaling, study, writing affirmations, or reviewing something we redacted before.
Moon makes a wee-hour sextile to active Mars, boosting our energy to exercise or to finish a pending letter, email, or some other kind of communication. Or, we can study esoteric or healing knowledge just for the joy of it.
Number 9 is ruled by Pluto, so we’ll be well served by making a special effort not to waste this deep and powerful verbal energy on gossip, manipulative dynamics, mindless scrolling on social media, or superficial conversations.
Affirmation Guardian angel, please direct my attention and words on what is valuable, now and throughout this day.
Friday, May 10
Today’s numerology of 1 emboldens us to use Moon in Gemini’s verbal gifts to promote out goals of abundance from the recent New Moon.
A sextile from Moon to Gemini’s ruler Mercury in assertive Aries brings fortune in communications. With the messenger planet still in post-retrograde shadow, we can focus on something we shared, expressed, or tried to get done previously. Venus is approaching a sextile to Saturn, spotlighting business connections or personal ones that we wish to last.
At 8:13 pm (11:13 ET), Moon enters sensitive Cancer, and moves to square Pisces, planet of mediums. Intuition is strong, we can connect with angels, spirit guides, and our own inner wisdom. We can use oracles, although we want to avoid the Ouija and channeling disincarnates. It’s best to save imbibing or using hallucinogenic substances for another day.
Affirmation I claim the day for good, and miracles flow forth, here and now.
Saturday, May 11
Moon in sensitive Cancer gets stressed by pushy Mars, and there may be unexpected slights or hurts. We focus on independent activities: decluttering the home, deep-cleaning the refrigerator or tackling something related to real estate or another type of business.
The Moon-Mars square reduces our emotional intelligence and diplomacy quotients. Save negotiation, PR, and romance for another day. Direct your nerve in deep-cleaning the kitchen… but not the knife collection. Be extra careful when using, blades, machines, or vehicles. Journaling and decluttering go well.
With today’s master number 11, angels can better use our heart vibrations to lift the planetary frequency, favoring love-centered spiritual practices. A wee-hour sextile from Moon to Venus makes for delicious cuddling or intimacy, affectional communication, and writing to an angel.
Affirmation I radiate love to myself and others, and attract the best and highest people and situations, here and now.
Sunday, May 12
Moon in Cancer and today’s numerology of 3 release sweet vibes into this Mothers’ Day, while Moon’s aspects are filled with practical potential.
Moon’s aspects include an early sextile to Saturn the builder, which is great for taking action to give concrete form to a business or remodeling project or, with Saturn in mystical Pisces, a spiritual endeavor.
This afternoon, Moon sextiles Sun and innovative Uranus, supporting confidence and independent action on a creative, financial, or idealistic endeavor.
If all we want to focus on is mom, we could take her to a science exhibit or a science fiction film. However, with Venus closing in on Saturn by sextile, even relationships bring practical success in finance, creativity, business or the relationships. In fact, today can be a link in the chain of success that came into relief at the Taurus New Moon of May 7. This tendency lasts into late evening, which ends with a sextile from Moon to charismatic Jupiter, the promoter planet.
Affirmation I am extraordinarily blessed with (write your own extraordinary blessings), here and now.
Monday, May 13
Today’s numerology of 4—ruled by Saturn—accents the practical opportunities precipitated by a sextile from Venus, goddess of love, values, and finance.
Independent activity goes better than direct connections, with the possible exception of therapy or working for a cause. The Venus-Saturn sextile perfects this afternoon. Although its lunar aspects aren’t conducive to personal connection, we can use this energy to do creative work and, from a distance, perfect a negotiation or a situation involving justice, or focus on an endeavor related to people, women, values, or finance.
Mercury emerges from post-retrograde shadow, giving a green light for new beginnings, communications, travel, promotion, purchases, contracts, and agreements.
At 3:36 am (6:36 ET), Moon enters warm, dramatic Leo. Leo’s ruler Sun conjoins independent Uranus, fueling higher cognition and favoring artistry, research and vision for new directions. A few hours later, Moon opposes Pluto in Aquarius, an intense aspect that strengthens our determination to push for freedom. However, it can also bring up emotional shadows or power struggles.
Luna finishes the day with a trine to pushy Mars, a brave aspect but one that can hurt or get hurt, again favoring independent activities.
Affirmation Angels and spirit guides, please strengthen me in self-mastery for the good of all, here and now and always.
Tuesday, May 14
Today’s bold numerology of 5 strengthens our nerve, while Moon in strong Leo continues with tense aspects.
Morning through midday is good for independent creative activities or putting together a plan or information for an argument, a cause, a business initiative or something else we want to share or publicize with force when the stars are less confrontative.
A better time for connection is at or after 4:37 pm (7:37 ET), when Moon squares sweet Venus, bringing charm, warmth and even romance to the afternoon and evening.
Affirmation Joy, joy, joy, I enjoy using my talents to build good for myself and others now.
Wednesday, May 15
Today’s numerology of 6—related to abundance and cheer—supports Moon’s aspects, opening windows of success this morning and afternoon.
Moon in Leo reaches her Second Quarter at 4:48 am (7:48 ET). This morning, we can review our progress on the intentions we set at last week’s New Moon, and tweak our approach.
The Sabian symbol for this lunation at 25-26 Leo describes:
AFTER THE HEAVY STORM, A RAINBOW… Linking above and below, the Covenant with one’s divine nature, promise of immortality… the [wo]man who has been able to weather the cathartic storm face-to-face with [her or] his divine Archetype; because [s]he has been victorious, a link has been established with [her or] his divine Soul-being. Both the human and the divine partners should remain thus linked… the symbol of the rainbow shows us the need to maintain a state of open communication between the Sky and the Earth within our total being — not for the sake of finding an ever-elusive “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow, for this end is never to be reached, but in order to face the totality of our individual selfhood as it is projected in the many-hued dome of our sky-flung consciousness. After every successfully met crisis, the REVELATION OF WORTH comes to us, and with it comes the promise of success, if only we do our part.At 9:41, Moon goes VOC. After this, save key actions and connections for 2:33 pm (5:33 ET), when Moon enters diligent Virgo. Half an hour later, she trines ruler Mercury, and we can get caught up on practical communications: calls, messaging, editing, bureaucracy, paperwork, and so on. We’re still on the portal of the Venus-Saturn sextile, spotlighting business and personal relationships that we wish to last.
Reach out to others before 6:42 pm (9:42 ET), when Moon makes a quincunx to godfather planet Pluto. The aspect is minor, but the dark dwarf is a force to be contended with, and intense energies will arise. Journaling, working on healing and therapy can go well.
Affirmation Guardian Angel, please fill me with true desires and true satisfaction, now and always.
Wednesday, May 16
Today’s numerology of 7 combines with the analytic gifts of Moon in Virgo to favor mental activities, and with Venus conjunct Uranus, researching new possibilities in love, self-esteem and finance.
The conjunction from Venus, planet of love, to Uranus, planet of freedom, is exact tomorrow. Venus happens to rule Uranus now as Uranus transits Taurus, while Uranus is itself ruling Pluto in Aquarius. We’re being moved into a new phase of freedom and the Venus-Uranus connection brings our relationships, values, and finances into relief. New options arise suddenly and may be a projection of our readiness to throw off the shackles. New doors spring open in finances and love. Today’s Virgo Moon helps us keep our feet on the ground and, with Virgo’s ruler Mercury in square to Pluto, favors taking a cool, well-researched look at our desires and options.
We can also study, and review texts, contracts, healing resources, and other information.
Avoid discussing your excitement over new opportunities. Research them, visualize your ideal outcome, and discretely prepare to act.
Affirmation I visualize my ideal and divine substance responds by bringing it forth, here and now.
Friday, May 17
A great day to reap our harvest. Today’s numerology of 8 empowers finished results, Venus’ conjunction with Uranus triggers freer manifestation in love and finance, and Moon in Virgo strengthens our focus to ground opportunities.
The conjunction with Uranus from Venus, planet of love, values and money, is a link in the chain of change triggered by Pluto’s definitive entrance into Aquarius in January. But it isn’t only about freedom. Earlier this week, Venus sextiled serious Saturn, so this aspect also has a constructive flavor. Doors can swing open suddenly, events may seem exciting, but the afterglow of the Saturn contact supports practical, disciplined use of new directions.
This morning, Moon opposes structured Saturn. We can get our space and our needs organized. Benefits come from work on our emotions.
At 12:15 pm (3:15 ET), Moon trines sweet Venus in Taurus, sensual earth sign of her rule, followed by another trine to innovative Uranus, also in Taurus. With these earth trines, afternoon and evening are great for consolidating something related to success, security, or material gain.
Affirmation The Same Power that guides me in all my ways, supports me to act on my guidance successfully, now and always.
Saturday, May 18
The mystical numerology of 9 gives a deep flavor to the conjunction from sweet Venus to volcanic Uranus that perfects today.
At 2:09 am (5:09 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering charming, creative Libra at 3:23 am (6:23 ET). For most of the morning, Moon’s contacts to Pluto and Mercury favor independent work on creativity, healing, journaling, and spiritual practice.
At 11:45 am (2:45 pm ET), Sun conjoins confident Jupiter in sensual Taurus, unleashing waves of optimism and making the rest of the afternoon good for business connections, promotional activities, social media productions and enjoying a date, or simply, nature and the good life.
Affirmation Thank you, Father-Mother, for the miracles I have received in the past, the miracles that flow to me now and the miracles that will continue to flow always.
Sunday, May 19
Today’s assertive numerology of 1 infuses us with initiative, and we can direct it in positive connections early this morning, before Moon in charming Libra goes VOC for the rest of the day.Sun in prosperous Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces, sign of dreams, facilitating the results of past and present manifestations. If you have a key action to take or a special connection to make, get them done before 8:48 am (11:48 ET), when Moon goes VOC on an opposition to pushy Mars.
The rest of the day favors mystical activities: meditation, visualization, prayer, dream interpretation, and so on. Enjoy music and take in a romantic film.
Affirmation No person or event could have hurt me, because I can only be divinely impacted, now and always.
Monday, May 20
Moon is VOC in Libra most of the day, mingling with the cozy numerology of 2 to favor fun with family, pets or dear ones, before she enters Scorpio for a serious evening.
Energy is high as at 5:39 am (8:39 ET), Sun leaves magnetic Taurus to enters loquacious Gemini. Though VOC for most of the day, Moon in Libra makes minor aspects that fuel creativity, mystical vibrations and fun.
Save key initiatives until after 3:34 pm (6:34 ET), when Moon enters brave Scorpio. We can use the next four hours to direct our courage in steps for progress. Especially, we can:
- Make a life-altering decision
- Move forward with an important goal
- Lease or rent property
- Make a major deal
- Sign documents
- Quit a job
- Move out
- Set a clear limit
Affirmation Infinite good permeates my world and nothing in the seen or the unseen can hurt or harm.
Tuesday, May 21
Moon in deep Scorpio opposes Mercury the messenger, making for deep thoughts and powerful words that are best directed for inner work, healing and research.
Moon in Scorpio can be tough, and her opposition to Mercury in stubborn Taurus triggers her intensity. We can use this force for inner work, getting into deep emotions, memories, and financial beliefs to transmute, journal about and heal them.
Confrontation could end up being toxic, but we can gather information and prepare ourselves for an upcoming argument, a legal case, or a negotiation.
Today’s numerology of 3 favors beautifying our mind and surroundings with energy, sweet scents, and kind words.
Affirmation My words are divine law in action that sweep away low vibration appearances, here and now.
Wednesday, May 22
Master Number 22, a strong Moon in Scorpio and tomorrow’s exact aspects of benefics Venus and Jupiter, can bring breakthroughs in love, spirituality, a cause and finances. Go for it.
Morning is especially good for business, investments and committed relationships, and afternoon for creativity, research, scrying, and spiritual healing.
Today’s Master Number 22 expands the reach of our service-centered actions. Moon in strong Scorpio on tomorrow’s highly fortunate portal of fullness makes a morning trine to constructive Saturn: we can organize and build on our goals of change. The changes may be inner and/or outer, as we have courage to end a cycle and with the help of Saturn, structure a new direction.
Another great harmony comes from Sun in mental Gemini to Pluto—Moon’s ruler—in visionary Aquarius. Lofty perspectives, inspiring colleagues, new information, and cosmic helpers open our minds, fuel our curiosity and empower us to exchange powerful ideas. From a letter to Congress to a publication or transmission on social media, reach out in ways that allign with your ideals.
At 1:24 pm (4:24 ET), the mood shifts as Moon opposes rebel Uranus, fueling stubborn independence. But this aspect can bring emotions to light and precipitate sudden flashes of intuition about our feelings, our finances, and our security. We can explore these leads, and work on healing our financial beliefs and issues.
Affirmation I give thanks that I am guided to my best and highest good, now and always.
Wednesday, May 23
An extremely beneficial Full Moon culminates cosmic influences from the last six months, empowering us to reclaim expanded horizons.
In Sagittarius and with wonderful aspects, it can help consolidate our abundance and path of meaning. The two benefics, fortunate Jupiter and rich Venus, make an exact conjunction. Of itself, this happy pairing expands charisma and joy and brings protection and luck in relationships, promotions, sales, publications, business, supply, and our own special contribution. This particular conjunction is extraordinary and it’s influenced and expanded even further by sextiles made from both Venus and Jupiter to compassionate, mystical Neptune.
Through the portal of this lunation, we receive a cosmic inflow that can bring to fruition several major triggers since the end of last year. These include our intentions and goals from the New Moon in Sagittarius six months ago, our evolving identity as precipitated at last month’s Eclipse stellium in Aries—trined by this Full Moon—and, last month’s conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, which now becomes part of a stellium with Sun and Venus in Gemini.
Adding more sparks to the fire, the goddess-planet enters Gemini, the sign of gab, at 1:30 pm, thrusting us into a more verbal mode of relating, adding charm to the Gemini Sun, and benefitting activities and professions related to communication, as detailed in our May General Influences. For all of us, there’s a sense that we can talk more freely about what impassions us.
We now have cosmic support to bring to fruition something related to our purpose, and, as Luna makes an exact sextile to Pluto, this will be something related to the new era of freedom triggered by the power-planet’s entrance into Aquarius in January. For tips to understand how this relates to your sign and natal chart, check our May General Influences.
At 2 Sag, the Sabian symbol calls us to use apply the Sagittarius gift of strategy:
TWO MEN PLAYING CHESS… The transcendent ritualization of conflict. Essential to socio-cultural living is the transmutation of man’s natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence. Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess the complex types of energies which in their togetherness constitute a human person are symbolized by six kinds of pieces (king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks and pawns). The struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualized, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarized forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations — and less impulsive and intent upon side issues… conflict, but at the level of group culture and psychological symbolization. It brings to the objective consciousness the basic realities in interpersonal INTERPLAY.
Affirmation I give thanks for the cosmic and angelic forces that direct me to live my purpose with success, here and now!
Friday, May 24
Still on the portal of yesterday’s Moon of fortune, today’s prosperous numerology of 6, and Moon’s tense transits support independent activities or those at a distance to work out and promote our strategies for progress.
Moon is still in optimistic Sag, and cosmic, loving vibrations are in the air. Yet Moon’s concurrent square to tough Saturn and trine to Mars can be rude at worst, and at best can be applied in firm self-direction as we organize, declutter, and strategize for progress.
If you feel lonely, avoid seeking a shoulder to cry on—this could end up being a downer. Better to consult a coach or teacher who boosts your spirit and also enforces a sense of self-mastery.
As for work, service, and business, we can promote our product or cause at a distance rather than one-on-one.
Affirmation I am not alone or without effective promotion. The Divine Publicist is with me, working in every way to expand my reach and promote my (cause, work, service), harmoniously and successfully, here and now.
Saturday, May 25
We are passionate about change, and can find the change we seek in self-esteem, values, relationships, and finance, as Venus perfects her trine to Pluto the powerful.
Still on the portal of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, today’s empowering connection with Pluto gives us the courage to follow through on our goals of change. We may feel enthralled or obsessed by someone or something, the trick is to steer clear of ego themes and commit to a higher, freer octave of love—self-love, love of others, love of abundance, love of evolution. This transit reiterates the energy of Thursday’s Full Moon and its cosmic support for abundance, connection, spirituality, and our path of purpose.
Jolly Jupiter now enters Gemini, joining the mission of Venus to bring fortune to activities and people related to Gemini (as detailed in our May General Influences), and bringing extra push to communications and connections.
With Moon in expansive Sag squaring imaginative Neptune, early morning favors contacts with angels and spirit guides, and related activities. At 8:36 am (11:36 ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn, an executive influence that enforces our skills of organization and leadership. We can work on goals in profession, prosperity, business, public image, and the mark we leave on the world. People connections go well.
Affirmation I give thanks for all the cosmic opportunities I’ve had, I have and I’ll continue to have, now and always.
Sunday, May 26
Although it’s Sunday and a three-day weekend, the stars are still on the job. Today’s numerology of 8, Moon in practical Capricorn, and her transits all support finished results in worldly and material goals.
Moon in Capricorn trines Mercury in grounded Taurus and sextiles ruler, constructive Saturn. Venus is still in orb of her trine to Pluto the powerful.
Strategic action can bring solid results, especially if we focus on those Capricorn areas that bring consolidated results, such as:
- High finances
- Asking for a promotion
- Setting up a new business
- Entertaining the boss
- Tending the family economy
- Organizing investments, a home-building project, or an area of our lives that’s become scattered
- A work project
- A team effort
If you don’t want to work, use this energy to get organized and connect with a teacher or an elder. Make your moves before 8:37 pm (11:37 ET), when Moon squares pushy Mars, diminishing our connectivity. After this, we might watch sports, organize the garage, or do light exercise. Be extra-careful when handling knives or using vehicles.
Affirmation I baptize myself as a complete success in the Name of the One Presence and the One Power.
Monday, May 27
Moon in Capricorn—and later in Aquarius—makes aspects that favor creativity, media production, promotional activities, and abundance. Mercury sextiles Saturn, Moon’s ambitious ruler, supporting practical connections, study, teaching and reaching out to a figure of authority.
This morning, Moon in constructive Capricorn trines daring Uranus in abundant Taurus: we can build innovative paths for abundance and manifestation.
At 1:02 pm (4:02 ET), Luna goes VOC on a trine to mystical Neptune, entering Aquarius at 1:45 pm (4:45 ET). We can use the brief VOC to connect with angels and spirit guides and offer up our prayers for the world.
At 2:32 pm (5:32 ET), Moon trines benevolent Jupiter. In air signs Aquarius and Gemini, this harmony accents our mental abilities, and favors communication with friends, clients and potential collaborators. People respond positively to what we say, we promote and we publish.
This tendency is supported by Mercury’s sextile to strong Saturn, which as said above, favors constructive communications with lasting results.
However, things may get a bit intense after 5:10 pm (8:10 ET), when Moon joins deep Pluto. This is great for research on unusual or controversial topics. Also, we can look at our hidden emotions, a family secret or a covert relationship dynamic. What this influence does not favor are light, cheerful or superficial connections (which we probably want to have had earlier, or after 11:10 pm (2:10 am ET), when Moon trines sweet Venus). The combined Pluto and Venus influences favor an intimate encounter.
Affirmation I am irresistibly attractive to my true connections (companion, love), who are drawn to me and appear quickly, here and now.
Tuesday, May 28
Moon in friendly Aquarius combines with today’s numerology of 1 to support a new beginning in creativity, idealism, cultural activities, with your public, or with friends.
Moon makes wee-hour trines to Venus and Sun, bringing out the warmer side of this placement. We can:
- Reach out to new friends
- Fight for a cause
- Organize a surprise party
- Join a club
- Volunteer at the local school, hospital or park
- Lunch with friends
Affirmation Joy, joy, joy, joy flows through my being, my connections and my world in a healing current, here and now.
Wednesday, May 29
Today’s numerology of 11 favors heart-centered inner work, with a couple of windows for action—early this morning or later in the day.
Moon in innovative Aquarius sextiles assertive Mars. Moon-Mars connections can be prickly, but handled with care, this sextile can open doors as we reach out to a coach, a director, an athlete, or men. We can also fix the car, organize the garage, do light exercise, watch a game.
Luna goes VOC at 7:20 am (10:20 ET). After this, save key actions and connections for after 5:33 pm (8:33 ET), when Moon enters gentle Pisces, followed by a square to abundant Jupiter that expands good-will, empathy, and our ability to appeal to and connect with others. We can also enjoy spectator sports and connections with spirit guides.
Affirmation My abundance cannot be denied me, distanced or taken away. Spirit has infinite substance that It uses to bring forth abundant supply and true opportunities, where I am, here and now.
Wednesday, May 30
Moon in sensitive Pisces makes a morning square to sweet Venus, who also rules today’s harmonious numerology of 3, accenting the social side of this placement. Mental Mercury conjoins Uranus, heightening our intuitive and intellectual powers.
We can:
- Exercise compassion
- Attend a spiritual group or gathering
- Contact with light beings
- Work on a (shared) creative project
- Settle a dispute with friends or family and struggles within ourselves
- Redact a proposal, agreement or contract
- Work on forgiveness
- Sign documents
- Send out tweets or emails
- Go on a date
- Beautify our altar or meditation corner
- Do channeling for others or consult a medium or healer
We should take care to avoid being too easily influenced, looking through rose-colored glasses, and having unrealistic expectations.
At 10:13 am (13:13 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning her last week, a time to wind down and finish things that we’ve started previously.
At 9-10 Pisces, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
AN AVIATOR PURSUES HIS JOURNEY, FLYING THROUGH GROUND-OBSCURING CLOUDS. [Wo]man’s ability to develop powers and skills which by transcending natural limitations allow her/him to operate in mental-spiritual realms… the dedication to the community… (present and future), self-assertion and the ambition to reach a social goal… mastering difficulties implied in a type of operation transcending… organic limitations and the narrow boundaries of a localized “living space.”… an individual in command of powerful energies, but also an heir to the industry of countless innovators and managers… MASTERY.
Affirmation Angels and spirit guides, please direct me and support me to master (mention a preferred skill, attitude, gift and so on), here and now.
Friday, May 31
Today’s numerology of 4, ruled by Saturn, gives a constructive edge to Moon in imaginative Pisces, as do her aspects—pushing us forward in freedom, in communications and our heartfelt dreams, that is until her late entrance in restless Aries.
In the wee hours, Moon joins Saturn, the boss-planet that helps us work for our visions. This influence is serious, and can feel dire until, at midmorning, Moon sextiles rebel Uranus and a bit later, Mercury the messenger. Opportunities emerge to try something new, change our approach or style, make new friends or collaborators, work for abundance, talk about our feelings, and connect with others in ways that feel magical.
Moon enters dynamic Aries at 8:28 pm (11:28 ET), a high-energy placement that may keep us up tonight. If it does, we can use Moon’s last sextile of the day, to fortunate, expansive Jupiter at 10:57 pm (1:57 am ET) to work on promoting an idea, a cause, or our business.
We can review and send emails, write to Congress, start an online petition or in some way promote our work.
Affirmation My life cannot be limited, my expression cannot be limited, my progress cannot be limited. Thank You, Mother-Father.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.