February—a month of deep and extraordinary renewal. The best daily astrological forecast on the web!
Capricorn New Moon
Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–31, 2025: Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide
January—an untrodden path into a new year, day by day. The best daily astrological forecast on the web!
Capricorn New Moon 2024: Taking Care of Business
The first New Moon of 2024 is in Capricorn—it’s time to set our intentions and get to work!
Capricorn New Moon, December 2022: At a Crossroads, Turning Toward Light
The New Moon in Capricorn highlights choices before us as we embark on a new lunar cycle and a new calendar year.
Capricorn New Moon, January 2022: Wishing Upon a Star
This Capricorn New Moon rings in the new year with a call to hard work as well as a bit of luck.