Daily Astrological Forecast, February 1–14, 2025
We can set something in motion related to creativity, romance or compassion. Tonight, we can make powerful connections.
Today’s numerology of 1 underscores today’s renewing energies, which include the portals of Imbolc, of Wednesday’s New Moon, and of the Chinese New Year that begins at that lunation. The combination makes today good for starting or pushing forward on something. Moon in Pisces is creative, compassionate, and romantic, and these energies are accented by a conjunction from Moon’s coruler Venus, planet of beauty, love and values, and ruler Neptune with North Node, harbinger of good fortune.
There’s sweetness in the air, and with high sensitivity that favors selective connection. That is, we can seek out people or a group that resonate with our love vibration, go on a date, or volunteer. Moon in Pisces absorbs vibes, so for optimal results, we should choose people and places that feel good.
At 5:10 pm (8:10 ET), Moon enters hyper Aries, followed by a sextile to Pluto that combines a conjunction between romance planets Venus and Neptune to favor a sizzle between the sheets. If we’re in a chaste or more practical mode, we can reach out to someone who can open doors.
Affirmation: I am not alone in my desire for renewal. The Divine Mother works through all conditions and situations to bring me forth in new life, new wellness and new good, here and now.
Sunday, February 2
A great day to connect with people, for fun or romance or to finish something involving communication, publication, promotion, or campaigning. Seize the moment, as tomorrow will be in passive mode.
Still on the portal of yesterday’s magical conjunction from sweet Venus to hypnotic Neptune, Moon in hyper Aries makes only harmonious aspects. Her sextiles—to communicative Mercury, publicist Jupiter and radiant Sun—bring opportunities for successful connection. With Moon in active Aries, the connections involve movement of some kind: to sharing an adventure, collaborating in a project or cause, or pushing ourselves to get the word out.
Mental Mercury is an orb of a trine to facile Jupiter, making our thoughts, words, and transmissions flow with ease.
Affirmation: I praise my talents and my network, and they respond by growing, now and always.
Monday, February 3
We might take the day off! Or at least save key actions and communications for this evening.
Moon is VOC in active Aries. We want to move, but she’s VOC until tonight, so this go-get-’em energy is best applied in daily activities: light exercise, decluttering, cleaning, or gardening.
Before midnight, Venus enters Aries, activating a more assertive, demanding, and sexy love-style and triggering the critical Aries degree of zero, where the planet of love and values moves us to start a new cycle in relationships and finance.
Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation, at 7:33 pm (10:33 ET), where she combines with the still-active conjunction from ruler Venus to Neptune and North Node, accenting the creative, social and sensual side of this placement and favoring:
- Sharing a meal
- Enjoying nature or music
- Showing empathy
- Taking on new staff
- Going on a date
- Adding spice and romance in an intimate relationship
- Making a vision board for love, beauty or wardrobe
Affirmation: I don’t wait for others to energize my dreams, I am the active agent of my inspiration and I keep going now.
Tuesday, February 4
This is a day to move forward on something we wish to last, related to abundance, promotion, business, sales, and getting our word out.
Today’s numerology of 4 moves us to build something, and to focus on responsibilities and material concerns. Moon exalted in Taurus supports abundance, while abundant Jupiter stations direct, intensifying fortunate vibrations and, in Gemini, giving a green light to things related to justice, outreach, commerce, education, faith, and spreading the word. Something we started before in these areas can suddenly move forward, or we can start something new. The combination favors:
- Promoting art, business or a financial concern
- Making or expanding an investment
- Taking on new staff
- Starting or circulating a human rights petition
- Setting up a new business
- Efforts that require long-lasting results, or that involve marketing stability, security or protection
- Opening a bank account
- Presenting a case or a proposal
- Launching a sales campaign
This is the last day of Moon’s Fourth Quarter. We can seize it to get things moving.
Archangel Michael, please move me out of my comfort zone and go before me to protect my way, now and always.
Wednesday, February 5
We can reconnect with our goals and take bold action on something we want to last.
Moon reaches Second Quarter in the wee hours, making morning a prime time to review our progress on things we set in motion at the recent New Moon. The chart for today’s lunation sports a close conjunction between imaginative Neptune and helpful North Node in Pisces and sweet Venus at zero Aries, favoring action on our dreams and dynamism in our relationships, spiritual projects, and finances.
At 16-17 Taurus, the Sabian symbol says:
SYMBOLICAL BATTLE BETWEEN “SWORDS” AND “TORCHES.”… Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal “Great War. “… When Gautama, having sought in vain for the answers to his questions among the teachers of tradition, sat under the Bodhi Tree, he had to fight his own battle in his own way, even though it is an eternal fight. The spiritual light within the greater Soul must struggle against the ego-will that only knows how to use the powers of this material and intellectual world. There is no possibility of escape; it is the energy that arises out of the present moment — the inescapable NOW — that the daring individual has to use in the struggle… This… symbol suggests that salvation is attained through the emergent individual’s readiness to face all issues as if there were only two opposed sides. So teaches the Bhagavad-Gita. This is the dharma of this stage of human evolution: a stage of POLARIZATION OF VALUES.
Morning favors organization and practical action, thanks to Moon’s early sextiles to constructive Saturn and bold Mars. They combine with prosperous Moon in Taurus and the bold numerology of 5 as we:
- Knock on an important door
- Apply for credit or solicit an investment
- Promote our work, product, service or project
- Reach out to the boss, a coach or a leader of some kind
- Take care of bureaucracy
- Lease or rent property
- Buy a home
- Open a bank account
- Reorganize stock portfolio
- Have a business meeting or breakfast
Connections go better before 11:10 am (2:10 ET), when Moon joins independent Uranus. With Moon in Taurus, we can still take productive initiatives, but they’re better from a distance, like virtual business, crypto, armchair activism, or creative work.
At 7:29 pm (10:29 ET), Moon sextiles dreamy Neptune, again favoring connection. We can focus on romance, art, music, nature or reaching out to a person, group or public related to our dreams.
At 10:44 pm (1:44 ET), Moon enters Gemini, sign of words. We can send messages, study, journal, write affirmations.
Angels and Spirit guides, please clarify my values, strengthen my focus and support my talents, now and always.
Thursday, February 6
On the doorstep of an intense weekend, we can use today to make positive contacts, initiate communication and gather allies.
Today’s numerology of 6 is ruled by Jupiter and brings protection, favoring socializing, negotiation, gatherings, and abundance.
Moon in loquacious Gemini harmonizes with sweet Venus and deep Pluto. We can persuade others, move them with our words, close sales, make a presentation, start a new project, have our idea well-received by authority figures, or obtain a contract.
At 6:16 pm (9:16 ET), Moon joins expansive Jupiter. Energies are great to give a class, publish on social media, inspire others, use prayers or mantras, connect with spirit guides, or write to an angel.
My conscious, confident words are imbued with miracle-working power, now and always.
Friday, February 7
We can deepen our relationships, heal our self-esteem and broaden our sphere of influence.
The prevailing presence of a sextile from sweet Venus to powerful Pluto precipitates opportunities. Mental Mercury rules both today’s numerology of 7—related to intellect, intuition and cognitive skills—and Moon in verbal Gemini. Mercury’s influence adds a mental layer to the Venus-Pluto connection, spotlighting conversation, negotiation, discussion, research, study and messaging, while Venus-Pluto makes for encounters that are both charming and transformative. They can include passion, close friendship, and powerful liaisons.
Sun and Moon make minor tensions to feisty Mars; there may be competition or a tousle of some kind. The mental influences can help us stay on an even keel, to bypass ego dynamics, gossip, distraction and pettiness and make the most of the wonderful opportunity to make beneficial connections.
Moon goes VOC at 11:52 pm (2:52 am).
I am not an age or a material identity, I am Infinite Being, directly connected to all the good that flows to me from the divine mind, here and now.
Saturday, February 8
We may feel like keeping cozy, but connections flow and there are unique opportunities that are worth acting upon.
Today’s numerology of 8, ruled by Pluto, supports tangible harvest, particularly of material, vocational or professional efforts.
Moon in Cancer makes a morning contact to sweet Venus, and we may feel like cuddling or having a pancake brunch at home. So have it. But don’t stay home! Go out with a client or colleague; or take your tablet or laptop and do business from a park or café while you’re brunching.
Assertive Mars is approaching a trine to constructive Saturn. We can align our actions with long-term goals and get lasting, concrete results from focused initiatives. If we feel bossed or suppressed, we can remember not to take things personally since this is an important day for lasting, tangible gains. Today’s Moon-Venus and yesterday’s Venus-Pluto contacts support strategic charm. Use it.
I call on my Higher Self to move me with the flow of my success, here and now.
Sunday, February 9
We can focus on quiet, spiritual and altruistic activities, and behind-the-scenes actions to organize or further our goals.
Today’s transcendent numerology of 9 favors introspection, transmutation, healing, philosophy and altruism. It brings out the soulful side of sensitive Cancer Moon to favor inner work, manifestation, or starting a new cycle of metaphysical study.
However, the day isn’t as monastic as it sounds, with a trine from bristling Major Mars to strict Coronel Saturn. This combination pushes for results. Moon aspects both of them, and Sun connects with loquacious Mercury. After a morning pause for inner connection, we can take decisive action on something we want to last. Mars is in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces, putting a humanitarian, intuitive, or emotional spin on our goals. These can range from business-related (real estate, food, families or spirituality) to a plan for a spiritual retreat or building a mountain hermitage. On the portal of Wednesday’s Full Moon in Leo, they could also relate to creativity, romance, self-expression or one’s offspring or legacy.
Our actions may take place out of the spotlight, including decluttering, organizing, setting limits, sending orders, preparing a space and planning a schedule for action.
This evening, things get exciting, thanks to a sextile from Moon to electrical Uranus 8:49 pm (11:49 ET). With Moon in fertile Cancer and Uranus in Material Girl Taurus, the encounter could be of a sensual sort, or for an innovative business direction. Make that investment, knock on that door, send that link with a romantic song, put that champagne on ice.
Affirmation: The angels of evolution through me, as me and around me, promoting my progress, here and now.
Monday, February 10
A creative day that favors action in creativity, spirituality, intellect or romance.
We are getting towards the end of the waxing Moon cycle, and today’s numerology of 1 supports setting things in motion. On the doorstep of Wednesday’s Full Moon, we get a boost of consolidation.
Mental Mercury squares brilliant Uranus, fueling inspiration, insight and sudden flashes of intuition.
Early this morning, intuitive Cancer Moon trines mystical Neptune: a combination that favors visualization, meditation, channeling, forgiveness, dream work, starting a new cycle of spiritual study, and connections with spirit guides and angels.
At 9:01 am (12:01 ET), Moon enters Leo, a warm placement that favors people connections, self-expression, forming new relationships, reinventing one’s life, leasing or renting property, taking control of a situation, asking for support, getting a lucky break.
TAKE NOTICE: The atmosphere is joyful until 1:21 pm (4:21 ET), when Moon opposes deep, dark Pluto. The fun is over, although we can direct this intense transit in fixed signs, by doing independent activities like: research, emotional healing, redacting a letter to Congress, crisis intervention at a distance, a legal case or a petition, seeing a therapist, redoing creative work. Save direct conflict, power struggles, a secret affair, and head-on confrontations for another day.
At 5:21 pm (8:21 ET), things calm down, thanks to a trine from Moon to sweet Venus that brings out the charming side of Leo Moon. Gather with friends, go on a date, make a vision board for romance, show appreciation, express your love and talent in style.
I am under the law of Love, and all influences benefit me, here and now.
Tuesday, February 11
Meditate and affirm to fuel compassion. Take decisive action on unique ideas, projects and values. Connect with apt collaborators.
Today’s numerology of 11 triggers a portal for angels to more easily access the love emitted by human hearts and with it lift Earth’s frequency, a help we can use now more than ever.
On the portal of tomorrow’s Full Moon, Luna’s placement today in Leo fuels connection, creativity and self-expression. Her morning sextile to Jupiter in loquacious Gemini is stellar for promoting something and making warm, successful connections. We’ll want to use this aspect to knock on doors, gather our spiritual or professional family and share our message, promotion or campaign. Doing so will help anchor our success despite today’s Sun square rebel Uranus, and the T-square with tomorrow’s Full Moon that it triggers: a creative aspect that tends to shake things up.
Good options: try something new, move to connect, act on our ideas and ideals.
I call on the master forces of love to activate and expand my Christ heart, here and now.
Wednesday, February 12
We are able to make an audacious move to break free from habitual patterns and start a new path of mastery.
The Storm Moon comes at daybreak. The Full Moon is exact at 5:53 am (8:53 ET) in the sign of Leo. It supports consolidation of something related to our creativity, self-expression, legacy, confidence or heart energy.
In an opposition to Mercury and a close T-square to Sun and freedom-fighter Uranus, it triggers release from blocks and baggage, so that we may move forward on our personal mission.
The Sabian symbol for 24-25 Leo describes:
A LARGE CAMEL IS SEEN CROSSING A VAST AND FORBIDDING DESERT… Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure… The camel here represents a living organism that is able to sustain itself independently of its environment at the start of a trying journey… The organism carries within itself what is absolutely needed for survival. At the deeper human level ‘of consciousness it is easy to see the value of self-reliance and self-sufficiency as one enters the occult Path leading to a more dynamic and more inclusive realm of existence… The camel carries water within its body, and it is said that the dromedary is able to utilize the matter stored in its large protuberance as food. The suggestion here is that in order to be released from bondage to the “old world” we should be completely self-contained emotionally; having absorbed the mental food which this old culture has given us, we are ready to face “the desert,” nothingness, Sunya . . . until we reach the “new world.” We need TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE.The energy of this portal precipitates brilliance and illuminates new paths. It can free us to shine in our own special way. However, it may involve confrontation or unexpected events that accelerate change.
On the other hand, a conjunction involving compassionate Neptune and North Node in subtle Pisces, and sweet Venus in passionate Aries can serve to stoke our heart energy, allowing the change triggered by this lunation to impact us more harmoniously.
Independent, productive activities are best until 11:12 am (2:12 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC. We can enjoy art, heart-centered meditation, a table game, a warm fireplace, and a good film.
At 5:07 pm (8:07 ET), Luna enters practical Virgo, a great influence for grounding our changes or inspiration with practical or service-centered actions. Or, with her late-night contacts to Neptune and Pluto, spiritual healing or decluttering.
I invite the angels to tune my heart to their song of freedom, here and now.
Thursday, February 13
We can make practical headway and follow up on creative projects, spiritual intentions and new paths.
Still on the portal of yesterday’s lunation, Moon in diligent Virgo supports practical headway. Today’s numerology of 4 is ruled by Saturn the builder, and it too brings satisfaction by making tangible progress.
This morning, Luna’s contact to Venus favors people connections. These could be for work, helping someone, or a romantic endeavor where traditional values are important. The Virgo Moon-Venus connection could also be used for self-healing. The Venus connection imbues Virgo Moon with a dose of social intelligence, making it worth our time to focus on social and panoramic concerns, not just the “typical” Virgo cleaning, scouring, and organizing the drawers.
At 3:10 pm (6:10 ET), Virgo Moon squares Jupiter in Gemini. Both are ruled by Mercury, and Jupiter expands the reach of the themes of the signs involved—our work and communications. The “major benefic” Jupiter brings charm and with Moon, appeal. We can use this energy to promote something or make positive connections of a practical, educational or inspiring kind. We can also expand our faith and the spiritual power of our words.
I retrieve the divine memory of my words of power, here and now.
Friday, February 14
Concentrate on decluttering, setting limits, implementing a new work system or exercise regime, or striking out in a new direction. Connections go better this evening.
Today’s numerology of 5 is ruled by bold Mars, and the red planet takes a sextile from Moon in practical Virgo, facilitating opportunities for assertive action. If we have something to promote or set in motion, or a coach, boss, driver (or another dynamic person) to connect with, doors can open, as long as we reach out before 5:53 am (8:53 ET), when Moon opposes slow Saturn, setting up roadblocks. After this, we can review our discipline, organization and methods, and focus on decluttering. This is a cold, potentially depressing influence and it’s best to focus on constructive physical tasks, and save people contacts (that we didn’t make earlier) for after 2:34 pm (5:34 ET), when Moon trines exciting Uranus in abundant Taurus.
With both planets in earth signs, this harmony brings practical inspiration and empowerment for financial and artistic innovation.
I give thanks for the positive spiritual forces that guide us to inner and outer progress, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.