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Autumn Equinox Ceremony, 2010

by Crystal Pomeroy

arrows of solstice intentionSolstice is time of marked contrasts: the darkest night precedes the symbolic birth of the Sun, highlighting the forces of ending and beginning. As a lifelong student of and travel guide through the seasons' portals, I was fascinated to learn recently that science has revealed that the four quarters of the year, and astrology itself, have more than just a symbolic or arquetypal basis. In his Babylon's Banksters, Joseph Farrell describes a method RCA developed in the 1950s for predicting shortwave radio weather based on sunspot activity. It turned out that there this method was only partially effective due to some mysterious factor. Further study revealed the mathematical relationships between the planets of the solar system (angles), as well the times of year (seasons), to be the missing factor. These findings support the thesis of Farrell and other researchers that astrology as we know it today is the remnant of an ancient and perfected science. This would resonate with the fact that most if not all cultures of antiquity celebrated solstices and equinoxes, and actively worked to connect with their energies.

The energy of ending and beginning is particularly acute this winter. Solstice itself is accompanied by a total eclipse of the Moon (for the first time since 1628). Lunar eclipses promote release; when they activate the South Node as this one does, they actually help pull things out to be eliminated. This one is also in the last degree of Gemini, another point of completion. About that degree, the Sabian symbol says, "The SHOW is over, now comes the hour of decision." Could this be a reference to 2011 as decisive time of preparation, to be congruent with our intention for a better world?

Dramatic forecasts have been made for 2012, some of them ominous. Although there is much controversy about the Mayan concept behind this date, and even whether or not the long count really ends in 2012, the belief-field is worth considering. When asked to travel into the future and see what happened that year, Edgar Cayce said he couldn't perceive, because there was a thick wall of fear that had been built by millions of people in relation to that moment in history. World events would seem to confirm a dire direction.

My paleontologist friend, Salvador, recently asked an interesting question which itself may hold a key to this situation. First, he mentioned how our geological poles shift every 750,000 years. Fossil and sediment records evidence these cycles, a geological instant when the earth is literally turned around.

In our times, Salvador continued, the forces of destruction seem to be gaining ground, morally, economically, ecologically. What would it would be like if there were a sudden, total change in this tendency, if the poles were to shift in favor of Good? This Solstice can help us eliminate obsolete conditions. Let's use it to remember that besides the known factors at play in our personal and planetary direction, there is a realm of infinite possibilities—and forces beyond our rational comprehension respond when we touch this realm with our own clear intent.

Not only is this a time of ending: At the next lunation following Solstice portal, there will be another eclipse at the New Moon of January 4, which from an energy standpoint can be taken as the true New Year's day, accentuating the force of beginnings. What would happen if enough people begin at this at this season of change and continue throughout the year to spend a few minutes each day building a field of expectation for the victory of good in our lives and for the planet, in counter to the popular expectation of disaster?

The following ceremony is adapted from a Native American tradition that integrates arrows to concentrate and direct the power of intention, optimizing this portal of dualities. Originally done with arrows of different colors, you can make your own play ones with materials that are easy to find. Procure them and prepare them with the awareness that each of the initiatives related to this ceremony reaffirms the message you send to your deep mind and to the Universe that you are ready for change.

Per person:
Two sheets of paper or a notepad
8 pencils or pencil-length, straight sticks, ends sharpened into points.
8 ribbons, 4 each purple and green
8 small strips of paper
Scotch tape

1) On one page or sheet of paper, describe in writing what would disappear from your personal world if it were ideal, for example:

Mentality and experience of scarcity
Addictive patterns in relationship
Allowing myself to be manipulated by (name of person)
Blocks to receiving my success

2) On that same page, make another list, of what would disappear from the collective world if it were ideal:

Manipulation by corporate-political leaders
Rampant destruction of the atmosphere, oceans and other ecosystems
The reign of greed
Needless abuse of people and animals

3) On another page, list some of the features your ideal existence would have:

Conscious ability to submit to the will of God
Unconditional love of myself and others
Discipline in exercise
Joyous, daily spiritual practice
Consciousness and manifestation of divine opulence
A functional, beautiful, harmonious home
An ability to listen with undivided attention when spoken to, especially by my children

4) Below that list, describe what the world would look like if Good prevailed, for example:

All beings consciously radiate love
Joy is the overriding atmosphere
Everyone has enough joy, supply, awareness, and so on
The life of one doesn't require the sacrifice of another
Nature is in its glory
Peace prevails

5) Prepare your 8 arrows, by taping or tying pieces of ribbon on the end opposite the point, to simulate feathers: 4 purple and 4 green.

6) Choose 4 things from your first 2 lists (what you want to eliminate from your personal and planetary worlds), write each one on a small strip of paper and wrap it around the base of your mock arrow, taping in place. (After completing this step, you will have 4 arrows, each with purple ribbons and strips of paper taped to them.)

7) Repeat the procedure, preparing the 4 green-ribbon arrows with strips of what you want to manifest taped around their bases.

8) Light incense to draw a circle, saying,

"This circle is a vortex of Endings and Beginnings, guarded by angels and used in deference to the Will of Spirit for the highest and the best of all involved."

(Or use another consecration as you prefer.)

9) Stand inside the circle, facing outwards, and place the 4 purple arrows pointing in the same direction, straight away from you and outside the circle. (if done with others, each can occupy a different positions along the edge, if done alone, face east towards the rising Sun).

10) Say,

"At this portal of endings, I choose to leave these situations behind."

11) Take a moment to close your eyes and "see" how the situations fly far away, and are dissipate out of sight, leaving only a ring of golden light at the border of the new year where you stand.

12) Turn inward towards the center of the circle, placing the 4 green arrows at your feet, directed inward.

13) Repeat 3 times:

"The future shall not be decided by fate or circumstance, I am free to choose the highest and the best for my personal and collective experience and I do so now. The clarity of my intentions (pause for a moment to remember each of the 4 desires on these arrows), pierces through the veil of illusory obstacles, and connects me with the circumstances, resources and information that align for their manifestation now."

14) Thank the angels and cosmic forces for their assistance.

According to tradition, the arrows of elimination may be burned or buried. If you are in an urban setting and this is not possible, it's okay to toss them. Keep the 4 green arrows on hand near your bed, altar or sacred corner, along with a card with the words "The poles have shifted for Good," so that you can rekindle the connection with those intentions as frequently as possible.

To strengthen the connection of constructive elimination, go out of your way this season to share of your time, talents and resources generously. That altruistic gift, action or gesture you have pending will not only bless the receiver, but keep you on the right side of the circle of the present portal. Clear your space of obsolete belongings and your heart of destructive attachments.

The following affirmation is a parting gift designed to accelerate that process:

I invite the divine Sun to be born in my heart as the will and energy to love all who cross my path or come to mind.

Use it and whatever others meditations or prayers might help you release toxic memories and connections, during 10 minutes each night throughout the holidays until the next New Moon of January 4, and you will make a major contribution to the Golden Era for our planet, that each of us can now choose.

One of the most fascinating aspects of a power portal ceremony comes after the event itself, in the form of signs confirming its power and your connection to the cosmic forces that have registered the intent and are conspiring for good. Increase this effect by blessing them and applying whatever additional guidance or tools you receive to lighten your load and usher in a personal and planetary era of good.


Farrell, Joseph P., Babylon's Banksters (Feral House, Port Townsend WA, 2009).

Klauser, Henriette Anne, Write It Down, Make it Happen (Simon & Schuster, New York, 2000)

Rudhyar, Dane, An Astrological Mandala, The Cycle of Transformation and its 360 Symbolic Phases (Random House, 1988).

Teal, Celeste, Eclipses: Predicting World Events and Personal Transformation (Llewellyn, March 2006).

  © Copyright 2001-2011 Maya del Mar, Daykeeper Journal, Crystal Pomeroy.
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