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These influences synchronize with the native Mexica New Year, which begins around Spring Equinox, and is currently ruled by the number and symbol Mahtlactli Calli, or Ten House. Calli-House has both physical and invisible connotations, favoring the creation of an ideal psychic space through meditation and related practices—as well as the most apt physical environment to do this—in preparation for 2012, when one cycle of the native calendar ends and another begins. The image evokes Alice Bailey’s keynote for Cancer: “I built a well-lit house and I live therein.” In the west coast chart for the Equinox, the Moon in Capricorn in the 12th house reinforces the theme of restructuring the deep mind. It makes a close trine to Saturn in Virgo, indicating the ability to improve oneself with sustained effort. Mercury—Lord of the Word—enters into this configuration. In Pisces, his sextile to Luna in the 12th favors intuitive and mystical communication, while an opposition to Saturn indicates efforts for a more conscious use of words, which can include mantras and affirmative prayer, as well as contemplative or intentional silence. Other ways of expressing the archetype of the spiritual abode include all efforts in favor of places that are used as temples truly or metaphorically, such as prayer rooms, meditation centers and the like, as well as blessing, organizing, renovating, and even moving from, the space we live in. These are some ways to ground the season’s energy in and celebrate a metaphysical Lent. This cycle began at the New Moon in Pisces portal in February, and lasts through Easter or Oestre Sunday. We can use the vitality of Sun in Aries to respond to the highest calling of Spring: to renew our inner being and build our house in consciousness, that space from which we can discover the truth behind the Mexica idea that the Lord of the Night, ruler of the native New Year, comes to remind us that our true home is the night sky with all its stars, symbol of our cosmic abode. Altar-ations for the Spring Equinox, 2009Have on hand a pen a page and if you wish: Some detail, object or picture that reminds you of your ideal home, the physical and psychic space your heart longs for.
Blessings and Prayers for Spring Equinox Portal, 2009Light your candle, saying something like: The light of spring fills my heart and mind and hearts and minds around the planet, resuscitating and invigorating us with the perennial life of Spirit, moving us forward with the full force of divine will. Light your incense saying something like: This fragrant offering in Spirit is for the angels of spring. I request that you bless my prayers and fill me with the will, intelligence and love required to design and create a psychic and physical refuge from which to receive the coming change of ages on the highest vibration possible.
I know that I am not along in my desire to generate a well-lit mental home. Divine assistants are with me, I can hear the host of Archangel Michael marching in and the soft rustle of wings, I can sense their protective, powerful presence now filling my physical and mental space. Seed the intent to renovate your inner and outer home1. Write a description of your ideal spiritual space, both the space you would like to be in mentally, as well as the physical space that could favor your psychic wholeness. The latter may include spending time in nature each day, changes in your living or meditation space such as less clutter, greater order, more light, etc., the creation of an altar or sacred corner, or something more dramatic such as moving into a different home. It’s worth doing this exercise in a calm manner, understanding that the most important function of your physical space is spiritual development and wellness. 2. List the contributions you would like to make to prayer, meditation or a related group, center or temples. 3. Describe in writing the ideal attitude and behavior you would like to see humanity display towards our planetary home. 4. Choose one or two words that describe the types of energy you would most like develop in your home and psyche. Peace, love, order, will, release, success, temperance, sobriety, discretion, wellness. Repeat this word during five minutes, aloud and/or in your mind, breathing deeply and feeling how it enters your entire being with each breath in, and how you give it back to the world with each breath out. 5. Establish in writing additional inner and/or outer steps you can take with which you can develop this energy. If nothing occurs to you, affirm: I am not alone in my desire for divine this quality, Spirit’s angels love me, support me and assist me in whatever way is necessary to bless my physical and psychic space. The following technique is a simple, yet surprisingly effective way to bless your space I learned and adapted from a friend who is a highly successful metaphysician. Write the word you chose in step 4 on small slips of paper, preferably bright pink or red. Stick or paste them around your home: behind pictures and furniture, under the mattress and so on. A Different Kind of Spring CleaningHave you been putting off moving those piles of papers, clothing and other obsolete belongings that clutter your space? If it just has seemed too ominous a job to tackle, try this: spend at least 15 minutes a day from now through Lent cleaning out, sorting and related tasks. As you go about clearing spaces, large or small, visualize myriad angels rushing in to fill them. Another activity that’s perfect for the spring New Year 10 House is to make a treasure map or related tool for your ideal spiritual and physical space. Cut out colored pictures that represent a home propitious for the feeling of love, order, harmony, or whatever word you chose in the prayers above. Include a prayer or meditation room and pictures of angels and/or other spiritual beings that represent the energy you want to fill your mind with. Paste them on a bright pink poster board, arranged in a symmetric fashion. Visualization with this technique is surprisingly effective; avoid chaotic, crooked or crowded images to insure the results manifest in divine order, without debt, and so on.
References Aspra, Lucy, Manual de Ángeles, Volúmen II (Casa de los Ángeles, Mexico City, 1998). Cope, Lloyd, The Astrologer’s Forecasting Workbook (American Federation of Astrologer’s, Tempe, Arizona, 1982). Tompkins, Peter, Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids (Harper & Row, New York, 1982). Pomeroy, Crystal, Los pergaminos de la abundancia (Alquimia Science Project, Mexico City, 2005). Saraydarian, Torkom, The Symphony of the Zodiac (Aquarian Educational Group, Agoura, California, 1980). Grateful blessings to Mexica advisors José Luis Xolotl and Lucy Aspra.
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2001-2008 Maya del Mar, Daykeeper Journal,
Crystal Pomeroy. |