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Previous Power Portals, 2007:

Autumn Equinox

Summer Solstice

Spring Equinox

New Year 2007

Crystal's Autumn Equinox 2007

by Crystal Pomeroy

The Winter Solstice is one of the most universal celebrations; its roots appear throughout the ancient world, from Asia to America, where it was connected with the force of the newborn—or reborn—sun. The indigenous tradition of Mexico, where I live, holds a particularly fascinating syncretism with archetypes both Judeo-Christian and astrological. A bit further on, you will find an adaptation of its treasures for the present portal.

Any time is good for clarifying goals. This apparently simple initiative stirs the creative properties of the deep mind, triggering events in whatever direction it’s focused. Thousands of controlled tests carried out by investigators such as William Braud, Robert Jahn, Brenda Dunne and others have proven that directed intent influences the function and behavior of machines, animals, cells and other human beings. What does this have to with Winter Solstice? These studies reveal certain factors that systematically improve the results, including, in the words of author Lynne McTaggart, “an altered perception of the world”. The most successful creative visualizers are those who see “everything as interconnected”. At the PEAR laboratories of Princeton University, Jahn and Dunne discovered that a similar advantage applied when visualization included sacred archetypes.

Early cultures perceived the sacred in nature’s cycles, tapping this quantum potential as their practices reaffirmed the indivisibility of the material and immaterial worlds and their own role as part of this oneness. Furthermore, the archetypes related to the Newborn Sun have been reinforced for millennia, creating an imprint of unity in the collective memory that we access at this time. By consciously connecting inner process with such symbolism, the power of our creative perception becomes greatly intensified.

Wisdom that survives within the millenary, oral Mexica tradition provides a glimpse of just how deep the magic of winter runs. The Sun’s solstice return marks the birth of the Precious Child, Huitzilopochtli, also known as The Warrior of the South, The Lord Who Gives Us Will Power in Spite of Adversity. (His sister is the Moon.) The mystical meaning of warrior is: one who knows how to fight in life and to overcome the lower self. The will that achieves is the divine and human strength generated by the Higher Source, Ometeotl, and expressed through the Sun Lord. As the latter begins his return northward, he rises as the solar Huitzilin-hummingbird, a being whose characteristic will power is evidenced in its ability to sustain itself in the air, incessantly beating tiny wings. The ancients welcomed him: You have come here, Precious Child, Sun-ray that ascends. Each person would review the passing cycle to identify how they could have exerted greater will power. Then, with a beautiful technique for absorbing this characteristically solar vigor, one that we will share a bit further on, they would establish goals of virtue for the coming year. The following adaptations are designed to connect with the alchemy of these noteworthy forces.

Winter Solstice Ceremony

Have on hand:

  • A notebook
  • A gold, orange or bright yellow candle
  • Incense, preferably copal or sandalwood
  • Light the incense, knowing that it is an offering for the Angels of the Sun, The Angel of Will Power, the Guardians of Higher Good, and any other invisible assistants of your choice.

Then say:

With angelic protection, we (I) synchronize with the highest and the best of solstice traditions worldwide in our (my) intention of increasing the strength to apply Divine Will in the solar cycle now beginning.

  • Light your candle, saying something like:

This fragment of sunlight invokes you, Precious Child (think of the Sun, the Christ Child, or other solar metaphor of your preference), whose light now shines on the world within, helping us see the areas in which to direct the charge-force of will we are about to receive.

  • Scan over the last twelve months. In what areas do you wish you had exerted greater will power? These may be inner, such as avoiding judgmental attitudes, having a more consistent spiritual practice, or staying centered in self-esteem, or they may be outer, such as eating a more healthful diet, listening with more attention to a dear one, or devoting more time to a chosen course of study, political involvement or another project. Choose and list at least five ways in which you would have liked to apply more will power.

  • Turn towards the East, stretch your arms and hands upward towards the sun, and spread your fingers open as the Mexica masters did.

  • Imagine and feel the sun rays entering through the spaces between your fingers, shining up your arms and filling your entire being, as you direct words like these to the Radiant One:

Deign to carry out your great office, deign to do your great work. Our Father, we ask that you fill us with your strength, that you increase our will to implement the Higher Will for the solar cycle now beginning.

  • In your notebook, write:

I will use my divinely charged will power in this New Year for:

  • List your will-related goals, considering self-control and direction in diverse areas such as consciousness, body, emotions and altruism.

  • In honor of the power-stellium in Capricorn gracing the solstice chart, write at least one clear, practical initiative you can take for each goal in the preceding step.

  • Close your ceremony by thank the accompanying guides and angels, and blessing the increase in Divine Will Power that is now taking place in all earthlings.  
  • Follow up from now through January 5: Each night, just before going to sleep, read your list and give thanks that your will power to accomplish has been strengthened.

Happy Solstice Season!

For more miracles of syncretism and planetary prayers for the holidays, see our Full Moon Christmas Tree Blessing in this issue of Daykeeper.

Bibliography and web reference

Bouska, Nina, Daily Success Guide,

Matthews, John and Caitlín, The Winter Solstice, The Sacred Traditions of Christmas (Wheaton, Illinois, Quest Books, 1998)

McTaggart, Lynne, The Field (NY, HarperCollins, 2002)

Occhiogrosso, Peter, The Joy of Sects (NY, Bantam, 1996)

Tarriktar, Tem, Dec/Jan Forecast Calendar, in The Mountain Astrologer, Dec/Jan 2008 issue.

Special thanks to adviser in the Mexica oral tradition, Xolotl.


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