Use this simple ritual to begin the New Solar Year with energy and clarity.
Daily Astrological Forecast, December 2023: Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide
December 2023. Is time really speeding up? Take a moment with us each day.
Astrological Influences, November 2023: Choosing Our Fights, Choosing Our Powers
Choices are essential. November takes us deep into our powers of discernment, selection, and action.
Daily Astrological Forecast, November 2023: Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide
November, month of metamorphosis: what is your choice for the future? Get the millennium’s finest daily astrological forecast, online since 2000!
Solar Eclipse Ritual to Release Outmoded Karma, Ties, and Habits
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra–shedding ways of relating to others that no longer feel authentic or useful.