What are you hunting—or releasing—with this autumn Full Moon in energetic Aries?
Fall, Season of Change: Astrological Influences, October 2019
We embrace the darkening of the year with courage and celebration. Now Scorpio awakens, and shares her deep gifts of insight. What can we gain, if we dare to look?
Daily Astrological Forecast, October 2019: Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide
October! As Mercury and Venus head into Scorpio, and Uranus butts heads with various luminaries, we get to go deep. Do you have it in you?
Sun and Rising Sign Tips for the Full Moon in Pisces of September 13, 2019
What special harvest opportunity is Friday’s Full Moon in Pisces bringing for you?
Retrieving the Path of Mastery: General Astrological Influences, September 2019
Early September gets the Virgo vibe working with Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Venus all in the worker-bee sign. Hooray for nerdliness, says caring, meticulous Virgo—the world needs us now!