Donald J. Trump’s second administration, taking power at noon on 20 January 2025 (by constitutional fiat, whenever the oath itself is taken), is likely to be a replay of the first term, only more so. In 2017 when he first assumed office, Trump was a newbie novice to the Washington scene; he appointed persons with experience and relative competence to help him run the government, individuals who had a respect for its institutions and norms, who served as guardrails on Trump’s wilder, wackier impulses.
Those people no longer exist in his orbit, and Trump has found the key to unbridled power is to appoint sycophants and lickspittles, ideological fanatics who support his agenda, and whose primary loyalty is to him personally. Competence and experience be damned – if you cut a winsome figure on TV and mouth the MAGA line without deviation, the job is yours!

With the constitutionally-mandated start time, all US administrations have a similar astrologic structure. A late-Capricorn Midheaven (MC) conjoined an early-Aquarius Sun promotes the illusion of a government (Capricorn) of, by and for the people (Aquarius), but the mid-Taurus Ascendant screams “show me the money!”, a more honest appraisal of the situation. Everything else is up for grabs every four years, of course, but these three pillars uphold successive administrations and provide some degree of continuity from one to the next.
As such, these factors are baked into the astrologic cake, as it were, and need not concern us unduly. What puts flesh on these bones is the varying placement of planetary and minor body energies, giving each administration its particular focus and flair, potential pitfalls and manifest triumphs.

The Sun for Trump 2.0 is especially telling, conjoined a number of points that well describe its makeup, affiliations, and agenda. At 0 Aquarius, the Sun aligns with asteroids Fox 16248, Victoria 12 and Apophis 99942, at 25, 26 and 27 Capricorn; and Pluto at 1 Aquarius. Victoria, named for the Roman goddess of victory, reflects Trump’s win (though naturally, this would apply equally to whomever won the election), and a desire to crush the opposition; Apophis is named for the ancient Egyptian personation of pure evil; and Pluto represents raw power, as well as coercion, manipulation and criminality.
You’ll get no argument from me on any of that as a thumbnail sketch of what awaits. Power is, and always has been, Trump’s goal, and with his new “get out of jail free” ruling from the US Supreme Court, stating that a former president cannot be prosecuted for acts committed while in office, the criminality level for Trump 2.0 is likely to increase dramatically. As will Trump’s ability to coerce others and manipulate reality to his own ends.
Pluto also rules billionaires, of which club Trump is (allegedly) a member, and from which group at least five top administration posts will be filled. Pluto, not surprisingly, rules plutocracy, defined as rule by the extremely wealthy, and Trump 2.0 takes the US a vast leap closer to that reality. Additionally, Pluto has the power to devastate, destroy and completely transform whatever it encounters, an avowed goal of the “anti-Deep State” coterie that now threatens to remake the federal government from the ground up. So much for the Sun/Pluto connection.

As for Apophis, many of the promised policies, such as forced deportation of 11 million people, including entire families, and transforming the Justice Department into a vehicle for personal vendetta, certainly appear to be based on a “pure evil” perspective. Manifesting Victoria, Trump will certainly couch every defeat, however consequential, as a victory for himself, his administration, and the country.
Asteroid Fox might seem at first blush to be odd man out here, until we reflect that many of Donald Trump’s appointees are coming straight from Fox News, which has always been his chief supporter. At last count, Trump has nominated at least 10 people to major positions within his second administration who have been with Fox News, most of whom were hosts or contributors. Prominent among them are Pete Hegseth, a Fox News weekend morning show anchor whom Trump nominated as Secretary of Defense; and Tulsi Gabbard, a former congressperson and frequent Fox performer as contributor or guest host, nominated as Director of National Intelligence. While qualifications and ethics have been called into question for most of these nominees, Trump’s choices reflect his priority of loyalty-above-all and a passion for watching cable news.

Fox News has played a key role in Trump’s success from the very beginning, backing his original 2016 candidacy at an early stage; echoing his skewed perspective on the country’s sad state of affairs and the marvelous economy he created while in office; and as a major promoter of his “Big Lie,” that the 2020 election had been stolen from him. Fox’s importance to his biography can be seen in the placement of Trump’s natal asteroid Fox, which at 27 Aquarius conjoins his Descendant at 29 Aquarius, giving angular force and impact, also opposing Mars at 26 Leo (his champion) and squaring his MC (career and reputation) at 24 Taurus. And its placement now, conjoined the Sun of the second administration, shows it as deeply embedded in Trump’s White House.
Of course the Sun makes more aspects than simple conjunctions. It is also semisquare to Saturn at 16 Pisces, noted for authoritarian impulses, with asteroid Donn 4689 (for The Donald) also there at 17 Pisces, exactly conjoined Venus (indicating Trump’s two major obsessions, money and popularity, both Venus-ruled). Trump has stated in various interviews that he will be “a dictator on day one,” and in this instance (if in no other), we can likely take him at his word.
A sesquiquadrate to asteroid Miller 1826 at 14 Virgo denotes Trump chief advisor Stephen Miller, architect of immigration policy in the first administration, promoted now to White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy. Not only is Stephen Miller closely connected to the administration generally (via the solar aspect), he’s also got a direct line of communication to Trump himself, opposed asteroid Donn. The Sun further squares asteroid Whitehouse 4936 at 2 Taurus, no more than appropriate as confirming the next inhabitant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Whitehouse is also semisquare Miller, reinforcing Stephen Miller’s dominance of that venue.

The Sun is also exactly trine to an exact pairing of asteroids TRIUMF and Susi at 0 Gemini, and sextile to asteroid Lie 26955 at 1 Sagittarius, which opposes that duo. Both TRIUMF (an acronym for a Canadian science research facility, but performing well as its phonetic match “triumph”) and Susi are also at station, indicating a prime importance going forward; TRIUMF turned direct on January 9, and Susi followed suit on the 14. Susi represents former campaign manager and about-to-be White House Chief of Staff Susie Wiles, who was, indeed, at least largely responsible for Trump’s triumphal return (TRIUMF) to the Oval Office. Her PNA (Personal-Named Asteroid) at station in the administration chart reflects her pivotal role in controlling access to the president, one of the Chief of Staff’s primary jobs.
The administration Sun connected to asteroid Lie should come as no surprise to anyone who lived through the first four years of Trump in office, where the Washington Post chronicled some 30,000-plus false or misleading statements uttered by President Pinocchio. Trump is now likely to exceed that stunning record by a wide margin, and looks to test his theory that outright deception (Lie) is the key to his unstinted success (TRIUMF).

In addition to the solar stellium, various points are emphasized by angular placement. These include asteroid Washingtonia 886, placed at 12 Taurus on the 14 Taurus Ascendant. This could reflect Trump’s desire to remake the DC establishment (Washingtonia) in his own image (Ascendant). Also here is asteroid Russia 232 at 21 Taurus, indicating an inordinate amount of influence over the administration from that source. Doubling down on its importance, Russia also finds itself at station, turning direct January 11th, making it a pivotal element of the new administration.
Mars at 24 Cancer finds itself on the IC at 26 Cancer, a clear indicator that enmity and strife will be defining features of the presidency going forward, the very foundation (IC) of Trump’s leadership. Mars rules antagonism, conflict, adversarial relationships and wars, of all kinds. Its opposition to Mercury at 18 Capricorn, ruling commerce, is about as clear a cosmic signal as can be imagined that Trump intends to made good on his threats of tariffs on imports, and the inevitable trade (Mercury) wars (Mars) they will provoke.
A Grand Cross with the Moon at 18 Libra and centaur Chiron 2060 at 19 Aries suggests that Trump’s maverick behaviors (Chiron) in his trade policies will most adversely affect the American people (Moon), possibly creating an incurable wound (also Chiron). (As an aside here, note that the Saturn/Venus conjunction mentioned above could also point to financial (Venus) hardship/deprivation (Saturn) or restriction (Saturn again) generally for the duration of the term.)

Mars ropes in two additional minor bodies to its angular position, perhaps pointing to the real losers in the next administration. Mars conjoins asteroids Zelinsky 3042 and Losse 340579 at 21 and 25 Cancer respectively, referencing Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who may well lose (Losse, phonetic match for “loss”) his war (Mars) with Russia if Trump has his way (which, of course, is also Vladimir Putin’s way). Trump has been fond of saying he could end the Russia/Ukraine war in a day, something likely only possible if he coerces Zelenskyy to accept Putin’s terms, whatever they are, or face going it alone. And with Trump now in control of the purse strings for funding the war, he’s got lots of clout to coerce with. (Asteroid Volodymyr 7633 at 26 Leo, opposing Damocles 5335 at 0 Pisces, in a T-Square with Uranus at 25 Taurus, further illustrates the Ukrainian president’s dilemma – overhung by impending doom (Damocles) if he doesn’t accede to the whims of an unpredictable, volatile madman (all Uranus keywords)).
There are two other points at station which may point to critically important crises for the administration. Asteroid Irani 18987 at 17 Virgo, representing Iran, turns retrograde on January 10, while asteroid Taipei 171381 at 20 Virgo, representing Taiwan, does so on the same date. Israel’s ongoing struggles against Iranian surrogates Hamas, Hezbollah, and recently, the Houthis in Yemen, could conceivably broaden into a regional war in which the administration would become embroiled. And Communist China’s increasingly belligerent stance against Taiwan could further blossom into open conflict in the South China Sea, also with serious implications for the US and its allies. Whether either of these “hot zones” flares into further conflagration, these regions are likely to occupy a lot of “head space” in the new administration.

Asteroid Themis 24 also appears at station, turning retrograde from 13 Virgo on January 10. Named for the Greek goddess of justice, Themis here prefigures the major turning point and crisis for the US Department of Justice represented by a second Trump administration. Trumpist fanatics are determined to transform their fanciful cries of Democrats “weaponizing” that department against their golden boy, into actual fact, calling for the arrest and trial of Trump’s political opponents (such as Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden), and those in the prior administration who they deem to have been insufficiently loyal (such as former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General John Milley and former Attorney General Bill Barr).
Trump’s first pick for Attorney General, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL), was so unqualified and scandal-ridden that he was forced to withdraw his candidacy just eight days after nomination. The current selection is Pam Bondi, a former Attorney General for Florida. This pivotal pick is noted as asteroid Bondia 767, which at 17 Gemini is also stationary, and squared Themis; Bondia turned direct on February 2. Having at station both an asteroid representing the Justice Department itself, and the person Trump wants to run it, underscores the potential for a major overhaul of the country’s chief law enforcement agency, which could take a dangerous new direction.

The final stationary points are asteroids Stevin 2831, another marker for chief advisor Stephen Miller; and Demokritos 6129, a cosmic marker for Democrats and democracy generally. At 21 Virgo, Stevin (phonetic match for “Stephen”) turns retrograde on January 11, and is trine the MC at 26 Capricorn, opposing asteroid Donn at 17 Pisces, reaffirming the special access he has to Trump.
Demokritos appears at 28 Virgo, and has the distinction of being the only stationing point to change its status after the inauguration, turning retrograde January 27. This shows the Democratic Party, as well as the institution of US democracy itself, to be in flux, at a critical turning point in its development, and quite possibly on the retreat (retrograde status). A square to asteroid NOT 2857 at 27 Sagittarius, a general disqualifier or symbol of negation, portrays Democrats’ resistance to Trump policies, but could also signal the end (NOT) of democracy in America (especially so, given the T-Square formed by asteroid America at 23 Pisces). Add in Neptune at 27 Pisces, opposed Demokritos, and a T-Square is formed, suggesting that “resistance (NOT) is futile (Neptune)”, with Democrats in a confused, disordered state, incapable of mounting an effective strategy to combat the deception (all Neptune). A fourth body in the pattern creates a Grand Cross – that’s asteroid Vladimir 1724 at 24 Gemini, representing Russian president Vladimir Putin. It’s his hand working behind the scenes to erode (Neptune) democracy (Demokritos) and end it (NOT) in the US (America) forever.

Neptune is also part and parcel of a truly remarkable cluster of points extending from asteroid Europa 52 at 14 Pisces to asteroid Ukraina 1709 at 28 Pisces. Within just these fourteen degrees we find Saturn (16 Pisces), asteroid Donn and Venus (both at 17), asteroids Carolina 235 (19), America 916 (23), Moskva 787 and Israel 757 (both at 25), and Neptune (27 Pisces): truly, the celestial traffic jam of the second Trump administration!
Europa is named for a mythic figure who also lent her moniker to the continent of Europe, and represents US relations with the European Union (and, by implication, NATO); aside Saturn, we can expect some cooling there. Carolina is cosmic shorthand for Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s (latest) White House Press Secretary; the close conjunction with Donn (Trump) allows of no variance between them on the administration message. Asteroids America, Moskva (Russian for “Moscow,” its capital) and Israel cheek-by-jowl suggests a growing rapprochement between the US (America) and Trump’s favorite strong men (Vladdy and Bibi Netanyahu), especially given the concomitant square from Vladimir. Ukraina (named for Ukraine) bringing up the rear, isolated past obfuscating Neptune, could spell invisibility (Neptune) for the war-torn nation, whose support is simply no longer a priority for the new administration.

We touched briefly on new Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt as asteroid Carolina, but she’s also present in unadulterated form as asteroid Leavitt 5383, which at 29 Scorpio closely conjoins asteroid Lie at 1 Sagittarius, bracketed by asteroid Intel 8080 at 3 Sag. With an ability to lie convincingly as the top skill required for the job, Karoline Leavitt seems well-placed to succeed, assuming this connection also reflects her moral compass. And with Intel here, we can’t trust anything regarding national security that comes from the administration – it’s all a tissue of untruths, half-truths, exaggerations, misdirection and outright intentional deception, focused not on the realities, but on giving Trump what he wants. Weapons of mass destruction in Greenland or the Panama Canal Zone, anyone? Leavitt is also semisquare Mercury, ruling the media and spokespersons, at 18 Capricorn, with Carolina at 19 Pisces in sextile, ideal for a Press Secretary.
How will the Trump administration fare with Congress? Both legislative chambers will be initially controlled by Republicans, but this is no guarantee of a honeymoon, with just a one-vote majority in the US House of Representees, and the GOP up only three seats in the Senate. The House, unsurprisingly, will be the biggest headache, as reflected in asteroid House 4950 exactly conjunct dwarf planet Eris 136199 at 24 Aries. Eris is known for squabbling and division, which the exact square to Mars at 24 Cancer exacerbates, as the planet of conflict and confrontation. Mercury at 18 Capricorn forms a T-Square, increasing the heat (Mars) of the rhetoric (Mercury), which could extend to fisticuffs (with several pairs of legislators, and some witnesses, already nearly coming to blows in the prior two sessions), while the Moon at 19 Libra chimes in for a Grand Cross, suggesting bruised (Mars) emotions (Moon) in the People’s (Moon) House (House).

Newly re-elected House Speaker Mike Johnson has quite a tightrope to walk, corralling a fractious caucus with a razor-thin majority, holding widely disparate views on such essentials as the debt limit and budget reconciliation, while also appeasing The Boss. Trump’s overt support enabled Johnson to keep his job when the 119th Congress convened on January 3, but if he can’t deliver on Trump’s agenda, he’ll be cast into outer darkness like his predecessor. Asteroid Johnson 5905 appears at 19 Pisces, its close conjunction with asteroid Donn at 17 Pisces, portraying their uneasy alliance – both need each other, desperately. For now. Ultimate success for both demands there be no daylight between them, as exemplified in the union of the celestial markers.
Though turmoil in the House GOP caucus is likely to make the most headlines, Senate Republicans aren’t necessarily all on the same page either. Asteroid Senator 8603 at 1 Aries conjoins Neptune at 27 Pisces, a source of confusion, waffling, deception and fanaticism, any of which could cause them to break ranks and fail to toe the administration line. (On the bright side for Ukraine, asteroid Ukraina at 28 Pisces next to Senator could signal the Senate standing by them, whatever the official policy.) A square to asteroid Toro 1683 at 3 Capricorn forms the base of a wide Thor’s Hammer (a “fated” pattern similar to a Yod, consisting of two planets squared each other, both sesquiquadrate a third) with asteroid Troemper 28130 at 13 Leo, our celestial referent for Trump. Toro is noted for its intimidation and bullying, brutish behaviors, and with this point at station in his birth chart, Donald Trump is a past master of such tactics. But will these be sufficient to cow the Senate into submission? The Thor’s Hammer says it might be.

However things work out with Congress and international relations, one thing we can be sure of for Trump 2.0 – the shameless grifting will continue. Asteroid Whitehouse at 2 Scorpio is trine asteroid Swindle 8690 at 7 Pisces, and roughly on their midpoint, sextile to each, we find asteroid Bilk 4425, at 5 Capricorn. Moreover, Bilk closely conjoins Trump’s natal asteroid Whitehouse at 4 Capricorn, reinforcing the use of the office of the presidency as a venal Trump cash cow. Asteroids America and Bilk were exactly conjoined at 12 Aquarius for the November election, exactly semisquare Neptune at 27 Pisces, planetary ruler of fraud and deception, so if you thought Trump 2.0 would bring something different on that score, you weren’t paying attention.
And what of Donald Trump himself? We’ve already noted the 13 Leo placement for asteroid Troemper; conjoined it is asteroid Karma 3811 at 11 Leo, with the pair squared asteroid Washingtonia at 12 Taurus, and the 14 Taurus Ascendant. Yes, “Mr. Trump (Troemper) Goes to Washington (Washingtonia),” in what appears to be a fated moment (Karma), and inevitably he becomes the public face (Ascendant) of the administration (as would any president), for good or ill. Karma can also signal a reckoning, a need to pay for prior misdeeds, but will Donald Trump ever pay for anything? Perhaps, but the Karma/Troemper pairing sesquiquadrate asteroid NOT at 27 Sagittarius says, “not likely;” at least, not for the next four years.

Trump, a wannabe dictator, is fond of the “tough guy” talk, and we can expect more of the same from Trump 2.0, with Mercury (rhetoric, communication) at 18 Cap sextile Saturn (strictness, authoritarianism) at 16 Pisces and opposed centaur Bienor 54508 at 17 Cancer. Bienor is named for a mythic centaur about whom little is known, save for his name – which literally means “Strong Man.” Trump had this point precisely aligned with the Ascendant of his first administration, and it was certainly the public image he wanted to present on that first go-round, that of the imposing Strong Man, only to fall far short.
The question remains, is “Strong Man” still just an illusion, a fever dream of the MAGA acolytes, or will it become our collective reality?

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, whose website AlexAsteroidAstrology.com offers a trove of info on the role of asteroids in personal and mundane astrology. He is the author of The Black Hole Book (available on Amazon.com) and The Urban Wicca, former editor of “The Galactic Calendar,” and past president of The Philadelphia Astrological Society. His pioneering work with Black Holes in astrological interpretation began in 1991, when his progressed Sun unwittingly fell into one. Alex’s books and writings are available on his website. Alex can also be reached for comment or services at .
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