Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–31, 2025
A good day to sleep in, read, write to Congress, get organized, and research something.
Today’s numerology of 1 motivates us to move ahead. It’s ruled by assertive Mars, which is in opposition to intense Pluto, and combines today’s with Moon in rebellious Aquarius to fuel our need for freedom.
In fact, with today’s Moon joining Pluto and opposing Mars, and Mercury still in post-retrograde shadow, last year’s fighting spirit is rekindled and somehow brought close to home this morning. Moon’s tensions make morning an anti-social time, with the exception of political organizing, starting an online petition, or promoting a cause.
Other constructive ways to use this energy are to decluttering, and following our creative instincts to research our goals and strategies. We can cut through distraction, set limits with ourselves and the world around us, and move forward with fresh ideas and greater focus.
Still on the portal of the December 30 New Moon in Capricorn, this is the day to do one audacious thing that puts motion into our projects.
I cannot be stuck. With or without the help of people, Spirit keeps my world in successful motion, here and now.
Thursday, January 2
There’s tension in the air and we’re tempted to engage. At the same time, personal and mental connections can flow, we can exchange ideas, promote something and gather our tribe.
In the wee hours, bellicose Mars perfects an opposition to tough Pluto. As much as possible, avoid direct confrontation and combat. If we feel pushed, we can use the objectivity and common sense of Aquarius Moon to extract ourselves. An apparent challenge probably has to do with something that mobilizes us to shake off the shackles of our own oppression and to reaffirm our confidence and boldness.
Not all interactions are challenging. In fact, Moon in friendly Aquarius makes harmonies to Mercury the messenger and Jupiter the preacher: we can get the word out, share spiritual inspiration, and enjoy connections with family, both natural and especially, spiritual family. Improvement comes through adventuresome communication.
Sun in directed Capricorn makes a quincunx with expansive Jupiter in verbal Gemini, fueling our hearts and words with confidence.
Make connections before 8:13 pm (11:13 ET), when Moon squares Aquarius’ ruler, brainy, confrontative Uranus. Pick apart the news or enjoy an evening stroll or a good read.
The true substance of my interactions is divine, and only good can come to me and to all involved, here and now.
Friday, January 3
Today can be frustrating, challenging, and at the same time sexy, social, and highly creative.
Warrior Mars and powerful Pluto have just perfected their opposition, bringing up some of last year’s challenges. We are tested to hold our ground, especially not to succumb to manipulation or oppression, but to remain firm in our confidence and our goals.
Sweet, charming Venus also comes on strong. Freshly into compassionate Pisces, she rules today’s numerology of 3, conjoins the Moon, and contacts hot Mars, bringing a bit of harmony to his opposition to Pluto, and fueling attraction and passion. Sweet, considerate and diplomatic words go a long way to take the edge off.
Moon is VOC until 7:24 am (10:24 ET), when she enters dreamy Pisces. We can declutter, enjoy a romantic encounter, develop compassion, apply spiritual means to conflict resolution, connect with our spirit guides and angels, work on psychic defense, meditate, visualize, center in forgiveness and pray.
With the Mars-Pluto opposition surging, we want to take special care to avoid the underside of Pisces Moon, such as: substance abuse, toxic surroundings, looking through rose-colored glasses, and getting manipulated. If possible, save car trips for another day and take special care to avoid fighting with other drivers or speeding on a wet or slippery road.
I am not alone or without defense. I have a Divine Protector who’s got me covered in every situation, now and always.
Saturday, January 4
A great day for practical action and getting organized for our dreams and spiritual progress.
Executive Saturn comes on strong, ruling today’s work-oriented numerology of 4 and sextiling Sun in Capricorn, which Saturn rules. Opportunities are precipitated in relation to our goals and to a teacher, a bureaucrat, an elder or an authority figure of some kind.
Mercury has finally emerged from post-retrograde shadow, giving a green light on communications, promotions, campaigning, and travel. We can put something new in motion.
With Moon in mystical, imaginative Pisces, we can choose and get organized for spiritual goals, for visualization and for concrete progress on our dreams. This morning, the lunar climate gets chilly, with Moon joining cold Saturn at 8:56 am (11:56 ET). Our emotional intelligence wanes and we may feel like we’re in Dickens’ Bleak Housen for 2 ½ hours. Practice self-care, meditate, study something spiritual or creative. Make people connections before this stern transit, or after 11:30 am (2:30 ET).
The influences also favor decluttering and making a New Year’s vision board. However, the potential is high and we can use it to direct the Mars-Pluto opposition in productive ways. If you’re in a hermit mode, move out long enough to move on business or a something you want to build.
Late tonight, a sextile from Moon to Uranus favors research, connecting with friends, and online activism and investment.
Any plan that isn’t aligned with Spirit’s plan for me is now dissolved, and the divine plan comes to pass easily and quickly, now.
Sunday, January 5
The first part of the day is quiet, mystical and sweet, until we are jolted into action and empowering connections.
Moon in mystical Pisces conjoins ruler dreamy Neptune, and combines with today’s adventuresome numerology of 5 to favor fresh kinds of intuitive or devotional activities. We may find ourselves wanting to reeconnect with our spiritual goals for the New Year, get into a new book on a related topic, and perhaps attend or facilitate a group.
At 11:01 am (2:01 pm ET), things get fiery when Moon enters restless Aries and 20 minutes later trines ruler Mars. It’s Mars’ last day in roaring Leo, and this trine triggers our heroic instincts and impulses to defend our family, country, emotions, and goals.
An hour and a half later, Moon sextiles intense Pluto, triggering opportunities to strengthen our confidence and move on positive change. We can finish a proposal or a task we’ve been postponing, start an online petition, take a stance, make a key decision, set a limit or restructure a situation, and seek out a potentially empowering person, group, or resource.
The entire Universe is full of love for me and is actively working to support me, here, now and always.
Monday, January 6
Today favors productivity in general, and in particular, activities that are promotional, creative, spiritual and altruistic.
Moon in direct Aries makes a great sextile to Jupiter, ruler of publicity, triggering opportunities to sell, promote, and campaign for something. Today’s numerology of 6 is affable and abundant, adding a needed touch of charm to Moon in direct Aries, and favoring abundant results.
Mercury squares Neptune, fueling intuition and creative thinking. With the messenger planet in orb of a quincunx to Mars, words can be enchanting and we can follow intuitive guidance to take action. However, there’s a potential for confusion and manipulation, so we’ll do best to save touchy encounters and negotiations for another day.
At 3:56 pm (6:56 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. This is the first lunation since Mercury went fully direct. We can review the intentions we set at last week’s New Moon, and enrich them with today’s assertive vibes.
At 16-17 Aries, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
TWO DIGNIFIED SPINSTERS SITTING IN SILENCE… The ability to transform a natural lack of potency into poise and inner serenity… In our culture, the “spinster” represents the woman who has been unable to meet or accept the vitalizing power of love and organic fulfillment through biological polarization. Yet the symbol depicts two spinsters, emphasizing that refusing the natural expression of bipolar love has produced a special kind of dualism of experience. The two women are silent because this dualism has a narcissistic character. Life has turned inward seeing itself in a self-created mirroring. We have here the result of a negative inward approach to potency… Just as the activity of nature has a compulsive character, so the resistance of the spinster to biological fulfillment is also compulsive… the value of a dignified INWARD WITHDRAWAL.
I am divinely guided to use energies and situations positively, now and always.
Tuesday, January 7
An intense day that favors independent activities to finish something—concerning study, decluttering, inner work, or research. We get a late space for connection.
For the first part of the day, Moon in Aries gives us the energy to push through inertia and get something done.
At 1:16 pm (4:16 ET), Moon goes VOC on square to Mars, her feisty ruler. She enters earthy Taurus at 2:11 pm (5:11 ET), opening a window for easy, productive connections and progress. This window lasts until 4:22 pm (7:22 ET), when Luna squares ominous Pluto. This aspect combines with tension from Mercury the messenger to pushy Mars to fuel a potential for conflict and struggles.
Today’s numerology of 7 accents acuity and favors mental activities, mingling with this deep, transformative planetary energy to make the rest of the afternoon great for research—especially for ecology and finance, and for journaling, decluttering. and therapy.
Or, if we happen to be sleepy, we could take a nap and get up at 11:23 pm (2:23 am ET), when Moon in Taurus gets back on her prosperous, sexy feet with a sextile to ruler Venus, a wonderful, social aspect. If we’re up for it, we can reach out to friends, to our public, to a business contact or to someone we wish to help. We might also program our social media posts or enjoy a romantic tryst.
Divine love touches me through all situations and people, so everything and everybody favors me. Divine love touches everything and everyone through me, so I have only benefited them.
Wednesday, January 8
We can focus on and harvest results in business or something else we are working to make last.
Today’s strong numerology of 8 supports tangible results and transformation, combining with Moon in abundant Taurus to favor lasting progress.
In the wee hours, Mercury enters organized Capricorn, triggering the critical Aries point and imbuing our thoughts, words and communications with the power of new beginnings. With Sun also in Capricorn, these favorable earth influences favor the potential of Moon in Taurus to support us to:
- Do business
- Take care of money
- Make investments
- Lease or rent property
- Set up a new business or long-term strategy
- Work on efforts involving finances, stability, security and protection or that require long-lasting results
- Open a bank account
- Attend the family business or properties
- Reorganize stock portfolio
This afternoon, Moon sextiles Capricorn, triggering constructive opportunities. Look for and act on them.
I identify with success, and allow myself to receive it, here and now.
Thursday, January 9
Today’s energies help achieve closure for the purpose of renewal.
Moon is exalted in fertile Taurus, where it supports productivity, creativity and enjoying beauty and the good life. This practical placement is complimented by transits to cosmic Uranus and Neptune, which accentuate today’s mystical numerology of 9, related to transmutation, forgiveness and altruism. We can release things we no longer desire, give a rich gift, do a gratitude ritual, forgive a debt, and release a worn-out situation or channel of income.
Moon’s afternoon harmonies to brave Mars and drastic Pluto empower us to set a limit, or to connect with a leader of some kind who can help us close a cycle or get on track with our goals.
At 5:07 pm (8:07 ET), Moon enters communicative Gemini, where it favors connections with siblings, colleagues, neighbors and clients. We might correspond, send holiday thank-you notes, do messaging, write a letter, manage a crisis, find a shortcut, shop for books, or plan a trip.
I invite the angels of change to move me and my circumstances in the best direction, here and now.
Friday, January 10
Most of the day is great for connecting with others and starting something related to communication.Today’s entrepreneurial numerology of 1 energizes actions and beginnings. Moon connects with both of the charming benefics, sweet Venus and charismatic Jupiter, making for magnetic self-expression and increasing our personal appeal.
We can:
- Strengthen our connections
- Be persuasive
- Give a speech
- Start a new project
- Share our ideas with associates, clients, or an authority figure
- Obtain and sign a contract
- Innovate
- Raise our fees or prices
- Close sales
- Take a local trip
- Purchase computer or phone equipment
- Do PR or marketing
- Socialize
- Have fun
- Enjoy romance
We should do these things before 7:07 pm (11:07 ET), when Moon squares serious Saturn, and connections go from warm to chilly. This evening, we can focus on something independent and constructive related to words, like memorizing information or writing affirmations.
I am grateful for the good that I’ve had, all the good I have and all the good that’s coming to me, here and now.
Saturday, January 11
We connect with people and light beings and use words in spiritual ways.
On the portal of Monday’s Full Moon in Cancer, we can consolidate something we’ve been working on or intending. Today’s master number 11 spotlights responsibility, achievement, intuition, and compassion.
Moon in loquacious Gemini combines with this numerology to favor communication, curiosity, and magic. For instance, we can:
- Follow up on communications
- Creative self-expression
- Collecting an account due
- Inspiration
- Voice a new idea
- Close a sale
- Contact spirit guides or angels
- Play table games
- Play with the fairies
At 4:03 pm (7:03 ET), Moon goes VOC on a square to surreal Neptune. We may want to focus more on intuition, inner work, or take in a film or a play.
After this, outer communications may involve confusion and outcomes are unpredictable until after 8:24 pm (11:24 ET), when Moon enters Cancer, spotlighting home, family and again, intuition.
With sharp Mars in trine to mysterious Neptune, we want to avoid: substance abuse, a blind date, slippery roads, and iffy situations. Best to keep a low profile, stay home if possible, and save partying for another day.
I give thanks that angels and guides to accompany, support and shield me, now and always.
Sunday, January 12
Emotions are strong, and we can direct them to visualize and act for self care, psychic protection, and spiritual victory. Avoid intense party scenes, although low-key socializing can go great.
On the portal of the Full Moon in Cancer, sensitivity is high. It’s further accented by a trine from passionate Mars—also in Cancer—to Neptune in receptive Pisces. This harmony can make for a breakthrough. We can use it to pray, to fight for a humanitarian or spiritual cause, and to work toward harmony.
Socially adept Venus rules today’s numerology of 3—we can share joy with others and use our words to lift their spirits. This influence is particularly strong this afternoon, thanks to a trine from Moon to Venus that makes for good feelings, empathy and easy connections in romance, with family, for compassion and spirituality.
Nothing can hold me down, the Spirit of Good is working to keep me in the best situations and vibrations, here and now.
Monday, January 13
Today’s Wolf Moon spotlights our personal emotions and surroundings, precipitating our will to act and take a new direction.
Today’s numerology of 4 fuels our building instinct: we can apply today’s influences to work towards something.
The Wolf Moon supports connection with our own space and pack. While the Capricorn Sun has us focused on our goals, Luna reminds us of the importance of personal surroundings and feelings.
However, Moon’s closest aspects are more emboldening than cozy. A sextile to rebel Uranus triggers opportunities for freedom, while a conjunction to brave Mars fuels our will to fight to express our feelings and protect our family, personal space, and homeland. We may be moved to consolidate connections and lines of financial activity that are in congruence with our new direction, set limits, release obsolete situations, and mobilize to live the freedom we want.
Opportunities and cosmic help abound in love, PR, and finance, thanks to a square from Venus, goddess of love and values, to Jupiter, god of abundance. Favored: listening to our intuition and taking action. Don’t get waylaid by tempting promises.
Exact at 2:27 pm (5:27 ET), the Wolf Moon triggers the Sabian symbol for Cancer 24-25:
A WILL-FULL MAN IS OVERSHADOWED BY A DESCENT OF SUPERIOR POWER… The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors. We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing his life problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the “mantle of power,” the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture… a more transcendent expression of “success.” It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT.
I resonate with the divine love in me, in Spirit and in all beings, here and now.
Tuesday, January 14
We apply creativity to improve relationships and form new ones, especially tonight.
A little warmth and strategy go a long way, as Moon enters expressive Leo at 1:12 am (4:12 ET), and charming Venus perfects a square with expansive Jupiter. We might hold an event, do a show, throw a party, or recover love and romance. We can express our feelings in style, lease or rent property, take control of a situation, ask for support, and visualize (and stay alert to) a lucky break.
Avoid: being overbearing or melodramatic, getting into a power struggle, overspending, or committing a romantic indiscretion.
Late tonight Moon triggers both benefics, Venus and Jupiter. Enjoy warm fuzzies, socialize abroad, promote a petition, prepare publicity.
I am not an age or a label, I am unlimited being and I am in direct connection with the good that flows to my from God’s mind, now and always.
Wednesday, January 15
Creative action makes the most of the star’s abundant promise.Moon in Leo supports connection, self-expression and confidence. The transits, though, are on the pushy side, with Sun opposing brave Mars, and Moon in tension to stern Saturn. However, today’s numerology of 6 offers a shield of protection and vibrations of diplomacy and abundance that support making productive use of this energy.
We can apply our creativity and heart-power to get things done, especially related to:
- People
- Creativity
- Leadership
- Art
- Leasing or renting property
- Organizing
- Strategic action
We should pay attention to diplomacy, while holding to our goals.
At 7:10 pm (10:10 ET), Moon goes VOC.
Love, love, love. The energy of love radiates from my heart chakra, enfolding me and touching my world through me, now and always.
Thursday, January 16
We can use our powers of analysis and intuition to make tangible headway and do deep research.
After Monday’s Full Moon portal and some emotionally intense days, we get some clear mental air. Moon is VOC until 8:46 am (11:46 ET), when she enters diligent Virgo. Today’s numerology of 7 sharpens cognition, favoring the analytic abilities of this Moon sign. We can figure something out, solve a problem, and make practical headway.
A tension from messenger Mercury to promoter Jupiter fuels inspiration, precipitates connections with light beings, and can make for expansive communications, sales efforts, study, and learning.
At 11:45 am (2:45 pm ET), Moon makes a quincunx to Pluto, triggering nerdiness and favoring independent concentration for research, healing, decluttering, editing or correcting our work, crisis resolution, or getting to the bottom of something.
Spirit knows and Spirit shows, here and now.
Friday, January 17
We can consolidate something related to spirituality, money, relationships, promotion, and media production.
Sun in practical Capricorn sextiles inspired Neptune, offering an opportunity to make tangible progress on our dreams—or in the realms of the creative, altruistic, or spiritual.
Moon in Virgo fuels focus and favors work. It connects with abundant Jupiter, communicative Mercury and charming Venus, favoring connections of all kinds.
At 3:43 pm (6:43 ET), the warmth evaporates as Moon opposes stern Saturn. The signs involved, Virgo and Pisces, both relate to healing and devotion, so this aspect can help us organize a routine and resources for self-care, spiritual study, or something else practical that supports our wellbeing.
I’m not without support to heal, Almighty Good works in and through my body, mind and emotions to restore complete wellness, here and now.
Saturday, January 18
On this serious day, morning favors bold action. Afternoon is good for taking stock of our relationships and finances, or for doing creative work.
Moon in diligent Virgo spotlights practicality, service and healing. This morning through midday, Luna’s harmonies to audacious Uranus and bold Mars favor taking charge of something in these areas. We should practice diplomacy, but not waste time: there’s a shortcut to be found and a door waiting to be opened.
Make new acquaintances or agreements before 2:48 pm (5:48 ET), when Moon opposes mystical Neptune. This accents intuition but can also bring confusion or false impressions. Save partying for another day and use today’s wonderful planetary energy of sweet Venus conjunct serious Saturn to review, organize, and solidify a relationship, finances, a creative project or—with Saturn in Pisces—something related to spirituality or healing. This influence is not warm but it is constructive. Avoid taking things personally.
At 6:01 pm (9:01 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering sweet Libra at 7:33 pm (10:33), facilitating connection and reiterating the Venus-Saturn conjunction described above. Moon’s late night trine to Pluto fuels passion, strengthens confidence and facilitates emotional healing.
I visualize concrete experiences and receive tangible results, now and always.
Sunday, January 19
A great day to start something related to work, people, or relationships, and for connections in general.
Today’s dynamic numerology of 1 strengthens courage and favors starting something. Moon in socially adept Libra favors social interactions, romance, and socializing. We can meet people, go on a first date, inject romance into a relationship, do PR. It’s a day to connect and communicate: Mercury the messenger sextiles constructive Capricorn and sweet Venus, triggering opportunities in work, business and personal relationships.
Tonight, we get a cherry on the cake as Moon trines Jupiter at 7:06 pm (10:06 ET). With both orbs in air signs, we can easily meet others’ hearts and minds.
I give thanks that right connections have already been made, and that they surface, here and now.
Monday, January 20
Early morning favors connection, midday enhances creativity, and evening is anti-climactic.
Today’s numerology of 2 favors partnership and family connections. If a personal connection is a priority, early morning is the best time, thanks to Moon in socially adept Libra in aspect to ruler Venus,
At 8:53 am (11:53 ET), Moon squares Mercury. This isn’t a bad influence, but interactions can be tense, and it’s better used in study, editing, reviewing, or planning a negotiation, drafting (but not sending) a letter or proposal, and retouching one’s art or home décor.
At 12:00 pm (3:00 ET), Sun switches from dedicated Capricorn to friendly Aquarius, complimenting sociable Libra Moon to favor people connections. Creativity continues as at 6:43 pm (9:43 ET), Moon connects with innovative Uranus.
Take action and make connections before 8:34 pm (11:34 ET), Moon goes VOC on a square to Mars. After that, do low-key exercise, enjoy fiction, a table game, an action film, or an online concert.
I forgive myself for my unconscious actions and attitudes, and I forgive others for their unconscious actions and attitudes, here and now.
Tuesday, January 21
We can use today’s intensity to declutter, close a cycle, or set a plan in motion.
If you need to rest and recoup, try sleeping in while Moon is still VOC in Libra. At 8:20 am (11:20 ET), Luna enters bold Scorpio. Our secret self is mobilized, with a deepening of emotions, passion, love, and desire. We can share intimacy, or dig up hidden information psychically or through research. Or we can make a life-altering decision, work on big change, take on a challenge, or make headway on a wish or goal. Actions that are independent or from a distance are apt to be easier than close or direct contact.
All these things, related to the Scorpio Moon, are intensified by Sun’s conjunction to Moon’s ruler Pluto, which occurs today for the first and only time this year. Besides the themes mentioned above, the spotlight is on crypto, on freedom, and on activism.
On top of all this, Moon squares Scorpio’s ruler, ominous Pluto. This is not a day for fluff or for the faint-hearted, but it offers a window of power for those who seize it in whatever ways we can.
At 12:31 pm (3:31 ET), Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter. At 2-3 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation says:
A HOUSE-RAISING PARTY IN A SMALL VILLAGE ENLISTS THE NEIGHBORS’ COOPERATION. The feeling of community demonstrated in a basic joint effort. In rural neighborhoods, especially as the American West was being developed, the building of at least the framework of a house was often a collective, friendly enterprise. Newcomers building their home-to-be found friendly helpers in their neighbors. The sense of togetherness and participation in a common enterprise was developed by such collective work. The home remains “our” home, yet the whole community is involved in its erection and the welcome marking its completion… feeling becomes activity. The past and its memories are repolarized in terms of the expanded social consciousness. From that activity a new sense of reality will derive. The Keyword is COOPERATION.
I am made in the image and likeness of victory, and I use my power now!
Wednesday, January 22
Another day of power, with morning best for interaction.
Moon in powerful Scorpio is impatient with anything superficial, but loves a good heart-to-heart, a dive into alternative versions, and taking a leap towards long-term goals.
Master Number 22 expands the reach of our service-oriented actions, and they can touch the masses.
Moon’s morning contact to Jupiter favors abundance, success, spirituality and dark fun (dressing in costume, playing a prank, watching an old David Lynch movie).
Pioneering Mars sextiles Uranus, a great influence for getting things done quickly and finding brilliant solutions.
At 5:39 pm (8:39 ET), Moon trines Saturn the builder, making this evening great for decluttering and organizing for change.
Spirit works in this change, and only good can come from it, here and now.
Thursday, January 23
On this dynamic day, we have two short spots that are great for communication, which we can use early and/or late.
Mars, planet of action, sextiles brilliant Uranus. Doors of opportunity can suddenly open. We can find a shortcut, meet the CEO, make an amazing investment. This is a day for moving on our intuition and knocking on that door!
This said, there are stressful aspects may limit the potential for good communication, leaving us early morning, when Moon in deep Scorpio harmonizes with sweet Venus and messenger Mercury (great for romance and passion), or after 8:29 pm (11:29 ET), when Moon leaves intense Scorpio to enter diplomatic Sagittarius.
Moon in Scorpio emboldens us to make major changes, with transits that keep us in motion. Yet from 7:12 am (10:12 ET), Moon’s tensions with Mars and Uranus bring out the feisty side of Scorpio, and diplomacy wanes. These tough influences combine with the Mars-Uranus sextile and Mercury’s aspects to both planets, creating a rather confrontative atmosphere. However the combined brightness and brawn are worth using. For instance, we can create a strategy for a negotiation, a promotion, or a political cause, or put together a legal case. We can declutter documents, books or with Moon in Scorpio, our basement.
From 4:03 pm (7:03 ET), Moon is VOC, entering visionary Sag at 8:29 pm (11:29 ET), again favoring people connections and the day’s dynamic potential.
My good cannot be limited, my success cannot be limited, my wellness cannot be limited.
Friday, January 24
A great day for connections and progress in business, trading, education, negotiation, campaigning, or promoting.
Moon in optimistic Sag makes a morning sextile to Sun, supporting success in work and making for luminous connections. With Sun now in idealistic Aquarius, we can make a team effort for a cause of some kind.
Today’s powerful numerology of 8 gives a boost to pull together something we’ve been working on. It enforces the goal-oriented side of the Sag Moon. We might:
- Take or give a seminar
- Work on trade, promotions, diplomacy, or correspondence
- Hold a business meeting
- Lend or borrow money
- Follow up on a legal matter
- Close a deal
- Campaign for something
Things get even better tonight, when Moon opposes ruler Jupiter. The planet of fortune is in verbal Gemini, spotlighting connections, communications, publications, sales and getting the word out in a big way.
Nothing can keep Spirit from expanding through me and through my endeavors, here and now.
Saturday, January 25
We move into an exciting weekend, when we can make unusual, cosmic and hot connections in love, friendship and comraderie. Today can be creative and stimulating for body, mind and magic.
Today’s numerology of 7 accents the mental strength of Moon in visionary Sagittarius. This morning, Luna squares stern Saturn, a rather cold aspect that favors organization, and pushes Sag to get down to business. We can also create a strategy for trading or study.
People connections go best after 3:34 pm (6:34 ET), when Moon squares sweet Venus, turning on the charm. A trine from flirty Venus to passionate Mars perfects, making for a highly charged afternoon and evening. The fires of romance burn and connections feel magical.
If we’re not feeling so romantic or sociable, this energy is fantastic for creativity.
The angels of love fill my home, the country, the Middle East and the planet, and they lift the vibration, here and now and everywhere.
Sunday, January 26
Creativity and spirituality flow, triggering excitement in opportunities and connections.
The excitement we feel today is thanks to magnetic Venus. Still in trine to hot Mars, she sextiles electrical Uranus, opening new doors in finance, in romance, and in connections. Seek out something or someone that inspires your inner rebel or questioner.
Sextiles trigger opportunities, and today’s numerology of 8 can help us consolidate something. The keys are stimulation, attraction, and new directions; they can express in romance, through crypto transactions, and for a group collaboration on art or a cause.
Mercury the messenger sextiles mystical Neptune. Opportunities flow in communications and for compassion, intuition, spirituality, healing, dream interpretation or media production. Visit someone in an institution, inspire others, engage in shamanic activities or a dream group, write to an angel.
Moon goes VOC at 1:40 am, entering Capricorn at 5:43 am, a grounding influence that strengthens our leadership and ability to focus, organize and direct our lives.
Divine love touches me wherever I am, so I’m in a good place, now and always.
Monday, January 27
Morning through afternoon are good for practical progress and success.
Today’s numerology of 9 supports finishing something; and Moon in Capricorn accents our potentials for leadership, organization and self-mastery.
Morning is the best time for people connections, thanks to Moon’s contact with affable Jupiter, that imbues the Capricorn spirit with a touch of charisma. We can successfully promote products, goals and services.
Evening may be tense, with Moon in opposition to pushy Mars. The red planet is in Cancer, sign of the home; we can set up an insurance plan or work independently to prepare something related to real-estate or to protection of family or democracy. Avoid taking things personally or engaging in direct combat.
Moon makes a midnight trine to Uranus, favoring trade, investment, or doing something practical on the web. In the wee hours, Moon sextiles Venus, sneaking the love planet in between the sheets—you might want share yours.
My field of action is divine, and my success extends to all places and situations now.
Tuesday, January 28
On the portal of tomorrow’s New Moon in Aquarius, we can make successful connections with women, and for romance, work, or activism.
In resonance with the New Moon, today’s numerology of 1 supports starting something new.
Today’s sweetest time is very early. To enjoy Moon’s sextile to Venus, we could launch a promotion, send messages or emails, share coffee before daybreak, or snuggle under the sheets. Use this energy before Moon in Capricorn goes VOC at 7:48 am (10:48 ET).
We can then take a break until 11:31 am (2:31 ET), when Moon enters friendly Aquarius. However, we want to be choosy. Mercury the messenger conjoins deep Pluto, and Moon conjoins both this afternoon. This configuration spotlights connection, yet it’s a bold energy that can express either as deep and intimate—for therapy or a candid heart-to-heart talk—or determined and strong—as in setting a limit, writing a letter to Congress, starting a petition, holding a political gathering-. These energies can also be applied in journaling and healing prayer.
I am not alone or without effective treatment. The Divine Doctor is with me, attending me and treating me now. No condition or event of the past or present can keep the Divine Doctor from lifting me up in complete wellness in my mind, feelings and body, here and now.
Wednesday, January 29
Happy Chinese New Year! It comes with the New Moon in Aquarius, sign of awakening, shaking us into a new experience. (See more about the year of Wood Snake in January General Influences.)
Today’s numerology of 11, ruled by Neptune, accents intuition and facilitates connections with angels. Moon trines fortunate Jupiter, facilitating contacts, prosperity, teaching and learning. Things related to distant lands and abundance flow easily.
This energy also gives a boost to the intentions we write down and the things we set in motion. Jupiter’s fortunate influence brings good luck, expansion and success, spotlighting the following specialties of Aquarius and of ruler Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance:
- Innovation
- AI
- Campaigning for a cause
- Education
- Knowledge
- Human rights
- Freedom
- New directions in finance
- Health of knees
- New friends
- Crypto
- Astrology
For those of us who are interested in defending democracy, this is a great portal for organizing and strengthening our network.
At 9-10 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A MAN WHO HAD FOR A TIME BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF A POPULAR IDEAL IS MADE TO REALIZE THAT AS A PERSON HE IS NOT THIS IDEAL… The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one’s dream and ideal.Here we have a final statement on the relationship between mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate, between the “great lover Image” and one’s need for love — a love his presence stimulated and aroused. The “star” on the movie screen is not the actual person. The star’s popularity fades away, the person remains. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? This is a question that can be applied to a great variety of circumstances… an issue that is basic and may confront us in various forms. Person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need for SELF-REVALUATION.
Guardian Angel, please align my vibration with the divine love that I am, now and always.
Thursday, January 30
This morning through midday on this sacred day, take a time out and review just what freedom means to you. Results start flowing again this afternoon.
Moon in Aquarius goes VOC at 3:29 am (6:29 ET). Her ruler Uranus pivots and turns direct, calling us to act on the freeing processes that have been going on within since the rebel planet first went retrograde last September 1. We can ask our higher self how it has been guiding us to a new level of freedom and journal about our thoughts. We can also take a break and enjoy a good read, research for fun, and take altruistic action.
At 2:52 pm (5:52 ET), we can get back online with our dreams as Moon enters imaginative Pisces. This makes a great combination with the Uranus direct station and the New Moon portal, freeing us to visualize and manifest what we imagine. We might make a vision board, attend a spiritual group, get a psychic reading, consult an astrologer or oracle, write a proposal, design a house or a production, send out tweets or emails, contact our angels and spirit guides, or work on something creative.
Dear spiritual guides and angels, please gather round, to bless, accompany, support and protect me in the new phase of freedom that begins, here and now.
Friday, January 31
A day to build a new level of commitment, love, compassion or success.
With today’s Moon in compassionate Pisces on the doorstep of tomorrow’s conjunction from sweet Venus to mystical Neptune, cosmic love-vibes abound. And, we’re still on the portal of Wednesday’s New Moon, and feeling her power behind the intentions we seed and the projects we set in motion.
Today’s numerology of 4, the builder number, helps us translate these high vibrations through working to attain a higher level—whether of success, of bliss, of compassion, of connections, or of happiness in love.
Moon connects with abundant Jupiter and ambitious Saturn, the two success planets. The latter is a nighttime conjunction and may make for cold feelings, but can be good for organizing, planning and implementing practical measures. In Pisces, it can favor spiritual progress.
I connect with the image of the next level, and I rise easily, here and now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.