Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–6, 2025
A good day to sleep in, read, write to Congress, get organized, and research something.
Today’s numerology of 1 motivates us to move ahead. It’s ruled by assertive Mars, which is in opposition to intense Pluto, and combines today’s with Moon in rebellious Aquarius to fuel our need for freedom.
In fact, with today’s Moon joining Pluto and opposing Mars, and Mercury still in post-retrograde shadow, last year’s fighting spirit is rekindled and somehow brought close to home this morning. Moon’s tensions make morning an anti-social time, with the exception of political organizing, starting an online petition, or promoting a cause.
Other constructive ways to use this energy are to decluttering, and following our creative instincts to research our goals and strategies. We can cut through distraction, set limits with ourselves and the world around us, and move forward with fresh ideas and greater focus.
Still on the portal of the December 30 New Moon in Capricorn, this is the day to do one audacious thing that puts motion into our projects.
I cannot be stuck. With or without the help of people, Spirit keeps my world in successful motion, here and now.
Thursday, January 2
There’s tension in the air and we’re tempted to engage. At the same time, personal and mental connections can flow, we can exchange ideas, promote something and gather our tribe.
In the wee hours, bellicose Mars perfects an opposition to tough Pluto. As much as possible, avoid direct confrontation and combat. If we feel pushed, we can use the objectivity and common sense of Aquarius Moon to extract ourselves. An apparent challenge probably has to do with something that mobilizes us to shake off the shackles of our own oppression and to reaffirm our confidence and boldness.
Not all interactions are challenging. In fact, Moon in friendly Aquarius makes harmonies to Mercury the messenger and Jupiter the preacher: we can get the word out, share spiritual inspiration, and enjoy connections with family, both natural and especially, spiritual family. Improvement comes through adventuresome communication.
Sun in directed Capricorn makes a quincunx with expansive Jupiter in verbal Gemini, fueling our hearts and words with confidence.
Make connections before 8:13 pm (11:13 ET), when Moon squares Aquarius’ ruler, brainy, confrontative Uranus. Pick apart the news or enjoy an evening stroll or a good read.
The true substance of my interactions is divine, and only good can come to me and to all involved, here and now.
Friday, January 3
Today can be frustrating, challenging, and at the same time sexy, social, and highly creative.
Warrior Mars and powerful Pluto have just perfected their opposition, bringing up some of last year’s challenges. We are tested to hold our ground, especially not to succumb to manipulation or oppression, but to remain firm in our confidence and our goals.
Sweet, charming Venus also comes on strong. Freshly into compassionate Pisces, she rules today’s numerology of 3, conjoins the Moon, and contacts hot Mars, bringing a bit of harmony to his opposition to Pluto, and fueling attraction and passion. Sweet, considerate and diplomatic words go a long way to take the edge off.
Moon is VOC until 7:24 am (10:24 ET), when she enters dreamy Pisces. We can declutter, enjoy a romantic encounter, develop compassion, apply spiritual means to conflict resolution, connect with our spirit guides and angels, work on psychic defense, meditate, visualize, center in forgiveness and pray.
With the Mars-Pluto opposition surging, we want to take special care to avoid the underside of Pisces Moon, such as: substance abuse, toxic surroundings, looking through rose-colored glasses, and getting manipulated. If possible, save car trips for another day and take special care to avoid fighting with other drivers or speeding on a wet or slippery road.
I am not alone or without defense. I have a Divine Protector who’s got me covered in every situation, now and always.
Saturday, January 4
A great day for practical action and getting organized for our dreams and spiritual progress.
Executive Saturn comes on strong, ruling today’s work-oriented numerology of 4 and sextiling Sun in Capricorn, which Saturn rules. Opportunities are precipitated in relation to our goals and to a teacher, a bureaucrat, an elder or an authority figure of some kind.
Mercury has finally emerged from post-retrograde shadow, giving a green light on communications, promotions, campaigning, and travel. We can put something new in motion.
With Moon in mystical, imaginative Pisces, we can choose and get organized for spiritual goals, for visualization and for concrete progress on our dreams. This morning, the lunar climate gets chilly, with Moon joining cold Saturn at 8:56 am (11:56 ET). Our emotional intelligence wanes and we may feel like we’re in Dickens’ Bleak Housen for 2 ½ hours. Practice self-care, meditate, study something spiritual or creative. Make people connections before this stern transit, or after 11:30 am (2:30 ET).
The influences also favor decluttering and making a New Year’s vision board. However, the potential is high and we can use it to direct the Mars-Pluto opposition in productive ways. If you’re in a hermit mode, move out long enough to move on business or a something you want to build.
Late tonight, a sextile from Moon to Uranus favors research, connecting with friends, and online activism and investment.
Any plan that isn’t aligned with Spirit’s plan for me is now dissolved, and the divine plan comes to pass easily and quickly, now.
Sunday, January 5
The first part of the day is quiet, mystical and sweet, until we are jolted into action and empowering connections.
Moon in mystical Pisces conjoins ruler dreamy Neptune, and combines with today’s adventuresome numerology of 5 to favor fresh kinds of intuitive or devotional activities. We may find ourselves wanting to reeconnect with our spiritual goals for the New Year, get into a new book on a related topic, and perhaps attend or facilitate a group.
At 11:01 am (2:01 pm ET), things get fiery when Moon enters restless Aries and 20 minutes later trines ruler Mars. It’s Mars’ last day in roaring Leo, and this trine triggers our heroic instincts and impulses to defend our family, country, emotions, and goals.
An hour and a half later, Moon sextiles intense Pluto, triggering opportunities to strengthen our confidence and move on positive change. We can finish a proposal or a task we’ve been postponing, start an online petition, take a stance, make a key decision, set a limit or restructure a situation, and seek out a potentially empowering person, group, or resource.
The entire Universe is full of love for me and is actively working to support me, here, now and always.
Monday, January 6
Today favors productivity in general, and in particular, activities that are promotional, creative, spiritual and altruistic.
Moon in direct Aries makes a great sextile to Jupiter, ruler of publicity, triggering opportunities to sell, promote, and campaign for something. Today’s numerology of 6 is affable and abundant, adding a needed touch of charm to Moon in direct Aries, and favoring abundant results.
Mercury squares Neptune, fueling intuition and creative thinking. With the messenger planet in orb of a quincunx to Mars, words can be enchanting and we can follow intuitive guidance to take action. However, there’s a potential for confusion and manipulation, so we’ll do best to save touchy encounters and negotiations for another day.
At 3:56 pm (6:56 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. This is the first lunation since Mercury went fully direct. We can review the intentions we set at last week’s New Moon, and enrich them with today’s assertive vibes.
At 16-17 Aries, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
TWO DIGNIFIED SPINSTERS SITTING IN SILENCE… The ability to transform a natural lack of potency into poise and inner serenity… In our culture, the “spinster” represents the woman who has been unable to meet or accept the vitalizing power of love and organic fulfillment through biological polarization. Yet the symbol depicts two spinsters, emphasizing that refusing the natural expression of bipolar love has produced a special kind of dualism of experience. The two women are silent because this dualism has a narcissistic character. Life has turned inward seeing itself in a self-created mirroring. We have here the result of a negative inward approach to potency… Just as the activity of nature has a compulsive character, so the resistance of the spinster to biological fulfillment is also compulsive… the value of a dignified INWARD WITHDRAWAL.
I am divinely guided to use energies and situations positively, now and always.
Connie Grauds, author and shamana, is Executive Director of the Living Shaman Museum in San Francisco, CA, and leads healing and art journeys to Peru and the Amazon. She can be reached by email here.