This month can be a game-changer. Sun moves into active Aries, precipitating Spring—March is always an archetype of renewal. But this year, March, the month named for the god Mars, is absolutely brimming with beginnings. Three major planets change signs. And they happen to be the bosses of the solar system: Mars the leader, Saturn the manager, and Pluto the wizard. Not only are the stars busy, so are earthlings, thanks to the presence of five planets in restless Aries. And, the critical Aries point (zero degrees of a cardinal sign) gets three major hits. This month, our actions can be far-reaching.
Is this jumpy bossiness starting to sound stressful? Bearing gifts of love and abundance, the goddess arrives to balance things out. Pisces, sign of the sea and the Great Mother, has a strong presence as Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune will be in Pisces’ waters for most of the month, softening some of March’s intensity.
As for Venus, the lady of love and values shines brighter than ever in aspects that favor abundance, romance, and connection. These culminate with her entrance into prosperous Taurus, earth sign of her rule. Then, on March 23, Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, where—with ruler Uranus in Taurus—the queen of love and finance will be, at least for two weeks in March, the godfather’s final dispositor, a deeply enriching transit that can get us off on the right foot (or is it a hoof?) after Pluto’s eventful sign-change.
Spiritual connection, inner healing, confidence, initiative, courage, love, new vistas of prosperity… the wet, rich ground of March is calling to be seeded with the gems of our inner and outer powers.
We’ll feel the blessing from Day One, as Venus, Lady of love and finance, joins expansive, fortunate Jupiter. One of the most beneficial aspects in astrology, the marriage of the so-called lesser and greater benefics sets a fortunate tone through the first week of March and, though waning, is still in force at the Full Moon of Tuesday, March 7. Their connection unleashes waves of good feelings, confidence, love and financial protection.
In Aries, sign of I AM, the love nature of Venus is directed towards personal identity. It boosts our confidence, reconnects our self-esteem, and opens our minds to the happiness and abundance that are our birthright. We can retrieve a sense of worthiness and from this vantage take actions that put our relationships, publications, communications, and income on a higher level.
On Thursday, March 2, mental Mercury enters Pisces. Though this placement can bring confusion in day-to-day dealings and communications, it sensitizes our minds to spiritual realms. For the first half of the month, Sun and Mercury in this sign of mysteries hold open the doors of the inner queendom.
With all the action unfolding this month, we do well to also develop our inner work. There’s no time to waste: a change of era is upon us, and the stars support our efforts to receive it on the highest possible wavelength.
It’s important to note that this isn’t spiritual business as usual….
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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