June closes with a highly constructive aspect that enriches the June 28 New Moon in Cancer. A potent sextile between the two planets of work, Mars and Saturn, on June 27, brings opportunities to act decisively on long-term goals. Saturn in Aquarius is helping us build for greater independence and authenticity in an area of our life where we need room to breathe but tend to be a bit disorganized. Mars in Aries applies independent action to own these parts of ourselves. It’s also noteworthy that this sextile is accompanied by another from sweet Venus to noble Jupiter, adding charm, harmony and a touch of fairy dust to our connections and offsetting the potentially pushy side of the Mars-Saturn aspect.

Saturn has been transiting your Eleventh House, making you more selective about your friendships and affiliations. You’re trying to get them in sync with your lasting priorities. Mars in sextile brings opportunities to connect with valuable friendships or take steps in the direction of a new life mission. For those Aries rams working for a company, in commerce, in business, or in a humanistic or cultural organization, this transit offers tangible benefits and new leadership.
Saturn transiting your Tenth House has you reaping results from accumulated past efforts in your profession, or from other long-term strivings. Mars in your Twelfth House hasn’t been great for vitality, but it can give a surge of intuitive inspiration, and trigger guidance for your goals from angels and in dreams. If you’ve been feeling a bit low-energy, don’t let it keep you from moving in whatever way you can, because the Tenth House is one of Saturn’s best placements.
On its transit through your Ninth House, Saturn calls you to work on personal development, to reaffirm your philosophical outlook, to deepen and reaffirm your most positive beliefs, and to prepare yourself for a new period of professional success. Mars’ sextile from your Eleventh House brings opportunities connected to knowledgeable and idealistic friends or groups that can direct your philosophical, educational and professional growth.
As the planet of diligence traverses your Eight House of mysteries, it has led you to work on yourself, to upscale your inner power and your relationship with wealth. This has involved some trials, perhaps including grief or a sense of loss. You are developing new perspectives about death that can help others find comfort or healing. From its vantage in your Tenth House, this Mars sextile brings opportunities to apply your depth and inner strength in long-term goals, and perhaps promote a facet of your work related to thanatology, inner power, or creation of wealth.
Saturn the builder has been transiting your Seventh House, setting a serious tone in key relationships which can be beneficial professionally. (Johnny Depp has Leo rising and we can see how Saturn is obliging him to take a hard look at his relationships and despite the Saturnian challenge, or because of it, benefit professionally.) This is a great time to reassess which of your relationships are in resonance with your ideals. Mars in Aries transits your Ninth House of new horizons: the energy you put into your personal or academic development, into a legal case, a new vocation, a line of service, or something related to foreign lands can bring lasting results and solid connections.
With Saturn transiting your Sixth House of work, service, daily habits and health, you are building for self-reliance in these areas. You may have felt some pressure, but you’re becoming aware of how you can use your time to get the results you want. Mars in your Eighth House gives you energy to work on transformation, from inner work to sexual intimacy to how you garner support from others and go about shared projects. There’s a courage about this placement, and its sextile supports your ability to sense the motives of others and to collaborate with them in assertive, positive ways. With a focus on your long-term goals, speak up and ask for what you need and want.
This transit holds great potential: it can lead to fulfillment of your longing to produce finished results of creative endeavors and reaffirm what makes you unique. You know you have talent, yet you can be slow on self-promotion. With Saturn in the Fifth House, you may be harder on yourself than usual. On the other hand, this transit helps you concentrate on what you want to do with your talents, and to organize for that. It requires discipline, and in your case, dear Libra, since it can be hard for you to focus on your own projects, it would be worth getting a coach, consultant or another specialist who can motivate you in your creative intentions.
As it transits your Fourth House sign, Saturn in Aquarius has been urging you beyond your comfort zone. You can do the work on yourself required to rebuild your identity in relationship to family roles, and develop an independent criterion about the kind of place and space you want to live in. The sextile from Mars in the Sixth House brings opportunities as you devote your vitality to rebuilding yourself in regard to family roles, living spaces, your work situation, taking the reins of a desire to relocate, organizing your home space, and working to rebuild your wellness.
With Saturn in Aquarius, you’ve been working to restructure your thoughts, communications, and daily schedule, to sate your thirst for knowledge and develop more formal ways of sharing your talent of self-expression. Now, through patient application, you can build a solid professional situation or business. Mars in Aries is a beneficial influence that brings creative vitality and the will to follow through on things you start. Your luck is activated, and your sexual charm strengthened. Romance surges, but don’t let it distract you from the productive promise of this sextile that helps direct your ego in focused, constructive ways that can make your light shine with new radiance. Benefits come from projects with your offspring or related to children.
Saturn, your ruling planet, has been transiting your Second House, directing you to establish a solid base in your self-esteem, your sense of self-worth, and your finances. With Mars in your Fourth House, home can seem like Grand Central Station. There may be apparent conflicts. One way or another it feels like more is going on than usual and home isn’t as comforting as usual. If there are family problems, use them to look at wounds to your self-esteem that still need to be healed. If others seem to feel hurt, work on showing consideration, compassion, and diplomacy. As for your security and finances, act on a real estate project, or use a disagreement with family to see how you can organize for financial independence. Also, you can do profitable work from home, and if you can show your most patient side, your leadership on the home front can lead to financial benefits for yourself and close ones.
Your sun sign’s coruler, Saturn, in your First House, directs you to take the reins of your life in ways that lead to self-reliance. This includes everything from building a new level of physical wellness and creating a more formal or designed self-image to lifting yourself up by the bootstraps, negotiating what you want, and carving out a new individual role for yourselves. Mars makes this sextile from your Third House, where the Warrior is generating a lot of communication, comings and goings, and possibly some kind of competition. The energy you have for communication is great, and your ideas, messages, and self-expression can do a lot to solidify that identity or independent place in the world you’ve been seeking.
Saturn has been traveling through your solar Twelfth House, where it directs you to clean up your hidden act—those things left unfinished, then stuffed into the unconscious. This is a great transit for forgiving oneself and others, and any kind of shadow or inner work you like. With Mars in your Second House, your drive to prove yourself and to make money is greater than usual. This drive can fuel your inner work, lead to the emergence of secrets, and bring opportunities that generate inner strength or abundance. You can also receive effective guidance from your dreams, spirit guides, or a medium. This is the time to focus on your inmost self, your dreams and visualization, and on your abundance.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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