November is a time of change. This year, the current transits makes these changes more intense, and make us more restless to collaborate.
The month can be compared to an adolescent. Compelled by inner forces to move ahead, as she pushes on she discovers her limitations, and the presence of unexpected forces that seem larger than her personal plan. Despite a series of starts and stops, her enormous energy ends up producing notable growth, beautiful despite its asymmetry, and mysteriously connected to a larger plan.
The month begins in the depths of the season of change. Scorpio prevails, dark like Earth in Autumn, her black skin showing between fallen leaves that she absorbs and transmutes. Scorpio’s darkness invites us to look within, to discover our own special powers of change, and like trees dropping their leaves, to release the old.
Ancient peoples understood that change brings renewal. For the Celts, November 1 was the beginning of the New Year. The Mexican Día de los Muertos is such an important holiday that it’s the only one that covers two days, November 1 and 2. Around the country, bright altars are set with flowers, candles and special “pan de Muertos”,bread of the dead, as offerings for those who have passed, whose photos are also featured.
Brightness in the dark—this is part of Scorpio’s power. All changes, even the appearance we call death, are doors of new life.
As the Sun begins slipping towards the Southern corner of the sky and days become palpably shorter, we are spending more time indoors, both physically and figuratively in the house—which is Jungian symbol of the psyche. It’s a great time to look within, journal, start or renew therapy, get in touch with our hidden emotions. We are especially empowered to lift these emotions up to a higher vibration, revisit our ancestry, and connect with those who have left before us.
The Sun in Scorpio is intense, and this November is especially dynamic. Active Mars is also in Scorpio, putting this testosteronal planet on the prowl. As the month begins, Mercury goes direct, unleashing communications and maneuverings that had seemed stuck or slowed. An intense New Moon, triggers from Mars to the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square, and the beginning of the next Eclipse season with the Full Moon in Taurus, add an impulsive intensity to this month of change.
One way to work with these energies is to use the many, long VOC Moon periods (detailed in our Daily Success Guide and depicted conveniently in our VOC Moon Guide) for inner work, and focus outer efforts in those short windows—mainly early mornings and evenings—when Moon in on course.
Fortunately, some of the pressure is released on Tuesday, November 2, when Mercury finally leaves its shadow period and goes completely direct. The Messenger’s recent retrograde accompanied Sun in social signs Libra and Scorpio, fueling some drama and confusion in relationships, forcing connections with others to become clearer.
On Friday, November 5, the messenger planet enters Scorpio, sharpening intuition, facilitating research, and fortifying our BS detector. The tone of our interactions becomes serious, and our attitude more selective and introverted. The thoughts and communications we focus on acquire a special power.
One of the month’s hot points is the New Moon in Scorpio on November 4. With Mercury now fully direct, this is the best portal to start something we’ve had on tap since the New Moon of August. We can use the energies of this lunation to clarify, write down and set in motion the changes we would like to make. Scorpio is the sign of power: choose changes that lift you into the force of your being.
Uranus the awakener opposes this lunation, and can help us shake free of limiting attachments, habits and behaviors. Besides applying the tips, affirmations and invocations shared throughout Daykeeper, the November New Moon is great for beginning to work with a coach or another wise ally who—with Uranus in the mix—can interrupt our complacency and support our focus.
This lunation will culminate in the Eclipse Full Moon of November 19. Eclipses can trigger changes three months both before and after they’re exact. But they are particularly potent two weeks in either direction, and with two consecutive Eclipses on the way, it’s wise try to avoid sudden, major decisions for the next four weeks.
Instead, turn each day into a strategic stepping stone in support of new tendencies. This approach will also help us handle the drive-and-stop game played by hotrod Mars as he squares road-blocker Saturn, an aspect present in the New Moon chart which will be felt most acutely between Tuesday, November 9 and Thursday, November 11, and which perfects on Wednesday, November 10.
On Tuesday, November 16, our movement into the Eclipse vortex will accelerate as Sun sextiles Pluto, powerful ruler of Sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. Check our Daily Success Guide to schedule bold actions before and after Tuesday’s long VOC.
Just hours later—early on Wednesday November 17—Mars opposes Uranus, showing us alternative routes to achieve our goals. Then, on Thursday, November 18, Uranus, the planet of surprises, receives a trine from sweet Venus. This aspect opens our minds to new beginnings in love, values and finance.
It’s also the closest aspect involving an outer planet in the chart for the Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus of Thursday, November 18. Venus’ harmony to Uranus indicates an opportunity to free ourselves to a new cycle of love, creativity and/or prosperity, in resonance with what Celeste Teal writes in her book, Eclipses, Predicting World Events and Personal Transformation (Llewellyn, 2006):
A Lunar eclipse with the attendance of the North Node represents an influx of new elements that will positively affect the most personal side of life. Lunar eclipses usually link to elements of our personal environment… home, security and the people most intimately connected to these. And, even though this particularly eclipse has very positive potential, one must still be able to appreciate change… Culmination brings opening. Soul and emotion; joy.
Pause and ask yourself: can you …? Find out what’s coming up in November 2021 … SUBSCRIBE!

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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