October brings tremendous forward movement. In months past, retrogrades were accumulating, with an annual high in September of six planets, including five transpersonal orbs. This month, key players Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter all turn direct. All three are related in one way or another to success: Saturn rules work and tangible results, Jupiter fortune and abundance, and Pluto, power and transformation. Many things that seemed stuck or slow since this team went retrograde (Pluto in April, Saturn in May and Jupiter in June), will begin to show outer fruits.
Although we can now get going, with Mercury in retrograde and shadow all month, our best progress will be on things we started before September 6, when the messenger planet first entered pre-retrograde shadow.
With Sun, Mercury, Mars, and the New Moon all in the sign of Libra, relationships will be the main focus of our activity. This includes partnership, negotiation, justice, social connections, love, and with the Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries, our relationship with ourselves.
Although Libra is a sign of peace, it also rules arguments, and this stellium triggers some tough aspects, indicating struggles. However, Mars the warrior in Libra shows that even the fights can be motivated by the desire to help others. There can progress, personal and legal victories, but we are apt to feel harried.
On a collective level, the theme of justice will include human rights issues, clashes between authority and the populace at large, and the continued emergence of off-the-grid, independent communities.
Not all alliances will be struggles. We have some great aspects for communication and collaboration.
Bear in mind that the best days of the month for inner work are while we still have this excellent retrograde energy: from Friday, October 1 through Tuesday, October 5.
On Saturday, October 2, love-planet Venus makes a sextile to Pluto the transformer, precipitating opportunities for positive change, including relational and financial empowerment.
On Sunday, October 3, Mercury the messenger makes a trine to expansive Jupiter. Ideas flow and tend to be well received.
On Wednesday, October 6, the New Moon in Libra supports goals related to love, justice and partnership. Yet this isn’t Libra at her vanilla-ice-cream smoothest. Bellicose Mars and rebellious Uranus play leading roles in this lunation, bringing action for justice and freedom. With intense Pluto stationing to go direct, secrets will come to light, and we are moved us to reclaim our power.
Since Pluto, the mob-boss of the solar system, went retrograde last April, our path of mastery has been directed inward. The wallflower act is over and we are now moved to assert our strength. Moon’s ruler Venus is in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, another indication that this lunation is stranger and more demanding than meets the eye.
Uranus is in orb of the square to conservative Saturn that has been going on since February, bringing into relief tension between our impulse to change and our sense of security, a tension that has played out in the controversies around the COVID shut-downs and the vaccine. They will come to some sort of a head this month, and at the New Moon we can reaffirm our intentions for an upgrade in our personal relationships, outcomes in negotiations, separation, and divorce, and also political negotiations and concerns about human and women’s rights.
We’ll still be in the …
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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