May is named for Maia Majestas, Greek Goddess of Spring and the oldest of the seven sisters of the Pleiades, who was assimilated by the Irish Celts as the goddess Maeve. Such are the energies of mid-Taurus, sign of fertility and abundance. With a favorable New Moon in Taurus, an Eclipse in Sagittarius, sign of beliefs, and numerous influences in verbal Gemini—including the fortunate North Node—we have access to a full spectrum of abundance: in prosperity, in communication, and in expansion of our spiritual powers.
The month begins on a fertile weekend. Saturday, May 1 is pagan Beltane, celebrating the union of sacred masculine and feminine. Like the green meadows of late spring, the planets are full of promise. Mercury is in Taurus, favoring word-crafting, music, and connections for business, romance and sharing the good life.
Early on Sunday, May 2, the messenger planet trines intense Pluto in constructive Capricorn, deepening the power of our words, affirmations, mantras and decrees—and business dealings. Sunday, Venus, planet of love and values, sextiles Neptune, planet of compassion and fantasy, harmonizing our hearts and precipitating opportunities in romance, creativity and spiritual connection.
This Sunday is especially good for planning our week, because on Monday, May 3, Mercury enters quick, dispersed Gemini, air sign of its rule. Due to his upcoming retrograde, Mercury will be in Gemini through mid-July. Over the next 12 weeks (counting the retrograde shadows) we can learn, teach, promote and express productively—that is if we can stay focused. With North Node also in the Gemini, we can complete some kind of mission in communication.
The euphoria wanes as on Monday, Sun squares stern Saturn. Don’t get down on yourself, and do focus on planning for tangible progress.
Venus has a show of her own going on. Besides her sextile to Neptune (in force through Wednesday, May 5), on Thursday, May 6 she trines deep Pluto. Suddenly it becomes easier to heal our relationship to ourselves, to others, and to money. Neptune and Pluto are both planets of magic and with Venus in stable Taurus, can facilitate lasting improvement (and good sex).
On Saturday, May 8, the planet of…….. Learn all about May 2021, including tips for your Sun and Rising signs for the New Moon and the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse … SUBSCRIBE!

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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