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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast packagebefore the month begins, along with the 2020 Annual Astrological Travel Planner (coming soon), the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–31, 2020
This free forecast is updated every Monday. To get the entire month at once, become a Premium subscriber.
Wednesday, January 1
Moon in gentle Pisces makes this a good morning to rest, enjoy music, meditate or do dreamwork, and recover from last night’s festivities.
If we happen to be working, Moon’s harmonies to powerful Pluto in Capricorn the climber and go-getter Mars in deep Scorpio can help us push through blocks to do getting something done. They also support courage in a practical situation: intervening on behalf of a loved one, attending a 12-step group, quitting a job or moving house, knocking on a key door, closing a sale, or giving away obsolete belongings.
Although Moon is VOC most of the day, in Pisces she still performs. The themes of bravery, promotion, and finishing something continue this evening when Luna enters Aries.
Angels and Spirit Guides, please direct me to focus on what matters, whether or not it seems to fit with the plans of others now.
Thursday, January 2
With Aries Moon and Mercury the messenger joining Jupiter the publisher, this is a great day to inspire others, connect with the angels, post on social networks, and promote our ideas, wares, or services. The conjunction takes places in practical Capricorn, so it’s also good for work, taking care of bureaucracy, study, teaching, and striving for mental mastery.
Moon reaches her Second Quarter just before midnight, nudging us to look at last week’s New Moon intentions and get back on track. At 12-13 Aries, the Sabian symbol says:
An unexploded bomb reveals an unsuccessful social protest… An immature evaluation of transforming suddenly the status quo. The symbol pictures the result of a particular attempt to resolve between two concept-feelings of order. Resolution by violence fails because the ego-power at this stage of the process of individualization is far too strong, ‘The State’ thwarts attempts at popular revolution because these are premature expressions of a consciousness that is not free, but can only react ‘wildly’ to constraint and to a central ruling power. It is thus a symbol of immature refusal to reform in the name of over-idealistic desire for harmony and peace.… a negative attempt at reconciling the spiritual ideal and very earthly reality, denying the validity of the latter. It suggests adolescent frustration.
Aries is not Moon’s most harmonious placement, and she makes tense contacts. Avoid unnecessary arguments, think twice, and take into account “earthy reality” before speaking—and especially, before reacting.
Archangel Michael, with your sword please cut away self-doubt and guide me in effective self-expression now.
Friday, January 3
Mars the mover enters enthusiastic Sag, imbuing the Moon—which, with Moon in Aries, Mars rules—with vision and luck. Morning is by far the best time for interaction with others: a sextile to sweet Venus facilitates exciting interchanges for love, work, socializing, and creativity.
Afternoon and evening squares to Saturn and Pluto reduce the likelihood of harmonious interactions. We’ll all do better focusing on active, productive, independent activities—replacing the weather stripping or central air filters at home, working on the car, a health issue, or a short-term goal, or pushing through resistance to organize living or work space, or to finish something.
I master my mind and actions, and I become the master of my fate, now and always.
Saturday, January 4
Moon enters fertile Taurus, where she’s exalted. A morning aspect to pushy Mars can create tension. We can direct this energy by taking a hike or brisk walk—with an extra dose of mindfulness. Or, by doing something active that’s also constructive—volunteer at the local recycling center or go on a trash hunt at the park.
This afternoon, Luna joins Uranus the rebel and trines fortunate Jupiter. Uranus loves to leap out of the daily round of thoughts and activities. We might work on activism or art, take in a new exhibit, hang with unusual friends, or look into new financial channels and methods. This is also a good time to undertake a business initiative.
Spirit works to open new channels of good, and I’m mindful of them, now and always.
Sunday, January 5
Moon exalted in Taurus harmonizes with noble Jupiter, communicative Mercury and confident Sun, making this morning and midday great for creative self-expression, and for enjoying nature, music and good food with others.
With Mars harmonizing with Chiron in Aries, afternoon and evening are not so great for socializing, but they do favor spiritual and healing activities.
I take the reins of my wellness, and this clarity connects me with healing forces throughout the cosmos now.
Monday, January 6
Moon exalted in abundant Taurus harmonizes with builder Saturn and powerful Pluto to make today great for business, asking for a raise or reaching out to authority figures of any kind.
Do you have a task to complete? Turn off the phone, shut out distractions, and use this exceptional day, the potential of which is further enhanced by today’s prosperous numerology of 6. Devote yourself to a project related to finance, an investment, real estate, stability, protection, security, or anything requiring lasting results.
With Sun in sextile to Neptune, our powers of intuition and visualization also expand—so apply them! This combination favors contacting the angels and making a dream board for business and financial success.
With eager Mars approaching a quincunx to excitable Uranus, avoid going overboard or coming on too strong.
Moon will be VOC most of day, although in Taurus she continues to perform. At 8:11 pm (11:11 ET), she enters Gemini. Now we can get caught up on our messages and calls, write letters, and share ideas. We might also obtain and sign a contract, or purchase computer and phone equipment.
Angels of abundance, please free my attention from appearances and connect it with the Divine Source now.
Tuesday, January 7
Moon in Gemini combines with today’s perceptive numerology of 7 to favor mental activities. She also connects with Jupiter and Mercury in practical Capricorn, helping us ground our ideas in teaching, study, and business strategies.
With Mars perfecting his contact to Uranus, we may end up feeling pushed or pushy. This potentially reactive aspect can trigger Gemini Moon’s nosey or gossipy side. Since direct contact could get sticky, we’ll get better results from independent activities and virtual rather than physical connections.
My communications are under spiritual law, so they flow in perfect order now.
Wednesday, January 8
Moon in communicative Gemini connects with the purposeful alignment of Sun, Saturn and Pluto in directed Capricorn. Combined with today’s power-loving numerology of 8 and at the doorstep of Friday’s Eclipse Full Moon, we feel impelled to tie up pending communications. With Moon’s ruler Mercury in sextile to Neptune, our connections flow—both with humans and with spirit guides.
Avoid being pushy or putting yourself out on a limb, but do attend time-sensitive matters and follow your intuition to collect an account due, close a deal, or communicate something related to business, responsibility, and practical concerns.
Get it done early: at 2:16 pm (5:16 pm ET), Moon goes VOC on a lovely trine to Venus that favors going to tea, watching a light movie, reading, going for a walk, holding hands with your love object or consorting with nature spirits. If there’s something practical you couldn’t finish earlier, save it for tomorrow afternoon.
Enjoy a relaxing afternoon, use affirmations and meditate. Recharge your batteries in preparation for Friday morning’s exact Eclipse.
Only Infinite Good can touch me through all situations, so I am free from any challenging influences, now and always.
Thursday, January 9
Moon in Cancer sharpens our sensitivity, and her aspects can make us touchy. Nine is a mystical number, and on the doorstep of tomorrow’s Eclipse Full Moon, we can enjoy some healing and contemplative down time at home. We might journal, bless our home, meditate, pray, invoke the goddess, work on forgiveness, or embark on a new course of metaphysical study. Avoid touchiness, unnecessary arguments, extreme sports, substance abuse or potentially risky situations.
With Moon opposing Jupiter, afternoon is the best time for contact with others. It favors promotion, teaching, and garnering allies for a noble cause. Still, avoid taking things personally and give things a light touch.
Archangel Gabriel, please bring your hosts into my home and bless it with your pure, white light now.
Friday, January 10
Moon in sensitive Cancer trines mystical Neptune. This makes early morning great for dreamwork, making a treasure map or related tools, contacting the angels, supporting a cause that supports mothers or the homeless, or calling your mom.
Midmorning, Sun joins Mercury in practical Capricorn. We can work on writing or business communication early this morning, but since Eclipses can trigger unexpected change, we should put off reaching major agreements or signing contracts until Tuesday, January 14 or Saturday, January 18.
The Eclipse is exact at 11:21 am (2:21 pm ET), followed by a series of tense aspects that we’d probably prefer to enjoy in the quiet and solitude of our own garden, home, or study.
In conjunction with the North Node, this lunation triggers an influx of new energy, accented by Uranus’ station to turn direct. There’s a sense of release of a dam or buildup of some kind, and a sudden openness to change.
At 20-21 Cancer, the Sabian symbol reads:
AN OPERATIVE PRIMA DONNA SINGS TO A GLITTERING AUDIENCE. Elevation and popularization of human values through art as a social factor. Supreme realization of life ambition.
In Cancer, this Eclipse supports fruition of something related to home, real estate, intuition, family, business, our motherhood and mother, or our emotions. In the midst of the current great line-up in Capricorn—sign of goals—and opposing heavies Saturn and Pluto, as well as Mercury and Ceres, this Eclipse invites us to keep a space open to stay in touch with our feelings, have an oasis to turn to, and defend the vulnerable—including our own, vulnerable selves.
The January Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon, and its about joining and protecting our personal pack, whether they be blood relatives, spiritual family, or the apparently weaker members of our community.
I give thanks for the lessons I have shared with my family, and I bless each of us to our true place on our current paths now.
Saturday, January 11
Moon enters Leo at 4:16 am (7:16 ET). Her aspects to wounded-healer Chiron, rebel Uranus, and restless Mars don’t exactly tone down the Eclipse portal’s intense vibration. However, they do help us connect with our heart energy and apply it to healing and creative expression.
Morning favors journaling, meditation, attending therapy or a support group. Or make a date with your inner artist to take in a contemporary exhibit or work to complete something creative.
Save connections with others for this afternoon—which is great for working on a cause—or this evening, when Moon’s connection with Jupiter fuels enthusiasm and noble sentiments. With the big planet in Capricorn, this particularly favors contact with a teacher, an elder or a business contact.
Today’s numerology of 11 marks days when the angels use humanity’s love emissions to lift the planetary vibration. Our participation also opens us to the best potential of the Eclipse portal and tomorrow’s exact conjunction of stern Saturn and mob-boss Pluto in Capricorn, sign of authority.
I radiate love to myself and others, and I am an agent of cosmic good, now and always.
Sunday, January 12
It’s here, the meeting of elite pair Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, sign of hierarchies. Such a meeting could be behind closed doors, if it weren’t for the involvement of Mercury the communicator in this conjunction. Mercury is the mouthpiece who will make its dynamics known in one way or another.
Sun also comes on board, turning the conjunction into a stellium and fueling a sense of personal involvement with the energies at play. Maternal asteroid Ceres also joins this alignment, underscoring the themes of Friday’s Eclipse in Cancer, and urging us to take our emotional and physical needs into account even as the Capricorn alignment thrusts us into the demanding arms of our evolutionary and life goals. (For the collective issues triggered by these archetypes, see our General Influences.)
The Sabian symbol for today’s historic stellium at 22-23 Capricorn says:
A SOLDIER RECEIVING TWO AWARDS FOR BRAVERY IN COMBAT. The reward offered by society for the fulfillment of individual responsibility. The fact that two awards are emphasized makes us believe that this may refer subtly to the recognition by the community that, whether he succeeded or failed, an individual who discharged his or her duty nobly under unusual circumstances is entitled to the respect and appreciation of the collectivity s/he serves so well. What is implied here is a constant give and take between society and the individual person. Each one should be able to trust the other… RECOMPENSE, i.e., a compensation for a well-done performance—a balancing of accounts.
In a day and age when military awards have lost their idealistic luster, we can infer a call to the duty of our current life mission, which can certainly connect with today’s powerhouse alignment in the sign of mastery.
Angels of Mastery, direct me in my true mission in balanced, healthful ways, now and always.
Monday, January 13
As Sun moves to perfect his conjunction to demanding Saturn and powerful Pluto, today’s constructive numerology of 4 facilitates strategic, productive initiatives.
At 5:42 am (8:42 ET), Moon goes VOC in Leo. If we’re up, we can give ourselves a little break, do inner work, walk in nature. At 6:06 am (9:06 ET), Moon enters diligent Virgo and we’re now on a productive track.
People connections may be tense until after 8:00 pm (11:00 ET), when Moon will be approaching a trine with Jupiter.
We can use the rest of the day to declutter, get papers and space in order, take care of bureaucracy, follow up on a service initiative, work on writing or editing, and prepare for changes triggered by last Friday’s Eclipse.
I give thanks for the infinite good that fills my panorama now and throughout this day.
Tuesday, January 14
Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune, making morning good for dreamwork, visualization, and connecting with angels and spirit guides. Or, sleep in to prepare for tonight’s productive window.
From midday to afternoon, Virgo energies come to the fore, helping us solve a problem, bring order to our bookshelves, help someone else, organize our schedules, banking situation, or workspace, review and follow up on communications, or complete an old project.
Tonight’s productive influences are worth staying up for: Moon makes a chain of trines to Sun, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, reconnecting us with the big picture and favoring tangible results, focus, work, practical manifestation, and efforts involving finance or completion of old projects.
I move forward however I can, and the Universe opens my way to success now.
Wednesday, January 15
At 4:12 am (7:12 ET), Moon goes VOC in Virgo.
At 7:43 am (10:43 ET), she enters socially minded Libra. Don’t couch-potato it! Moon’s ruler Venus makes a sextile to Uranus, an excellent aspect for meeting new friends, adding zest to love-life, and working boldly on a creative project or an initiative for altruism, PR or a social or cultural group.
Tonight, Moon sextiles go-getter Mars. If you can’t sleep, do follow-up on messages or plan a promotion.
The spirit of joy fills my life, establishing the highest and happiest contacts for me now.
Thursday, January 16
With Moon in Libra, and Mercury entering friendly Aquarius, morning favors positive and refreshing social connection. Have lunch with friends, send your partner roses, do PR or teamwork, buy new clothes, or get your hair done or cut.
The romance fades tonight, as Moon squares demanding Saturn and intense Pluto.
Angels of connection, please unite me with my spiritual family so that we walk our shared light-path now.
Friday, January 17
At 4:58 am (7:58 ET) Moon goes VOC on reaching her Fourth Quarter. At 26-27 Libra, the Sabian symbol says:
A SPOT OF LIGHT IN CLEAR SKIES. AN AEROPLANE SALES CALMLY. Dwelling above the normal stress of existence. Superior mental vision. Calm, objective observation. Quiet inner strength.
Take a break and enjoy nature or an art book or movie.
At 10:20 am (1:20 pm ET), Luna enters Scorpio, with contacts that favor reviewing our progress on things we started previously. This afternoon and evening offer a great window to step on the accelerator and move forward on those things.
Tonight, Moon in deep Scorpio trines Venus in sensitive Pisces. Reach out to others with warmth and courage.
I’m an agent of infinite good, and I act in that certainty now.
Saturday, January 18
Today’s influences are both deep and dynamic. Moon in Scorpio picks up the metaphysical powers of today’s number 9. She harmonizes with fortunate Jupiter and sensitive Neptune, which are also the two planets of angels. These connections empower our inner magic, inviting us to study something occult, or seek out a special business or personal contact. One-on-one goes better than group interaction—keep interactions close and be selective. We can also work well on art or healing, or meditate to connect with spirit guides and angels.
I am not exposed to limitation or harm. Infinite good floods my world and fills all my situations now.
Sunday, January 19
Although it’s Sunday and the Moon is waning, this morning’s sextiles from Moon in brave Scorpio to ruler Pluto and constructive Saturn are great for courageous action and finishing a project related to finance, creativity or work. These energies can also be applied in brave initiatives for a humanitarian, ecological or spiritual cause.
Use them before 1:22 pm (4:22 ET), when Moon goes VOC in Scorpio. Take some down time, work on forgiveness, and enjoy watery delights like a jacuzzi, hot bath or skin cleanse.
At 2:41 pm (5:41 ET), Moon enters adventuresome Sagittarius. Her aspects indicate a possibility of physical risk, so stick to adventures of a mental or spiritual kind. On this last night of the Capricorn Sun, apply the climber’s executive skills to organize the week ahead.
My heart guides me to serve others by doing what I love most now.
Monday, January 20
With Moon in gregarious Sag in square to Venus, and Sun entering friendly Aquarius, morning is great for socializing and people contacts in general.
At 11:47 am (2:47 ET), Moon joins Mars, triggering a less harmonious but braver energy that’s good for intervening on behalf of a loved one, immigrants, foreigners, or an ecological cause.
Afternoon is good for spending time outdoors, engaging in prayer and visualization, or working at a distance on trade, correspondence, data retrieval, a legal matter, promotion, art or media production. Moon’s square to Neptune is not so great for signing contracts or believing a promise, but it does favor dreamwork, consulting an oracle, or contacting spirit guides.
At 8:46 pm (11:46 ET), Moon goes VOC, although in Sagittarius she still performs.
Infinite good goes before me, establishing the highest and best contacts, now and always.
Tuesday, January 21
Moon is VOC for most of the day. In Sagittarius she still performs, carrying the mystical and spiritual vibration of her last aspect: a square to psychic Neptune. The influence can lead to confusion and daydreaming, so it isn’t particularly practical—but it’s great for media production, generating an original promotion, taking a seminar, enjoying fun movies, and spending time outdoors. We might also connect with the angels, make a donation, or forgive someone.
At 9:00 pm (Midnight ET), Moon enters pragmatic Capricorn.
Understanding that everything I’ve said, thought and done came from my level of consciousness at the time, I couldn’t have done otherwise, so I release labels of good or bad. Understanding that what others have said, thought or done came from their level of consciousness at the time, I release them from labels. I free us all and remember that we are all growing in love. (Adapted from The Love Book, by John Randolph-Price.)
Wednesday, January 22
Moon in directed Capricorn makes harmonies to Venus and Jupiter, the Lesser and Greater Benefics. This bodes very well for communications in work, business, or with a father or elder, or an authority figure such as a teacher, CEO, or leader of some kind.
That is, it bodes well if we can avoid the stubbornness fueled by a square from Sun in dogmatic Aquarius to ruler Uranus in fixed Taurus, and the temptation to publicize our wounds triggered by Sun’s sextile to Chiron, the wounded healer. The upside of these last two aspects is that they fuel creativity, so try channeling them by leaving an original and excellent mark on your work.
Today’s numerology of 22 can make our efforts reach the masses.
I am divinely guided to express my process in constructive, positive ways, now and always.
Thursday, January 23
On the doorstep of tomorrow’s New Moon, charming Venus makes a lovely sextile to fortunate Jupiter.
Our spirits are high, sweetness flows, and contacts of all kinds are favored. We might meet a new love, reignite a lost spark, attract new clients, launch a successful promotion, heal a broken friendship, win support for a cause, or lift the spirits of a person, a group or social-network followers. And Moon in resourceful Capricorn will find a way to make money in the process, particularly as it joins with millionaire Pluto this afternoon.
Make as many connections as possible before 6:08 pm (9:08 ET), when Moon goes VOC. Then it’s time to rest and recharge ther batteries in preparation for tomorrow’s exciting New Moon.
Divine love is a tangible, powerful presence that pours through my connections, lifting them to the highest and best wavelength, now and always.
Friday, January 24
This morning, Moon in Aquarius makes contacts to Chiron and Uranus that aren’t so great for work or people connections but do favor visiting a therapist or support group. They also stimulate our thinking about the changes we want to make, and help us make space for them by clearing out objects, papers and projects that distract us from our ideals.
At 1:42 pm (4:42 ET), Moon becomes new in the sign of the Water Bearer. This lunation squares ruler Uranus, increasing Aquarius’ rebel spirit and restlessness for change. In the New Moon chart, Sun also squares Uranus, Venus sextiles Jupiter and Mercury sextiles Mars. This combination is definitely individualistic and can fuel dogmatism. But it’s also dynamic, assertive, expressive and fortunate.
It’s also the first lunation since the recent Eclipses and the last New Moon before Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow next month. This lunation increases the energy of beginnings, and marks the Chinese New Year of the Metal Rat. Rat is known as the most intelligent animal of the Chinese zodiac. Its prosperous energy is further enhanced by the element of metal.
Connect with this wonderful portal by clarifying an intention and writing it down. Sample intentions for this portal’s energies include:
I see myself applying an innovative, effective solution to (name situation).
Infinite Intelligence guides me brilliantly to complete this project.
I see all doors opening as I follow my bliss of (describe your dream) now.
I see myself acting courageously on divine guidance now.
I see myself taking bold measures and making whatever changes are necessary to live my ideals.
I want to remain consciously aware that Spirit acts in all my changes, making only good come from them now.
I imagine myself in a partnership that’s congruous with my life mission and meaning.
I see myself free of karmatic ties and enjoying my divine social network now.
I wish to release toxic attachments to the approval of others and embrace my uniqueness unapologetically.
Saturday, January 25
Chinese New Year officially begins.
Mercury sextiles Mars, favoring promotion, sales, and writing Congress, while Moon in gregarious and creative Aquarius sextiles Mars, emboldening us to act assertively for a cause or a dear one in need.
We should use these dynamic influences before 11:06 am (2:06 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC for the rest of the day.
I disconnect from the world of appearances, and put my attention on divinity, that is bringing new good to me and all humanity now.
Sunday, January 26
Finally, a day of rest! Moon spends today VOC in Aquarius. We can enjoy reading, art, or friends, and save things that need set outcomes for after 3:44 pm (6:44 ET), when Moon enters mystical Pisces.
A trine from Venus the beautiful to Mars the hot can make for passionate encounters, hypnotic promotions, or great artistic inspiration, and Moon’s sextile to Uranus adds more creativity to this mix.
Goddess Lakshmi, please gift me beauty and light my inspiration now.
Monday, January 27
Art, empathy and romance are in the air as goddess Venus joins Neptune in imaginative Pisces. Make a vision board for romance or prosperity, meditate on love and forgiveness, pray for or help another. Or, we can enjoy or make music or another form of artistic expression.
Between this conjunction and a sextile from Moon in Pisces to noble Jupiter, we have the ability to charm people through our words, creations, media publications, and vibrations of kindness.
However, since there is also a potential for inflated fantasies try to keep your feet on the ground, your heart in your chest, and your purse strings tied.
I love myself, my dear ones and all sentient beings and this vibration fuels the planet’s light-web now.
Tuesday, January 28
We get one of the month’s key aspects as Mars the mover squares foggy Neptune. The combination can open us up to propositions that are not what they seem. It calls for an extra dose of mindfulness, particularly in situations involving vehicles or mechanical equipment, water, contracts that are pushed on us, and guys in bars or dark alleys.
That said, this mix also imparts a stroke of boldness that can decisively enrich our creativity, empower us to act on our intuition, and move us to promote our original work.
These benefits are multiplied by a conjunction from Moon in sensitive Pisces to tasteful Venus and lunar sextiles to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, sign of tangible results. Also, the newly waxing Moon and today’s numerology of one both favor new beginnings.
Avoid partying, along with the above risks, and focus on promoting your dreams.
Moon goes VOC at 5:08 pm (8:08 ET), though in Pisces it still performs, loosening some of the tensions of the day.
Infinite Good shines through astrological configurations, and I receive only good results from them now.
Wednesday, January 29
At 3:51 am (6:51 ET), Moon enters Aries, with a slight chance of being more aggressive than usual as it joins Chiron.
We should avoid taking things personally, while we employ our focus on following up on yesterday’s initiatives. We may also collect a debt, assume leadership, initiate change, set up a new business, enter a competition, circulate our resumé or push through resistance to get things done. If you can stay up, enjoy the confidence of Moon’s sextile to Sun and work into the night.
I call on my wise and positive ancestors to strengthen me on my path of power now.
Thursday, January 30
This morning, Moon in assertive Aries squares confident Jupiter. We’re apt to feel confident, but can come on too strong and get ticked off more easily than usual, so it’s wiser to focus on independent efforts or promotions at a distance.
By afternoon, the road clears. Take advantage of an opportunity, make a decision, launch a new scheme, pursue the course of changes that were initiated over the last couple of days. This evening Moon makes a trine to ruler Mars in visionary Sagittarius, a strengthening, dynamic aspects that supports our efforts into the night.
Angels of progress, please direct me in firm, harmonious and effective actions now.
Friday, January 31
Moon in Aries makes early squares to tough Saturn and heavy Pluto; it’s best to lay low until after 7:10 am (10:10 ET) when she goes VOC on a sextile to Mercury. Take the morning off, but use Aries’ energy to do crossword puzzles, go to the gym, declutter the garage, or clean the car.
Save important actions and communications for after 4:28 pm (7:28 ET), when Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. Sharing a nice meal and good music will be especially pleasant. If you have work, use this productive, abundant influence to get caught up.
Spirit doesn’t have to wait for certain circumstances to manifest my supply, and It doesn’t make me wait to receive it. Spirit makes my divine supply reach me through infinite channels, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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