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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins, along with the 2019 Annual Astrological Travel Planner, the detailed monthly Travel Advisory, complete General Astrological Influences, and handy Void of Course Moon charts too.
Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant.
Daily Astrological Forecast, July 1–31, 2019
This free forecast is updated every Monday.
Monday, July 1
This morning, Moon in communicative Gemini favors taking care of paperwork, giving a presentation or speech, writing a letter, voicing a new idea, promoting something, reaching out to a sibling.
At 2:48 pm (5:48 pm ET), Moon goes VOC. Now, we can kick back, take a break, and do crossword puzzles or play Scrabble. It’s best to leave key initiatives on hold after Moon enters Cancer at 6:24 pm (9:24 pm ET). Even then, we’ll want to move mindfully. We’re on the doorstep of tomorrow’s Eclipse, so it’s best to focus on something we’ve been preparing for, or something that responds to our soul needs.
In tune with compassionate Cancer, we can connect with the pool of compassion in our hearts and share it in a gesture of empathy to a family member, our inner child, or someone who needs nurturance. Or we can work on forgiveness, embark on a new course of metaphysical studies, declutter our homes or personal spaces, research something related to real estate, go on an inner journey, cook, putter around the house, and/or (lovely!) take a warm bath.
I pause to listen to the needs of my soul and allow myself to focus on them now.
Tuesday, July 2
A Total New Moon Solar Eclipse makes today one of the year’s essential power portals. In conjunction to the North Node, this Eclipse is considered fortunate. It triggers an influx of new energy and opportunities and is more propitious for beginnings than for closing cycles or dealing with the past. However, with Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow, focus on something you want to get off the ground or consolidate, but that was started before Summer Solstice (Friday, June 21). Write down your intention. In sextile to Uranus the liberator and connecting with expansive Jupiter, this lunation serves to unblock something close to our souls that we’ve been trying to heal or to make happen.
Cancer is an active, cardinal sign—focused on the growth of one’s business, family, creativity and soul. Cancer is also emotional. We can get our bearings in this mobile sea by sitting on the grass, hugging a tree, walking barefoot on the beach, journaling, connecting with a support group and provoking a pause to listen to intuition.
If you’re carrying an open wound, affirm healing and begin to develop a way to attend to it. In fact, Moon’s wide opposition to Saturn in paternal Capricorn—sign of the year’s next two Eclipses—indicates that issues around our children, including our inner child—are part of this Moon’s mission.
The lunation also plays into the Saturn-Neptune sextile that’s another one of the year’s main transits—a propitious connection for building on our dreams. Reconnect with your vision and visualization, organize for progress, yet before acting or planning, listen to the magical child within. Her unique voice is waiting and ready to guide you.
The Sabian symbol for 9-10 Cancer says:
A WONDERFUL DIAMOND IS BEING CUT TO PERFECT SHAPE. Spiritual fulfillment or the acme of civilized being. Actualization of potentialities and out-pressing of real selfhood.
In practical affairs, proceed with calm, but do act.
No condition or event of the past or present can keep Spirit from expressing Its complete life through me (adapt for specific results—through my emotions… my bones… my thyroid, etc.).
Wednesday July 3
At 7:25 am (9:25 ET), Moon in sensitive Cancer goes VOC on an opposition to Pluto. Moon in the sign of the crab still performs, yet this aspect may cast a somewhat dark tone on a usually tender placement.
Less than an hour later, the entrance of sweet Venus in Cancer offers a gift of healing love and beauty. We can schedule a therapy session, do something creative, and one way or another, work on emotional wellness. Share the energy by writing a letter to Congress about the children at the border or in Syria or some other group in need.
At 8:19 pm (11:19 ET), Moon enters Leo, followed by a conjunction to Mars that intensifies this already energetic placement. Now is the time to ask for support, and to give and receive positive recognition. If these vital vibrations keep you up, try going dancing, exercising, working on art, or on tomorrow’s menu or itinerary.
I act on my guidance to serve, and I have a positive balance with the Universe, now and always.
Thursday, July 4
Independence Day is here, and Moon in Leo is up for a party.
Leo Moon makes a morning trine to Chiron and a square to Uranus that can help early-risers get in touch with their own voice and release co-dependence. These transits are apt to fuel alternative celebrations like a march or protest of some kind.
Before engaging in the day’s festivities, center yourself in your own being—take time to do dream work, or journal about what independence means to you.
I give thanks for my independence, and it multiplies here and now.
Friday, July 5
Moon goes VOC in Leo the wee hours, where she coasts on for the rest of the day. Rest up from yesterday’s partying, enjoy art, clown around, encourage someone, express your feelings warmly.
Steer clear of potentially unpleasant encounters, avoid unnecessary arguments or making sarcastic or rude jokes that might hurt someone’s feelings.
At 9:25 pm (12:25 am ET), Moon enters practical Virgo, great for picking up after the party or doing a bit of work.
If it’s not fun I don’t do it; if I have to anyway, I make it fun. (from my friend, Rev. Lili Townsend)
Saturday, July 6
Morning harmonies to Venus and Uranus release the productive potential of Moon in Virgo and reduce its snit factor.
Virgo Moon urges us to clean, declutter, fix something, scour, sort, troubleshoot, and help. We might also find ourselves focusing on our own health—and go to the gym, visit a health professional, or recommit to a diet and stock up on healthy food. In the realm of communications and business, we might, research an alternative subject, work on practical manifestation and finances, and push to complete something.
Today’s prosperous numerology of 6 brings fortune in business and joy in relating—especially with alternative kinds of company and conversation.
Nighttime is good for a heart-to-heart or cuddling in bed.
I allow myself to release whatever blocks my goals, here and now.
Sunday, July 7
With Moon in Virgo, ruled by Mercury, and the mental numerology of 7, this is a thoughtful day.
Early morning is good for healing and spiritual inspiration. At 9:50 am (12:50 pm ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to Pluto the plumber. This influence is great for deep thinking, enjoying film and art, healing our emotions and/or helping others heal or transform their lives. Late this afternoon, Moon’s ruler, Mercury, stations to go completely retrograde, which is also propitious for looking within.
At 11:07 pm (2:07 am), Moon enters Libra.
I invite the angels to heal through me, now and always.
Monday, July 8
This is an intense day that can catalyze a breakthrough, but that also requires an extra dose of diplomacy.
Now at the end of her First Quarter, Moon in socially adept Libra can do both. Her ruler, Venus, sextiles Uranus, planet of surprises, an aspect that can open wonderful doors, so knock! A contact from Sun to Jupiter sheds rays of luck; while both the big planet and Uranus support our freedom. Today’s powerful numerology of 8 increases our drive. These influences can make for significant breakthroughs, particularly this morning, before Moon triggers tense aspects beginning at 9:08 am (12:08 pm ET).
An afternoon conjunction from Mercury the messenger to feisty Mars gives us mental energy but can spark unnecessary arguments. Also, Sun is approaching an opposition to Saturn, which keeps us focused on progress yet can also create a sense of being blocked or unworthy.
Seek out collaborators and prospects, beautify your image, ideas, and proposals, but keep your eye on the big picture and your heart in harmony. Avoid getting nitpicky or reactive and save tense negotiations for another day.
I radiate love to myself and others, and I stay on the highest frequency, now and always.
Tuesday, July 9
At 3:55 am (6:55 ET), Moon in Libra reaches the beginning of her Second Quarter, sounding a call to review our progress on the intentions or goals we set at last week’s Total Solar Eclipse, and reorganize.
The Sabian symbol for 16-17 Libra says:
A RETIRED SEA CAPTAIN IN UNIFORM WATCHES SHIPS SALE AWAY. Vicarious or mellow participation in life. Transfer of activity from physical to mental; or self-involvement in the past.
Sun perfects her opposition to executive Saturn, a transit that helps us look at our plans and perfect our methods to move on them. Interactions with others may be frustrating; independent work is most fulfilling. Take any apparent setbacks as signposts to pause, radiate love to all involved, and give yourself permission to enjoy your self-expression, while structuring new ways to cultivate it.
I am worthy of shining the light that I am, now and always.
Wednesday, July 10
Moon in Scorpio makes tense contacts that may stir up undesirable emotions. Look at your wounds or those of a group you’d like to help, journal, go to therapy, define your limits, work on forgiveness.
Save key interactions for this afternoon, when a trine from Moon to sweet Venus and Sun to sensitive Neptune facilitate romance, passion, empathy, positive interactions with others and making new visualization tools.
Divine love surrounds me, so only good can come to me, now and always.
Thursday, July 11
Moon in Scorpio, sign of power, is enriched by aspects that boost courage and self-esteem. Use them to recognize your needs for healing, consult your intuition and trust its responses, and strategize for independent action.
A square from Mars to Uranus helps shake us free from co-dependence and the fixation with the approval of others, but it can also spark unexpected belligerence. Independent activities are easier than people connections, unless it’s a shared altruistic or alternative collaboration. Don’t take an apparent act or word of aggression personally.
At 5:28 pm (8:28 ET), Moon goes VOC on a sextile to Pluto: enjoy a psychological thriller or mystery movie; practice forgiveness.
Dear cells of my body, I love you and praise you for the amazing, brilliant work you carry out, now and always.
Friday, July 12
Moon is VOC until 8:05 am (11:05 ET), when she enters Sagittarius, followed by harmonies with Mercury and Chiron that facilitate meaningful communication. Write down dreams, talk to your cells lovingly, write and edit, promote something (particularly a cause or philosophy), attend a 12-step group, share words of encouragement with someone who can use them.
Evening can be fun, though contacts to Mars and Uranus may bring out the pushy side of Moon in Sagittarius, so steer clear of arguments and potentially rowdy places. Direct your courage in writing to Congress.
I invite Divine Intelligence to express and prosper through me now.
Saturday, July 13
Moon in charismatic Sag contacts charming Venus and joins ruler Jupiter, awakening noble instincts and facilitating diplomacy. Today’s constructive numerology of 4 pushes for tangible results.
Morning and afternoon are great for people connections, particularly for sales, renegotiation, reconciliation, or lasting improvements of one kind or another (remember to focus on what was initiated before June 20).
Evening favors visualization, and producing or enjoying music, videos or films.
Infinite Intelligence connects me with the true people for the highest and best good of all concerned, here and now.
Sunday, July 14
This morning’s Moon in Sagittarius lightens the load of an opposition from Sun to Pluto that absolutely urges us to make deep change. Since we’re on the Full Moon Eclipse portal, we likely will.
Make some space to be with yourself, do dream work, journal, connect with a group where people share what’s really going on with them. Avoid superficial interaction and potentially dangerous situations, from using sharp tools or arguing on the street, to driving under the influence. Keep a low profile, but focus on what matters.
At 4:05 pm (7:05 ET), Moon enters Capricorn. The pressure’s not off, but our practical instincts can help us plan for solutions and organize the upcoming week.
Spirit is present in all my changes, so only good can come from them, here and now. Spirit is present in the planet’s changes, so only good can come from them now.
Monday, July 15
On the threshold of tomorrow’s Eclipse, Moon in Capricorn trines Uranus the liberator, a great influence for uncluttering our space, office, papers and life. Moon also contacts Mars, supporting action.
Make decisions but steer clear of potential conflict. Tackle small stuff that will make life easier, and save major connections and initiatives for Friday, July 19, or Saturday, July 20.
Spirit knows the right situations for my success and soul purpose, and acts to manifest them clearly now. Thank you, Spirit.
Tuesday, July 16
Morning offers a range of possibilities, as Moon in executive Capricorn connects with practical Saturn, intense Pluto and sweet Neptune, while noble Venus contacts fortunate Jupiter. Connect with those who empower you, finish some work, lift your vibration by making a donation or another generous gesture.
At 2:38 pm (5:38 ET), today’s partial lunar eclipse Full Moon becomes exact.
The Sabian symbol for 24-25 Capricorn says:
LITTLE BOYS FROLIC UPON SOFT RUGS IN AN ORIENTAL STORE. First realization of cultural values through sensuous enjoyment. Refinement of sensations. Psychological enrichment.
In the Eclipse chart, Moon joins Pluto and Saturn, giving us a chance for a true reality check. What do we need to see and do in order to promote the change we long for? Saturn sits astride the South Node, giving us a chance to untie the knots of karma. The July 2 Eclipse opened a door onto a new future, and this eclipse beckons to close a cycle so that those roots can take hold.
Venus accompanies the Sun and closely conjuncts the North Node (the promise of new energy), opposing Saturn and South Node. The cycles now ending likely relate to finances and people in our past. Are we resenting the conditions we’re moving out of? We can fill the wound with gratitude by blessing the passing phase and all involved. Are we holding onto relationships? Now’s the time for closure.
The conjunction with heavies Pluto and Saturn triggers the issues around this pair’s rendezvous in Capricorn, pushing them home. On an individual level, Saturn presses us to build for self-sufficiency. Pluto presses for our empowerment, pulling us through whatever experiences and shadows are necessary to achieve the deep change which that process implies. Discipline is part of life, of achievement and mastery. Since 2008 it has become an even bigger issue than usual, focused in the life areas of our chart occupied by the sign of the goat. And since 2017, Saturn has upped the ante, making even higher demands and at the same time helping us polish the stone of our life’s work.
Joining them by conjunction, the present portal is part of these planets’ dance, enriched by a dream-maker harmony with Neptune. Make the most of it by honing in—to the exclusion of all else—on something you feel guided to finish or release. In our General Monthly Influences, you’ll find suggestions for your Sun and Rising signs along with more tips for the present portal.
As for today’s propitious activities, they include: work focused on finances or art, getting the bank account in order, making a vision board, creating a budget, and consulting an accountant.
With Moon going VOC on fullness at 2:38 pm (5:38 ET), morning is best for key initiatives. Avoid rash, dramatic gestures and decisions.
Angels of divine order, please guide my efforts in the highest and the best direction now.
Wednesday, July 17
Moon in Aquarius makes tense aspects to Mercury and Uranus. We can envision new perspectives, but may also get a bit bristly. Apply your independent streak constructively. Review a contract, agreement or negotiation with an eye to your best interests, invent something the world needs, break the rules, pick up garbage at the local park, organize a surprise party, work on art or anything requiring originality.
In general, independent activities are more propitious, unless your collaborators are altruistic and/or fringy. Even then, avoid being dogmatic or pushy about your views.
I am not an age, a name or a piece of flesh, I am unlimited being: uncontainable, unstoppable, and infinitely connected with all the good that divine love sends to me now.
Thursday, July 18
Charm is on the airwaves, as romantic Venus trines dreamy Neptune in empathetic water signs. Consult a medium, work on forgiveness or self-esteem, do activism on behalf of the ocean, connect with that special someone, colleagues, clients or angels early, before 8:53 am (11:53 ET), when Moon goes VOC in Aquarius, where it will be for the rest of the day.
Afternoon is fun to enjoy with friends or help someone in need.
I love the oceans and their inhabitants, and my love joins the love of people and angels around the world, to heal the oceans now.
Friday, July 19
With Moon VOC in idealistic Aquarius connecting with Sun and Mercury in tender Cancer, most of this day is good for studying metaphysics, helping a group or person in need, or enjoying a sensitive conversation and warm fuzzies.
Save key actions for after 2:19 pm (5:19 ET), when Moon enters Pisces. Settle a dispute with friends or family, work on a proposal, an agreement, a production or something requiring imagination, fix equipment, declutter, send out tweets or emails.
I invite the angels of freedom to release obsolete papers, belongings and ties, through me and around me now.
Saturday, July 20
Moon in Pisces sextiles Uranus, planet of freedom: try a new place for breakfast or brunch with friends.
This afternoon, Moon contacts bold Mars, unleashing creativity. Act on an intuitive lead or move to promote an original idea, even if it’s not yet perfect or together.
Night is good for socializing, visualizing, contacting the angels and doing business, particularly media production or promotion. With people-planet Venus in opposition to Pluto, be selective about your company.
I move in whatever way I can and the Universe supports my boldness now.
Sunday, July 21
With Moon in Pisces, and love-planet Venus in tender Cancer opposing tough Pluto, this is one sensitive day. Enjoy the company of dear ones or have a transformational spiritual experience. With Sun entering Leo tomorrow, use today to get caught up on your good intentions of cultivating empathy.
Got some work to do? Sun joins communicative Mercury, and Moon harmonizes with Pluto the mover, sweet Venus and Mercury: art, writing, media activity and promotion can go particularly well.
Whatever you do, follow your intuition and come from the place of authenticity that is your true power.
Angels of authenticity, please help me be honest and unapologetic, now and always.
Monday, July 22
Today’s Master Number 22 increases our chances of serving the masses and reaching them with our product or message. And the stars give us the confidence needed to share our words or work.
At 3:02 am (6:02 am), Moon enters brave Aries: relaunch an idea, product or plan you shared before June 21, push through your resistance to act, work on a short-term goal, exert your leadership.
At 7:50 pm (9:50 ET), Sun enters Leo, reconnecting us with our mission of confidence and self-expression (See Maya’s profile of Sun in Leo.)
I am the light of my world, and I allow myself to shine, here and now.
Tuesday, July 23
Today’s numerology of five relates to adventure and to dynamic Mars, who also happens to rule the today’s Moon in Aries. It’s worth making an extra effort to use this influence, since tomorrow Moon reaches Fourth Quarter and her energy starts to wind down.
Trines to the red planet and to Jupiter make early morning great for promotion! Create copy, offer your wares or services or knock on a key door.
Do it early! At 11:31 am (2:31 pm), Moon fist squares Saturn, planet of time, and then, Pluto-the-pushy. After that, we can review plans, make independent efforts to improve our work and methods, do low-key exercise, join a child to play with Legos, or watch competitive sports, particularly boxing or wrestling (only watch!). Save live contacts with adults for another day.
I invite the angels of change to act wisely and boldly through me now.
Wednesday, July 24
Moon in restless Aries makes tense contacts before going VOC at 7:48 am (10:48 ET). Save key contacts and actions for after 2:42 pm (5:42 ET), when she enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. Connect with the world and others from then until 6:18 pm (9:18 ET), when Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, phase of conclusion and of rest.
In the brief hours before that, Mercury joins Moon’s ruler Venus in sensitive Cancer, making a wonderful window to connect with dear ones, lift someone’s spirits, repeat affirmations of love and abundance and do business.
At 1-2 Taurus, the Moon’s Sabian symbol says:
AN ELECTRICAL STORM BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINES THE SKIES. A sensing of the power and wonder of nature’s forces. Complete transformation of the implication of all being.
Spirit is present in my relationships and finances, loving me in them and through them now.
Thursday, July 25
This is truly a great morning to inspire, sell, or promote. Mars the hunter trines Jupiter the informer, and the abundant Taurus Moon her dose of energetic Red Bull.
This trine tends to come on strong, particularly tonight when Moon makes tense contacts. Pry the lance out of your hand and hang it by the door for the evening.
With Mercury retrograde and Moon in her Fourth Quarter, focus on finishing something you began before June 23. Use today’s thoughtful numerology of 7 to design your message or promotion with care.
Angels of communication, please move me to publicize my message effectively now.
Friday, July 26
This is our last day of Moon in prosperous Taurus. And her harmonies to powerful Pluto, communicative Mercury and ruler Venus work beautifully with today’s numerology of success-oriented 8, helping us close the week with tangible results.
Take care of business, review investments (of time, talents and money), train employees, work on something related to security, finances, self-esteem, stability, banking, or home affairs.
People connections flow well in work and socializing. Share a nice meal or concert. A picnic would be perfect, but if it’s too much, at least take a walk and greet the trees.
At 11:29 pm (2:29 am ET), Moon enters Gemini.
My finances are filled with Infinite Good, so my prosperity flows abundantly, now and always.
Saturday, July 27
Moon in Gemini sextiles Sun in Leo, unleashing the forces of fun, relaxation and romance. People connections flow, as does creativity. With Moon in harmony to meaningful Chiron, enjoy this sparkling day with someone dear or direct its fire in creative work or a date with the artist within. Take in a play, spoil your honey with a garden brunch, go to an outdoors exhibit, support a cause for children.
At 6:54 pm (9:54 ET), the fun continues as Venus enters playful Leo.
The joy I seek is seeking me and I pause to receive it now.
Sunday, July 28
If you have something important to do, you might want to rise early. Moon in Gemini favors making a short trip, corresponding, refurbishing the home, connecting with siblings, writing letters, messages or posts, making calls, and having ideas received well by colleagues, authority figures and clients. The trick is to do any of this before 8:24 am (11:24 ET), when Moon goes VOC, where she coasts along for the rest of the day.
After that, read, do crossword puzzles, play table games, bless your car.
Avoid con-men and superficial conversation.
I am a channel for divine expression and I enjoy it now.
Monday, July 29
At 4:31 am (7:31 ET), Moon finally leaves her VOC in Gemini and enters Cancer, a placement that accents our intuition and favors business, sales, real-estate, or things related to hearth and home like: cooking, nurturing a dear one, entertaining family, puttering around the house, searching for a new home, helping children or mothers.
A lunar sextile to Uranus in solid Taurus can make for unexpected, positive connections, particularly for business.
Connect with people early, as an afternoon square from Sun to Uranus can trigger unnecessary arguments, although it also fuels independent creativity. Direct this in beautifying your space, working in the garden, or enjoying an intense movie.
Affirmative blessing for the home:
The true substance of this home is divine, it’s a loving substance that actively generates good for all who live and all who enter here now.
Tuesday, July 30
On the threshold of tomorrow’s New Moon, today’s Moon in Cancer opens our subconscious to the currents of stern Saturn, demanding Pluto and psychic Neptune. The latter also receives a quincunx from Mars.
Schedule key encounters for another day, keep a low profile, turn up your bullshit detector, and steer clear of challenging interchanges or surroundings.
Journal, schedule therapy, throw out or burn old visualization materials, and gather new ones.
Contact the angels. Now.
Light a blue candle and affirm:
I’m surrounded by Infinite Good, which shields me from any negative influence, now and always.
Wednesday, July 31
Early morning is great for dream work and enjoying a nice breakfast, that is if you’re up before 6:18 am (9:18 ET), when Moon leaves the cozy waters of Cancer and enters passionate Leo.
She then pairs with warm Venus, increasing our charm quotient and supporting us in several ways: to rekindle a romance or friendship, develop our talents, garner recognition and share it with others, show our feelings in style, get a lucky break, and succeed at self-promotion and people connections in general.
Use this energy promptly, because at 4:54 pm (7:54 ET), Moon squares Uranus, the charm may fade, and thorns appear. This aspect does help us look at what we can release in order to start again as she becomes new. The portal is exact at 8:12 pm (11:12 ET).
Mercury stations to turn direct less than an hour later, although it will still be in storm and shadow.
Choose a New Moon intention related to something you got rolling or at least tried to start before June 23. Areas of special blessing include something related to your own legacy—creative works, descendants, hobbies, romance, and good fortune. This lunation joins Venus and makes a grand trine with Chiron and Jupiter, bringing into the spotlight issues of healing, women, things foreign, love and money.
Check our General Monthly Influences for more tips on this portal.
The Sabian symbol for 8-9 Leo is:
GLASS BLOWERS SHAPE WITH THEIR BREATH GLOWING FORMS. The formative power of the soul in moments of emotional intensity. Controlled self-expression. Art as spiritual fact.
Spirit is present, lovingly guiding me to grow and evolve in all situations now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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