With an early mingling of Gemini-Cancer energies, an opulent New Moon, and the Summer Solstice portal, June is a month of magic—though that doesn’t mean it’s entirely easy. For one fairly long stretch mid-month, we get a series of challenging aspects involving pugnacious Mars, puffy Jupiter, slippery Neptune, and pushy Pluto, not to mention a Full Moon with bellicose overtones. Our mettle is apt to be tested. Yet archetypes—even dark ones—contain a germ of growth. And as we will see, the door of magic stays open.
In June we cross from the analytical airs of Gemini to the sensitive waters of Cancer. This combination is exalted at the Summer Solstice, when the Sun shifts signs. Their mingling, however, goes on both before and after the moment of Solstice, with Mercury and Venus, planets close to the Sun, undergoing similar shifts on different dates. This month, the New Moon in Gemini brings in the lunar-mercurial mix, activating our rational and intuitive gifts even as the month begins.
June’s first days are by far the best time for practical action. Until June 4, Mercury in Gemini favors connection, communication and promotions of all kinds. And from Day 1, we’ll be feeling the June 3 New Moon portal, ripe with the energy of beginnings. Make those calls, put together that proposal or presentation and begin to share it, reach out to others for personal, business and altruistic concerns.
Thanks to a trine from prosperous Venus in abundant Taurus to powerful Pluto in first-class Capricorn that becomes exact on Sunday, June 2, our proactive connections carry a promise of abundance. This millionaire aspect graces the chart of the New Moon, which is exact on Monday, June 3. With her ruler Mercury fully direct and also in the sign of the twins, the portal particularly favors communications that transform relationships, the healing power of love, business promotions and sales. It’s also propitious for resolving matters of inheritance or people-problems, embracing our shadow and starting something related to writing or with siblings. And since Pluto relates to power on every level, this can also be a portal of female empowerment. With Venus in Taurus, sign of endurance, our actions can make positive, lasting changes, as can activism for women’s role in the public arena.
Whatever else you choose to start, the Venus-Pluto trine helps lay foundations of self-care that will give you an edge during June’s more challenging aspects. Schedule a weekly therapy session, connect with a support group, stock the kitchen cupboard with healthful options, start a morning practice of journaling, exercise or healing prayers. Create limits around draining interactions. These first days are most propitious for action, but it’s also worth our while to enforce our daily space for wellness, even in a small way.
This New Moon also happens to oppose lucky Jupiter, accenting her winning streak. In his transit through Sagittarius since last fall, Jupiter, the planet of fortune, has been increasing the opportunities in the area of our natal charts he rules. So this lunation can also help us ground our good fortune, taking care of the Gemini details and interchanges that it requires.
June 3 New Moon in Gemini:
Tips for Your Sun and Rising Sign
In its transit through your Ninth House, Jupiter is accenting your philosophic bent and generating opportunities to developing more constructive beliefs, pursue your higher education or do something related to foreign lands and people. This New Moon invites you to make that promise real through releasing communications that distract you and focusing on what you really want to say and explore. Take care of details and follow up on messages.
Jupiter in your Eighth House has been opening the way for positive transformation through key relationships, and this New Moon accents the financial side of your collaborations. Study your options (you’ll see them if you look), and find a way to pool your efforts and resources that will lead to greater financial freedom and independence.
The New Moon in your sign facilitates beginnings in general, taking the reins of your situation and making a positive change in how you come off to others, both on a personal level and with the public in general. Take a realistic look at the need for growth in your close relationships, and share the ideas that come from the conscious, adaptable twin within, not from the other one….
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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