The month begins with Mercury retrograde, and although the planet of thought and communication goes direct in a few weeks, it will be in shadow through September 1. So August gives us another chance to review, retrieve, renew and consolidate what we’ve started previously. For all August’s fire, energy and even an Eclipse New Moon, this month remains connected to previously begun cycles and projects.
Though we should bear in mind that the Mercury retrograde is also great for inner work. And, with two great lunations and the insistent presence of talented Jupiter and authentic Uranus interwoven in the August sky, this focus can help us retrieve our inner brilliance.
For starters, it connects us to the mystical side of Lammas, an ancient pagan festival that opens the month, celebrating the goddess’ gifts of harvest and creativity. The first loaves were ritually blessed in an act of thanksgiving and probably to precipitate their multiplication and insure supply throughout the restful months of fall and winter. The magical loaves join Nature’s work with that of people, in a co-creative act that relates to the Leo Sun.
You might enjoy a personal ritual around the fruits of your work that have given form to the gifts—talents, opportunities, aptitudes and circumstances—placed on your path by providence. Try making or taking a symbol of your metaphorical loaves, placing your hands on them, and thanking the Universe, the Goddess, Spirit or whatever cosmic power you prefer, for facilitating this productivity. If you happen to feel a need for greater willpower to continue your co-creative works, this is a perfect portal to invoke the solar angels and ask them to infuse you with that force.
Such mystical activities will also help diffuse the electricity of a square that takes place right on Lammas—Wednesday, August 1, from restless Mars to freedom-freak Uranus. Blessing loaves, going on a spiritual retreat, hanging out with a Pisces or by ourselves in nature can help us hold our center in this potentially upsetting showdown, made more stressful for being in Leo and Taurus—two fixed, stubborn signs.
Not that we should sweep the square under the rug. With both planets retrograde, the inherent tensions of the square can help us see how we use our assertive energy for our ideals, prosperity and unique vision, and to collaborate with collective and cultural concerns.
After blessing a symbol of your harvest, you could make a list of actions you could take simply to assert your freedom, express your unique genius and live with purpose in some large or small way. Such awareness will also help transmute the potentially violent side of this square, which is not favorable for encounters of confrontation, negotiation or diplomacy.
If any conflicts arise, be prepared to pause and ask yourself…. Get the rest of the month now! Become a Premium Subscriber! Or, if you are already a Premium Subscriber, log in here.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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