Listings are in Pacific Time. Here’s a handy, accessible time zone converter for your location (opens in a new window).
This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Time (UTC-8).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Daily Astrology Forecast, January 2017
Monday, January 1
Family is in the forefront as the day begins with Moon in Cancer, opposing the rigorous Capricorn line-up of strict Saturn, sweet Venus, and Sun.
During daylight hours we can recover from holiday parties or group overload, and release ourselves and dear ones by radiating unconditional love. With these tense aspects, time alone can facilitate this, at least until Moon becomes Full at 6:24 pm (9:24 pm ET).
The Sabian symbol for 11°-12° Cancer describes:
A CHINESE WOMAN NURSING A BABY HALOED BY DIVINE LIGHT. The promise to all that God may take birth within our souls. Personality integration. Illumination; or frustration.
This is the first Full Moon of the year, the Wolf Moon. Under Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow, tonight is a great evening to review and follow through on good intentions related to our “pack,” catch up on pending calls to relatives, and give that gift we had prepared or thought of before.
In ancient Europe, on January 1, people exchanged gifts to celebrate “The Kalends”, in honor of Zeus and Hera in Greece, and Jupiter or Janus and Juno in Rome. Romans would also give branches with gilded fruits (a treat that is still prepared in Germany) and other viands tied to them. Whether your gifts are simple or fancy, give them an opulent touch, in honor of the goddess Fortuna, who on January 1 received such offerings in exchange for a fortunate year.
Whatever other package we may give our family, this is also a good day to release ancestors in forgiveness, particularly in view of Uranus’ station direct, which precipitates a cycle of greater freedom and independence.
Blessing for gifts:
I bless this gift with my love for you, and I know Divine Love pours many gifts and much good fortune upon your path now and throughout the New Year.
Tuesday, January 2
Moon in Cancer keeps family, emotions, business, intuition, and home matters in the forefront. However, she makes tense aspects, accentuating the touchiness of yesterday’s lunation, not propitious for interactions requiring harmony.
With rebellious Uranus stationing to turn direct in Aries, sign of identity, we are feeling ready to push ahead in resonance with our independent identity.
Moon’s only harmony right now is to Chiron, and is propitious for consulting a therapist, healer, or coach who can help us get aligned with our personal New Year’s goals.
Moon goes VOC this afternoon, although in Cancer, it continues to perform, and enters Leo at 11:23 pm (1:23 am ET).
I don’t wait for the right people to come to me, I seek out those that resonate with my focus now.
Wednesday, January 3
Moon in diva-sign Leo and a harmony from love-planet Venus to angelic Neptune favor all things artistic and compassionate. Today offers a special opportunity to meditate on love and get in resonance with the transits and creative vibration of today’s number 3 by pouring our vitality into a creative endeavor.
Let yourself be charmed, enthused or enchanted, but wait until after Mercury is out of shadow to make a new commitment.
I enjoy expressing the love, light and creative force that I am now.
Thursday, January 4
Moon in expressive Leo works well with the constructive tendencies of today’s number 4, and a trine with Mercury in Sagittarius, sign of broadcasting, facilitates inspired communications and effective presentation of anything from a promotion to a teaching or legal case.
We should apply our talents and get the word out before 3:10 pm (6:10 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC on a trine to Uranus the liberator.
If there are key initiatives or purchases you didn’t tackle this morning, save them for another day. Do something fun and enjoy your own company and that of a mentally stimulating other.
I am made in the image of divine expression, and I allow myself to enjoy it now.
Friday, January 5
Moon in diligent Virgo makes an early trine to Saturn the worker, accenting our resourcefulness and executive abilities. With the push of dynamic number 5, today is good for organizing our space and getting rid of things, papers and decorations that don’t resonate with the 2018 we want to create.
Tonight, Moon, still in healthful Virgo, opposes mystical, magical Neptune, making a space to work on spiritual and/or physical healing.
The angels of renewal help me release clutter, and I act on their guidance now.
Saturday, January 6
Use today’s breakthrough potential: review your most inspired ideas from last year. Act on them now, in resonance with the fortunate vibration of today’s number 6, ruled by Jupiter, as the planet of luck connects with Mars the mover.
In addition, Mercury trines Uranus, bringing clarity, promoting original thought and opening a door that you knocked on before mid-November—so try again. This combination is also great for hands-on research on an elusive topic.
Today we should insistently forge ahead with something started previously—but, with two pushy planets conjunct in the sign of power, avoid the tendency to break the china or stomp on somebody’s toes.
Eat, drink and act before 6:51 pm (9:51 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC. With lunar and Mercurial contacts to Chiron, after that, pray.
I have a divine appointment with life, and I go to meet it now.
Sunday, January 7
At 4:15 am (7:15 am ET), Moon enters tasteful Libra. A morning square to Saturn the pruner helps us declutter our space with an eye to beauty, and our minds with an eye to forgiveness.
Such endeavors will also clear the way for tomorrow’s celestial opportunities.
I free my space from clutter and my heart from resentments, and I am ready for an inrush of new good now.
Monday, January 8
Energetically speaking, this is, in a way, the first Monday of the New Year as the success vibration of today’s number 8 combines with three truly powerful transits.
This morning, Sun and Venus in constructive Capricorn both sextile fortunate Jupiter in Scorpio, sign of change. A few hours later, Jupiter’s ruler, Pluto, also in Capricorn, takes a hit from Mars as the warrior-planet transits Scorpio. All these contacts involve Pluto and Saturn in some way. With Saturn ruling Pluto, the builder planet is the diva, connecting today’s transits to the Solstice Sun which joined Saturn, and cast a grey, grounded and dedicated hue into the entire solar year.
Sextiles precipitate opportunities. Focus on a high goal, and make your move before 2:25 pm (5:25 ET), when Moon reaches her Last Quarter, waning into a cycle of release.
The Sabian symbol for 18°-19° Libra says:
ROBBERS ARE HIDING, READY TO ATTACK A HEAVILY ARMED CARAVAN. Protest against the perpetuation of unearned privileges and wealth. Repudiation of bondage. Challenge to custom.
Rebellion is in the air.
At 11:02 pm (2:02 am ET), Sun joins people-planet Venus in Capricorn which, as the last earth sign, cools the passionate potential of this coupling yet supports our ability to connect with and even charm a hierarch. Write letters to Congress, reach out to an older relative or follow up on an activist initiative begun before mid-November, when Mercury first entered pre-retrograde shadow.
If you can stay or get up for the pre-dawn transits, your charm will be even further charged, as will other benefits we detail in tomorrow’s influences.
I was made for divine victory, and my victory is supported by the infinite power of Spirit, now and always.
Tuesday, January 9
Today’s number, 9, is connected to all things Plutonian, including transmutation, recycling, and alchemy. Today Pluto, the planet of change, is joined by both Sun and Venus, lady of love and finance, in the wee hours.
Our ability to connect with a teacher, authority or big boss is intensified. This transit also helps organize finances, gain objectivity about relationships and, with the help of the waning Moon, establish necessary limits. Release expenditures that don’t support your goals and connections that drain your confidence.
Use this healing, empowering window early, before Moon goes VOC in Libra at 8:13 am (11:13 ET). At 12:05 pm (3:05 ET), Moon enters intense Scorpio, whose transformative potential is greatly accentuated by a rosary of powerful sextiles: Venus in ambitious Capricorn to Mars in intense Scorpio, Moon to Saturn, and Sun in Capricorn to Mars.
Again, the combination of Saturnian focus and Plutonian alchemy is fused with personal planets for a combination that can blast us out of the perfectionism or retentiveness that has held us in bondage to limiting circumstances, postponement of progress or the illusion of comfort, security or pleasing others.
Do something bold: hold a crisis intervention, donate your car to a good cause, quit your job, close a cycle that’s become stifling, clear out stuff you won’t be able to take when you finally act on your dream to relocate, ask your well-connected friend to promote or introduce you.
Surgery for tissue or tooth removal can also go well this afternoon.
I let go of apparent loads, and the Universe rushes to support my boldness now.
Wednesday, January 10
Intuition flowers as Moon in perceptive Scorpio trines psychic Neptune in Pisces, the sign of its rule. Mercury finishes its transit through Sagittarius, activating the last degree of a cardinal sign, known as anaretic and particularly intuitive.
But don’t just sit around and read the tea leaves! Last night’s sextile from Sun in directed Capricorn to Mars in driven Scorpio combines with today’s assertive numerology of 1, to help us lighten our loads and streamline our methods in preparation for the upcoming New Moon.
If you have a promotion or proposal to tweak or redo, use the daylight hours. At 9:09 pm (12:09 am ET), Mercury will be leaving promoter sign Sagittarius and entering Capricorn, where the messenger planet will make our communications more business-like for the rest of the month.
The One Mind that can think through me is Spirit, so only true and clear thoughts fill my awareness now.
Thursday, January 11
With Mercury joining the New Year’s powerful alignment in Capricorn, Saturn has consolidated its hold on January.
Today’s Moon in Scorpio has early connections with Sun and Mars, making morning a good time to take on a challenge, push through our inertia to finishing something or for that matter, for making practical progress of any sort.
We should use her power early, before she goes VOC on a sextile to sweet Venus at 6:53 am (9:53 ET). The rest of the day is not so great for key actions or purchases. Rather, enjoy a harmonious mate, focus on spiritual and emotional healing, practice deep forgiveness, and—with the help of today’s number 11—lift the planetary vibration by meditating on compassion.
At 11:04 pm (2:04 am), Moon enters Sagittarius.
I embrace myself with compassion, and this enables me to view all others with compassion, here and now.
Friday, January 12
Despite the festive spirit of Moon in enthusiastic Sag, Mercury the thinker joins Saturn the worker, focusing our thoughts on the current evolutionary efforts that are ours alone to exert.
Today is the day to write down intentions and goals and organize a plan of action, including what you can do by yourself with your current resources, and how you can garner the support you need. Saturn’s manifestation abilities can give us great focus, while Mercury’s emergence from post-retrograde shadow frees us to intend anew.
Avoid downer thoughts and taking or dishing out guilt trips. As much as possible, affiliate only with motivating others, and trees.
I resonate with joy, and this awareness naturally attracts joyous people and conditions to me now.
Saturday, January 13
The stars unlock the genius and activist within.
A wee-hour square from sensitive Moon to psychic Neptune opens the doors of intuitive perception, while another, from Venus the beautifier to liberating Uranus, synchronizes with the balsamic Moon phase to facilitate release of restrictions to authentic inspiration.
Go minimalist or, in one way or another, release décor, style and ways of interacting that have become stifling or simply routine.
Afternoon is great for giving or receiving healing treatments and deepening your sense of self-worth.
Releasing outer dynamics, I pause to send myself and others thoughts of freeing love now.
Sunday, January 14
In the wee hours, Moon went VOC, although in Sag it still performs, connecting with Chiron to favor healing and a mystical adventure.
If we actively use this influence, we’ll be refreshed and ready for duty at 11:42 am (2:42 pm ET), when Moon enters Capricorn for the first time this year, whipping us out of our mystical mode and back onto our feet.
Sun, already in the sign of diligence, squares freeing Uranus, stimulating original creativity, while Moon joins Mercury the messenger and ruler Saturn, helping clear the mind, desk and inbox in preparation for Tuesday’s upcoming New Moon.
I see my way clear to new good, and I act on this vision now.
Monday, January 15
Moon in organized Capricorn helps us make the most of the balsamic Moon phase, particularly as fortunate Jupiter sextiles transformational Pluto. With Jupiter in bold Scorpio, this aspect is great for eliminating obsolete beliefs, getting out of a rut or releasing an attachment that has been blocking us.
Review your goals for the New Year. Is there a “secure” situation have you been holding onto before allowing yourself to move forward? Is there something you’ve been stalling until things are just right? Are you waiting for a particular person or channel to support your intent? Set yourself free!
Concrete actions: give an offering or make a payment, return library books, and release a situation that deep inside you know doesn’t resonate with the direction you want to go.
Freeing people and situations, I am in turn freed to focus on the highest and the best that’s here for me now.
Tuesday, January 16
This morning, the stars reinforce our process of streamlining in preparation for tonight’s New Moon. We can seize this moment to affirm, organize, and—with Moon in sextile to bold Mars—act on our inclination to close a cycle.
The new lunar cycle begins at 6:17 pm (9:17 ET), at 26 Capricorn, activating the Great American Eclipse point of last August. With Mercury now fully direct, we can clarify new goals. In a way, this lunation marks a beginning point of 2018.
The Sabian symbol for 26-27 Capricorn says that:
MEN CLIMB A SACRED PEAK -BELOW THE WORLD- ABOVE PEACE. Necessary linkage of above and below in the seeker’s personal experience. Balanced dualism of subjective-objective life.
In congruence with the Saturn-Pluto mix that’s prevailed since Winter Solstice, the chart for this lunation contains the afterglow of last night’s sextile from opportune Jupiter in Scorpio to ruler Pluto in Capricorn.
What outer goal or goals suit your intentions of inner peace, joy and evolution? Clarify your intent, write it down, and call on the help of spirit guides and angels to help clear the way and gather information or others resources to support your manifestation.
My goal is peace and joy, and circumstances adapt in response to this clarity now.
Wednesday, January 17
Mars makes a quincunx to Uranus, moving us to take alternative routes to achieve our goals.
Moon in original Aquarius opens our minds: trust an odd hunch and, with social Venus entering Aquarius, seek out the company or feedback of a free soul who lets you be yourself and supports your weirdness.
I define success on my own terms, and focus on people and circumstances that resonate with it now.
Thursday, January 18
Today’s numerology of 9 invites us to experience the joy of service. With active Mars in trine to Chiron the healer, we are favored to act upon a good intention to help a group, cause or person.
Please your inner child by doing something adventurous.
This afternoon, Moon in universal Aquarius squares Jupiter, planet of meaning. Move to support a cause or altruistic concern, or focus to be a channel of blessing wherever you may happen to be.
Archangel Zadquiel, please direct me to the highest and best way for me to serve the universe, here and now.
Friday, January 19
This morning, Moon is VOC in Aquarius. Enjoy a good read and connect with an open-minded friend. If you must work, leave key actions and purchases for this afternoon and go about your routine in a spirit of fun.
At 12:26 pm (3:26 ET), Moon enters enchanting Pisces. A few hours later, ruler Neptune takes a sextile from Mercury, planet of thought and words. We can use this fortuitous merger to begin a cycle of affirmations or make a dream board to support visualization, work on media production, or launch a promotion.
At 7:09 pm (10:09 ET), Sun enters Aquarius, spotlighting our freer inclinations. Review the area of your life where your natal chart helps you develop this need, and find a way to honor and support it. An evening sextile from Moon to Saturn, the manifester, helps us ground this intent.
I give thanks for the freedom enjoyed in (area related your natal house ruled by Aquarius), and act to expand it now.
Saturday, January 20
This morning, Moon in sensitive Pisces joins ruler Neptune; our feeling nature opens wide to whatever we let in. We can analyze dreams, enjoy nature, create tools to visualize the success of New Moon intentions, write to the angels, meditate. Whatever you do, be very selective of your thoughts, surroundings and company.
An afternoon sextile from Moon to Saturn helps us translate our vision constructively and create inspiring words and promotions.
Divinity is the One Mind looking at me and through me, so my conscious and unconscious are shielded in Omnipotent Good now.
Sunday, January 21
The stars conspire to favor a mystical, healing Sunday.
Moon in compassionate Pisces makes a wee-hour sextile to transformative Pluto and an early trine to angel-planet Jupiter. If you are up for it, use these energies for dream work, contacting light beings or prayer. Creative projects and media promotion also go well.
This afternoon, Moon joins Chiron, the wounded healer. Favored: organize a group to analyze one another’s dreams, give someone a treatment or coaching session, meditate for world wellness or give or get a treatment for yourself.
At 10:27pm (1:27 am ET), Moon enters restless Aries and moves to sextile Sun in lucid Aquarius. If sleep doesn’t come easily, don’t force the issue; use this time to get in touch with your feelings, and encourage yourself to move on an independent project.
The only hand that can touch me is the hand of Spirit, which is always loving, freeing and uplifting. This awareness frees my life path from any apparent harm of the past or present.
Monday, January 22
Before connecting with others this morning, take a moment to center and avoid butting heads. Direct the impatience generated in a square from Moon in independent Aries to taskmaster Saturn by privately structuring a plan of action.
At 9:28 am (12:28 ET), Moon sextiles Venus in social Aquarius, making the rest of the day propitious for work on short-term goals involving others, sending a job application or résumé, collecting an account due, and connecting with a person or group compatible with your ideals and mission.
The Christ consciousness fills my life, manifesting the highest and the best connections for me, here and now.
Tuesday, January 23
Moon in Aries combines with the enterprising numerology of 5 to impel us toward our goals. With tense aspects to three planets: Mercury the communicator, Pluto the powerful and Jupiter the preacher, pushiness is in the air.
To counter this influence, we can do low-key exercise, strategize, and work independently. If you must deal with others, keep your sword tightly in its scabbard, summon the angels of diplomacy, and focus on keeping things light. It’s good to feel your power, to know you can jump from a plane, rush into a burning building, and show up unannounced at the governor’s front door. Know it, but save the action itself for another day.
At 8:16 pm (11:16 ET), Moon finishes her boisterous rounds by going VOC on a conjunction to revolutionary Uranus. Eat popcorn and watch an NBA or NFL game, Discovery Channel or read a Jules Verne novel.
There are no limits to my abilities, and I follow my intuition to visualize boldly now.
Wednesday, January 24
Moon rises in abundant Taurus, sign of her exaltation.
Mental Mercury joins deep Pluto: it’s time to work on psychic communication, heal our thoughts, reconnect with our word of power, and prepare, write or say something we’ve been carrying inside. With the messenger planet now in executive Capricorn, Moon in trine to ruler Saturn and the prosperous influence of Number 6, business communications are also quite effective.
Share your ideas before 2:20 pm (5:20 ET), when Moon reaches her First Quarter on a square to Sun in Aquarius, followed by another to Venus this evening. Fixed squares are low on the diplomacy quotient and exacerbate stubbornness. However, these aspects do favor independent work. Review progress on goals seeded at or since last week’s New Moon, and refine, regroup and persist towards them.
At 4°-5° Taurus, the Sabian symbol describes:
A YOUNG WIDOW, TRANSFIGURED BY GRIEF, KNEELS AT A GRAVE. Revelation of meaning behind fleeting appearances. Restless quest for understanding. Birth from illusion into reality.
This afternoon and evening, focus on healing the subconscious sense of unworthiness that limits your ability to receive the best life has to offer.
To the voices of self-sabotage I declare: I am innately worthy of wellness and success, and I open my mind to receive them now.
Thursday, January 25
With Mercury the messenger in sextile, this is a great morning for communications designed to help others and promote abundance. We can apply the mental energy of today’s number 7 in affirmations, calls, messages and promotions. Doors can open, particularly if we remember to visualize the desired response and address the angels and spirit guides of others before knocking.
Enjoy nature and share sensual pleasures.
My words are not just ideas; my words are doors of power that open channels for grace to touch me and my world now.
Friday, January 26
Early this morning, Mars the conquistador finally leaves covert Scorpio and enters visionary Sagittarius, unleashing our active nature. Moon’s final hours in Taurus combine with the numerology of today’s success number 8, optimizing the results of this morning’s bold, decisive actions.
Use these influences early, before Moon enters loquacious Gemini at 9:40 am, and opposes Mars just 12 minutes later. This combination emboldens us to defend women or another vulnerable group, but it’s anything but diplomatic and needs to be directed with care. Save romantic or promotional activities for late evening.
My path cannot be hindered; Infinite Intelligence frees me and empowers me now.
Saturday, January 27
Our prayers and words of inspiration leave a mark, with Moon in verbal Gemini contacting Jupiter the publisher along with Mr. Intense, otherwise known as Pluto.
Moon’s ruler Mercury squares Uranus, planet of surprises, stimulating our inner genius. Today’s numerology of 9 increases our powers of transmutation and reminds us to focus on service.
In a journal or with appropriate company, today’s energies can help us uncover and express our vulnerability. Speaking the truth with the soul intent of inner wellness has healing effects for us and others.
I seek my own respect, so I speak the truth now and always.
Sunday, January 28
With Moon VOC in Gemini and ruler Mercury in sextile to Chiron, morning is good for tapping and using affirmations to heal.
The day picks up as Moon enters Cancer, with tense contacts to patriarchal Saturn and Mars that drive us to organize our space or business, and can bring out Cancer’s demanding side. The numerology of today’s number 1 accents our pioneering spirit. It’s a time to release others, direct our imagination, make a dream board and organize the upcoming week for efficacy.
Support flows from the Universe, and visualizing my good, I create a space for it now.
Monday, January 29
Today’s numerology of 11 signals a day when angels work with humanity to lift earth’s vibration of kindness. Take some time out to meditate on compassion, forgiveness and love.
Moon in sensitive Cancer will make for a heartfelt experience and, at the doorstep of the upcoming Eclipse, an emotional overflow. She also contacts Venus, lady of love, and Pluto, lord of transformation.
Morning and midday favor harmonious interaction. Evening may be tense until 8:38 pm (11:38 ET), when Moon trines Jupiter in Scorpio, sign of fusion. Promote generosity and seek out someone uplifting.
I inhale and take in Omnipresent Love, and exhale and bless all life forms now.
Tuesday, January 30
Intuition surges as does prayer-power, on a trine from Moon in emotional Cancer to wounded healer Chiron. Visualization and psychic connections work better now than rational ideas, as Moon opposes Mercury, reducing our objectivity quotient. Creativity flourishes.
An 8:40 am (11:40 ET), Moon goes VOC, still performing in Cancer and entering Leo at 10:53 am (1:53 pm ET).
The pace picks up this afternoon, with Moon in trine to Mars as the hero-planet transits adventuresome Sagittarius. This expansive combination can put fire behind our intentions for 2018. Apply your talents and promote your project or cause.
It’s also a great moment to mingle and meet someone new, and to go on an adventure.
Nothing can separate me from those who form part of my divine network; they are with me now and always.
Wednesday, January 31
Joining the ends of a circle and making January’s gift-wrapping complete, the month ends with the second of two Full Moons (see our January Influences tips for the inside story on Blue Moons). This one happens to be a Super Moon and also a Total Lunar Eclipse. As it activates the North Node, it opens us to new energy. Events precipitated by this lunation are apt to be fortunate.
In the fire sign of Leo, it will tend to trigger completion and movement in something related to our creativity, offspring, romance, luck and soul-heart energy (see our January Influence section for notes on collective concerns activated by this lunation). With Venus close to the Sun, issues of love, money and values also arise.
The themes of soul, light, relationships and values are brought into relief by the Sabian symbol for 11-12 Leo:
A GARDEN PARTY UNDER FULL SWING UNDER JAPANESE LANTERNS. Easy intercourse of human souls in moments of relaxation from strain. Examination –or loss of human values.
We are apt to feel like doing something, particularly with Mars’ trine to the Moon. However, it’s best to let three days go by before pushing ahead, as lunar eclipses cause emotions and energies to surge, and outcomes to be unpredictable. With Neptune involved in the lunation’s chart, it’s best to give the smoke of excitement a chance to dissipate. Intend for what you want in the aforementioned areas, and, with your attention on your heart, generate a visualization which you’ll be able to act on starting next week.
Besides the trine to Mars, the closest aspect is a semi-sextile to asteroid Angel. At 10 degrees Cancer, Angel activates the point of the Full Moon of January 1, emphasizing the relationship between this month’s two Full Moons and cyclical connection between them. Also, it reminds us that light beings are on standby to help us connect with the highest vibration of this portal, and of events and people related to our intentions. Moon makes several tense aspects today—we’ll do best to keep outer activities simple and light.
Moon’s last contact is a square to Jupiter at 9:00 pm (12:00 am ET). Prayers, meditation and contact with light beings will be particularly effective tonight and into the wee hours.
Check Daykeeper Journal for our upcoming Eclipse ritual.
Divine vibrations pour into my heart, and I open the door for their healing love now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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