On November 1, light a candle and set out flowers in shades of gold, orange, purple and white in commemoration of Samhain, the goddess whose name also refers to the Celtic New Year, which begins this day.
Why was deep fall a time of beginnings for the ancients? Like the millenary Mexicans celebrating Day of the Dead, they understood endings as a time of renewal and rebirth.
In his book Religion of the Occident, Martin Larson describes the Autumn festival of Isis, also celebrated at the beginning of November:
The fourteen portions of Osiris, which had been scattered throughout Egypt by Seth, were sought and found by Isis, reconstituted and resurrected. This was the central element in the myth because if Osiris could regain life and become immortal through the power of Isis, then all of her devotees could do the same.
Franz Cumont, in The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, notes that, “The same myth was represented in almost the same manner in Rome at the beginning of November.”
The universal recognition of death as a precursor to a life more luminous is particularly significant in view of the recent seismic and meteorological events and their apparently terminal consequences for thousands.
We can use this time of resurrection to send a prayer for those who have made their transition before us, particularly in the California wildfires, Caribbean hurricanes, the earthquakes in Mexico, and the floods around the world.
The month begins with Moon in Pisces, followed by a trine from Sun to angelic Neptune on Friday, November 3, optimizing our prayers and facilitating communication with angels and light beings for transmutation and deep healing, especially of our patterns of masculine energy. Suggestion: use this relatively restful window to recharge your batteries, as this month will become busier as it unfolds.
Also on November 3, we get an opposition from Venus, planet of love and money, to Uranus the liberator, whose been doing his wild and free thing more fervently than ever since 2011, when he entered assertive Aries. Tread lightly in relationships, and take a look at how your need for freedom works within their patterns and in those of your financial beliefs and situation.
Venus rules the Snow Moon in Taurus that comes just one day later, on November 4. The goddess-planet’s challenge to Uranus will still be active. Among the special gifts of the Snow Moon is her connection to Mother Earth’s power to close cycles, help finish something and even reinvent your life. Call on the Angels of the Earth, and the aforementioned goddess forces, to help tie up loose ends, close a relational cycle or pattern, and dissolve financial beliefs and limitations that may be keeping you from living a new and freer path you’ve been trying to manifest. Lunar harmonies with Neptune and Jupiter facilitate connections with light beings as well as concrete results from our efforts.
In her book Everyday Moon Magic, Dorothy Morrison points out that the Snow Moon is propitious for “setting magical goals into motion.” Mercury in Scorpio now intensifies the alchemical results of our words, and it’s worth making a special effort to use them at this portal to intend, to affirm, and to invoke.
Just a day later, on Sunday, November 5, the messenger planet enters outgoing Sagittarius. Due to its upcoming retrograde, it will remain in the sign of the archer into the New Year, helping us give voice to messages of meaning, promote our ideas, and share in groups, both festive and purposeful.
Themes of transmutation linger, getting another boost on Tuesday, November 7, when Venus, planet of values, affection and prosperity, enters Scorpio. Continue the work described above for the Snow Moon portal, look at and deal with underlying relationship and abundance patterns, express your love by helping those in crisis or challenging situations, and supply yourself with forgiveness. These and all inner processes will also be facilitated by….
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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