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This free forecast is updated for the upcoming week each Monday. Premium subscribers can receive the entire forecast package before the month begins.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Time (UTC-8).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Daily Astrology for February, 2017
Wednesday, February 1
Moon in Aries prods us out of bed with a mind to begin something under the recently waxing Moon.
A harmony from Mercury the thinker to wounded-healer Chiron is great for using affirmations, ideas and words to heal oneself or another, and, with Mercury in Capricorn, is also great for giving our space a feng shui treatment.
We will want to have used this day well, because a nighttime square from Moon to intense Pluto can get deep, but is neither comfortable nor harmonious.
Omnipresent Love fills my being and, as I heed it, unleashes healing powers in my mind, body and world now.
Thursday, February 2
This morning is worth rising for.
It’s Imbolc, a turning point in the yearly wheel, as the Sun born at Solstice reaches its fortieth day. This is a moment of new strength for the spiritual warrior forces.
The rays of the ascending Sun caress the earth, and their energy rouses the spark of life at the center of dormant seeds. Even those deep within the ground somehow respond to this magical radiance.
As for us humans, our powers of creativity are released to a new phase.
Early transits include an opposition from Moon in active Aries to Jupiter, planet of fortune, teaching and promotion, and a square from freshly direct Mercury to the giant of the solar system. Initiatives for activism, publicity, promotion, teaching and learning can be quite effective.
At 8:50 am (11:50 ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to constructive Saturn. This influence offers the perfect time to pause, reconsider the progress we’ve made since Solstice, and recommit to our New Year’s goals.
At 5:50 pm (8:50 ET), Moon enters Taurus, where it is exalted, favoring a pleasant evening at home, visualizing, and acting on your intentions.
I fan the flame of determination and realign with my light-path now.
Friday, February 3
Yesterday’s rich, energizing influences continue, with Moon in abundant Taurus and her ruler Venus entering vital Aries at 7:51 am (10:51 ET).
Intuition surges, favoring psychic work or consulting the I Ching, favorite cards, or an oracle, as Moon sextiles dreamy Neptune at midday, an aspect that also favors romance, visualizing abundance, and giving tangible form to things artistic.
This evening, the creative window stays open as Moon in sensual Taurus reaches her First Quarter in square to Sun in inspired Aquarius.
The Sabian symbol for this lunation is:
OLD MAN TRIES TO IMPART HIDDEN TRUTHS TO A CROWD. Conscious possession of a greater knowledge than can be used. Great inner fullness. Spiritual loneliness.
We can use this influence to take stock of an intention we seeded at the New Moon of January 27, and realign our focus.
The Cosmos supports my intentions. With or without the faith of others, I focus, organize and act, here and now.
Saturday, February 4
This is a power day. Constructive Saturn rules Saturday and is also connected to the number 4. Moon in prosperous Taurus contacts worker Saturn, as well as fortunate Jupiter.
If you’re house-hunting, this is a great day to buy or rent a new home. For the rest of us, it’s a wonderful time to improve our present space. We can also lay groundwork for business, activist or personal affairs.
At 2:42 pm (5:42 ET), Moon goes VOC on a trine to Mercury in constructive Capricorn. In Taurus, it’s still productive. We can plan to sign or negotiate a contract, write copy, promote a business, or enjoy a get-together with a teacher or elder.
At 8:44 pm (11:44 ET), Moon enters sociable Gemini, where it favors contacting authority figures, as well as writing, sales, purchasing phone or computer equipment, and getting in touch with siblings.
Not all is work, as Moon makes a sextile to Venus, goddess of love, in passionate Aries late tonight.
I am an idea in mind of Spirit and I am naturally connected with the true people, who appear in my world, here and now.
Sunday, February 5
Morning is apt for making love or other vigorous, creative activities, as Moon in social Gemini moves from last night’s sextile with Venus to yet another with intense Mars. Moon is in the sign of hands: ideal for giving or exchanging an acupressure session, or any other incisive, manual activity.
An afternoon square from sensitive Moon to psychic Neptune is great for all things creative, intuitive, mystical and devotional. Heed your antennae and avoid potentially uncomfortable environments.
Jupiter begins to station retrograde late this afternoon, offering an opportunity to review old beliefs and to begin to heal those that block us.
I am surrounded by a shield of love, into which nothing negative can penetrate, now and always.
Monday, February 6
With Jupiter, planet of faith, still at stationary retrograde, and Moon in verbally expressive Gemini connecting with Uranus the liberator as well as wounded healer Chiron, this morning is great for beginning a new cycle of healing our beliefs with the help of words.
At 11:33 am (2:33 ET), Moon even trines the large planet itself, facilitating this work, as well as helping review and revive publicity, promotion or educational efforts.
If possible, program some downtime after 3:00 pm, as Moon goes VOC on an opposition to Saturn. This interval can be an opening to attend a 12-step group, journal with sober honesty, avoid emotional blackmail, and do inner work on forgiveness.
At 11:03 pm (1:03 am ET), Moon enters Cancer. For night owls, this is an opportunity to write to someone’s angel, practice visualization, or program your dreams.
Affirmation (to help a loved one):
You are not alone with your own dark thoughts; there is a great light in you and with you, and it shows you everything you need to see for your wellness, happiness and success, and it blesses you with intuitive understanding now.
Tuesday, February 7
Mercury the thinker enters humane and intellectual Aquarius, increasing our goodwill, opening our minds, and fueling activist tendencies. Moon currently in sensitive Cancer augments the intuitive nature of this placement.
We may choose to work on our listening skills, art, or writing; to generate acts of spontaneous kindness; or to use the Internet for a class or activism.
But, all is not sweetness and light: a midday square from Moon to pugnacious Mars can spark aggressive emotional responses.
The atmosphere softens this afternoon, when a lunar trine to Neptune, planet of oneness, eases us back into the day’s intuitive gifts. Propitious actions include making a dream board or similar visualization tools, meditation, consulting the I Ching, calling on the angels, or taking a walk outdoors.
I release myself from my own hard thoughts and those of others, and I release others from hard thoughts and attitudes, as I return to the love that I am, here and now.
Wednesday, February 8
Mercury the communicator rules Wednesday, and its influence fuses with the success vibrations of today’s number, 8. The combination propitiates transmissions and interchanges that make a difference, whether they be personal, commercial or professional in nature.
Morning is better for independent preparation and research.
At 2:00 pm (5:00 ET), Moon goes VOC in square to Jupiter, planet of publicity. We may be feeling called to try a new recipe, share our ideas, or promote a cause, wares or services.
I allow myself to share my best words and ideas, here and now.
Thursday, February 9
Romance, passion and art have a special sparkle and can leave a mark.
Moon in fun Leo favors partying and creative self-expression. Her trines to both Venus and Mars in vital Aries add a touch of Eros to the mix. Mercury sextiles ruler, exciting Uranus, making for strokes of genius and bursts of excitement, and springing doors open.
Now is the time! Throw a bash, go on a picnic, or take a romantic prospect to lunch.
I invite the divine feminine and masculine to manifest through me, now and always.
Friday, February 10
The week closes brightly as yesterday’s romance, excitement and creativity continue to stream forth.
The numerology of today, 1, facilitates beginnings and relates to the Sun, ruler of the Eclipse Full Moon in Leo that takes place at 4:33 pm (7:33 ET). This lunation, which occurs in sextile to fortunate Jupiter, can open doors and trigger fruition of a long-held desire, either spiritual or material in nature. It also happens to make grand trine involving Uranus the liberator and Saturn, planet of manifestation, triggering the trine between these two that became exact in December, and was still operative at the Winter Solstice.
As we stated then, this aspect brought some welcome energy for grounding long-held intentions of freedom. Not only does the present lunation revive that portal, it activates an unusual kite formation, integrating this grand trine with two sextiles, and an opposition which adds perspective. With fortunate Jupiter as the focal point of the kite, luck, prosperity, popular cooperation, faith and activism are favored, and those who are open to them will receive help from angels, spirit guides and light beings.
At that time, Mercury had been retrograde, so the emphasis was on the past. Now, with the messenger planet direct, this portal gives a green light to building on those goals and doing something new in relation to them.
The Sabian symbol for this lunation at 23 Leo says:
THE BAREBACK RIDER AT A CIRCUS THRILLS EXCITED CROWDS. The supremacy given to a person who has mastered her or his emotions. Full utilization of inner powers. Audacity.
The Sabian symbol for this Jupiter is:
A BUTTERFLY SPREADS ITS WINGS, SHOWING AN EXTRA LEFT ONE. Potentiality of new forms and opportunities in every life.
This somewhat cryptic symbol of hope suggests that not only new, but unexpected and surprising resources, talents and opportunities can emerge.
As for mundane activities: we can profitably promote, communicate, and take the initiative to connect with others.
See our General Influences section for a tip for your sign.
Doors of new good open for me, and I apply my full abilities to walk through them now.
Saturday, February 11
Moon emerges from VOC to enter Leo at 5:52 am (8:52 ET). Sun perfects the trine to Jupiter triggered by yesterday’s Eclipse. We can make practical progress to ground the initiatives seeded at that lunation.
Today’s number, 11, marks a portal to elevated humanity’s frequency to a higher vibration of love. We are called upon to meditate and affirm in that resonance, and then to move on people connections.
I bless and release myself and others, and Love pours blessings through me, and to me now.
Sunday, February 12
We can use the problem-solving skills of Moon in diligent Virgo to go deep with cleaning and decluttering. If you’re attracted to fasting, take water, juices or fruits and vegetables to cleanse the body, and sharpen awareness and results of spiritual practice.
I release obsolete belongings and situations, and give thanks for the new doors of good that open for me now.
Monday, February 13
Moon in diligent Virgo is VOC this morning. Pluck your eyebrows, treat your calluses, brush the cat, straighten the candles, firewood or coffee mugs, or undertake similar, picky actions of little consequence just to amuse your inner Spock.
Or make it matter, and generate a random act of service.
At 12:43 pm (3:43 ET), Moon enters Libra the beautifier. We may be moved to connect with someone, talk about our feelings, improve the décor of our space, or retouch publicity or artwork.
A late sextile from Sun to Saturn promises productivity.
The Master Creator of the Universe creates beauty for me, through me and as me, here and now.
Tuesday, February 14
Moon in sweet and sociable Libra fuels connections and, in the wake of last night’s sextile from Sun to Saturn the grounder, facilitates results of our diligent efforts.
We should move on them this morning, which is also the best time for Valentine’s messages and gifts.
If we direct our gestures with an eye to lifting someone’s spirits, we can capture the kindness of a trine from Mercury in friendly Aquarius to generous Jupiter in people sign Libra.
By midday the magic disperses. Lunar tensions with Mars and Pluto bring the focus back on self, and can trigger pointless belligerence.
Spirit guides me to ground my intentions and talents in ways that bless the world now.
Wednesday, February 15
The numerology of today’s “6” radiates vibrations of prosperity, good fortune and protection, while Moon in social Libra connects with lucky Jupiter and constructive Saturn.
Relationships can be healed, work prepared, and agreements reached, revised or refined.
We should do and shop before 5:54 pm (8:54 ET), when Moon goes VOC. After that, we may find unexpected benefit from spending a few minutes or more in a lovely place just to soak in the beauty, visit a museum, read an art book, or enjoy a partner.
I honor my need for beauty, and I connect with the best life has for me now.
Thursday, February 16
We can have breakthroughs today, particularly in work. The numerology of 7, number of perception, accents Scorpio Moon’s connection to see beyond the surface.
A sextile from Mercury, planet of communication, in facile Aquarius, to Mars the mover in assertive Aries, helps us express unusual ideas with clarity and cut through confusion.
We can channel tonight’s trine from sensitive Moon to mystical Neptune by visualizing and programming our dreams.
Beyond the veil of appearances, I behold a realm of beauty and love that I will visit in dreams tonight.
Friday, February 17
The numerology of today’s number, 8, multiplies the results of this morning’s communications. Moon in perceptive Scorpio squares Mercury the thinker in sharp Aquarius, helping give form to our ideas and leading to breakthroughs as we share them.
We should focus, move and expound early, as Moon goes VOC at 11:38 am (2:38pm ET) in Scorpio on a sextile to ruler Pluto. After that, a picnic in the woods or a walk in the park can help put us in tune with life’s deeper mysteries.
This afternoon and evening, we can find special success in researching a pet topic, reading mystery novels or esoteric fiction, journaling, making love, and enjoying a hot bath.
The Same Mind that knows what needs to come to light is working to do it, here and now.
Saturday, February 18
Finally, a Saturday for relaxing! The Moon rises VOC in Scorpio, making for a flowing morning. The beat picks up as Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:52, and 40 minutes later, reaches Last Quarter.
We’ll be especially well served by taking some quiet time, preferably at the beach or in nature, to journal about the developments of the intent we seeded at the New Moon of January 27, and we you would like to recharge our batteries during the next week.
We might enjoy doing this with a friend or group and giving each other feedback, considering the sociable sign and Sabian symbol for 1 Sagittarius:
RETIRED ARMY VETERANS GATHER TO REAWAKEN OLD MEMORIES. Cohesive power of social experience, comradeship born of collective achievements, which quickens the self.
If we can get to bed early, we’ll be more rested for tomorrow’s zippy influences.
I release the results of my inner and outer work, and trust their outcome to the Universe now.
Sunday, February 19
Creative inspiration and spiritual love flow.
Moon in enthusiastic Sag trines Venus in hot Aries.
If you’re up for brunch and a love-romp, now’s the time.
Other ways to channel this energy are to volunteer at a local shelter, go for jog, bike ride or brisk walk in the local woods or park.
A late-morning square from Moon to mystical Neptune in the sign of its rule favors enjoying music, creative visualization and psychic or devotional activities focused on gratitude.
Tonight is more energizing than restful, as Moon in adventurous Sag trines active Mars in the sign of its rule. We might want to take in an action movie, dance or exercise at home, walk around the house repeating affirmations in a firm voice, and enjoy winding down with a hot bath.
I am grateful for the chance be an agent of change in my world now.
Monday, February 20
This is one inspiring Monday. Moon in visionary Sagittarius takes the edge off the back-to-work grind. She makes a series of harmonies to the mentally stimulating trio of Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus.
We can expect some upbeat, entertaining news—in fact, you could produce some of it yourself.
At 3:37 pm (6:37 ET), Moon joins Saturn, helping us ground the opportunities that fly as Mercury in stimulating Aquarius sextiles ruler Uranus in revved-up Aries.
We can use the magic to research, write, encourage another, and knock on doors for work or activism.
My words transmit light and power and I use them with love, now and always.
Tuesday, February 21
Moon rises in productive Capricorn, and spends the day connecting with creative planets Sun, Venus and Neptune.
Mental Mercury in friendly Aquarius trines expansive Jupiter in loving Libra. Our minds open to see the pictures and words flow, inspire, and light a spark of connection. We may find special grace in meditating on tolerance, honing our language skills, studying or teaching, and reaching out to friends or a partner.
Today is a day to create beauty, and to find a way to share or market it. Contact the angels or other light beings, buy flowers for someone–how about for yourself?
There is only One Mind, and in it I am perfectly connected to all beings, here and now.
Wednesday, February 22
Today’s 2-2-2 is an angelic master number that sharpens our intuition and increases our chances of touching the masses with our energy and work.
This can be accomplished from the privacy of our own office or home.
This could be important, because Mars the warrior squares immovable Pluto, increasing physical and interpersonal risk factors.
If you operate machines, take special care and avoid speeding at the wheel or potentially dangerous situations of any kind.
As for the Moon, in Capricorn she is not exactly a wallflower, and her hard aspects to Uranus, Jupiter and Mars speak of endings—possibly sudden, aggressive, and/or violent.
On a more positive note, Capricorn helps organize, and these aspects can help us set limits with ourselves and situations, close cycles and release situations whose time has come. Again, on our own, in a journal, from the comfort of our own space, we can center in forgiveness and save head-on confrontation for a less volatile day, or for that matter, month. At 8:58 pm, (11:58 ET), Moon goes VOC on a square to Jupiter.
With love and blessings for all involved, I close my cycles now.
Thursday, February 23
Moon VOC in Capricorn makes for a relaxed morning, until it enters exciting Aquarius at 9:17 am (12:17 am ET). Mercury, also in intellectual Aquarius, sextiles constructive Saturn. This productive combination can be applied to teaching or tying up loose ends related to documents, plans and organization, and following through on pending promises.
In the afterglow of yesterday’s square from Mars to Pluto, keep a low profile and a clear head.
I allow myself to enjoy the moment, and release a space for new good now.
Friday, February 24
Moon in Aquarius starts the week off on an adventuresome tone.
In the wake of Wednesday’s rough square, and in the light, and shadow of this month’s eclipses, we can create our own adventure by, for example, taking in a new kind of exhibit or helping others in a different way.
Whether on a date, with friends or with your own, dear self, lunar sextiles to Venus and Mars keep the romance and fun alive.
However, with Mars and Uranus in Aries, sign of struggles, avoid unnecessary sparring.
There is a loving, intelligent presence that radiates in all my connections, here and now.
Saturday, February 25
With Moon in brilliant Aquarius, on this day ruled by mental number 7, we can refine our writing or activist work, or have lunch with stimulating friends.
At 10:11, moon goes VOC, and we can enjoy a good read or an art film (and save key purchases and actions for another day).
At 3:07 pm (6:07 ET), Mercury submerges our thinking in an intuitive mist as she enters the subtle sign of Pisces, where she is followed by the Moon at 4:24 (7:24). As the sensitive luminary joins the planet of thought, we enter dreamtime.
We can harmonize by taking an easy afternoon, enjoying music or an uplifting film, visiting a psychic, practicing dream yoga, forgiveness, or metta, or mocking up a graphic scene of our dreams come true and writing it down for visualization reference.
Sunday, February 26
Today, ruled by the Sun and charged with the power of Number 8, starts with a splash and ends with a bang.
At 6:58 am (9:58 ET), we get the second of this year’s four major lunations: A Solar Eclipse New Moon.
With warrior Mars applying a conjunction to rebel Uranus in I-dare-you Aries, this is not your typical, cocktail-in-the-Bahamas event that we might expect with the current Pisces line up.
Even the Sabian symbol is unusually go-get-‘em for the twelfth sign of the zodiac:
THE RACE BEGINS. A JOCKEY SPURS HIS HORSE AT GREAT SPEEDS. The capacity to throw oneself into any type of activity. Self-quickening, premature expenditure of energy.
Neptune is the lord of this Eclipse, and is also in conjunction. From a mundane perspective, compassion and popular unrest will be flowering. Jupiter, Pisces’s expansive and visionary co-ruler, is also strong. The large planet closely opposes feisty Mars, who happens to be joining revolutionary Uranus.Inspiration will be high, but naivete and enthusiasm could get detoured by impatience and rash acts that end up doing greater harm than good.
Physically and socially, we’d be well served to keep a low profile and put all the face we can muster into visualizing excellent outcomes for ourselves and humanity. We can best direct today’s driving impulse in thinking through and retouching strategies for movement forward in a few days, when Mars the warrior has released the revolutionary within from its testosterone anxiety.
Light a white, blue and/or silver candle. Mentally surround your space, country and planet with its light, and write down your intention for something you would love to start.
Pausing to center in the heart of peace, I prepare to act on its guidance now.
Monday, February 27
Yesterday’s odd pool of mystery and explosiveness laps against this morning’s shores. Moon continues in Pisces, and Mars the warrior, fresh out of a conjunction with Uranus, now opposes volatile Jupiter.
Today’s numerology of 9 indicates that altruism and transmutation can diffuse potential conflict.
To the greatest possible extent, today is a day to put personal goals on hold and turn our focus to volunteering time, energy and/or resources to a service cause.
Also favored are prayer, meditation and other gentle healing modalities.
Even while helping someone, avoid risky interchanges in favor of all things harmonious.
I act to help another, and divine love flows through me and around me, here and now.
Tuesday, February 28
Moon in Aries holds the afterglow of the weekend’s belligerent streak, although its conjunction to Venus, goddess of love, has a softening effect. The numerology of today, “1”, indicates that we can move effectively on our Eclipse intentions, with care to avoid potentially pushy attitudes and encounters.
I don’t need to push people and situations. I insist, persist and trust the Universe to open the right doors for me, here and now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.