This month takes us from the delicious depths of unplugging to what will be some of the year’s most intense action.
If we are able to use the healing promise of these depths, rather than just going with the evasive flow, then the action, which blooms at the Spring Equinox, will represent an exciting comeback to life.
Two eclipses, one subtle and the other brazen, straddle this bridge of growth and sharpen its transformative potential.
As the month begins, the Sun is swimming through Pisces, and as tends to be the case at this time of year, it has company. Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, helps us go within, recharge our batteries and release what needs to go. On Saturday, March 5, Mercury the messenger enters Pisces, pulling our mind underwater and imbuing our words, mantras and affirmations with special magic. On Saturday March 12, Venus, planet of love, swims into the sign of the fish, accenting our romantic side and bringing out the potential of Jupiter in Virgo to bring financial benefits to healers.
On a similar resonance, Mercury will join Neptune, Pisces’ ruler, on Friday, March 11, pulling us deeper into the fish’s waters and imbuing our words, mantras and affirmations with special magic.
Ruler Neptune’s presence in the sign of the fish strengthens the influence, as does the Total Solar Eclipse of March 8. In her book The Knot of Time, Astrology and the Female Experience, Lindsay River notes that originally Pisces was connected to the Goddess, ruler of oceans and fish, the latter symbolizing the ability to swim away from “the monster Typhon”, who represents whatever holds us back as we prepare for the new beginning at the entrance of spring.
River notes that “…Aphrodite was shown with a fish-amulet over her genitals…”. (The Catholic practice of eating fish on Friday was because that was Aphrodite’s day.) She calls the period of Sun in Pisces “the pre-birth era”.
In the Women’s Dictionary of Symbols, Barbara Walker notes that Lent began as a time of purification in honor of the goddess.
How can we free the fish within? Pisces strengths are sleep, dream work, mystical practices of any kind, forgiveness, release, deep imagination and contacts with light beings. Piscean practices like these can be used as a sort of spiritual fast, one She will help us maintain.
They also facilitate healing, a facet of Pisces that is particularly strong this month, when the stellium described above moves up to Chiron, the wounded healer.
This potential gets triggered by the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon of March 8, which is also a Super Moon, exerting a stronger force over Earth due to perigee, or maximum proximity. The Eclipse mounts the Pisces stellium and opposes Jupiter, in Virgo, sign of healing treatments. The planet of expansion also happens to conjunct asteroid Raphaela, whose name means “God heals”. (For the Sabian symbol, additional observations and affirmation for this exciting portal, check out our Daily Success Guide.)
Jupiter in Virgo will favor healing and healers until its entry into Libra in September. Throughout March, the planet of fortune will be close to the also fortunate North Node, and will activate the Virgo-Pisces healing axis as it receives exact oppositions from Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ceres, and with Neptune and Chiron by conjunction with the former four, all in the sign of that slippery fish.
Jupiter will also be ruling active Mars after Mars enters Sagittarius on March 5, boosting our audacity and ability to connect.
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.