The year begins with the numerological vibration of 9, related to Pluto, closing cycles, selflessness, service, metaphysics and sharing our accumulated good. If we’ve been going through our own struggles, we may think that all of this sounds lovely, but what we can possibly share?
We all have something to give, whether it be time, talents, material benefits, prayers, or simply non-judgement in the face of apparent injustice. Generous attitudes and actions will get us into the flow of abundance promised by the chart for the New Year.
Calculated at the Winter Solstice, it has Moon exalted in Taurus, a prosperous placement, trine Jupiter, planet of fortune.
January is a number 1 month, getting us going and optimizing the leadership potential of Capricorn Sun.
The idealistic bent of number 9 is underscored by January’s influences, as are the connections with last month’s themes and intentions.
As the month begins, Mercury is in pre-retrograde shadow, and will dip in and out of idealistic Aquarius. As for Venus, planet of love and values, it will romp into wise Saturn’s terrain in philosophic Sagittarius, giving an adventuresome yet serious tone to our relationships that will help us glean the lessons offered by last year’s challenging connections. The conjunction of these two planets will be exact on Friday, January 8, helping us take a serious look at love, money and female concerns.
Mercury backs into Capricorn, sign of Saturn’s rule, on the same day. Currently transiting Sagittarius, the taskmaster planet is also connected to Jupiter, which goes retrograde also on that very day. Saturn will thus flavor more strongly the next day’s New Moon in Capricorn, the sign of Saturn’s rule, so this portal will give us a chance to strengthen our discipline and effort as with them consolidated intentions seeded before mid-December, when Mercury entered shadow.
The Sabian symbol underscores the month’s themes of discipline, service and mature relationship:
A RELAY RACE. EACH RUNNER SPRINGS EAGERLY INTO PLACE. Extreme of cooperation and give-and-take in life relationships. Full surrender of self to service. Planned group behavior.
December’s themes continue in more ways than one, including the pressure for transformation. If some things seemed tougher and more intense than you expected last month, they were actually opportunities for renewal, opportunities that have lingered.
On Sunday, January 3, feisty Mars moves into passionate Scorpio, sign of its rule. This combination can facilitate effective action, though it will require frequent sessions of deep breathing and an extra dose of forgiveness or metta to keep ourselves out of the emotional boxing-ring. Just one day later, Sun conjoins Mars’ ruler, Pluto. Taken consciously, this transit will help us get personal about the transformation that has been taking place since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, in the areas of tradition, hierarchy and goals. Coupled with the transit of Uranus, the liberator, in Aries, sign of identify, our very definition of success is apt to be brought to light. Get in a comfortable armchair–or your favorite equivalent–and devise a courageous way to apply your vitality to your own, very personal version of “making it” this year.
The view from the armchair can also help us maintain our distance from power games that may arise with the Sun-Pluto fusion, as well as the potentially explosive effects of an approaching Sun-Uranus square that perfects on January 7.
The warrior energies are still at it in on Monday, January 18, when Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. Used with a cool head, this transit can be quite empowering. It brings strength to our…. Get the whole story now! Become a Premium Subscriber! Or, if you are already a Premium Subscriber, log in here.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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