In native Mesoamerica, the Sun has matured into its Grandmother phase to finish ripening the corn. For the ancient Greeks, goddesses Demeter and Ceres show their unconditional love by appearing now to oversee and bless the harvest.
As Lawrence Durdin Robinson notes in The Year of the Goddess,
The festivals of late summer open the great Mysteries of Life, a cycle which spans a quarter of the year. They celebrate the Goddess as the Source of all life, the Creatrix and sustainer of the cycles of existence through which the soul moves.
In this month’s influences, She helps us recover our connection with the Source of infinite sustenance, as we harvest our fruits, choose which ones to keep, and put them to work.
As we will see a bit further on, recent developments in astronomy and in the world financial systems shed light on this healing process.
August begins with the force of newly direct Saturn, giving a green light on long-term goals that may have seemed to stagnate.
The planet of self-sufficiency has been helping us rebuild our power as it moves back and forth through Scorpio for the last three years or so.
Now, an approaching harmony from dwarf planet Ceres, goddess of supply, rebirth, and worthiness, indicates that our progress can be consolidated in a conscious connection to the Source, and our ability to receive.
Ceres’ sextile with Saturn will become exact mid-month and plays a part in the New Moon of August 15, which comes with a wallop if we synchronize it.
Ceres has jumped into the collective psyche this year, when NASA’s Dawn began approaching the planetoid and taking new and closer photos than ever before.
The spacecraft first appeared over Ceres on March 6, right when protests were boiling about the austerity measures imposed on Greece.
The forces evoked with the photographs of Ceres go beyond the astronomic achievement, fantastic as it is, to touch on archetypes in the collective psyche.
In a similar manner, the forces involved in the Greek crisis go beyond the concerns of a country, desperate as they are.
Ceres’ country of origin is Greece, the most noteworthy nation in the archetypal clash between people and the banks, and the strength of the former as they organize to resist the increasing control of the latter.
On yet another level, the Greek struggle can be traced to the belief that one group of human beings can somehow separate another from the Source.
Over the last few months, Dawn has sent ever closer and more surprising photos, while Greece has threatened to leave the Eurozone amid pressures in other nations to follow suit.
In June and July, NASA released photos of Ceres’ surface that include white spots they are calling “ice” but that one researcher says that since they are on the dark side, it’s inaccurate to say they “reflect”, when the truth is that they “glow”.
Perhaps the most important news about Ceres is the pyramid-like structure on its surface.

Independent of its physical make-up—which we will probably never know unless we astral travel to see it—the “pyramid-shaped mountain” evokes the wisdom of ancestral cultures that used vibrational technology to connect with cosmic forces.
Furthermore, the enigmas that have appeared on Ceres’ surface have got earthlings paying attention to the planetoid associated with the Great Mother.
Astrologically, Ceres rules sustenance and survival, both on the earth plane, and survival in our transmigration to the beyond. In the close-ups of her mysterious surface, the Goddess seems to be calling our attention to the inseparable connection we each have with Source.
Each of us can cooperate with this reconnection…
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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