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(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations in this astrological forecast are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and except where noted otherwise, times listed are Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7).
A “Void Moon” or “Void of Course Moon” (or “VOC moon” for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.
According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon’s rulership), Taurus (Moon’s exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) “performeth somewhat.” Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and “you can take it to the bank.” Another way of putting how this works in an astrological forecast is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get “unanswered success.” That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied.
Friday May 1
The creative energies of Beltane flourish, although there may be ups and downs emotionally and in our dealings with others.
Morning is a window of harmony, as Moon in sociable Libra sextiles magnanimous Jupiter at 9:59 am (12:59 ET), opening doors that previously seemed closed (before Mercury went into its shadow period on April 25). Ask for what you need, promote your service, product or idea, seek previously elusive information, or take someone special to brunch.
Whatever you choose, do it before and at the time of the aspect, as interactions may be challenging soon thereafter when Moon squares Pluto and opposes Uranus. These afternoon contacts trigger the last Lunar Eclipse (April 6), reminding us to center in our hearts and release our selfishness, as they dissolve obsolete attachments and push things in the direction of that lunation’s influence for change in relationships.
We can’t control the details, but we can postpone negotiations, avoid power struggles, substance abuse or other potentially risky scenarios, and in general keep a low profile. It’s best to focus on clarity with ourselves, stay centered, and work in the garden, on healing or on an independent creative endeavor.
I have a date with the Spirit that abides in my heart, and I turn to encounter It now.
Saturday, May 2
Moon in friendly Libra goes VOC on a trine to its ruler, Venus, in chatty Gemini, at 7:03 am (10:03ET). Enjoy nature with fun company, and if you like, celebrating Beltane if you didn’t do it yesterday. Leave important dealings, actions or purchases for another day, or for this evening after 6:47 pm (9:47vET), when Moon moves into Scorpio, propitious for a passionate encounter, psychic consultation, self-hypnosis or examining our feelings.
The spiritual forces of Springtime touch my being, and I flower with light and wellness now.
Sunday, May 3
This is the perfect time to enjoy a date with the inner artist, a gospel concert or a visionary spiritual event, as Moon in deep Scorpio trines Neptune the mystic in Pisces, sign of its rule. This is not an afternoon to swim with the sharks or drive after drinking, as the Full Moon in Scorpio (8:42 pm PT; 11:42 pm ET) is deeply transformative and calls for a calm, well-grounded ambience to share its gifts.
The Sabian symbol for 14 degrees of Scorpio describes, “Telephone linemen at work installing new connections; the need to establish new channels of communication.”
Jupiter’s influence will help release us from obsolete connections and get the word out as we find the telepathic links that correspond to the present stage of our existence, and humanity’s capabilities.
We can also have breakthroughs in communications attempted before Mercury went into its shadow period on April 25, perhaps even things that have seemed stuck over the last 2 ½ to 3 years, during the Uranus-Pluto square.
A late night harmony between Moon and her ruler Pluto could make for very passionate and rewarding intimacy or, if no love object is available, incubating a power dream.
I am telepathically connected to the perfect people for my life (project, spiritual development) and this recognition draws us together in harmony now.
Monday, May 4
The stars don’t seems to care that the work week begins, as Moon in Scorpio connects with Uranus this morning, bringing to light hidden situations and emotions, before trining Chiron, the Wounded Healer, helping us resolve what came to light earlier. Healing oneself and others, psychic diagnosis or readings, journaling… these seem to be about the only really effective activities today.
An evening opposition from Moon in Scorpio to its co-ruler Mars is not propitious for negotiation, trying to work things out with others or driving in the fast lane. Could be good for defending a person or cause (preferably without direct confrontation) or saying affirmations as we exercise.
The Same Mind that knows what I need to see also knows how to reveal it and does this through infinite channels now. Thank you, Mother-Father God.
Tuesday, May 5
With Moon in Sagittarius, morning is extra good for promotion, inspiration and connecting with angels, dakinis and other invisible helpers. However, things slow down pretty early, with Moon joining Saturn at 9:38 am (12:38 ET), an influence that dampens the Archer’s cheer, but favors organizing space, house, work and any group or organization you head up.
This afternoon, Moon makes tense aspects to Mercury and Neptune; save vital or detailed communications for another day, and read fiction, take in an inspirational or surrealistic movie, enjoy music, use affirmations and have a psychic reading just for fun.
My day responds to spiritual law, so it flows in perfect order now.
Wednesday, May 6
Schedule key calls, presentations or other important events for this morning. Sun in prosperous Taurus makes a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the builder, and Moon in enthusiastic Sagittarius trines its ruler, fortunate Jupiter in Leo. All these planets and signs have millionaire instincts of one kind or another, so this is a fortuitous day to make a vision board, take the one you have out and dust it off, create and share publicity, and act on the prosperous ideas you had before Mercury went into its shadow period on April 25. Doors can suddenly open if you knock on them bravely this afternoon when Moon trines Uranus.
People can get touchy tonight, confront them another day.
I am worthy of rich experiences and supply and I accept them now.
Thursday, May 7
Our ideas fly this morning, in our work, projects and communications, as Moon in audacious Sagittarius connects with Mercury the messenger in Gemini, the air sign of its rule. We can have breakthroughs in writing, production (video, audio, film), broadcasting, promotion and sales. The energy shifts at 11:16 am (2:16pm ET), when Moon enters Capricorn, accentuating our organizational skills, followed by Cancer’s entrance in Cancer this afternoon, which puts relationships into a more intuitive, tender and empathetic mode for the next four weeks.
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Friday, May 8
Number 8 consolidates power, which is just fine for Moon in Capricorn, particularly as she connects with hot-shot Jupiter, joins with power-monger Pluto and harmonizes with Sun in determined Taurus. Follow your executive instincts and take the lead to tie up your week productively. Be diplomatic, as none of these connections are exactly gentle, nor is the square Moon makes to Uranus this evening.
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Saturday, May 9
This morning, Mercury the speaker squares Neptune the mystic—propitious for writing and using mantras or positive affirmations. The connection can also lead to confusion or taking things personally, so save socializing for this afternoon, when Moon will be in friendly Aquarius. An exciting though brief window for breakthroughs comes at midday (starting around 11:30 PT and 2:30ET), when Moon in executive Capricorn to Mars in determined Taurus begins to build to a trine that will be exact at 1:35 pm (4:35ET), when Moon goes VOC. In that two hour space, we can make headway on situations that need a stroke of power, for business, prosperity, or success in any area. It’s best used to consolidate things began before Mercury entered its pre-retrograde shadow on April 25.
Sunday, May 10
Happy Mothers’ Day! A quincunx from Venus, Goddess of Love, in Cancer, sign of Mom, to Saturn the stressor in adventurous Sagittarius, late last night, coupled with Moon—planet of mother—in Aquarius, sign of detachment, indicates that celebrations may be a bit atypical. The more social side of our connection with our mothers and children is apt to make this day more related to ideals, community and even politics. We will see an upsurge of alternative viewpoints about motherhood. Synchronize by giving a gift certificate to save a rain forest, reach out not only to your biological but also your spiritual mothers, invite her or them to an alternative movie or art exhibit or even a rally.
It’s not a sit-on-a-mat-in-a-lotus-position kind of day as Moon makes highly communicative aspects to Mercury in outgoing Gemini and Jupiter in gushy Leo. Enjoy, create, rethink motherhood, share your ideas, and this afternoon, watch for stubbornness and be ready to avoid potentially heated discussions that might ruin an otherwise fun day.
I bless the Earth, the Sacred Feminine and I bless my mother now.
Monday, May 11
The Fourth Quarter Moon carries an energy of release. At 21° Aquarius (3:36 am PT; 6:36 am ET), the Sabian symbol also speaks of letting go. A WOMAN IS DISSAGPPOINTED AS A MAN LEAVES HER BOURDOIR… misfortune by which spiritual justification is obtained… supremacy over experience. Inward retirement.
Moon goes VOC in Aquarius and stays there for most of the day. We can get perspective on how letting go can help spiritual growth. Read or research for the fun of it and work on healing your emotions, body and financial situations, with the help of a harmony between opulent Taurus Sun and Chiron, the wounded healer, in mystical Pisces.
The subtle energies continue into the evening, when Moon also enters Pisces. It immediately squares Mars, freshly into Gemini, giving us a spurt of evening vitality that can be directed in giving or getting a healing treatment by phone, dancing around the house or using mantras, prayers or healing affirmations.
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Tuesday, May 12
The morning energies are tender and creative, while the afternoon (evening ET) are more dynamic. As the day begins, the expressive vibrations of number 3 combine with Moon’s contacts to creative Venus and romantic Neptune in water signs. Create beauty in art, actions, meditation and emotions. Give a loving card or gift, make music, invite someone out to breakfast. Things get less cushy but more dynamic when Moon contacts Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto this afternoon; our words can move people situations in powerful ways.
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Wednesday, May 13
This morning is great to work on whatever we need to heal, as Moon in sensitive Pisces joins Chiron. At 9:55 am (12:55ET), she goes VOC on a sextile to Sun in abundant Taurus, and we can co-create prosperity by visualizing rich success. In Pisces, the VOC Moon still works well, before entering dynamic Aries at 10:13 pm (1:13am ET) and harmonizing with both Mars and Saturn in the wee hours. If you can’t sleep, staying or getting up to do things is a productive alternative. In fact, judging from tomorrow’s transits, it might be better to night-owl it now and sleep through the day.
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Thursday, May 14
The stars favor independent work, review and planning. Moon in Aries makes us restless, and a square to Venus in Cancer promises creativity and business sense but can make social interchange a bit challenging. We do well to avoid taking things personally and getting on the offensive-defensive.
This fiery Moon doesn’t take well to warnings, and moves us to get the word out as it harmonizes with communicator planets Mercury and Jupiter. These energies are quite helpful if directed in review, planning, reorganization and editing of communications, promotions, writing, teaching and learning—especially what we began before April 25, when Mercury entered its shadow period.
Mars gets down to its yearly opposition to Saturn tonight; though Aries Moon wants to go, direct action is apt to be blocked for the next couple of days. The silver lining? Saturn is retrograde, great for planning and scoping out the terrain in search of resources and possible problems, in favor of solid, long term results. With the taskmaster planet in Sagittarius, not only can our plans be realistic but also visionary.
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Friday, May 15
If possible, take the day off and work on your emotions, get an acupuncture or EFT treatment, weed the garden, paint the walls and continue to plan and prepare for audacious actions you can take after the New Moon on Saturday. If you must deal with the world, don’t pressure yourself or others to wrap up the week productively; for that matter don’t succumb to pressures at all.
This morning, Moon in hasty Aries connects with intense Pluto and then goes VOC after joining feisty Uranus. Genius can flow and it’s worth the time and effort to capture ideas in writing or other tangible medium, but the going isn’t exactly easy, nor is the continued opposition between warrior Mars and control freak Saturn.
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Saturday, May 16
Intuition, sweetness and love prevail as the goddess rides on the moonwaves. Moon in earthy Taurus harmonizes with Venus and Neptune, planets of personal and universal love, both in sensitive water signs. Try a romantic picnic on the beach, lunch with family or friends, enjoying music, contacting angels or caring for children, animals and nature. This evening enjoy a sensual supper and play with your lover.
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Sunday May 17
Balsamic Moon in the prosperous sign of Taurus helps us release objects, attitudes and situations that don’t resonate with our true abundance (a process that is in tune with the Sabian symbol for tonight’s New Moon). Look around your space and wardrobe and ask yourself what are you holding onto out of a sense of obligation or fear or just plain inertia? Maybe someone gave it to you (like the great desk I’m looking at across the room that takes us too much space and I don’t really need), maybe it’s nice but it’s just not you. Maybe it’s really great but needs fixing. Maybe it’s beyond fixing, but you just can’t bring yourself to let it go. Use this day to clear out belongings that don’t resonate with your true self, and put them in the hands of a person or organization that can use them, as you make space for new abundance with tonight’s New Moon in Taurus, which takes place at 9:13 pm (12:13 ET). Read tomorrow’s Success Guide for more on this lunation.
Affirmation to release belongings:
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Monday, May 18
The New Moon carries over from last night, her path full of stop-and-go energies. Right after her rebirth, Moon goes VOC, although in Taurus it’s not such a hindrance. She then enters Gemini in the wee hours, before making hard contacts to Saturn, the disciplinarian and Mars, the restless warrior. A few hours later, Mercury, Moon’s ruler, goes retrograde, underscoring the warning to limit our beginnings to progress on things we had started before it entered the shadow period on April 25.
But there’s more in this unusual line up… Mars is still in the afterglow of last week’s opposition to Saturn. The latter is retrograde in Sagittarius. Where’s today’s gift? We want to move forward, and like a wild horse that needs to be broken in before it can learn to race, we are called to temper our assertiveness as we reorganize, review, and do our homework. The gods don’t need to redo lightning before they send it, but on the earth plane we are called to go through processes, learn the rules, do the research, get the permits, put on a tie or scarf and go through other seemingly cumbersome tasks to translate our inspiration into earth talk. If this sounds like a death warrant to the free spirit within, not all is tedium.
The New Moon and Martian vibrations are getting us going to make our mark, and what seems to hold us back is really a chance to ground some very important project or new phase of good. We can turn apparently frustrating details into rituals of determination.
The Sabian symbol for this lunation describes: AN OLD INDIAN WOMAN SELLING HER TRIBE’S ARTIFACTS TO PASSERS BY.
Although at first glance it may seem tragic, this image evokes the metaphysical law of right use. The consumerism and disconnection of modern society cause us to subtly reject participation, and somehow look down on its necessity. Yet on another level that very idealism forms part of the ancestral gifts that each of us carries.
By reconciling with the world we form part of, and sharing our vision along with the talents and skills that make up our personal legacy, we can expand abundance for all concerned.
The apparently contradictory energies of this portal can be used to activate our prosperity as we go within, retrieve our gifts and find new ways and a new consciousness of sharing.
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Tuesday, May 19
Tuesday is ruled by Mars, the leader, whose vibration is strengthened by the today’s number 1.
This morning, Moon in Gemini connects with Pluto, giving power to our thinking and communications. It activates our brilliance and can open doors with a harmony to Uranus, planet of electrical surprises, at 10:57 am (1:57 ET). Write down ideas and intentions and act on them before that time, when Moon will go VOC for the rest of the day. After that, read, do menial paper work or crossword puzzles, play Scrabble, use affirmations or mantras, and save major actions or purchases for tomorrow or Wednesday, when Moon will be in savvy Cancer.
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Wednesday, May 20
Provoke a pause to be with yourself this morning, as Moon in Cancer helps us be aware of our feelings. She connects with Saturn, now retrograde in Sagittarius where the planet of organization helps us bring order to the house in our charts and area of our lives where the archer’s luck and optimism can make us a bit too easy-going. This intuitive Moon helps us look at our emotions around that process, as we find new courage.
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Thursday, May 21
Change is on the airwaves, especially in relationships. Most of us can pick these energies up before awakening, as Sun shifts into mental Gemini, and Jupiter, the expander, rubs up against transformative Pluto. We can apply these energies to journaling, mirror talk, positive affirmations, meditation or any inner work that can increase our love for self and all of life, as nurturing Moon joins sweet Venus in Cancer at 10:07am (1:07 ET).
From a mundane perspective, these energies also favor sharing a special breakfast with someone we wish to spoil, but the morning’s inner work can be vital, as today’s aspects will pressure us to look at the emotions behind our need for freedom, prompting projections onto others and potential discord.
Less than an hour after the warm connection with Venus, that same sensitive Cancer Moon opposes Pluto in authoritarian Capricorn, making for tension with the boss and bringing our issues with authority to light. The stress continues into the afternoon as Moon goes on to square Uranus, the other player in our central struggles of the last three years.
This afternoon, people planet Venus returns to the day’s dance with an opposition to Pluto. A midnight trine from Moon to healing Chiron helps us close the day’s circle in greater wholeness, particularly if we centered in thoughts of love this morning, and spend a few minutes before going to sleep to review our thoughts and interactions with greater perspective on what freedom means to us from an intimate and emotional perspective.
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Friday, May 22
The vibration of master number 22 precipitates manifestation and helps us convert the vitality of Leo Moon and challenge of Sun in opposition to Saturn into consolidated success.
This morning, Moon in Cancer accentuates our intuition and business sense. At 2:42 pm (5:42 ET), Moon enters vital Leo, followed by harmonies with dexterous Mercury in Gemini, sign of communication, and Saturn the builder in visionary Sagittarius.
We feel inspired, and can express ourselves well. However, Sun in potentially light-hearted Gemini opposes Saturn, putting a note of seriousness in the weekend’s melody as it causes us to doubt our creativity and become circumspect. This isn’t much fun, but it can propitiate a new level of excellence, particularly since Saturn is retrograde, supporting review and reorganization of what we are building, and pressuring us to produce something concrete in our exchanges with colleagues, clients, students, teachers or the public at large. With focus, patience and persistence, we can use Mercury retrograde and any apparent setbacks as stepping stones for future success.
Avoid potentially discouraging interchanges and guilt trips on self or others.
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Saturday, May 23
Your star shines as creative Leo Moon makes connections of transmission and power on a day that can be fun and also highly productive. A morning contact to fantastical Neptune in Pisces accentuates artistic intuition, while harmonies to Mars and Mercury in Gemini, sign of communication, give energy and smarts to get your message across. A nighttime contact with intense Pluto helps your creations go deep. The day closes with a conjunction from Moon to Jupiter in Leo, giving them a touch of enchantment. This influence also favors sharing games and stories, particularly with children.
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Sunday, May 24
Finally the stars give us day of rest! If you happen to be awake early this Sunday, you can use the genius-stimulation trine form Moon in creative Leo to Uranus in confident Aries, although it’s so early that most of us will be asleep (3:50am PT, 6:50 ET). Inspiration will flavor the Moon’s VOC cycle that begins on this transit and lasts all day, punctuated by a contact to Chiron in Pisces. Seek an inspiring spiritual gathering, enjoy a concert in the park or other healing encounters with music and nature, and easy-going company.
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Monday, May 25
Second Quarter Moon in Virgo comes with a wonderful Sabian image. “IRISHMAN DREAMS OF LITTLE PEOPLE BENEATH A TREE. Constructive imagination as it reveals unconscious realms of being. Creative fantasy, contact with inner life energies.” The Irish culture derives from the Celts, probably the oldest pagan culture in the West, and this symbol puts us in touch both with nature and the ancestral knowledge of creative imagination.
Contact with “inner life energies” and “constructive… fantasy” are magical ways to use today’s grounded Virgo Moon, its tense contacts, and a square from Mars to Neptune.
Considered a challenging combination, Mars-Neptune can bring to light difficult situations that were previously hidden.
And yet if that does occur, we can know that it is for the greater good of all concerned, and use our imaginations to visualize a new and greater good.
In fact, we don’t have to wait for a problem to rear its head, Mars gives new energy to our intentions to visualize and heal.
Make a dream board or apply begin in greater earnest a cycle of intentional imagination on some goal you had before Mercury entered his shadow period on April 25.
Dreams and oracle consultations can provide clear direction and dancing can release stress and get your circulation going.
Such activities are positive ways to channel a series of tense aspects to the Moon which could create stress in more worldly activities.
Avoid substance abuse and driving or using machinery after drinking and in general take your time and pay attention when doing physical activities.
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Tuesday, May 26
We can make headway on healing, self-care and practical concerns as Moon in grounded Virgo makes trines powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn, sign of manifestation. An afternoon contact from Moon in the sign of analysis to Uranus, the genius, can add brilliant inspiration to the mix. An evening harmony to warm Venus in nurturing Cancer makes this a night to share dinner and hugs with someone tender. At 7:21 pm (10:21 pm), she goes VOC, with a later contact to Chiron; enjoy emotional healing and save key actions and purchases for another day.
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Wednesday, May 27
Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, the communicator. We can each can leave a mark with our unique voice and ideas today. The urge to do this begins before dawn (or just after on the East Coast), as Mercury joins promoter-planet Mars. Write your best ideas and prepare to offer your services and wares to key people, after Moon emerges from VOC and enters Libra this afternoon.
This afternoon, sweet Venus in sensitive Cancer trines Chiron, the wounded healer, in Pisces, sign of the Cosmic Mother. Great results can come from pouring the energy of love into our emotional nature and family patterns, for example in self-dialogue, meditation or a therapy session.
At 2:42 this afternoon (5:42 ET), Moon enters Libra, sign of harmony, and shortly thereafter sextiles Saturn the builder. Connect with people who can help or collaborate on your creative projects and the message you wish to share.
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Thursday, May 28
Moon in Libra radiates love, enriching creativity, people connections and close encounters of the exciting kind. Through midday, connections with Sun and Mercury in communicative Gemini and Neptune in artistic Pisces give a beautiful touch to writing, teaching or other ways of sharing ideas and art. From afternoon through midnight, contacts to Mars, Pluto and Jupiter favor a hot date (choose someone clearly non-toxic) or a fruitful interchange with a shaman, coach or effective business-person.
I am a clear channel of sacred light, and I dare to share it now.
Friday, May 29
Intuition has it over reason, as Mercury the messenger squares mystical Neptune in psychic Pisces, followed by an opposition from creative Libra Moon to Uranus, planet of breakthroughs. Communication with humans may be confusing or discordant, but light can come from other dimensions, from dreams we recall this morning, a card reading, spirit guides or our own inner wisdom. Also favored are creative work and enjoying music.
As Moon harmonizes with Chiron, the energies we channel can be particularly helpful for healing.
Moon in affectionate Libra goes VOC this afternoon on a square to its ruler Venus, in nurturing Cancer, favoring a pleasant dinner and expressing our affection to dear ones.
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Saturday, May 30
This morning the Neptunian fogs lifts. Mercury joins Sun in Gemini clarifying rational processes and communications. Make calls, give a talk, analyze accounts and situations, study, write and take or organize notes. This evening, Moon in Scorpio connects with Sun and Mercury, both in Gemini. Conversations, journaling and therapy can produce penetrating insights. Movies, too, with a nighttime trine to Neptune, planet of imagination, in Pisces, sign of its rule. Incubate a dream or go to sleep with healing music or a guided meditation.
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Sunday, May 31
The portal between reason and magic comes to light as Sun in Gemini, the thinker, squares surrealistic Neptune in Pisces, the fantasia sign. This could create confusion in communications and doesn’t favor signing contracts or clarifying agreements, although mystical experiences and creative thinking can be awesome as well as further intensified by contacts from Moon in deep Scorpio to Pluto, the transformer and Jupiter, the expander, in expressive Leo. Consult a psychic, partake of an inspirational gathering, make or enjoy art, go to a concert, or share a life-changing film.
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Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Thanks for your gratitude and encouragement, Meisha. Hugs from Mexico.
Wonderful I am enjoying everyday and I feel confident everyday. I am making changes for the highest good of me and the highest good for all concerned, gracefully and with gratitude. Thank you Crystal and Suzanne.
Looking forward to the next set of forecasts. Enjoyed the ones I’ve read and followed so far.
Thank you!
Hola mil gracias por continuar a través se esta oportunidad que les han dado y continuar en contacto con uds. Así como el estar informada cada día para las afirmaciones además de compartir en mi pag. Del face. Bendiciones que los ángeles iluminen por siempre su camino como hasta el día de hoy han sido guiados un fuerte abrazo, saludos su amiga Mary Para desde Xalapa, Ver.