In September, our emphasis shifts from the Fixed-Sign process of stabilizing to the Mutable-Sign process of adapting and integrating. One of Murphy’s laws says that the first 99% of a project takes 99% of the time, and the last 1% takes the other 99% of the time. Completing and integrating a process is a fine art, and it is practiced by Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, each in its own way. The Signs of greatest emphasis now are Virgo and Pisces—Virgo in the form of the inner bodies, and Pisces with Neptune and Chiron.
This puts us in a healing frame, where we have been on an emphasized basis since Chiron and Neptune conjoined in 2010-11. The healing energies at first came through Aquarius, using thought to redirect the forces and fields. Now they flow and swirl in Pisces, reaching us as a field of magnetism and other rarefied states. These settle into our own energy field (aura) and circulate to dissolve the old obstructions they encounter.
This can be a bewildering process (to all but Pisceans) as it slowly, almost imperceptibly shifts our reality from…
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![Terry Lamb](
For more than 20 years, Terry Lamb (M.A. Linguistics, UC San Diego; C.A. NCGR, EEMCP) has been helping people to understand how cycles and energies work and interact in their lives. She augments her astrological acumen with energy medicine, Yijing (Chinese Book of Change), cosmology, psychology, and a broad range of health and spiritual studies.
Terry is among the nation’s most knowledgeable, insightful, and engaging astrologers. With pragmatic optimism and compassion, Terry’s approach has helped clients and students find their own way to “walk among the stars”. She is dedicated to using astrology as a way to create our future and free ourselves from “fate”. She goes along with Abraham Lincoln, who said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
Her unique approach to astrology can be learned through her home study and apprenticeship programs (contact her directly).
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