After having studied, written and taught about Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves and fishes, I was fascinated to discover the pagan celebration of Lammas, an August festivity that includes a blessing of loaves. When we bless what we have on hand in conscious connection with the Infinite Source, we open a channel for the multiplication of our supply and blessings.
The following ritual is adapted from pagan traditions, and can be used with a group or on your own.
Altar-ations for the Bread Blessing Ceremony
- Beewax, gold or beige candle
- An unsliced loaf of bread
- Floral incense
- Pyrex or other fireproof dish
- Strips of paper to write intentions on
- Seasonal flowers
- Notebook or paper and writing implement for each participant
Lammas Loaf Blessing Ceremony
∞ Light the candle, as you say,
Angels of Abundant Good, please fill my space, mind, work and life with your rays, so that I may abide in conscious connection with the Infinite Source and receive Its opulent fruits.
∞ All present take several moments to visualize and connect with the angelic presence.
∞ Make a list of experiences or periods during your life when you felt the joy of prosperity or when you particularly confident of your success power. This may be when you received your first paycheck, an opulent surprise or significant recognition for your ability, when you had a dream come true, or pulled off something that naysayers considered improbable. Some examples from my prayer group included a man who had won a lottery prize on a hunch just when he most needed it, a systems engineer who found lucrative and pleasant freelance work right after being let go from her job, a business woman who as a small child found and collected ancient gold coins at a construction site, a woman who was informally invited to a job in sales and ended up taking the company to exponential growth and discovering her own potential. Among my memorable moments was when I followed intuitive guidance to start a healing ministry and found quorum with a group of loving and able volunteers who persisted in studying until the dream became a reality.
∞ Take turns describing your successful memories aloud.
∞ Light a stick of incense while you affirm:
Just as this smoke rises and disappears in the Infinite, our intentions rise and touch all corners of the universe, facilitating opportunities, guidance, information, resources, contacts and everything that forms part of my manifestation now.
∞ Place your hands on the list as you say,
The Same Power that opened the way for these successes is still with me, and continues to multiply the good in my life abundantly, through infinite channels here and now.
∞ On each of three strips of paper, write an intention for the next phase of good you would like to experience and share with others (health, harmony, love, financial abundance, success, right work, self-esteem, forgiveness and so on).
∞ Hold the loaf over the fireproof dish and while the participants take turns burn the papers under it one by one, saying their intention aloud, and finishing with,
As the smoke rises, my intentions imbue this loaf.
∞ While one person burns her or his papers, the others direct the energy by making a list of the ways in which they want their success to multiply. These intentions are more personal and detailed than the previous ones.
∞ When all the papers have been burned and everyone has completed their lists, make a circle around the loaf with your hands on it, as you say:
Give thanks in the faith that your good is being multiplied.
∞ Share the bread, with wine, cheese and others snacks if you like. As you eat it, feel the blessings go into you.
Whether or not Jesus’ miracle of multiplication came from a much older practice, your hands, heart and mind are a bridge between you and the Infinite Source. Enjoy your blessed harvest.
References & Resources
Pomeroy, Crystal, Los pergaminos de la abundancia, Editorial Ink., 2011.
Roderick, Timothy, Wicca: A Year & a Day: 366 Days of Spiritual Practice in the Craft of the Wise (Llewellyn Publications, 2005).

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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