The New Moon that began this cycle gave us a boost to sweep away blocks to creative consolidation. As she becomes full in Aquarius, she moves the release to a deeper level, going after those limiting patterns that we may still unconsciously cling to.
The Sabian symbol for the pertinent degree of Aquarius speaks to the forces of truth and courage that empower this process: A DISSAPPOINTED AND DISILLUSIONED WOMAN COURAGEOUSLY FACES A SEEMINGLY EMPTY LIFE. The Full Moon’s close conjunction to centaur planet Nessus suggests that obsolete attachments may relate to abuse, either past or present, while Neptune’s proximity suggests healing, intuition and angels can be key to our release.
Prayerful altar-ations
- A candle or candles, preferably purple and yellow gold
- Incense, preferably patchouli
- Dry grass or wheat bran
- One or more feathers
- A picture of Archangel Rafael—Angel of Truth
- A picture of Archangel Michael—for courage
1. Light the incense, saying,
This is an offering for the Angels of Truth and Courage, whose assistance I request in discerning and releasing patterns in my mind, situation and relationships of the past and present that do not coincide with the greatest good for all concerned.
1. Light the candle, saying something like:
As this light shines in my space, Infinite Intelligence shines in my awareness, bringing to light attitudes and behaviors that need to be released.
3. Repeat the following during 7 minutes or more:
I commit to acknowledging, releasing and being released from conditions within or around me that do not coincide with the divine design for my life. This commitment opens me to receive the assistance of the Divine Helper, who is guiding my discernment, and fortifying me to follow its directives now.
As above, so below. On his wonderful webpage, astrologer Eric Francis posits that the US is traversing a Nessus crisis, including sex scandals and the multiple abuses that riddle and rattle the political and financial systems. Actually, such issues are coming to an increasingly heated boil on an international scale. What, might you ask, does this have to do your Full Moon meditation? World leaders—however crazy they sometimes seem—reflect tendencies in the collective psyche. The process of facing and releasing our own distorted attachments reverberates healing throughout the pyramid of society from the ground up.
Will the shared intention of a courageous few be enough to free the planet at this crucial time? Collective outcomes involve a critical mass in which we just might play a part. In the meantime, the law of creative intent can allow each of us to select the kind of world we will personally inhabit, as we choose to take the best this portal has to offer and continue to affirm, discern and heal from now until the next New Moon or longer as needed, one day at a time.
Resources & References
Francis, Eric,
Moore, Dena L., Breaking a Pattern Ritual,
Morrison, Dorothy, Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Llewellyn (2003, St. Paul, MN).
Rudhyar, Dane, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases (Random House, New York, NY, 1973).

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
Dear Jane,
Congratulations for your courage! Seems to be a necessary tool in the survival kit for Planet Earth. Fortunately, there is help in the Great Unseen.
As for the ceremony, the prayers are the most important element. I prefer them over rituals myself. However, from studying both the Mexica and the Chinese traditions (the former in Mexico where I live, and the latter with I Ching master Dr. Gao Qi Min), I’ve had the opportunity to experience the difference that consecrating incense as an offering makes for whatever follows.
The candle serves as support for visualizing the light, its color activates the part of the mind related to the energy called in, in this case transformation, illumination and courage.
If your heart guides you to use or adapt the prayers alone, please do so for several days, at least from now until the next New Moon, to give the Help that even now flows to you a chance to take lasting form in your life. My prayers are already with you as well.
P.S. Jane is Susan’s and my other sister’s middle name.
Seems like someone has been reading my mail. :) Well, I am not much for rituals and physical do-dads for the spiritual realm, but this time, I just might try this. Technical things have always been my downfall, and my Chiron is in Leo, so I could get it all together, I think. Anyway, it sounds like FUN! (I’m a Sag) :)