Is there communication that you need to get out and you just haven’t given yourself the time, training or permission to do it? Whether it be a new level of sincerity in personal relationships, selling a project, structuring a book or website, requesting help, walking through a bureaucratic hurdle, or writing an article or letter to Congress, this Full Moon now is the time to boldly move on information projects.
The cycle began with a New Moon in Scorpio, favoring release of superficial roles to renew contact with our true selves. Coming ripe in December, neopagans call this the Oak Moon, a magical phase for strength, self-confidence, prosperity and beginnings, connected to Diana the Huntress, a dynamic leader who actively pursues what she desires.
Zsuzsanna Budapest summarizes Luna’s present message, “Life is too short to wait for things to come by themselves.” This year’s Oak Moon can be a turning point indeed. It conjuncts Aldebaran, a fixed star which Fiorenza says provides inspiration, “to take the physical action required to manifest our visions in the …world”, especially those related to “the good of all”. Uranus, planet of breakthroughs, is stationary direct in the Full Moon chart, freeing us to move forward in bold ways.
The Sabian symbol for the related degree of Gemini offers further reiteration of the self-assertion required to access this portal’s portal:
In the sign of Gemini, the messenger, that pioneering spirit can be best applied to communicate and promote our higher interests and purpose, graced with the intelligence and eloquence that also happen to be ruled by Aldebaran.
The metaphysical suggestions below draw on the Oak Moon’s magic to focus and bless breakthroughs in communication.
Prayerful Alterations
There are elements you can integrate into your sacred space or corner to synchronize with the Oak Moon in Gemini, including:
- Oak leaves, ivy, carrots, mistletoe and sun symbols.
- Incense, particularly lavender or frankincense.
- Gemini stones such as tiger eye, topaz, coral, white quartz
- Infusion of water with a few pinches of oregano or mint
- Two candles: one yellow and the other white or gold, to be used as described below.
Angel Invocations
There are angels that assist effective communication, and you can call on them, requesting the kind of help you feel you need in this area as you light the yellow candle. They include:
- Ambriel
- The Angel of Communicative Powers
- Your preferred guide and/or somebody who is no longer in the physical, but who models command of your chosen field, genre or type of communication.
Call on helpers like those above to guide and expand your abilities and will to find and use your power to communicate and connect, and, as you light the gold or white candle, the Angel of Alchemy or Archangel Michael to help dissolve all blocks.
An Oak Moon Journal
Designed to free your power of communication and help you follow through on pending projects of transmission, this magical book is a very powerful way to receive Luna’s assistance.
1) Obtain a notebook as a gift to yourself to nurture and follow up on the communicator within.
2) Begin your journal with some sort of dedication, which may be to guides and angels like those suggested above, to the bold voices of past and present that inspire and lead by their example, to the intent of synchronizing with the Oak Moon by breaking through barriers to effective expression of your own true voice.
3) Write down some initiatives of communication that you need or want to move on. They could include any mentioned at the top of this page, or something else that supports and/or expresses your authentic self.
4) Once you have a list of goals, choose no more than three types of communication that you will take tangible steps on during this Full Moon portal (through the first week of December), and write them down again.
5) Take a moment to listen to the voice of the saboteur within, who has been whispering pretexts to postpone your communication needs. Write down its paralyzing programs: “It’s going to take too long…”. “I don’t know where to start.” “I feel uncomfortable.” “I’ll do it when circumstances are more ideal.” “Maybe I’m not worthy.”
6) Go over thoughts like those that follow slowly and with attention during the next several minutes.
Only for today, I move forward with initiatives that connect my voice to the network of life in an empowering way. I focus entirely on the task at hand, ignoring distractions or temptations to postpone. Each step I take affirms my true essence, empowering me to greater levels of efficacy and success in communicating.
7) Make a list of practical ways to move towards your chosen goals, these may include anything relevant, such as acquiring and studying new information, taking some bureaucratic steps (to present a dissertation, enroll or re-enroll or change a course of study, contact an agent, get your taxes or other papers in order), making a treasure map or related tools to visualize completion, writing an outline or proposal for your book, calling a key person or institution, acquiring books, organizing your papers, designing a presentation, taking time out for reflection to get in touch with and write about your feelings, going to therapy or a 12-step group for that purpose, making sales calls, improving your website or the presentation and promotion of your work, calling and writing dear ones, the possibilities are myriad, just apply your imagination to see what practical steps you will start taking today (or tonight if you do start this late).
During the first week of December, follow up by having a breakfast of champion communicators. Open your Oak Moon journal, visualize the larger communication goals as successfully completed, repeat affirmations like those suggested above and finally, take practical action on the initiatives you outlined. According to the ancient teaching of tides, or the energy cycles of the day, the hours from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM are particularly important for successful initiatives in the world. Use your journal throughout the week to write new goals and ideas related to your communication projects.
In the ancient world, the Oak was the most widely revered of all trees. In the Greco-Roman tradition, she was identified with Diana. For the Celts, she was the tree of doors, a gateway between worlds. For those of us today who heed the stars and actively join their particular gathering with earth and spirit, this year’s Oak Moon can be a portal to a life more powerful. The angels and guides are here to help, but there are things that Spirit leaves to each of us to do and pray and say. She is even now sends her inspiration and energy so that we may to sieze the moment to get our message across and connect with the divine network of life in ways that express Her ever-evolving design for the good, joy and self-expression of all her beloved children.
Note: the book links below are Amazon affiliate links, which means that you will pay Amazon’s regular low price for any book you order by clicking here, and Amazon will in turn pay us a tiny fraction of that purchase price. So go ahead, check them out… you’re helping to support Daykeeper!
Budapest, Zsuzsanna E., Grandmother Moon: Lunar Magic in Our Lives (HarperSanFrancisco, 1991).
Aspra, Lucy, Manual de Ángeles, Volumen 2 (Mexico City, Casa de los Ángeles, 1998).
Morrison, Dorothy, Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living (2003, Llewellyn, St. Paul).
Pennick, Nick, The Pagan Book of Days: A Guide to the Festivals, Traditions, and Sacred Days of the Year (1992, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont).
Rudhyar, Dane, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases (Vintage Books, 1994, Random House, NY).
Walker, Barbara G., The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects (HarperCollins, NY, 1988)., by Kim Marie, by Nick Anthony Fiorenza

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.
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