Virgo New Moon offers the gift of discernment, and time for careful tending and harvesting of the earth’s gifts.
Virgo New Moon
Virgo New Moon, 2023: Terra Firma
Virgo, the earth sign whose symbol is the virgin huntress, initiates the new lunar month.
Astrological Influences, September 2022: Reclaim Your Chosen Harvest
September… “rich with possibilities,” empowered by two potent lunations and two Grand Earth Trines.
The Virgo New Moon of September 6, 2021: Goodness, Pure and Simple
What happens when a New Moon in get-it-done Virgo is opposed by exalted but sometimes confused Neptune in Pisces?
Dedication and Bravery: the New Moon in Virgo, September 17, 2020
Time for a new start with the Virgo New Moon.