The stars of August propel us to release outmoded behaviors and attachments, and begin to build anew.
Mercury retrograde
Astrological Influences, October 2022: Take Up Your Path of Power and Recover Your True Connections
October… “wonderful and intense,” driven by Aries and Scorpio lunations, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto turning direct, and much more!
Daily Astrology, October 2022: Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide
Two lunation portals and powerful planetary transits make for a magical month.
Pisces Full Moon: Cycles of Dreaming
September’s Pisces Full Moon – the Harvest Moon, a dreamy, dreaming moon, with a chance to make some of it real.
Daily Astrology, September 2022: Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide
Gemini Mars potentiates the month—just one of the planetary energies infusing us with energy and fortune.