Royal Star of Persia Regulus’ two-thousand-year passage through Leo is over—it’s time to prepare for Regulus in Virgo.
Eclipse Notes: Sex Scandal Weiner vs. Sex Scandal Clinton
One misbehaving politician lost his job, the other, whose conduct was far more egregious, did not. Boots compares the charts.
Starting the Month with a Bang—Boots Hart’s Astrological Overview
A bit of mental reconnoitering is in store for each of us this month.
Two by Sun, One by Moon: the 2011 Mid-Year Eclipse Cycle
Two solar eclipses plus a lunar eclipse guarantee that our world will be—and feel—shaken up for some time to come.
KBO Chaos: Our Inexhaustible Resource
Jeffrey Dahmer, John Lennon, and Abraham Lincoln illustrate the spectrum of possibilities offered by Kuiper Belt Object Chaos.