Dredging up old dreams, holding on to those that delight and serve
Current Astrological Forecasts
Astrological Forecast, February 1–21, 2025: Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide
February—a month of deep and extraordinary renewal. The best daily astrological forecast on the web!
Astrological Influences January 2025: Prepare for Freedom
We find our feet and our pace on a new path.
Daily Astrological Forecast, January 1–31, 2025: Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide
January—an untrodden path into a new year, day by day. The best daily astrological forecast on the web!
Astrological Influences December 2024: Reclaiming Our Helm
Taking the helm of our own vessel and purpose: a challenge in these tumultuous times. December shows the way.