Use the fresh energy of this Gemini New Moon to ensure the effectiveness of all your prayers and hopes.
Open Your Heart to a Golden Era and Prepare for the Solstice Grand Cross, at the Dyad Full Moon in Sagittarius
Using the power of love to prepare our hearts and spirits for the Solstice Grand Cross.
Discover the Magic in Your Hidden Needs at the Dark of the New Moon in Taurus
At the dark of the Taurus new moon, find freedom in voicing your own needs
Streamline for Effective Action at the Hare Moon in Scorpio
Use spring’s Scorpio Full Moon portal to channel the fecundity and speed of the hare for your long-deferred projects
Seed a Better World at the Full Moon in Libra
March’s Libra Full Moon is known as the Seed Moon, a time to seed new intentions