The Libra Full Moon brings a focus on Venusian values of healing, creature comforts, and practical, grounded thinking.
Lunar Astrology
Aries New Moon 2023: Courageously Moving Ahead
The March 21 Aries New Moon energizes and intensifies this month’s big social and personal changes.
Virgo Full Moon: Sympathy and Service, as Walls Come Down
Virgo Full Moon, Sun in Pisces, and two outer planets changing signs—prepare for new social dynamics that affect us all.
Pisces New Moon, February 2023: Devotion in Action
The Pisces New Moon of February 19-20 calls upon us both to set new intentions, and to take a Piscean pause to feel into our place and moment in the space-time continuum.
Leo Full Moon, February 2023: A Blaze of Lightning
The Leo Full Moon of February 5, 2023—may astonishing flashes of beauty come your wa