The June 2023 Gemini New Moon may be busy and confusing… stay grounded!
Lunar Astrology
Sagittarius Full Moon: Your One Wild and Precious Life, June 3-4, 2023
The Full Strawberry Moon, calling each of us to “mind our heart’s most exquisite desires” and to aim our intentions boldly.
New Moon in Taurus: Walking in Beauty
The Taurus New Moon of Friday, May 19 offers a comforting confluence of water and earth; a portal to glimpse the beauty that underlies all.
Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse 2023: A Bubble in a Stream
This spring full moon, the Flower Moon, asks to go deep: are there unconscious emotions stirring in our depths?
Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, 2023: Brave, Bold Fire!
Hunker down and set some intentions. Then, when the moon’s crescent is newly visible in the night sky, be brave!