The New Moon Solar Eclipse is followed by the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 Aquarius. Did someone say we live in interesting times?
Lunar Astrology
Depth and Anticipation: Scorpio New Moon, November 14, 2020
Scorpio New Moon of November 2020: Scorpio’s Phoenix emerges to initiate a new cycle.
Tension and Intrigue: New Moon in Libra, October 16, 2020
The October 16 New Moon in Libra is marked by the intentions we set, and the inner and outer tensions of the frustrating circumstances in which we find ourselves.
Free Daily Astrology—Daykeeper’s Daily Success Guide, October 2020
October is bracketed by two powerful Full Moons, boosted by Scorpio energy. “The best daily astrology forecast on the web!”
Dedication and Bravery: the New Moon in Virgo, September 17, 2020
Time for a new start with the Virgo New Moon.