Daily Astrological Forecast, December 1–23, 2024
A great day for retrieving our vision and expanding our horizons, thanks to the New Moon in Sagittarius, today’s pioneering numerology of 1, and aspects that support goals of expansion.
November put us through some intense and perhaps dark processes, and we may still feel like retreating and hiding in our own little world. But today’s influences call us to pull our heads out of the hole, reconnect, and actively move on our visions.
On the doorstep of a trine from charming Venus to revolutionary Uranus, we can imagine freer alternatives in business, finance and relationships. In spite of the excitement though, we need to hold to our own North Star and act boldly on that which resonates with our authentic values and ideals.
Moon’s early square to strict Saturn stresses the more constructive side of this lunar placement, and favors a review of practical strategies. It can generate stressful emotions, yet also strengthen the Sag New Moon’s practical potential. We can use morning to pull our minds out of a slump and get reorganized for progress.
Moon’s opposition to ruler Jupiter at 12:45 pm (3:45 ET), favors emotional connections and touching the world, the public and the angels with our message. This influence is highly motivational and great for media activities or promoting our image, cause, product, or service. The astrological support for connections continues this evening, thanks to Moon’s conjunction to Mercury—though with the messenger planet in retrograde, it’s best to focus on messages and ideas we’ve shared previously.
At 10 degrees of Sagittarius, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A THEATRICAL REPRESENTATION OF A GOLDEN-HAIRED GODDESS OF OPPORTUNITY… Society’s efforts at dramatizing the greatness of what it offers to the ambitious person. Civilization as a process demands the goading of individuals to spend their vital energies in the pursuit of achievements which, while fulfilling the individual’s ambition and greed, nevertheless generate various forms of what we call “progress.” The result is all too often a process of FORCED GROWTH.
I am not alone in my desire for progress. Evolutionary forces are working to support me and move me into a new and better phase, here and now.
Monday, December 2
Creativity and spirituality flow, strengthening innovative directions in relationships and finance and release situations that don’t resonate with our values.
Moon in adventuresome Sagittarius accents sociability and expansion. Aspects emphasize the cosmic, universal side of this placement, with sweet Venus perfecting a trine to liberator Uranus, and sensitive Moon squaring mystical Neptune. With this combination, we can focus on:
- Spiritual healing or study
- Activism
- Travel
- Research
- Spending time outdoors
- Writing to Congress
- Connecting with those who resonate with and stimulate our ideals
- Prophetic dreaming
- Fueling excitement in love
After 1:09 pm (3:09 ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn, changing the combination to support to:
- High finance
- Asking for a promotion
- Decluttering and organizing with an eye on new directions
But, look out for a tendency to be bossy or cold.
I am one with universal good that appears in my life as true people and opportunities, here and now.
Tuesday, December 3
A great day for work, organizing and practical progress. Afternoon is good for people connections.
Moon in practical Capricorn awakens the inner executive: we can take the reins, exert our leadership, and make concrete, lasting progress.
At 12:30 pm (3:30 ET), Moon sextiles Saturn the builder, a highly constructive aspect. We can reach out to a teacher, a boss, an elder, a client or someone in a position of authority, and move towards long-range results. This wonderful sextile is followed by Moon’s connection to expansive Jupiter, facilitating emotional connections with individuals, with angels and with our public—whether that be family, friends, social media followers, students, etc.
In the wee hours, Mercury the messenger opposes Jupiter, expanding the reach of communications, fueling faith, and precipitating contacts with angels and spirit guides.
I release everything and everyone, and the best good continues to flow for me, here and now.
Wednesday, December 4
Dedicated, constructive action brings lasting results. Connections can be expansive. Creativity, spirituality, and romance flow.
Worker Saturn can come on strong today, in a square with Sun and as ruler of Moon in Capricorn and today’s numerology of 4. We may pressure ourselves this morning, but we can also be productive creatively and take steps to limit distraction.
However, not not all is demanding. Mercury the messenger opposes his elder brother, Jupiter the broadcaster, offering an opportunity to promote, sell, convince, and take our message to a new level.
This afternoon drips with love. With a sextile from Venus to Neptune, planets of personal and spiritual kindness, magical doors can open in relationships, romance, even finance. Knock on them! We can beautify our creative work, and contribute to a compassionate or spiritual cause or endeavor, particularly something involving women.
We should use these great vibrations before 3:34 pm (6:34 pm ET), when Moon goes VOC until 8:21 pm (11:21 pm ET), awakening deep emotions as she joins Pluto, newly into Aquarius. Now we may wish to dive into our feelings, do shadow work, make an important decision, release a situation that no longer resonates, research a change of residence, or act boldly on a new direction.
I visualize and invoke the sacred elephant spirits to put their earth-shaking force behind my actions, here and now.
Thursday, December 5
A day for freedom, with morning favoring independent activities such as decluttering, armchair activism or creative work, and afternoon for connections with others.
This morning, Moon in rebellious Aquarius opposes bold Mars, bringing out Luna’s most daring side. Moon-Mars can make for hurt feelings, so it will be more effective to focus on independent activities: break out of a rut, try something different, engage in armchair activism, go on a walk and pick up garbage, set a limit, close a cycle, quit a job. We can also go over our datebook and eliminate trivial or stale engagements. This rebellious influence can stir the coals of discontent around Trump’s presidential win.
Nighttime is better for people connections, as Sun in extroverted Sag joins Mercury the messenger. We can teach, study, promote, campaign, sell, exchange inspiring words.
Two late sextiles, one from Moon to Mercury and the other, Moon-to-Sun, are great for creative writing, people connections, activism, study, and research of something relating to beliefs, foreign lands or higher education.
I invite the angels of freedom to expand their reach through me, in me and around me, here and now.
Friday, December 6
We’re feeling extroverted and can make good connections, which we can use to fight for freedom and work on long-term goals.
Today’s numerology of 6 facilitates abundance and provides a shield of protection. This morning, Moon’s trine to Jupiter brings also brings expansion—through feelings, communications, and connections. Empathy exerts a magnetic effect on others.
Mercury the messenger is squaring tough Saturn, bringing a serious tone to our communications. If faced with an involuntary pause, we can use it to review thoughts, plans, papers, and words with an eye to lasting results.
Mars the warrior turns retrograde. In orb of an opposition to intense Pluto, he reconnects us with ongoing concerns related to leadership, goals, competition, and lines of action. With Pluto in Aquarius, this can spark a fight for freedom, reengage us with recent challenges, and reignite our fervor as it moves us out of our comfort zone.
Idealism burns bright, and we can also make practical headway and constructive connections for finance and expansion. Reach out strategically and use these energies before 4:01 pm (7:01 ET), when Moon goes VOC.
Late tonight, Venus shifts from grounded Capricorn to independent Aquarius, preparing us for a winter of connection with humanity and with spiritual family.
I am a child of Source, and this awareness connects me with my spiritual brethren who appear here and now.
Saturday, December 7
We feel compelled to deepen, transform and empower our love nature and self-esteem. Angels, intuition, and spirit guides offer light. Communications are luminous.
Strong influences of Jupiter and Neptune converge to awaken magical vibrations and fuel contacts with angels and spirit guides. Sun opposes Jupiter (in loquacious Gemini): we can share our light in a large way.
At 1:39 am (4:39 ET), Moon enters mystical Pisces, fueling sensitivity and creative thinking. This influence is strengthened by today’s station direct of Moon’s ruler, Neptune. Since early July, there’s been an inward expansion of intuitive processes, lessons from dreams, and spiritual understanding. Now, with Neptune direct, these gifts emerge, shining new light on underlying divine patterns.
Another deep and major transit is Venus’ conjunction with transformational Pluto. Our passion is renewed in love, values, healing, and self-worth. We want to shed worn-out appearances and ways of relating. We can research and/or fuel innovative pathways for abundance and relationship.Pluto can bring up shadows, so this isn’t the weekend for an intimate date with a new flame or a visit with a toxic ex. Rather, we will be well served by focusing on research and acting on something important in finances, for self-esteem, and with/on behalf of the female gender. Not that there may not be passion, but Aquarius gives it a freer, more idealistic bent.
Today’s numerology of 7 accents cognitive activities, spotlighting mental, verbal. and intuitive activities.
I give thanks for my intelligence and I heed my intuition, here and now.
Sunday, December 8
We can get a new level of results in spirituality, success, finance and something related to our path of power.
Today’s Moon in mystical Pisces spotlights spirituality, intuition, dreamwork, music, visualization, and magic. Today’s numerology of 8 brings added power to materialize a dream we’ve been working on.
This morning offers a special space to reconnect with our intentions, when at 7:27 am (10:27 ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. We might start the day by making a date with our higher self, reviewing our progress since last week’s New Moon, listening within, and writing down what comes up.
Tonight, a sextile from Moon to Uranus, planet of breakthroughs, opens a door of opportunity for our own unique pathway—in relationships, with groups, for activism, or in finance.
At 18 Pisces, the Sabian symbol for today’s lunation is:
IN A GIGANTIC TENT, VILLAGERS WITNESS A SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE… The collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory… the use of personal achievement and conviction to bring a crowd to a state of enthusiasm… The implication of the symbol, whenever it is found operating, is that the time has come for the individual to dare to present himself and his works to his community for applause, or for the purpose of attracting a following. What is suggested is PUBLIC SELF-DRAMATIZATION.
I invite the Christ Mind to prosper through me, here and now.
Monday, December 9
At 5:38 am (8:38 ET), Moon leaves the cool, mysterious waters of Pisces and steps onto the hot coals of Aries, where she pushes us hurriedly along to avoid getting our feet burned.
Connections smolder, as Moon sextiles intense Pluto and charming Venus, facilitating powerful, sexy, transformative encounters that may even seem hypnotic.
Reach out to others who can give you their best, or to whom you can give your best, as today’s connections can be of lasting influence.
Areas that will repayour focus today:
- Sales
- Social change
- Healing
- Lust
- Therapy
- Finance
- Activism
- Success
It’s probably best to make connections before 3:38 pm (6:38 ET), when Moon trines ruler Mars, and soon thereafter, Mercury. These fuel our courage, but diplomacy wanes, and a brusque encounter can easily lead to hurt feelings.
What we can do is defend a cause at a distance, through sharing an online petition, making a donation, or writing to Congress. We can also review and write down our goals, or a negotiation or sales strategy. On a more active level, we might wash the car, declutter the garage, clean the oven, or enjoy an action film or NBA game. Save in-person arguments, “having it out,” and direct confrontation for another day.
The success power of the universe moves me and supports to finish what I’ve started, here and now.
Tuesday, December 10
We can direct today’s restlessness by acting on a goal related to communication, negotiation, campaigning, or promoting something, particularly from morning to early afternoon.
Mars rules today’s Moon in high-energy Aries and also the pioneering numerology of 1, giving us a boost to finish something or move forward on a goal. Mars is a promoter, and so is Jupiter, who takes a sextile from Moon this morning, opening a great window to expand success, good-will and abundance. We might re-enter a competition, re-circulate our CV, or relaunch a promotion or campaign of some kind. Great results come from reaching out to others, or to our public directly, with empathy and warmth. Mercury is retrograde, so focus works best on a kind of outreach we tried or started previously.
We should do this before 2:13 pm (3:13 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a trine to Sun, making for a fun afternoon to play games and enjoy sports, dancing, or action films.
I gives thanks for my masculine powers of courageous action, and I use them, here and now.
Wednesday, December 11
Any apparent challenges can shed light on blocks to abundance and help us heal them. We can research our options. This afternoon and evening, charisma and sensuality flow.
Moon leaves her VOC in Aries at 7:55 am (10:55 am), entering prosperous Taurus, sign of her exaltation. This placement favors manifestation, abundance, and enjoying the good life.However, Moon squares transformative Pluto, which pushes Luna out of her comfort zone and perhaps creates pressure. Pluto brings up shadows and empowers us to heal. If we do feel challenged, instead of engaging with fear or aggression, we can work on our beliefs. Nature is also healing. Also, we can review our options for financial growth, home affairs, intimate relationships, real estate and protection.
Sweet Venus is in opposition to hot Mars, and starting this afternoon (evening on the East Coast), Moon in Taurus squares them both. The combination fuels romance, sexual excitement, charisma, and creative passion. Enjoy a dinner date (with a tantra encounter for dessert), throw yourself into artwork, or socialize.
Today’s numerology of 11 triggers a portal for angels, allowing them to more easily access our heart radiation and use it to lift the planetary frequency.
I center in love toward myself and others, and this radiation relaxes me, here and now.
Thursday, December 12
A warm, exciting day that can be productive and great for love and people connections.
This morning, Moon sextiles constructive Saturn in imaginative Pisces. This is a great aspect for tangible manifestation. it opens doors for business, study, bureaucracy, long-term goals and connections, and self-mastery.
Venusian energies abound, as the planet of love and values sextiles messenger Mercury, perfects an opposition to passionate Mars, and rules both today’s numerology of 3 and the Moon in Taurus.
This is a warm, sweet, fertile influence that is also dynamic and—thanks to Venus—aggressive Mars sparks romance, passion, charm and an explosion of creativity. Connections and self-expression can be lovely, joyous and enriching in every sense, thanks to the sextile from Mercury the messenger to sweet Venus.
Despite the voices of doubt, I build for my dreams, here and now.
Friday, December 13
Most of the day favors progress in research, journaling, and spiritual healing, while nighttime favors energetic connections for work or building something.
At 4:39 am (7:39 ET), Moon goes VOC on a sextile to dreamy Neptune, making early morning great for creative visualization, dream interpretation, generating empathy, and spiritual practice.
At 9:22 am (12:22 ET pm), Luna enters loquacious Gemini, although this chatty placement may be toned down when, less than an hour later, she trines deep, dark Pluto, bringing power and depth to thoughts and words. We can do great research and editing, and develop persuasive ideas, journal, or use words to heal.
This evening, things get dynamic, when at 6:58 pm (9:58 ET), Moon sextiles bold Mars. We can work on a promotion or campaign, connect with a boss or leader of some kind, circulate an online petition and, with Moon soon to oppose ruler Mercury, prepare an argument.
Before finishing the day, Moon trines magnetic Venus. These energies have charisma and a sharp vitality we can use to make headway in something involving competition, debate, promotion, partnership, or ideas. We’re apt to feel restless and can use this mental vigor to finish something related to documents or words, inject energy into our communications, or share a late dinner or conversation.
Guardian Angel, please support me to use this day divinely, here and now.
Saturday, December 14
We may feel sociable, but early morning may be hot and cold. For fun, for work or for a cause, connections are more dependably harmonious later on in the day.
Today’s numerology of 5 moves us to try something new, combining with Moon in restless Gemini and last night’s trine from Moon to Venus to motivate us to connect. But before making plans for a brunch date, wait for Moon’s morning square to dire Saturn to wear off. Not that the aspect is bad—it can be very good for emotional work or intuitive study. But we’ll feel more cheerful after 10:43 am (1:43 pm ET), when Moon joins jovial, fun Jupiter.
This conjunction in expressive Gemini, and on the portal of tomorrow’s Full Moon, brings people together and is great for exchanging ideas, making a presentation, promoting a viewpoint, cause or product, teaching, closing a deal, connecting with angels, sharing an adventure, and enjoying the company of others. The results we obtain in these areas can be important.
Angels and Spirit Guides, please cut away connections and erase habits that limit the divine power of my words, here and now.
Sunday, December 15
Intuition is high, and words are inspired. We can use them to pray, manifest, journal, write to an angels, with Moon full in Gemini, consolidate persuasive communications.
Today’s lunation is exact at 1:02 am (4:02 ET). This first Full Moon since Pluto entered Aquarius definitively last month spotlights Gemini themes that relate to our will for freedom: ideas, thoughts and communications that connect others in daring and determined ways. Today’s numerology of 6 brings a shield of protection and an angelic aura of fortune, cheer and abundance that favors gatherings of all kinds.
Activities may relate specifically to publicity, teaching, media, business, young people, and to personal endeavors connected to siblings, cousins, neighbors, colleagues, transportation, commerce and self-expression.
At 6:32 am (9:32 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Cancer at 11:21 am (2:21 pm ET), deepening the sensitivity of the Full Moon portal and focusing our attention on hearth, family, country, psychic development, real estate, inner journeys and emotions.
Luna squares mystical Neptune, so we should keep our feet on the ground and leave the rose-colored glasses in the drawer, as we may encounter confusion or manipulation. Intuition is strong, and angels inspire us with magical words. Gatherings focused on compassion, dreams or spirit are particularly powerful.
We can also gather our emotional power and journal to prepare for a life change.
At 24 Gemini, the Sabian symbol for the Full Moon describes:
CHILDREN SKATING OVER A FROZEN VILLAGE POND… The use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment… Winter symbolizes darkness and the restrictions imposed upon living things by cold. Natural life is in a state of hibernation or inward-turned activity. Yet the developing mind can learn to use restrictions and the disciplining power of “cold” external responses to rise above the outer “freeze” and to grow in strength and skill. Man is nature rising above the cyclic oscillation of natural polarities. His way is often the via negativa. He learns rhythmic freedom (“skating”) by using the most binding situations (“ice”) to demonstrate his transcendent capacity for pleasure and self-mobilization… the… symbol presents us with a special technique. It is a mental technique inasmuch as it is through mind that man can transcend the entropy of the universal process of existence. We see here indeed man’s TRIUMPH OVER ENTROPY.
I invite the angels to speak their magic through me, here, now and always.
Monday, December 16
Today is great for doing business, getting our space in order and making constructive connections.
Moon in nurturing Cancer strengthens compassion, empathy, emotional awareness, personal growth, psychic development, forgiveness, blessing the home, and time-traveling.
The sign of Cancer is a fertile, cardinal (active) influence. It’s also good for business, and this gift is strengthened by a late-morning trine to constructive Saturn, a great combination for real-estate, home or kitchen renovation, and decluttering and organizing our space or metaphysical library. Such activities continue to be favored the rest of the day, or we can cook for and cuddle with someone.
Affirmative home blessing:
This home is made of divine substance that radiates good for all connected to it, now and always.
Tuesday, December 17
The first part of the day is good for people connections and constructive action, midday for creative visualization or sharing empathy, and nighttime for independent inner work or research.
Rise, shine and move! At 5:02 am (8:02 ET), Moon in fertile Cancer sextiles exciting Uranus. A positive door can open suddenly in connection to our ideals, creativity and finance. Mindful action is key. Today’s numerology of 8 lends power to our accumulated efforts for rich, tangible results.
At 10:33 am (1:33 pm ET), Cancer Moon trines dreamy Neptune. This is a soulful connection that opens a veil between worlds, facilitating activities like channeling, psychic consultations, and angel connections. We can practice metta (Buddhist practice of unconditional kindness), work on forgiveness, fuel our heart chakra, reach out in compassion, or engage in an altruistic activity.
At 3:39 pm (6:39 ET), Moon enters strong Leo, giving us an hour to socialize, express warmth, share recognition, put fire into our connections, and have fun.
At 4:50 pm (7:50 ET), the charm fades and the energies shift, as this strong Moon opposes determined Pluto. Escape the crowd and focus on independent activities like shadow work, spiritual healing, therapy, or researching something related to a fight, a challenge, or a political issue.
My good cannot be withheld, my good cannot be somewhere else. God has infinite substance and S/he uses it to bring forth my good as true opportunities, right solutions and rich supply, where I am now.
Wednesday, December 18
Creativity, spirituality and romance flow, and people connections go well. Be mindful of potential confusion.
Moon in expressive Leo makes an early harmony to Mercury in Sagittarius, unleashing a flow of words. Today’s numerology of 9 relates to giving; our expressions of gratitude can inspire others and lift their spirits. Nine has an introverted side that exerts a calming influence on the buoyant Leo Moon. We’ll be more effective in one-on-one connections or something altruistic than in common group settings.
Also, 9 favors inner work, as does the square from Sun to mystical Neptune. We can do spiritual healing, connect with guides and angels, work on our personal form of art, and add romance to a key connection. This square can also create confusion, so give yourself time to think things over.
Venus is in orb of the best of all possible aspects, a trine to Jupiter. When the two benefics harmonize, good feelings flow, as do people connections and financial abundance. Detect and act on those opportunities.
Afternoon and evening are particularly favorable for connections. Starting at 4:10 pm (7:10 ET), Moon triggers charming Venus, serious Saturn and expansive Jupiter. We can enjoy while we build for enrichment in love, romance, business, education, publicity and altruistic endeavors.
Archangel Michael, please remove any intention to lower our vibration and hold us under your blue shield of protection, now and always.
Thursday, December 19
The angels bring cheer to our hearts, charisma to our image, and fortune in connections and finance.
This is thanks to a trine from Venus, lady of love and values, to Jupiter, lord of ease, of expansion, of abundance and of angels. Today’s numerology of 1 increases our drive; we can release perfectionism and take an action step to ground today’s cosmic assistance.
Still, it’s good to be mindful and strive for diplomacy, as Moon in confident Leo can come on pretty strong, and she makes tense aspects to mysterious Neptune and eccentric Uranus.
We should make connections and take key actions before 9:19 pm (12:19 ET), when Moon goes VOC, entering diligent Virgo at 11:37 pm (2:37 ET).
There is nothing to fear, infinite good touches me through all appearances, and I can only be divinely impacted, now and always.
Friday, December 20
On the last day of autumn and the longest night of the year, we can take brave action to harness our vision.
Moon in diligent Virgo brings practical sense to Sun on his last day in Sagittarius. This is the perfect time to connect with how we’d like to wrap up the year, and review concrete actions we can take to solve a problem or work through an apparent barrier.
Moon makes an early tension to Pluto, strengthening us to do something we’ve been postponing—make a decision, set a limit, do serious decluttering, close a cycle, get something finished.
With Sun on the cusp of the critical degree of 0 Capricorn, it’s worth using today’s energies to make headway on something concrete and of lasting value. Override perfectionism, and make your move. Moon’s afternoon square to ruler Mercury is particularly good for editing or restructuring a negotiation, an argument, or a missive.
After midnight—at 1:21 am (4:21 ET)—Sun enters Capricorn, marking the official beginning of winter and moving us to build for something new. We might use the Virgo Moon and stay up working or praying to accompany the Sacred Mother and welcome her child, the newborn Sun.
Mexica prayer to the newborn Sun (translated and adapted by the author):
Come, little Sun-ray that ascends. Begin your return to the zenith, precious Hummingbird. Imbue us with your willpower to achieve the heights of our own best selves and to express our evolutionary potential. Hold us on the track of our inner light, now and throughout the new Solar Year. (See more on this portal in our monthly influences.)
Saturday, December 21
Happy Solar New Year! This exciting day favors connections and injects power into our projects and our entire new solar year.
At 1:21 am (4:21 ET), Sun enters Capricorn, triggering the Aries point and releasing a wave of cosmic electricity that activates our being and situations. Today is a power portal. We can bless the solar New Year, write our intentions, and align our will with the energy of the newborn Sun, who begins his slow ascent in the sky, gradually reducing the hours of darkness and shortening the nights from now through Summer Solstice.
As for daily activities, Moon makes wee-hour connections to strict Saturn and generous Jupiter, the planets of success. These energies work beautifully with Moon in diligent Virgo to multiply the results of our efforts. Concentrate on what most matters to you, in wellness, work, service, spirituality, or solving a problem.
Virgo relates to habits, and we can include improvement of habits in our Winter Solstice intentions. This is also the best day from now through Christmas to finish holiday preparations. After today, we get into some rather deep, potentially dark energies and VOC Moon, including all day on Tuesday, December 24. Today’s practical Virgo Moon is great for tying up loose ends.
Moon also makes a quincunx to sweet Venus, bringing harmony, ease and warmth to our connections and favoring a Solstice fest of some kind. But avoid squandering the productive morning influences on socializing.
I give thanks for the power to establish new habits, and I see myself doing this now and throughout the New Solar Year.
Sunday, December 22
Intuition, creativity and cosmic vibrations are strong. Use them for healing, inner work and people connections. Nighttime favors assertive action.
At 5:27 am (8:27 ET), Moon goes VOC on an opposition to dreamy Neptune, entering Libra at 11:08 am (2:08 pm ET).
For a few hours we can socialize, enjoy romance, go to a midday concert, send roses to our partner, work on something involving justice, compromise, teamwork, create a space for relaxation (or simply enjoy one!), or redecorate our space.
At 12:44 pm (3:44 ET), Moon trines intense Pluto, a strong influence that favors shadow work, researching something related to justice, to activism, to negotiation, or to making a change in our love life or appearance.
Try to set things in motion before 2:18 pm (5:18 ET), when Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter, beginning the last week of her cycle, a time to complete projects and rest.
And we can complete something tonight, thanks to a feisty but favorable sextile from Moon to dynamic Mars. We can finish a project, relaunch publicity, renew a sales effort or reach out to a coach, leader, lawyer, opponent or maverick of some kind.
At 3 Virgo, the Sabian symbol for this lunation describes:
TWO GUARDIAN ANGELS… Invisible help and protection in times of crisis…Though the consciousness may not yet be able to realize this as a fact, man is as surrounded by spirit as fish by water. Angels, devas and the like are entitized forms of spirit. In a sense at least, they collectively constitute a realm of existence complementary to mankind. They are specialized fields of energy which are apparently conscious, but not “free” in a human sense — that is, free to be what they are not. We are told, by seers and even by merely clairvoyant persons, that they constitute hierarchies of energy-distributing forms which sustain all life processes — particularly in the vegetable and telluric realms — as well as protective agencies attached to human beings. Modern psychologists may think of them as symbols of as yet latent powers in man’s unconscious. By being aware of their presence and sustaining power a man may avoid the desperate feeling of aloneness and alienation which usually pervades the “night of the soul” and the symbolic forty days in the wilderness. This… symbol comes to those who may greatly, need its reassurance. It is an answer to the symbol of the Crucifixion. The personal ego-centered feelings may be quartered and destroyed; in their place man may develop a sense of deep companionship with consciousnesses which, though utterly different from his, complement his assuaged mind. He may then realize STRENGTH WITHIN.
Nothing can stop divine activity from moving in my body, mind and world, here and now.
Monday, December 23
We can use this great day for people connections, holiday socializing, and for giving an original touch to our Christmas messages and gift-wrapping.
Today’s numerology of 5 likes to try new things, combining with today’s stars to inspire a fresh, fun touch for our Christmas preparations and messages. Today may actually be more propitious than either of the next two days for a holiday gathering.
8:22 am (11:22 ET), Moon in socially adept Libra sextiles Mercury the messenger, triggering opportunities for positive connection that can generate emotional closeness, harmony, joy and abundance.
This evening, Moon in charming Libra trines Jupiter in expressive Gemini. We can talk about feelings, connect with others, or work on editing, networking, publicity, matchmaking, PR, campaigning for or promoting something. With Jupiter in orb of a square to practical Saturn, there’s a constructive flavor to this influence that sets some groundwork for success and concrete results.
Thank you God, for making this person and this situation a divine factor in my life, here and now.
Tuesday, December 24
We may have goals on the brain, but today is actually better for relaxation, study, and spiritual work.
There are good vibes, since Moon in sweet Libra makes a wee-hour trine to ruler Venus. However, she goes VOC on this trine at 2:44 am (5:44 ET), making for a rather lazy day—and one that isn’t particularly productive.
Abundant Jupiter perfects a square to tough Saturn, a great aspect for creative work and success, but the VOC may limit our results. We can apply this energy in reading, study and contacting the angels, and use it over the next several days to pour our enthusiasm into work or something we’re building.
Today is also good for enjoying our partner, beauty, music, and company. Today’s numerology of 6 brings charm to gatherings.
Just after midnight, Moon enters profound Scorpio, favoring deep conversation, feelings and decisions. To avoid a holiday fight, put away the eggnog.
My generous actions keep me divinely open to abundance, here and now.
Wednesday, December 25
Merry Christmas! Be selective of your company. Choose brunch, lunch or dinner over a breakfast gathering.
With Moon in Scorpio, sign of shadows, today may actually feel more like Halloween than Christmas, especially with Sun in tension to hot Mars and Moon making squares to her corulers, determined Pluto and the Mars. All of this happens early, and things get easier after 9:00 am (12:00 pm ET), when Moon sextiles Sun. However, our local star is still in tension to Mars, coruler of today’s intense Moon.
The energies are more deep than cheerful, more bold than affable, and better suited for:
- An intimate holiday encounter
- Researching or organizing for a life change
- Doing dream work and healing
- Partaking in activism, a blanket drive, or volunteering at the local shelter
I enjoy expanding the light of Yule as I share with others from the heart at this archetypal portal, now.
Thursday, December 26
A constructive day for enjoying tradition, expanding our vision, studing and reaping the fruits of past efforts in communication and in something we want to last.
In the midst of the holiday, today’s numerology of 8 facilitates consolidation of success and prosperity. And it comes with empowering transits:
- Moon in courageous Scorpio strengthens our determination, and also trines stable Saturn.
- Mercury the messenger connects with success planets expansive Jupiter and Saturn, triggering a broader experience of connection and self-expression.
- And Moon in intimate Scorpio makes an evening square to sweet Libra, fueling warmth, lust, romance and other good feelings.
- Also, we are in orb of aspects involving major benefics, Venus and Jupiter.
We can use our words to make something lasting. If we have a project to finish or something to promote, today’s actions can be key. We might entertain the boss, visit an elder or a teacher, and get organized so we can use what’s left of the holiday in a satisfying way. Or, we can apply these energies by participating in a gathering, facilitating a class or winter ceremony, or arranging an upcoming activity.
Whatever we do, we can remember that despite the holidays, there are important political issues being reviewed and decided, and this is a good day to participate with a call, to sign a petition, or to write Congress.
I am a divine agent, and I act in synch with my evolutionary moment, here and now.
Friday, December 27
An intense day, with spiritual energies this morning and confident, feisty energies tonight.
Deep Pluto rules both today’s numerology of 9 and this morning’s Moon in bold Scorpio, which goes VOC at 6:24 am (9:24 ET) on a trine to dreamy Neptune, giving us a few hours to rest and to do spiritual work, meditate, forgive. On the doorstep of the upcoming New Moon, we might use this energy to do an Old Years’ ceremony, connecting with gratitude for blessings received and declaring freedom from circumstances and appearances we don’t wish to carry into the New Year.
At 11:46 am (2:46 pm ET), Moon enters cheerful Sagittarius and the atmosphere becomes freer and lighter. We have a couple of hours to enjoy relaxed activities like socializing, angel connections, a spiritual gathering, lunch with friends, spend time outdoors, work on correspondence, dream yoga, study, or take or give a class.
Finish before 1:46 pm (4:46 ET), when Moon sextiles determined Pluto, following with a trine to warrior Mars. We are emboldened, energized and triggered to take on a challenge. Savvy Sag Moon can gain ground in assertive, strategic action on trade, negotiation, a promotion or business meeting, borrowing or collecting money, a legal matter, or the attainment of a long-overdue answers. In orb of a square from relational Venus to rebel Uranus, this is not a night for warm fuzzies, but it can be a moment to declare a daring posture or burn a bridge. Strive for diplomacy.
I am not alone in my desire for renewal. Divine forces are with me, directing, mobilizing and supporting me, here and now.
Saturday, December 28
We can inject energy into a desired new direction.
Venus, lady of values and relationships, squares daring Uranus, while both are in mutual reception (in each other’s signs). This square joins with the New Moon portal to move us out of a rut in relationships, appearance, values, and finance.
Moon in visionary Sag brings good fortune and keeps our sights on the big picture and long-term consequences of our actions, as well as focussed on our response to a potentially unexpected occurrence, while today’s pioneering numerology of 1 supports bold action.
Looking for a place to start? We might make a list of activities/focii that no longer resonate, consult our hearts for new directions (directions that, with Mercury retrograde, we’ve already acted on somehow), and then take an action step of some kind.
This afternoon is strong for work or a serious project. Moon makes tensions with abundant Jupiter, builder Saturn and messenger Mercury. Communicative energies aren’t sweet, but strategic communications can be constructive.
Love keeps me balanced, light guides my way, confidence supports my vision, my results and my actions, here and now.
Sunday, December 29
We get wonderful support for connections in romance, spirituality, socializing or service.
Today’s numerology of 11 fuels our kindness quotient and angel connections. At 12:03 pm (3:03 ET), on the doorstep of tomorrow’s lunation, Moon’s harmonies with Venus and Neptune, planets of personal and spiritual love, bring new harmony to relationships. We can make positive connections with family, in romance, and to women. Sharing our feelings of love and empathy can make magic.
At 3:34 pm (6:34 ET), Moon squares Neptune. Charm and romance may continue, but there may also be confusion or drama. Avoid partying and save substance use for another day. We can better work on forgiveness, contact angels and spirit guides, review the intentions we’d like to set for the new year, and gather visualization materials.
At 8:37 pm (11:37 ET), Moon shifts to executive Capricorn, putting us in a more pragmatic, goal-oriented mode. With an eye to retrieving what we didn’t finish this past year (especially with Mercury in shadow), we can begin to outline our goals for the next 12 months and gather visualization materials to make a vision board for tomorrow’s New Moon.
My clear intentions connect me with the guidance, opportunities, people and resources for their manifestation, which are drawn to me from the field of infinite good, here and now.
Monday, December 30
Morning is restless. This afternoon’s New Moon is an energizer of our goals, intentions and projects.
Today’s numerology of 3 is ruled by Venus and favors people connections, including a New Moon or New Year’s gathering, perhaps to share intentions for activism, evolution or similar ideals of universal change.
Moon in Capricorn accents our organizational skills. Her early contact to Mars brings energy and decision that are great for decluttering and setting limits (or at least structuring them) in support of our goals.
The New Moon, exact at 2:57 pm (5:57 ET), brings an important boost to the seeds of our New Year’s intent. With Mercury still in shadow, this is about retrieving dreams we had set in motion sometime in the past. Especially while still in orb of the recent Venus-Uranus square, we can reconnect with our spirit of freedom and the innovative directions we want to pursue.
The Capricorn energy spotlights intentions for: Building, profession, career, long-term goals, high finance, administration, reorganizing a new business, work projects, logic, setting limits, a team effort, a home-building project, investments, building the balance in one’s bank account, and self-mastery.
We can listen to our own, authentic heart, recall its preferences, and establish them in writing, along with the most concrete description possible of the results we project. This is the perfect time to finish gathering images and make a vision board.
Besides New Moon magic, practical efforts on things we started previously go well.
At 10 Capricorn, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
AN ALBATROSS FEEDING FROM THE HAND OF A SAILOR… The overcoming of fear and its rewards… The man who radiates perfect harmlessness can call the wildest creatures to him and can establish with them a partnership based on mutual respect and understanding. Every living entity plays a role in the world’s ritual of existence; beyond these specific roles, which too often separate one entity from another, the communion of love and compassion can bring together the most disparate lives… The power of such a culture of harmlessness and compassion generates TRUST everywhere.
By the dark of the New Moon, my seeds are blessed with growing power now.
Tuesday, December 31
We can get organized, declutter and focus on innovative intentions for personal and collective freedom.
Saturn energy is strong, ruling today’s numerology of 4, today’s Moon sign and a wee-hour sextile Moon makes to this planet of structure.
This afternoon, Moon trines innovative Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance, connecting our constructive instincts to new, unusual options and awakening unexpected energies in our New Year’s manifestations.
Angels of Freedom, please inspire our vision for positive, new pathways in the year ahead, now.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.