Daily Astrological Forecast, November 1–30, 2024
Today’s pioneering numerology of 1 supports the energy of the Scorpio New Moon to favor beginning something. Transits spotlight emotions, opportunities, and courage to act for major change.
The Scorpio New Moon is exact at 5:47 am (8:47 ET). In this sign of intensity, it gives us nerve to act on our desire for renewal. It especially favors:
- Emotional healing
- Building intimacy
- Digging up secrets
- Reclaiming our power
- Getting out of a rut
An opposition between Moon’s corulers Mars and Pluto is the axis for a kite (grand trine plus opposition and two sextiles). The chart for this New Moon focuses its power. The red planet, in Cancer, urges us to push against the limitations of Pluto, in its last stand in Capricorn, to fight for what is close to heart and hearth, and for what we want to make grow.
Cancer relates to family and Capricorn to security, so the intense emotions of this lunation may spotlight secrets that emerge about family, or one’s nation. Days before the US presidential election, diverse groups will be impassioned and feeling like each of them is defending their homeland.
Mars is at the bottom of the kite, in a grand trine with mental Mercury and mystical Neptune. With these planets both in water signs, our minds and communications can be flooded with emotion, with compassion, and possibly, with confusion.
The sextiles in the kite show that there is potential for progress, if we can be attentive, avoid the potential for violent anger, and seek to recognize and act on opportunities. Neptune disposits (rules) this lunation, via Pluto in Capricorn, which in turn is ruled by Saturn in Pisces, itself ruled by Neptune, planet of manipulation, imagination, spirituality and light beings.
At 9-10 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol says:
A FELLOWSHIP SUPPER REUNITES OLD COMRADES… The overtones of human relationships based on a community of work or experiences… the bond that unites individuals who have participated in some common activity. The social feeling of communion, plus all that it engenders, arises after the act performed together. Activity is at the root of consciousness. Activity in common generates social consciousness and cultural patterns which become set in the form of institutions. A group-personality emerges, which displays characteristic features and gives birth to collective emotions and values… Wherever the symbol appears, it suggests the importance of establishing or strengthening links with those with whom one has shared, or can share, living experiences. The value of COMRADESHIP is emphasized.
Today, we may wish to seek out those who resonate with the changes we long for—whether these beings are humans, spirit guides, or angels.
Moon’s trine to Saturn, planet of stability, helps keep our feet on the ground and supports taking one constructive step at a time, even in the midst of confusion.
Affirmation: I do my best and leave the rest to Spirit, here and now.
Saturday, November 2
Still on the portal of yesterday’s lunation, Mercury the messenger harmonizes with Moon’s bold rulers, Mars and Scorpio; morning communications can bring change.
Today’s communications can take diverse forms: we can reach out to someone in a position to support our interests or cause, make a discreet inquiry, close a cycle, engage in honest dialogue, build an effective case, or achieve a lucrative negotiation or deal.
With assertive Mars in opposition to immovable Pluto, differences might also get heated. This is a day to choose what we fight for, how we fight, and where we fight. Mercury’s involvement spotlights the power of reason and words to direct these energies and avert physical and emotional harm. We’ll want to make the most of our mental resources and steer clear of unnecessary confrontation. With Mercury soon to enter shadow, if we can’t communicate harmoniously and successfully, we can at least set these exchanges in motion.
Morning is the best time for people connections, until 2:06 pm (5:06 ET), when Moon opposes rebel Uranus. We will feel like breaking free, and this influence really works best for independent activities involving creativity, especially writing and research, which go well all day.
Things soften a bit later, as at 5:06 pm (8:06 ET), Moon trines psychic Neptune. However, with the intense Mars-Pluto opposition, we want to keep a low profile in both social and interdimensional realms. Lighter practices like meditation, prayer, and calling on angels go better than channeling or psychic readings, which may open undesirable portals. And, we can participate in a compassionate cause at a distance.
With Scorpio’s passion and an opposition from lover Venus to expansive Jupiter, romance with a true love or old flame could go well, but save blind dates or bar hopping for another weekend. Something else to save for another day: Scorpio Moon can be good for surgery, but that’s completely off the table with the Mars-Pluto tension.
Later tonight the intensity is underscored, as at 9:40 pm (12:40 am ET) Moon trines Mars, going VOC on sextile to Pluto at 9:51 pm (12:51 am ET). At 10:19 pm (1:19 am ET), the atmosphere lightens as Luna enters jolly Sagittarius.
Affirmation: I call on the forces of love to pour into and through today’s aspects, lifting them up to their highest expression, here and now.
Sunday, November 3
Thanks to two major oppositions, passions are high. Hot Mars opposes powerful Pluto, and Venus, planet of love and values, opposes Jupiter, expanding good feelings. Romance, lust and business can be highly charged.
Moon in affable Sag favors socializing, enjoying sports, working for a cause and engaging in trade or something requiring strategy. Yet today, nothing is apt to be light or easy. Resist the impulse to escape for an idyllic weekend, and stick close to home—without drinking or fighting.
We can do beautiful work for a cause or campaign, although taking to the streets could be risky. Mercury will enter pre-retrograde shadow on Thursday, November 7, so we want to get new projects and communication moving before then.
Affirmation: Life evolves in me and through me, and life supports my progress, here and now.
Monday, November 4
Although we’re still within earshot of yesterday’s strong passions, it’s easier to channel them today. Sun trines Saturn the builder and Moon connects with benefics Venus and Jupiter.
Today’s numerology of 4 is ruled by Saturn and likes to work, helping us use Moon’s transits to Venus and Jupiter in a charming or lasting way.
Yesterday’s oppositions remain in orb, but waning and diffusing the intensity. We can focus our passion on something relational, financial, or on values we want to last.
Affirmation: I am an agent of positive change, and I act in that confidence, here and now.
Tuesday, November 5
Today’s numerology of 5, ruled by dynamic Mars, works with early Moon in enthusiastic Sag, and later in practical Capricorn, to support progress—even though our results may not be immediately evident.
If we happen to be up early, we can enjoy the effects of a square from Moon in abundant Sagittarius to mystical Neptune, applying this energy to connect with our dreams. This includes dreams of all kinds, from those we recall from last night’s sleep to those related to our wishes for ourselves or the collective.
At 7:17 am (10:17 ET), Moon enters practical Capricorn, moving to connect with assertive Mars. These energies set the day on a constructive but not necessarily harmonious note.
In two days, Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow; right now we can set something new in motion. For instance, we might apply for credit, or do something related to business, work, communications, a team effort, or a strategy of some kind. It can be for personal benefit or to support political tendencies as they unfold during today’s elections.
Capricorn Moon with Mars can be rather direct and cold; make an effort to express your warmth.
Affirmation: Voters are not lacking for protection and support, the Divine Defender is with us, supervising the electoral process to guarantee transparent and just results, here and now.
Wednesday, November 6
With Moon in constructive Capricorn and today’s protective numerology of 6—ruled by Jupiter and supporting people connections and abundance—the influences support productivity.
So far this month, today is the best day for people connections. Moon sextiles ruler Saturn and Sun, bringing opportunities in work, business, or with a teacher, an elder or another authority figure. Today’s number 6 favors gatherings—we can entertain the boss, give a seminar or hold a business luncheon. Or, we can take care of bureaucracy or follow up on yesterday’s constructive initiatives.
Affirmation: No person or influence can withhold the good that the Universe has for me now.
Thursday, November 7
Today’s numerology of 7 rules intellect, intuition and cognition. It combines with today’s constructive Capricorn Moon and a Venus-Uranus contact to favor study, research, and building for our ideals.
Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, favoring things we started previously. Morning and early afternoon are the best time for work and practical concerns. We can reorganize a home building project or an area of our lives that’s become scattered, and strategize to apply the Mercury retrograde cycle effectively.
Moon in constructive Capricorn goes VOC at 2:38 (5:38 pm ET), entering idealistic Aquarius at 2:58 pm (5:58 pm ET). Now, ruler Uranus takes a hit from Venus, planet of love and values, triggering the release of situations and connections that don’t align with our higher self.
We can do independent research, focus on a creative project and connect with like-minded individuals and groups.
Affirmation: Infinite Intelligence expresses through me with clarity and success, now and always.
Friday, November 8
Moon in open Aquarius combines with today’s numerology of 8 to help consolidate something related to our life mission or unique direction. Communications and socializing go well.
Moon makes an early sextile to Mercury the messenger, bringing opportunities for positive communication with people or groups. In fact, these communications can bring a breakthrough in friendship, in teamwork, for an agreement or in something we’ve been working for.
With Venus, goddess of love and beauty, in square to dreamy Neptune, we can experience a surge in inspiration, compassion and romance. The latter won’t necessarily be of the traditional kind, since Venus is still in orb of her contact with rebel Uranus, also accenting creativity.
At 9:55 pm (12:55 am ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter. Make a cosmic road stop to review progress on the intentions seeded at last week’s New Moon, and regroup to take advantage of the last seven days of the waxing Moon. In the chart for this lunation, Moon and Sun closely aspect Jupiter, planet of abundance, presaging good fortune, easy connections and positive results of our efforts to extend our message, publicity or cause. These protective influences last from now through the Full Moon of Friday, November 15.
At 17-18 Aquarius, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A MAN’S SECRET MOTIVES ARE BEING PUBLICLY UNMASKED… The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives… Today, the struggle between the power of society and the rights of the individual leads in the end to the defeat of the latter. The media and innumerable governmental agencies are nearly always able to find access to remains or records of past actions; modern psychologists and psychiatrists are increasingly adept at penetrating the deepest secrets of a life through “analysis” and all kinds of… techniques involving drugs and the subconscious reactions of muscles and nerves. The individual whose activities have to remain unrecognized is engaged in a constant struggle; he needs the help of higher Powers as well as of the protective agencies he may have placed at his service… UNMASKING of hidden motives and personal secrets. It may refer to the publicizing of past behavior.
Invocation: Archangel Michael, please surround me with your sapphire energy and shield me from the thoughts and intentions of others, here and now.
Saturday, November 9
With Moon in friendly Aquarius and aspects involving gregarious Jupiter, sweet Venus and charismatic Neptune, morning is good for people connections. Afternoon favors spiritual activities.
Love-lady Venus and hypnotic Neptune make a square. Vibrations of compassion are released and can be used to generate unconditional love, meditate on forgiveness, visualize abundance, or work for a compassionate endeavor. It’s a charming aspect that blends with a trine from Moon to affable Jupiter, making morning also great for socializing, collaborating on an altruistic or humanitarian cause, producing music or film, and promoting something.
Connections are great and likely easy until 12:17 pm (3:17 ET), when Moon squares independent ruler Uranus, decreasing our social intelligence while stimulating our intellects and healing aptitudes.
Take important actions and make key contacts before 4:23 pm (7:23 ET), when Moon goes VOC on a harmony to sweet Venus. Enjoy relaxed company, reading, nature or beauty.
At 8:00 pm (11:00 ET), the influences again become productive as Moon enters psychic Pisces, spotlighting spiritual, creative and romantic activities mentioned above for the morning hours.
Affirmation: Spirit works through all situations to favor me, so I’m in a good space physically, emotionally and financially, now and always.
Sunday, November 10
Today’s assertive numerology of 1 blends with Moon in creative Pisces to favor action on a project that’s creative, spiritual, or related to our dreams. Moon’s contacts to Mars, Mercury and Saturn call for extra attention to diplomacy.
In fact, although creativity and courage are high, people connections can be tense. It’s wise to be strategic, and plan our approach before reaching out or working on independent initiatives.
This evening, Moon joins Saturn, an aspect that helps us reorganize our inner work or a creative project. It can also be depressing or guilt- tripping, so call on your guides and listen to upbeat music to keep the vibration up.
Invocation: Guardian Angel, please cut me free of unloving attitudes toward myself and others, here and now.
Monday, November 11
Today’s master number 11 is ruled by mystical Neptune, as is Moon in Pisces. Our intuition, compassion and imagination are strengthened. Contacts to abundant coruler, Jupiter, fuel charm and magnetism.
Spiritual energies are high, favoring meditation, visualization, prayer for ourselves and others, and connecting with angels and guides. We can also connect with people—for teaching or study, for collaboration on a cause, for business, to lift their spirits, and for promoting or broadcasting something.
We might hold a spiritual seminar or retreat, or spend some time in shared or private spiritual practice, and another part of the day in people-centered activities like those above.
At 10:26 am (1:26 pm ET), Venus, planet of relationships and values, enters practical Capricorn. Since she rules Uranus in Taurus, sign of abundance, this new placement can help solidify innovative financial opportunities. Doors may even open this afternoon, as Moon sextiles Uranus at 2:56 pm (5:56 ET). Doors can spring open if we knock, and spiritual healing can bring a breakthrough.
Tonight, mediumistic vibrations flow as Moon joins ruler Neptune and sextiles deep Pluto, transits that also favor emotional work and spiritual healing.
At 10:26 pm (1:26 am ET), Moon enters restless Aries. If you can’t sleep, stay up and dance! Or, finish a project.
Affirmation: I’m grateful for the divine movement that’s going on in my mind, spirit, body and situations, now and always.
Tuesday, November 12
Today’s goal-oriented but tense transits favor independent work. Moon in restless Aries connects with ruler Mars, and messenger Mercury squares boss-planet Saturn.
The Moon-Mars energy can be tough around the edges and downright rude. However, it strengthens us to release perfectionism and get something done.
And that something is apt to be practical, thanks to the Mercury-Saturn square. However, connections may not seem easy. We can provoke a pause to organize, declutter and perhaps set a limit. If you need to connect, tread ever so softly.
Connections get much easier tonight, after Moon’s trine to Mercury at 8:19 pm (11:19 ET).
Affirmation: Joy, joy, joy. The energy of joy lifts my network to its highest and best vibration, here and now.
Wednesday, November 13
It’s another good work day, thanks to the practical numerology of 4, ruled by Saturn, and Moon in energetic Aries in sextile to charismatic Jupiter to facilitate people connections and sweeping gestures.
Moon in Aries is low on patience, but it supports tangible progress. The sextile to Jupiter gives a touch of diplomacy and facility for emotional connection, and compliments Aries’ promotional skills. We can make an audacious move, reach out to our public, collaborators or those we wish to serve, motivate or help. Brave communications bring breakthroughs. Still, take special care to avoid being brusque.
At 10:50 pm (1:50 am ET), Moon goes VOC for nine minutes before entering Taurus, sign of her exaltation.
Affirmation: I give thanks for the angelic guidance that flows for me, now and always.
Thursday, November 14
On the portal of tomorrow’s fullness, Moon in abundant, sensual Taurus triggers an aspect between ruler Venus and restless Mars, to make today creative, sexy and productive.
Taurus is the sign of Moon’s exaltation, enriching what we work on, manifest, and enjoy. It particularly spotlights security, finance and things that we want to last, but it also supports enjoying the good life. A sensual placement, it blends with the Venus-Mars contact to add a spark to love, romance and intimacy and fuel our passion for creative works.
If we’re not feeling restful tonight, we can stay up and finish work or organize. At 7:18 pm (10:18 ET), Moon sextiles executive Saturn, precipitating an opportunity in business, or in connection with a boss, an elder, a teacher, or our own authority.
Affirmation: Guardian Angel, please connect me with the spirit guides that support my authority in my current mission, here and now.
Friday, November 15
Today is great for building our prosperity.
Today’s numerology of 6 favors people connections in groups or one-on-one, and brings protection and increases the likelihood of success. This fortunate numerology of 6 combines with the Full Moon in abundant Taurus, while constructive Saturn turns direct.
Luna joins Uranus, activating its trine to Pluto the transformer. An innovative project related to values, security, or finance gets a jumpstart. With Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow, a daring step to consolidate something we began previously leads to progress.
With Moon in sextile to Neptune, evening brings activities related to spirituality, psychism, angels, romance, creativity, biology, or oceans.
At 11:09 pm (2:09 am ET), Moon enters communicative Geminis.
Affirmation: This situation is made of divine substance, and only good can come to me through it, now and always.
Saturday, November 16
Moon in loquacious, curious Gemini blends with the intelligent numerology of 7 to favor communication and study. We can make breakthroughs—with ideas, creativity, information or research—to consolidate our innovative direction favored by yesterday’s Full Moon.
An opposition from Sun to Uranus sparks inspiration and illuminates our mission and power in new ways.
This morning, Moon connects with Venus and Mars, bringing special charm to romance and people connections, an effect which lasts until 7:52 pm (10:52 pm), when Moon squares strict Saturn, an uncomfortable aspect that may create emotional pressure and coldness, but can be good for organizing one’s space, bookcase, or journals.
Affirmation: I give thanks that I’m equipped for my divine opportunities, and I allow them to flow, here and now.
Sunday, November 17
A social day for reaching out to others, to our public or to a group, thanks to Moon in communicative Gemini and today’s numerology of 8, which supports consolidating something.
This morning, Moon joins beneficent Jupiter, an uplifting transit that imparts a sense of meaning and facilitates emotional connection. We can share inspiration, motivation, empathy, or promote a cause or campaign of some kind. A spiritual gathering, positive communication or marketing efforts can go great.
Today’s numerology of 8 supports tangible results, and deserves focused, practical action.
Moon’s ruler Mercury also connects with Jupiter, expanding the reach of our words. Watch for verbal exaggeration and apply this generally favorable transit by planning communications strategically, and reaching out to a person, public or group.
At 8:09 pm (11:09 ET), the energy shifts with a square from Moon to imaginary Neptune. Communications may become unclear, while spiritual work, visualization, and angel connections tend to flow.
Affirmation: Angels go before me, making the best and highest connections, now and always.
Monday, November 18
We get a soulful day: Moon in Cancer combines with transits that favor love, creativity, and inspirational connections. Today’s numerology of 9 spotlights compassion, forgiveness and transmutation.
Sun in deep Scorpio trines mystical Neptune: compassion is strong and emotions are deep and hypnotic. This highly creative aspect can be directed in artistic work of some kind, or by enjoying film, music, or dream interpretation.
At 12:50 am (3:50 ET), Moon enters sensitive Cancer, sign of her rule.
Mercury the messenger continues in opposition to enthusiastic Jupiter, facilitating contacts for a cause or mutual expansion of some kind. Thinking is imbued with kindness and words transcend the trivial.
At 3:35 pm (6:35 ET), Moon opposes Venus. With this planet of love in conservative Capricorn, we feel drawn to a secure kind of connection. This may be with family or in a committed relationship.
All these influences favor soul advancement and spiritual study or practice.
A late trine from Moon to lawful Saturn favors organizing our mystical bookshelf, notebooks and journals.
Affirmation: I invite the angels to do their perfect work through my prayers, now and always.
Tuesday, November 19
On one of the most important days of the year, Pluto re-enters Aquarius, sign of freedom. Today’s numerology of 1 strengthens our will to act on our unique path of power.
With Moon in Cancer, sign of one’s roots, we can take a stance in relation to our home, family, emotional issues, psychic development, personal growth and self-empowerment. With Mercury in shadow, we might resume a search for new living quarters, declutter our space, or renew a real estate project.
Moon’s late sextile to exciting Uranus can trigger an opportunity for a new direction in business, home concerns, or finance.
Affirmation: Spirit knows the best outcome for this situation and works to manifest it, here and now.
Wednesday, November 20
With today’s relational numerology of 2, we may feel like connecting, but Moon in dramatic Leo and her planetary transits are actually better for independent endeavors involving creativity or armchair activism.
The shift from soft Cancer Moon happens at 5:51 am (8:51 ET), when Luna enters the sign of the lion, immediately opposing intense Pluto to fuel our fighting spirit. The drama continues this afternoon, as Moon joins fast and furious Mars. We are passionate, willful, and inspired and can put out a fire or rescue a wild animal. Direct this energy to finish a job, write to Congress, make headway on something close to your heart, or enrich a creative project.
Save negotiating, romance, arguments and other personal or group interactions for another day.
Invocation: Guardian Angel, please direct my talents in productive, joyful ways, here and now.
Thursday, November 21
Today’s numerology of 3, ruled by Venus, blends with Moon in extroverted Leo to favor people connections, especially for empowerment, expansion and long-term goals.
At 11:56 am (2:56 pm ET), Sun makes his yearly shift from deep Scorpio to visionary Sag. However, we’re still in the depths, as our local star then sextiles Pluto the powerful. We get a surge of persuasiveness, healing powers, intuitive instincts, and courage. Opportunities arise and an important door can open.
With benefic Venus poised to sextile stable Saturn, we can set in motion a tendency, a relationship or a project of lasting value.
Afternoon connections are affable and smooth as Moon sextiles Jupiter, planet of fortune, at 4:21 pm (7:21 ET). We can act on our intuition, and share our energy and message.
Affirmation: I give thanks for the positive connections in my past, present and future, and I bless them now.
Friday, November 22
Master number 22 precipitates cosmic inspiration. Venus, Lady of Fortune sextiles serious Saturn, triggering constructive opportunities—after Moon finally ends her long VOC.
At 5:15 am (8:15 ET), Leo Moon goes on a several-hour VOC in square to Uranus—an aspect high on creativity and low on social grace. We might enjoy pet cats or an art exhibit, draw mandalas, write in our journal, or read a romance novel.
At 3:08 pm (6:08 ET), Moon enters diligent Virgo. This placement blends beautifully with a sextile from Venus, Lady of Luck and Love, to Saturn, Lord of Effort. We can put our talents and devotion into building something; doors can open. Take action, reapply for a loan or grant, and reach out to an authority figure, business colleague, teacher, bureaucrat or boss, before 5:28 pm (8:28 ET), when Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter. Not that things are necessarily stuck after this, but we shift into the last week of Moon’s cycle and the energy is most apt for winding down and finishing things we started previously.
At 1-2 Virgo, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
A LARGE WHITE CROSS DOMINATES THE LANDSCAPE. The wisdom and compassion which only the experience of suffering and isolation can bring. The individual must have gone beyond the state of ego-subjectivity in order truly and objectively to “see” and to discriminate. [S]he must have learned detachment; and it is a lesson that no one can learn without the “crucifixion” of the ego-centered emotional life. In the occult tradition, the eye that “sees” must be washed by the blood of the heart. The experience of the Cross dominates the mystic Path that leads to Initiation, i.e. to the entrance into a greater realm of activity and participation with an exalted Company of perfected beings.Affirmation: Divine love has been and is at in all events, and only good can come from them, here and now.While the discovery of significant features in any situation implied the use of the mind, both analytical and intuitive, now a contrasting stage is reached at which the mind itself has to be left behind and perhaps even seemingly destroyed in order that compassion and understanding may rise from the depth of the innermost being: a LIBERATING ORDEAL.
Saturday, November 23
Moon in Virgo combines with the dynamic numerology of 5 to favor practical action, decluttering, or trying a new approach to finish an old project.
We can also apply this assertive, practical combination to clean, scour, sort, solve or fix something, troubleshoot, and help out.
People connections are best before 4:24 pm (7:24 ET), when Moon becomes cold on an opposition to strict Saturn—put your clothes in order—or after 8:21 pm (11:28 ET), when she trines sweet Venus.
Affirmation: Spirit works to finish what It’s doing through me.
Sunday, November 24
Today’s numerology of 6 radiates good cheer, favoring people connections and gatherings and providing an aura of protection for whatever we do. With Moon in helpful Virgo, we can work on a team project and have fun while volunteering.
Moon squares ruler Mercury, and Jupiter, planet of promotion, supporting tangible progress more than a laid-back Sunday.
At 4:59 pm (7:59 ET), Moon sextiles Uranus the innovator in abundant Taurus: doors can open for refreshing connections and financial progress: envision, organize, work; knock on them.
At 9:35 pm (12:35 am ET), Moon goes VOC, entering sweet Libra at 3:20 am (6:20 ET).
Affirmation: I praise the opportunities that flow to serve life and others, now and always.
Monday, November 25
Today’s numerology of 7 favors mental work and combines with judicious Libra to favor strategizing, study and preparing a case or a negotiation. Her transits fuel assertiveness.
Transits include harmonies to intense Pluto, strong Sun and—this afternoon—bold Mars. With Mercury stationing to turn completely retrograde, we can make headway in a deal or opportunity we acted on previously. So sharpen your pencil, put on your Dracula costume—the one with the fangs and the silk gloves—and aim to take a sweetly daring bite out of a deal, an opponent, an interchange, or a market.
Affirmation: I accept my abilities and I apply them for success, here and now.
Tuesday, November 26
Financial blessings and people connections flow, thanks to the combined influence of benefics Venus and Jupiter. Today’s numerology of 8 supports tangible results.
Yesterday’s influences for assertive negotiation remain in force, while things flow favorably thanks to an aspect from Venus, planet of love and values, to abundant Jupiter. This aspect favors all kinds of connections, from romance to education and business.
Moon in charming Libra connects with both of these benefics, accenting her natural charm and supporting romance, teamwork, negotiation, a court appearance, a key relationship or an interaction with the public. A trine from Sun to bold Mars accents the feistier side of Libra Moon. It’s a great time to do business or PR, give a class, go on a date, rekindle an old flame, see friends, or renegotiate an agreement.
Affirmation: I am the child of Infinite Love, Who supports me through all creation, now and always.
Wednesday, November 27
Today’s numerology of 9 favors inner work—forgiveness, prayer, meditation, alchemy—and spiritual study. It compliments today’s long VOC—propitious for rest, retreat and downtime.
Moon goes VOC from 1:14 am (4:14 ET) until late afternoon. We can take a long break, read a romance novel, enjoy beauty, or a gentle film. Save most key actions for tomorrow, although we can do some things after Moon enters Scorpio at 4:21 pm (7:21 ET).
Around 20 minutes later, Luna squares ruler Pluto, emphasizing the intensity of this placement and decreasing our emotional intelligence, except for that which applies to inner work and spiritual healing. We can also do independent activities such as journaling, dousing, searching for information, or looking into a life change, one’s DNA, [and/]or family secrets.
Affirmation: The angels know where this (information, object, etc.) is and are helping me find it now.
Thursday, November 28
Happy intense Thanksgiving! The assertive numerology of 1 combines with Moon in brave Scorpio to enforce our inner strength and willingness to act or take a stand.
The day starts out on a pushy foot, thanks to Moon’s square to coruler Mars, a transit noted for defensive-offensive reactions. If we’re celebrating the holiday, we can direct this energy to deep clean the house or oven, soak in the tub, clean up the garbage bins or garage (take care with sharp things or machines).
As for today’s festivities, tomorrow is actually a better time for gatherings, or possibly tonight after 6:07 pm (9:07 ET), when Moon trines stable Saturn. This is calming influence, though not exactly warming. If you happen to be going to someone else’s home for dinner, have a Plan B in place to make a quick exit if necessary. Avoid hashing things out (unless it’s the potatoes), as the intense Scorpio Moon could get broody or overbearing.
Affirmation: I give thanks for all my blessings, and my gratitude attracts more good to me, here and now.
Friday, November 29
Master number 11 favors family and compassion, while Moon in Scorpio makes transits to benefics Venus and Jupiter, empowering connections and positive change.
If you have a choice, this morning and midday can be used for an intimate holiday get-together.
Moon in Scorpio strengthens us to make an important decision or do something differently, while Moon’s aspects bring harmony, abundance and intense attraction. Doors can open in relationships, finance, romance, or something involving beauty, art or women.
Reach out, take action and connect before 5:28 pm (8:28 ET), when Moon opposes Uranus, the rebel planet. Under this influence, we can receive intuitive guidance, do amazing research, and uncover key information. However, charm and harmony go out the window, so plan on independent activities, refrain from speeding at the wheel, and try to keep a low profile.
At 10:19 pm (1:19 am ET), Moon goes VOC.
Affirmation: In spite of the differences there are between us, I love your divine being and I forgive you, here and now.
Saturday, November 30
Moon in adventurous Sagittarius blends with the sociable numerology of 3—ruled by Venus—and emboldening harmonies to intense Pluto and restless Mars, fueling dynamic connections.
There’s an audacity to this combination that, with the Venusian influence of number 3, can give us the charm to pull things off. We can:
- Knock on a door of someone who can make a difference.
- Reconnect with our tribe or like-minded group.
- Share our viewpoints with a wide audience.
- Review or retrieve plans for an upcoming trip.
- Attend a fair.
- Take or give a class or seminar.
- Promote, publicize or campaign for something we’d started in the past.
- Sell our wares.
Fly high, but avoid blasting or sermonizing others.
Affirmation: I am powerful, positive, and prosperous, and I am grateful for these blessings, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.