Daily Astrological Forecast, June 1–30, 2024
We can start or promote something related to communications, as Moon in assertive Aries makes sextiles that support action, while a trine from promoter Jupiter to Pluto the mighty and today’s numerology of 1 bring confidence.
Jupiter is in verbal Gemini, and Pluto in noble Aquarius. We can leave a mark through communications, promotions, publications, and sales related to an ideal. This could be for our mission, for an innovative business, for a legal, political, or humanitarian cause, or, relating to faith or something foreign. We gainnew confidence to set aside perfectionism, to burn our bridges, to move ahead, and to communicate something we’ve had on our minds.
Moon’s aspects are entirely harmonious: we can harness these forces in constructive progress. Still, we want to be mindful of our methods, as Moon and today’s number 1 are both ruled by pushy Mars, while Jupiter-Pluto can come on very strong.
Act, but pre-meditate your approach. Avoid getting dogmatic, and avoid crowded gatherings, fights, or direct confrontation.
Affirmation: I am not afraid of moving ahead. Angels are with me, and they guide and protect me, now and always.
Sunday, June 2
Jupiter perfects a trine to Pluto, giving us confidence to act boldly. Today’s relational numerology of 2 and a sextile from Mercury to Neptune, spotlight social and spiritual elements.
Moon is in her Last Quarter and still in bold Aries, giving us the oomph to finish something.
Today’s Mercury-Neptune sextile facilitates inspirational thinking, visualizing, and contacts. We can beautify the ideas we wish to share. We can open to divine guidance to support major change, and connect with others on our wavelength.
Take key initiatives before 3:04 pm (6:04 ET), when Moon goes VOC. After this, play games, visualize, or watch sports or an action film.
At 10:55 pm (1:55 am ET), Moon enters Taurus, sign of her exaltation. If you’re still up and game, use this fertile placement to help ground the power of the Jupiter-Pluto trine. The combination supports major contacts and communications or promotions for a project you wish to solidify.
Just after midnight, Mercury the messenger shifts from solid Taurus to curious Gemini, turning up the gab factor.
Affirmation: God knows what I need for my evolution, wellness and success, and It opens a clear path for me now.
Monday, June 3
Venus rules today’s numerology of 3 and Moon in Taurus, accenting creativity, while Moon’s early square to intense Pluto triggers deep emotions and a need for positive alone time.
This square in earthy Taurus and independent Aquarius favors spiritual healing and research into something related to prosperity. We can uncover secrets, question family patterns, and dig up information that supports our security as we move in the new, more empowered direction that has been catalyzed over the past several months by Pluto in rebellious Aquarius.
Mercury the messenger makes a late trine to Pluto, adding force to our thoughts, studies, and words, and empowering effective research. This trine also accents the power of our prayers, mantras and efforts to reset our mental patterns.
Our spiritual powers continue to glow brightly through the wee hours, as Mercury emerges from today’s early trine to Pluto to conjoin Jupiter, planet of beliefs and angels. This is a great aspect for deepening our faith and connecting with spirit guides. It also brings power to a campaign, transmission, or publication of some kind.
Affirmation: I am one with the divine mind, that knows, reveals and heals all, here and now.
Tuesday, June 4
We can have breakthroughs as we move into the New Moon portal and receive strong radiations from abundant Jupiter, transformative Pluto, builder Saturn, and charming Venus.
Today’s numerology of 4 supports organized effort, and Moon in Taurus is excellent for manifestation and action in business, finance, security, or anything that we wish to last. We’re still within earshot of Sunday’s Jupiter-Pluto trine, and we have confidence and vision to promote an important new direction.
Morning is particularly constructive, as Moon sextiles Saturn in creative Pisces, facilitating opportunities to enrich our spiritual lives and, by reaching out to an authority figure, bureaucrat, teacher, or businessperson, to make concrete progress on our dreams.
At 8:32 am (11:32 ET), Sun joins sweet Venus in communicative Gemini. This conjunction is great for people connections and communications. We can give special flair to a presentation, to writing, to sales efforts, as well as in debate, in a meeting, and in to one-on-one contacts of all kinds. If we have something important to negotiate, express, or promote, we can take advantage of today’s combination of confidence, charm, prosperity, and vitality. Use it on something worthwhile, though, as Venus-Sun in Gemini can get intoxicated by fluff, flirtation, and superficialities and end up wasting time.
Make any moves, speak up, and connect with others before 4:04 pm (8:04 ET), when Moon joins exciting Uranus. Creativity and imagination stir, but emotions can be cold, impersonal and erratic.
Affirmation: Centered in divine love, my life unfolds beautifully, here and now.
Wednesday, June 5
With Moon in loquacious Gemini activating Sunday’s Jupiter-Pluto trine, we can express ourselves with confidence and touch others deeply. Or we can use the power for spiritual healing.
Moon enters Gemini in the wee hours, at 1:36 am (4:36 ET), putting us in resonance with the verbal proclivities of tomorrow’s New Moon. Luna makes an early trine to strong Pluto, supporting confidence and change, before joining expansive Jupiter. This combination can come on strong—although Jupiter gives us easy access to our own feelings, which we can put into words—and to those of others, which can give our communications mass appeal.
The trine from Jupiter and Moon to Pluto in Aquarius helps get our heart into the new path we’ve been pursuing. The air-sign trine facilitates liaisons for a cause or a collaboration for freedom.
Moon brings in a powerful emotional component. We feel personally, irresistibly involved with our processes of change, and we can galvanize others.
Pluto also relates to spiritual healing, and Jupiter to beliefs, faith and spirit guides. If we’re not into connecting with others, we can do some deep and powerful healing.
Affirmation: I am an expression of God’s healing power. Healing forces work around me, in me and through me, now and always.
Thursday, June 6
This morning’s New Moon in Gemini supports us in resetting our mental and verbal patterns. Luna also favors starting something related to communication or involving colleagues, companions, cousins, or siblings.
Today’s numerology of 6 brings protection and supports gatherings and abundance, adding an extra dose of fortune to today’s lunation, which is exact at 5:38 am (8:38 ET).
Moon’s closest aspect is a conjunction to Venus, planet of love, values, beauty and finance, again bringing fortune and imparting a warm touch to our communications that can be healing. However, Venus happens to be in square to strict Saturn, so there is a new level of maturity involved here.
With Saturn, planet of discipline, currently in Pisces, we can work well with our spiritual practice, intuition, and dreams. This is a great lunation to restructure our daily communications, to start therapy, or initiate a new cycle of journaling. We can also set a limit, release codependence, and become more self-reliant.
As for the day itself, we can set a communications project in motion, and use morning to focus on important or valuable connections.
At 16-17 Gemini, the Sabian symbol says:
THE HEAD OF A ROBUST YOUTH CHANGES INTO THAT OF A MATURE THINKER… The transformation of physical vitality into the power to build concepts and intellectual formulations through which knowledge can be transferred… we have a picture… of quiet and steady metamorphosis of biological energy into mind-power… The symbolism may seem old-fashioned today, but the two contrasting approaches to communication of new experiences remain evident, however one wishes to symbolize them… the transformation of emotions into mind, of instincts into thoughts— a process of MENTAL METAMORPHOSIS.The symbol resonates with the relational maturity that Venus-Saturn can bring.
Affirmation: Divine Sophia, please guide me to grow in deep and lasting wisdom, now and always.
Friday, June 7
Moon in sensitive Cancer combines with today’s perceptive numerology of 7 to favor increasing our knowledge.
At 5:16 am (8:16 ET), Moon goes VOC in Gemini, entering Cancer, sign of the crab, at 5:41 am (8:41 ET). This usually cozy placement is in aspect to deep Pluto, making it more introverted. We might be drawn to look at and heal emotional issues, take an inner journey, work on psychic development, personal growth, self-empowerment, and/or forgiveness.
Still on the portal of yesterday’s New Moon, we can embark on a new course of metaphysical study, declutter and simplify our living quarters, kitchen and belongings, bless our home and personal space, hold a handfasting ceremony.
Affirmation: My Divine Companion lives with me, and permeates my home with joy, love, and support, here and now.
Saturday, June 8
Thanks to today’s power-numerology of 8 and strong Saturn aspects, this is a day for work, for structure, and for reaping the fruits of progress towards a professional, financial, or some other tangible goal.Moon in cardinal Cancer supports intuitive action, and her trine to Saturn, the serious planet, fuels our executive skills. Goddess-planet Venus squares strict Saturn, a sobering influence that offers an opportunity to be proactive in structuring something Venusian—that is, related to love, self-esteem, values, creativity, women, beauty, or personal finance.
Mars is in its last moments of Aries, entering Taurus at 9:35 pm (12:35 am ET). Before this, we can capture the final moments of Mar’s presence in Aries, to do something bold in business, finance or a family matter.
This shift into Taurus has a calming effect, and it might be good to connect with a coach, adviser, confidante, or team to help keep things moving.
Affirmation: I call on my angel of abundance to direct me in successful ideas and actions, now and always.
Sunday, June 9
Today’s numerology of 9 supports transmutation and the stars favor independent activities of healing, spirituality and decluttering. Connections go better this evening.
Sun squares demanding Saturn, a stressful influence that can feel cold. This combo presses us to be responsible and to take a take a realistic look at our creative work. It also supports organization.
With Moon in Cancer, morning is good for taking some time ourselves, and walking around in pjs or comfort-clothes as we declutter, review our goals, and get our week in order.
At 12:29 pm (3:29 ET), Moon enters intense Leo, challenging mighty Pluto and pushy Mars in aspects that fuel our nerve but sabotage our diplomacy skills and may accentuate drama.
The Mars-Pluto combination can be incendiary, so save touchy communications and potential fights for another day. Weed the yard (with gloves to protect from prickles and bites), organize the garage (with special care), or declutter the closet and give away extraneous items. Journal to purge negative emotions. Exercise love and self-care, avoiding speeding at the wheel and be cautious when driving or using machines.
Things get easier after 7:09 pm (10:09 ET), when Moon sextiles affable Jupiter. We can connect with angels, with our emotions, with others and with groups in ways that support positive interchange and abundance.
Affirmation: I care for my inner child and find new wellness now.
Monday, June 10
We can take action on our independent path, thanks to today’s pioneering numerology of 1, accentuated by Moon in strong Leo and a square from warrior planets Mars and Pluto.
These combined influences, like yesterday’s, are high on nerve, and at an all-time low on diplomacy. With Moon waxing, we can throw ourselves into a new project or pathway. Independent activities are best, as the Mars-Pluto square does have potential for violence. Keep a low profile, avoid speeding or anything extreme and be cautious when using knives, blades or machines.
If you must connect with others, it goes better this evening. At 7:35 pm (10:35 ET), Moon sextiles Mercury the messenger. There’s a potential for aggression, so avoid fights. Instead, focus on connections from a distance: preparing a sales strategy, a text, a presentation.
Affirmation: There is no danger; Angels surround me and shield me wherever I go, now and always.
Tuesday, June 11
With today’s Master Number 11, we can connect with angels by radiating forgiveness, love and self-esteem. Moon’s harmonies to sweet Venus and Sun help offset the intensity of the Mars-Pluto square, which perfects today.
If we meditate early on love and kindness, we can transmute the aggressive instincts of the Mars-Pluto square. Moon in Leo fuels creativity as do Moon’s sextiles to Sun and Venus. We can break through perfectionism and beautify a work or project. As for contacts, focus on those with a coach or truly supportive colleague. Enjoy your solitude or be picky and select interactions that are mutually empowering.
Make key connections and take key actions before 12:16 pm (3:16 ET), when Moon goes VOC for several hours. Luna enters Virgo atl 10:39 pm (1:39 am ET), combining Virgo’s clarity with the Mars-Pluto energy for change to favor courageous action to declutter our lives.
Affirmation: The love of spirit flows through my heart, to heal me and others now.
Wednesday, June 12
Moon in picky Virgo is revved up by an early trine to Mars that puts wheels on her nerdiness.
Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, squares strict Saturn. We can tackle cleaning or decluttering, do editing and throw away old papers and obsolete stuff, including thought patterns we wish to change.
Morning connections can be tense. With Moon’s square to Jupiter, the best contacts are for spiritual purposes, publicity, or a campaign of some kind.
Affirmation: A team of angels works on my mind, resetting my thoughts and renewing my light circuits, here and now.
Thursday, June 13
Today’s constructive numerology of 4, ruled by Saturn the worker, combines with Moon in diligent Virgo to make for a serious, potentially constructive day.
Virgo Moon squares droll Saturn and Virgo’s ruler Mercury. We can avoid a tendency to depression by keeping focused on taking small steps and finishing something we’d already started.
At 10:18 pm (1:18 am ET), Moon reaches her Second Quarter, a great moment to pause, review our progress on what we put in motion at last week’s New Moon, and to regroup for improvement. Today’s focused, practical influences favor just such a review.
At 23-24 Virgo, the Sabian symbol for this lunation says:
MARY AND HER LITTLE LAMB… The need to keep a vibrant and pure simplicity at the core of one’s being as one meets the many tests of existence… though great, spectacular and resolute efforts are needed in order to achieve one’s higher goals of destiny, still the essential quality as one journeys on “the Path” is a pure, spontaneous, fresh and nonviolent approach to all encounters. This of course is Jesus’ entreaty to his disciples — that they should be like ‘little children.’ Without such a deep, heartfelt simplicity the seeker after spiritual experiences or Initiation is bound to find himself glamorized by his own successes, and to see his ego feeding on the drama of struggle and victory.… a subtle hint of technique. Beyond individual prowess and social eminence, the individual whose innocence is fixed upon spiritual realization should genuinely radiate INNOCENCE.
Affirmation: Guardian Angel, please strengthen me to persist and hold me in pure intentions and energy, now and always.
Friday, June 14
Today’s numerology of 5, ruled by Mars, mobilizes Moon in diligent Virgo, whose morning contacts favor people connections for work or for romance of a monogamous kind.
At 10:54 am (1:54 pm ET), Moon goes VOC, entering relational Libra at 11:12 am (2:12 pm ET). Connections go well, at least until 2:39 pm (5:39 ET), when Moon trines intense Pluto. Feelings will be deep, and may be confrontational. However, this placement can give Libra Moon the courage she needs to make an important decision; for instance, to change a place of residence, terminate something draining, ask for a commitment, or set a limit of some kind. It can be a sexy, passionate connection, too. Or, we can get to the bottom of something, whether it’s our family secrets or history, emotional dynamics, or a topic we want to research.
Affirmation: God knows what needs to be revealed and applies infinite means to bring it to light, here and now.
Saturday, June 15
This is the easiest day we’ve had for a while. Today’s protective, cheerful numerology of 6 combines with Moon in charming Libra to favor people connections and gatherings for work, education, family or socializing.
This numerology favors abundance and good outcomes, and at the same time, we expect things to flow in the frequency of love and beauty today, since Moon in Libra makes no aspects. We might see friends, go to a concert, send flowers, take someone to dinner, work on something involving negotiation, teamwork or justice, make love, hold an event, throw a party.
Sweet Venus squares imaginative Neptune, triggering waves of compassion and romance. However, this sweet aspect can also bring confusion. Enjoy and deepen the energy, but hold off on getting married, signing a contract, making a loan, having a charming stranger in for drinks, or partying in a low-vibe neighborhood or with hallucinogenics.
Affirmation: Divine substance surrounds me and holds me in safety and harmony, here and now.
Sunday, June 16
We can enjoy romance, create enchanting works and fill our hearts with angelic vibrations, thanks to Moon in sweet Libra and the square that perfects from her ruler Venus to Neptune the beautifier.
Today’s numerology of 7 sharpens cognition and intuition. Intuition is also fueled by the placement of Venus and Neptune at the anaretic 29th degree of the mutable signs Gemini (Venus) and Pisces (Neptune). This combination strengthens our mental creations and opens us to spiritual guidance.
Partnership can be joyful, and so can unconditional kindness: attending those in need, praying for others, meditating on forgiveness, fueling our connection with angels and with the Sublime.
With the Moon waxing, this is a good day to create a vision board or similar materials to support manifestation of happy relationships. Our art, writing, and media productions take on a special, almost hypnotic glow.
At 11:20 pm (2:20 am ET), Venus enters sensitive Cancer, starting a Venusian month of tenderness in love and savvy in finance, until she enters passionate Leo on July 11th.
At 11:05 pm (2:05 am ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Scorpio at 11:38 pm (2:38 am ET).
Affirmation: I behold myself and others with compassion and keep alive my inner light of healing, here and now.
Monday, June 17
Today’s numerology of 8 supports tangible progress in our profession, public image, and finances. The best time to use it is this morning, with Moon in bold Scorpio and Mercury the messenger conjoining sweet Venus to favor people connections.
Mercury enters Cancer in the wee hours, joining Venus to sweeten our interactions. This is an intuitive combination that triggers the critical zero degree of a cardinal sign, precipitating a dynamic wave of soulful feelings and connections.
It’s followed by Moon’s quincunx to expansive Jupiter facilitating outreach. We can connect with others, and promote our business, values, message and cause—preferably before 12:10 pm (3:10 ET), when Moon opposes strident Mars.
After this, we may be on the defensive, so it’s best to focus on independent activities that require emotional courage and don’t present physical risk. For instance, we could clean the garage or oven, consult a therapist, declutter the medicine chest or closet, clean out the garbage bins, recycle, or volunteer at the local soup kitchen or pet shelter.
Affirmation: I imagine having a network that supports my soul growth, and a space is opened for that to coalesce, here and now.
Tuesday, June 25
Moon in bright Aquarius combines with today’s sharp numerology of 7, ruled by Mercury and Uranus, to make this a great day to study, research, write or gather knowledge. This combo also works well with groups.
At 3:30 pm (6:30 ET), Moon goes VOC, entering Pisces, sign of dreams, at 11:08 pm (2:08 am ET). We can meditate, pray, consult angels and spirit guides, repeat affirmations of forgiveness, program our dreams for guidance.
Affirmation (repeat for five minutes before going to sleep): I am open to the guidance that flows through me dreams, and I will remember and understand it on waking.
Wednesday, June 26
Today’s numerology of 8 supports tangible results, while Moon in Pisces, sign of dreams and transits that are at once practical, mystical, and social, favors productive connections.
Number 8 helps us consolidate something, while a trine from mental Mercury to practical Saturn favors productive communications. Saturn is also in Pisces, spotlighting thoughts, contacts, and works that inspire.
At 11:27 am (2:27 pm ET), Moon squares coruler expansive Jupiter. Avoid emotional drama and use this basically positive aspect to share a vision, enlist support, promote something, and take bold action on your dreams. For the next ten hours, people connections go well, further sweetened by a trine from Moon to love-planet Venus.
At 9:26 pm (12:26 am ET), the energy becomes more assertive, independent and possibly pushy as Moon sextiles restless Mars. This aspect is great for promoting something online or starting a petition.
Affirmation: All people are expressions of divine love, so I only meet with love everywhere I go, now and always.
Thursday, June 27
Moon in mystical Pisces connects with structured Saturn, loquacious Mercury, and innovative Uranus; we can organize our spiritual practice and make connections that resonate with our dreams and ideals.
This morning, Pisces Moon conjoins Saturn. The planet of work helps us organize our spiritual practice and persist in manifesting our dreams. Applied with effort, this aspect is quite constructive. It can also be a downer if combined with drinking or substance abuse.
At 11:11 am (2:11 pm ET), Luna trines Mercury. We can use words to manifest: write affirmations or a proposal, agreement, or contract, design a production or a house, send out tweets or emails, repair equipment. Or we can take in mystical information, show compassion and empathy, or attend a spiritual gathering.
This evening, Moon sextiles Uranus. The divine energy gathered today finds an outlet as we have opportunities to act inn new directions, in abundance, and with exciting contacts that bring romance or expand our knowledge.
Affirmation: I am grateful for the expected and unexpected good that flows to me, now and always.
Friday, June 28
Venus sextile Mars renews our creativity and love life. Bold Mars rules today’s numerology of 1 and also today’s Moon in Aries, giving a us boost in confidence and helping to mobilize us.
Actions go best before 2:53 pm (5:53 ET), when Moon reaches her Fourth Quarter.
Today’s numerology of 1 is great for starting something. So is Moon in Aries, although this placement also favors cutting through procrastination and perfectionism to finish something.
A sextile from sweet Venus to hot Mars is exact at 9:49 pm (12:49 am ET), but we’ll be feeling it all day as what I call the Aphrodite effect. It precipitates exciting connections of all kinds, especially in romance and intimacy. It also fuels creativity and opens doors to promote our artistry.
This morning, Moon sextiles Pluto, boosting our warrior spirit and facilitating contacts with someone influential, or influential for us. Make the move that can open an important door and bring change.
At 3:03 pm (6:03 ET), Moon sextiles Jupiter, facilitating success in communications of all kinds and opportunities related to promotions, spirituality, faith, angels, education and all things foreign. This sextile will be active for the next week, since it is just minutes after the 4th quarter lunation.
At 7-8 Aries, the Sabian symbol describes:
A LARGE WOMAN’S HAT WITH STREAMERS BLOWN BY AN EAST WIND. Protection and spiritual guidance in the development of consciousness… The symbolic image implies a rather strong wind, thus the activity of some metaphysical, and especially psychic, forces. These originated in the East, traditionally the seat of spiritualizing and creative-transforming influences. The woman’s hat has streamers, which enable it not only to respond to the wind but to indicate its source. In other words, the image symbolizes a stage of development of consciousness in which the nascent powers of the mind are both protected and influenced by energies of a spiritual origin. This suggests a probationary stage in the process of individualization. Under protective guidance a still most receptive person (a woman) is being influenced by spiritual forces… PROTECTIVE FORMS (which is what a culture and ethical precepts provide) and SENSITIVITY to spiritual energies.
Affirmation: I call on my angels and spirit guides, to direct me and protect me, now and always.
Saturday, June 29
Moon in hot Aries pours excitement into our connections as she squares sweet Venus, who happens to be in sextile to amorous Mars. Today’s master number 11 accents intuition and awakens angelic vibrations.
Mental Mercury, ruler of Venus in Gemini, sextiles brilliant Uranus in Taurus, ruled by Venus. This sharpens our intelligence and intuition, helps us capture innovative opportunities, and can bring exciting contacts for positive change.
Saturn the master goes retrograde. From now through mid-November we’ll be less interested in official versions and more interested in cultivating our own authority.
At 9:56 pm (12:56 am ET), Moon goes VOC.
Affirmation: My human and angelic contacts can’t be limited, I am connected with my light-network, and it appears here and now.
Sunday, June 30
Moon exalted in Taurus combines with today’s harmonious numerology of 3 to favor creativity, enjoying the good life, and pleasant connections.
However, this morning Moon squares intense Pluto, so we want to set aside some time for journaling, therapy or our own preferred method to heal emotions.
After this we can enjoy the more relaxed and social activities of Moon in Taurus—sharing food and nature, listening to or making music, appreciating art, doing business, showing empathy, working on self-esteem, adding spice and romance to intimate relations, or going out with someone new or renewing a flame.
Affirmation: I give thanks for abundance and for the opportunities to share it, now and always.

Crystal Pallas Pomeroy, Maya’s daughter and astrological protégé, offers in-depth astrological consultations from her home in Mexico, in person or via Skype. She is a noted author as well as a regular radio and television commentator on esoteric topics, and leads a spiritual and healing ministry in Mexico City. Crystal offers workshops on astrology, the sacred feminine, indigenous spirituality, and the goddess in beautiful locations throughout Mexico. Her book Angels & Goddesses (Llewellyn, Spring 2022) is available now. Reach Crystal by email here.